Fiche Technique Lub High-Temp-Mp en

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Multi-purpose synthetic polyurea extreme pressure grease for high temperature and high

Benefits for your application :

- Outstanding high and/or low temperature behavior
- Excellent thermal stability linked with excellent reversibility
- Low noise grease
- Excellent stability when subjected to a mechanical shearing force
- Very good stability in application and in storage
- Can be easily pumped and injected
- Very good adhesion to metals
- Excellent antirust and anticorrosion properties
- Does not contain lead, or other heavy metals considered harmful to human health and
the environment

Characteristics Method Unit HIGH TEMP MP

Temperature range °C -40 °C / +180 °C
Colour Visual Pale Yellow
Texture Visual Smooth
Penetration at 25°C ASTM D 217/DIN 51 818 0.1 mm 265-295
NLGI Grade ASTM D 217/DIN 51 818 2
Soap / Thickener type
Kinematic viscosity of the base oil at 40°C ASTM D 445/DIN 51-562-
cSt 80
1/ISO 3104/IP71
Dropping point IP 396/NF T 60 102C °C > 260
Flow pressure 1400 mbar DIN 51 805 °C -43
Bearing behaviour 10.000rpm/149°C ASTM 3336 Hrs > 2000
4 ball EP ASTM D 2596 Kgf > 315
Anti-rust performance SKF – EMCOR DIN 51 802/IP220/NFT 60-
Rating 0-0
135/ISO 11007
FAG-FE9 6000/1.5/170°C Hrs
DIN 51821 > 400
Above characteristics are mean values given as an information.

The High Temp MP grease is particularly suited to the requirements of :

- Automotive, Steel, Paper and many other industries;
- Bearings for electric motors.

Also suitable for lubrication of bearings, slides, racks subjected to high temperatures in dry and
mildly humid environments, generators, bearings of dryers, pumps, oven conveyors, and all
other applications where rotation speeds and temperatures are high and/or low.

Edition: 02/04/19

The data in this product information are based on our general experience and knowledge at the time of printing. It constitutes neither an
insurance of product properties nor does it release the user from the obligation of performing preliminary tests with the selected product.

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