Arkham Bank Passbook
Arkham Bank Passbook
Arkham Bank Passbook
Print this page on white or off-white cardstock. Print following pages on ordinary
white paper.
Prepare cover. AL
Cut out the cover on this page, and pre-fold the spine at the light blue lines.
There should be two separate and distinct folds.
Assemble page insert. R E S E RV E
Follow directions on following pages to cut, fold, and glue the pages of the book SYSTE M
together. There are four full-size pages and four half-pages. When the pages
themselves are prepared, align all pages along the bottom edge and sew or MEMBER
staple them into a unit, as shown below. Sewing would be more authentic, and
is easily done on a machine. If sewing, run a short straight stitch all the way up
the center fold. If stapling, use three staples, points to the back.
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With dr rawal s D ep ospo sit s
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Da te d by
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Federal Bank of Arkham
Office or Branch of this Bank where this account is
carried, and in funds current in that locality. miskatonic branch Name and Address of Depositor
SYST E M 3. The laws, rules, and regulations of all 800 COLLEGE STREET
competent public authorities and the articles of
incorporation, by-laws, rules and regulations of this ACCOUNT #
Bank, as the same are now in force or may Always Bring This Book With You
Federal Bank of Arkham hereafter be amended or changed, without notice
thereof to the depositor, shall define and govern the
SAVINGS ACCOUNT rights and obligations of depositors and this Bank. Date Entered by Withdrawals Deposits Balance
Deposits may be made through the mails by Rights as Purchaser
remitting express money orders, post office money 4. The existence in favor of this Bank of any
orders, bank drafts or checks, all of which will be rights (which are hereby reserved) as a purchaser
credited subject to their payment. The pass book for value by virtue of advancement of money on
should always accompany such remittances. any item of credit, shall not waive or modify any
THIS BOOK SHALL BE PRESENTED TO of the rights, privileges, or remedies in favor of
THE BANK WHENEVER A DEPOSIT IS MADE this Bank provided by this agreement or otherwise.
OR WITHDRAWAL IS MADE. Notices to Depositors
This Book is not Assignable. 5. All notices in relation to deposits or
I M P O RTA N T depositors published in a newspaper or posted in a
Notify the Bank immediately of any change of conspicuous place at this Bank shall be deemed and
address; otherwise information of importance to you taken as personal notice to each depositor.
may go astray. Service Charges
READ CAREFULLY the rules contained in this 6. It is understood and agreed that this
book. If you do not fully understand them, you will account is accepted subject to any and all service
confer a favor on this Bank by requesting that they be charges now in effect or which may be established
more fully explained. by this Bank from time to time.
1. The conditions herein contained are expressly 7. This bank reserves the right to decline to
agreed to by the depositor and this Bank, as evidenced honor any withdrawal when the customer's funds on
by the depositor's acceptance of a copy hereof, and the deposit, exclusive of conditional credits, are
signing of the signature card delivered to this Bank. insufficient to cover. Glue back of
this page
to back of
When page insert is completed, this page.
glue the back of this page Glue back of HPLHS10—44550
interest entered therein.
to the inside front cover. this page least once each year for the purpose of having
13. The depositor will send in this bank book at
to back of
notice such funds shall cease to draw interest.
legal representative, and at the expiration of the Entry of Interest in Bank Book
this page. his last known business or residence address or to his
notice may be delivered or mailed to the depositor at correct balance in the account.
of the funds on deposit or any part thereof. Such 12. This book does not necessarily indicate the
notice to the depositor, may require the withdrawal Balance in Account
Cut on solid blue line.
the amount thereof, or, after thirty days’ written may result therefrom.
17. This Bank may refuse any deposit, or limit its satisfaction, against all loss or liability which
Fold on dashed gray lines. or to Require Withdrawal issued, but not until this Bank has been secured, to
Right to Refuse any Deposit such notice a duplicate or new bank book may be
expiration of at least 30 days from the receipt of
TIP: Although the corners on the finished interest, except by special written agreement.
notice thereof shall be given to this Bank. After the
fraudulently obtained from the depositor, immediate
prop should be rounded, it is easier and made for ten years shall not be entitled thereafter to
additions of interest) or withdrawal shall have been
11. If the bank book is lost, destroyed, or
more efficient to save that step for the very 16. Accounts on which no deposit (other than Loss of Bank Book
end, when you can do all the pages at Inactive Accounts 10. This bank book is not assignable.
Not Assignable
book, and the same may be changed with or without withdrawal is made.
When page Bank, applicable to the Branch or Office issuing this must be presented to this Bank whenever deposit or
insert is
conditions prescribed from time to time by this the bank book issued in connection with this account
TIP: If you can double fold down the center this account at the rate, at the times, and on the only on written order or receipt of the depositor, and
of the pages, along the two parallel completed, 15. Interest will be computed and credited on 9. Withdrawal of any deposits may be made
Date Entered by Withdrawals Deposits Balance Date Entered by Withdrawals Deposits Balance
Fold paper at red dotted line and glue pages back to back. When glue is dry, trim pages along solid blue line.
Double fold, if possible, down center of finished pages along dashed gray lines.