Stay Clean Aluminum Soldering Flux
Stay Clean Aluminum Soldering Flux
Stay Clean Aluminum Soldering Flux
Stay Clean aluminum soldering flux is an active flux formulation WARNING: PROTECT yourself and others. Read and
designed for soldering aluminum and joining aluminum to other understand this information.
metals. The flux is formulated with amines and complex FUMES AND GASES can be hazardous to your health.
inorganic fluorides and was designed for use with Harris HEAT RAYS, (infrared radiation) from flame or hot metal can
Products Group Alsolder® 500. injure eyes.
Before use, read and understand the manufacturer’s
It is also a good choice for use with other tin based solders that instructions, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and your
have a suitable melting temperature. employer's safety practices.
Avoid eye and skin contact.
HEATING Do not take internally.
Keep your head out of the fumes.
Use enough ventilation, exhaust at the flame, or heat
During initial heating avoid directing the flame on the flux. Heat
source, to keep fumes and gases from your breathing zone
adjacent to the flux and allow heat to be conducted through the and the general area.
base metal. Fluxing action decreases near 600°F (315°C) so Wear correct eye, ear, and body protection.
avoid overheating. See American National Standard Z49.1, Safety in Welding,
Cutting, and Allied Processes, published by the American
TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Welding Society, 8669 Doral Blvd., Doral, Florida 33166;
OSHA Safety and Health Standards, available from the U.S.
Working temperature 350°F - 550°F (177°C - 288°C) Government Office, Washington, DC 20402.
Specific gravity 1.30 @ 68°F
Any suggestion of product applications or results is given without representation
FLUX REMOVAL or warranty, either expressed or implied. Without exception or limitation, there
are no warranties of merchantability or of fitness for particular purpose or
The flux is slightly corrosive so post soldering residue should be application. The user must fully evaluate every process and application in all
removed with hot water or other suitable cleaner. aspects, including suitability, compliance with applicable law and non-
infringement of the rights of others. The Harris Products Group and its affiliates
shall have no liability in respect thereof.
BH Revised 6.13