10 KJ00006742194
10 KJ00006742194
10 KJ00006742194
Curr.Dev. and Prac. 10(2008) Printed inJapan 67
Generally we can point out two differentways in introducingnew kinds of numbers as follows.
The firstis te represent a result of measurement. The second is to solve algebraic equations.
Altheugh the relation between these two ways might have been overleokecl in any teaching
situations, this can be didactically explicit in the teaching situation of irrational numbers from the
conceptual change perspective. The purpose of thispaper isto derivesome didactical implications
for a conceptual change situation by focusing on a knowing of that can be an
essential aspect of irrationals. For attaining thispurpose, the epistemological censiderations take
place in three centexts: curricular contents, history and teaching experiment. In conclusion, three
points as didactical implications are shown: 1)problematic situation regarding the representation of
number; 2) eliminating the tendency to cling te the 3} shiiting attitudes toward the
mathematical knowledge.
68 Yhrsuke
measurement; the second is to solve algebraic equations. As will see later,a knowing of
the incommensurability (no common unit between two magnitudes) can be crucial to
bridge the two different ways. This issue will be considered or interpreted from the
epistemological points of view, discussingthree contexts: the curricular contents, history
and teaching experiment, Then, in the finalplace, some didactical implications are
derivedwith the help of such considerations,
Another research concern here is with the theoreticalperspective in this paper:
theory of conceptual change in mathematics education research. In the next section,
we discuss about itin order to highlight thisresearch concern.
2.ConceptualChange: A TheoreticalPerspective
2006,p, 265).
The thinks that the substantial
author conception of the theory of conceptual
change isto focuson drasticreorganization of learner'sprior knowledge. So far it has
been widely used to explain students' understanding in a
series of
studies referring to science education (e,g.Posner et"when al. 1992; West & Pines,1985;
diSessa, 2006>,According to Tirosh & Tsamir (2006), studying mathematics, in
the course of accumulating mathematical knowledge, the students go through
successive processes of generalization, while also experiencing the extellsion oi various
mathematical systems" (p.160); the most typicalcase of such kind of generalizationor
extension is the number concept (see, e.g., Merenluoto& Lehtinen, 2004).As a matter
of fact, however, as ispointed out is a general reluctance in philosophy and
historyof science circles to apply the conceptual change approach to mathematics"
(Vosniadou & Verschaffel, 2004, p,448), it seems te be still unclear what is the conceptual
change in mathematics, and what the mechanism of conceptual change in learning
mathematics can be, Therefore, as a basisforcharacterization of conceptual change in
mathematics education, we need to take thespecijicity ofmathematical hnowgecige into
account with a deep epistemological analysis of what the concepts considered consist of
as mathematical concepts (Balacheff,
In the fo11owing section, we attempt to explore what isspecial about the teaching
situation of irrational numbers from conceptual change perspective, In doing so,
epistemological considerations take place in the different contexts of mathematical
concepts/ knowledge:curricular contents, history, and teaching experiment.
generalization from the natural to the rational numbers satisfies both the theoretical
need forremoving the restrictions en subtraction and division, and the Pmcticalneed for
numbers to represent the results of measurement. It is the factthat the rational
numbers fillthis twofold need that gives them their true significance" <my own
emphasis) <Courant
& Robbins, 1996, p.56). In the primary school mathematics. new
numbers emerge from
some actions on quantities, that is,the practical need for
numbers to represent the results of measurement. Although the need fbr introducing
irrationalnumbers can also emerge from some actions on quantities,the object of the
actions is length of a segment incommensurablewith the unit" and itsapproach
comes from responding to the situation that itcannot represent by sub-dividing the
original unit, Here we can see thelimitation on the measuring approach, since this can
attribute the introduction of irrational numbers to the theoreticalneed; that is,to solve
the equation x2=2, Because the awareness of such kind of limitation can lead to a
knowing of incommensurability, itis necessary as itsdidactical orientation to prepare
some effective activities for becoming aware ef incommensurability.
3.2Issues in historical
One of the most important dimension
of epistemological considerations is to
examine why incomrnensurability
the question of arise in the course of history. In this
paper the historical isto see history of mathematics as a kind of
epistemological laboratoryin which to explore the development of mathematical
knowledge" <Radford, 1997,p.26). This requires us to investigate status of human
cognition inconfronting with the question ina historical section.
The number theory in ancient Greek is concerning with the mathematics for
70 Ybesuhe
handling discretenumbers
On the1ieachingSituation offrrational
Considerationsas the Basis ofDesigningfor
ConcoptualChasrge 71
In the phase (i)and (ii), the students worked on the task 1 and some extra tasks,
tt H
rl ''
1 '
.-・A'' ri
A l B
we only needthe first
threesteps of the operative activity.
to remark
Because, as we can see Fig.1, you start measuring the diagonal of the square (:::AC)
itsside {=AB}, and repeat twice the procedure of subtracting small one from Iarge one,
then another smaller square and itsdiagonal(=IC) will appear, Under the thought
experiment, itimpliesthatthe procedure can be recursive or infinite process,
72 Ybesuke ,SILIINNO
1 1 1
x=i+4=i+ =i+2+k ='"=i+2+2+
t i
'・.2+ r.
Itiswell known that we can obtain an approximate value of the square root of 2
successively using the form above.
4. Didactical Implications
Let me summarize the main points that have been made. Firstlythe curricular
contents show that new numbers have been introducing from the practicalneed in the
primary school mathematics, while irrationals tend to be introducedfrom theoretical
need because the limitation
of on the measuring approach, But in the existing
curricular contents there are no didactical opportunities in order to relate two different
ways. Secondly the historical context shows that the discovery of the
incommensurability can lead to the theoreticalnature of mathernatics by establishing
the reductio ad absurdum. Thirdlythe teaching experiment shows that the students
can become aware of the incommensurability under the thought experiment, As a
result of such considerations, itcan be pointed out that as the basisof designingfor
conceptual change, at leastthe following threekey points have to be taken intoaccount.
1) Problematic situation the rePresentetion ofnumber
The thatlearners have already Iearnt before introducing irrationals
be represented as fractionsand finite decimals.The familiarnotation (i.e., place value
system of decimal notation) cannot represent the quantity {magnitude}
in question, This
can bring on a problematic situation2). According to Tirosh & Tsamir (2004),
On the 1leaehi}rg
Abumbers: EPistemolagical
Considerationsas the BasisofDesignisrgfor
Change 73
from the in the
`'problematic" "friendly"
A conception of numbers clinging to the concrete has been well acting on the old
numbers {rational numbers) in taking intoconsideration of itsexistence, and these
numbers can become intuitive on the number line,However we should not overlook
the following remarks] in our can help us to the irrational
`Nothing "intuition" "see:'
points as distinct from the rational ones' (Courant & Robbins, 1996, p,60). A practical
conception of quantities (magnitudes) involvingthe concrete cannot be a position to
make the incommensurability sense. It will be importantto eliminate such a tendency
ontologically {itisalso discussedin the case of negative numbers in Hefendehl-Hebeker
(1991>), It does not only suggest that square root numbers can be used as a
computational object likethe use of literal symbol in algebra. As a didactical
implication, the tasks used in the teaching experiment can be effective settings for
becoming aware of incommensurability. In short, context of justification in the history
could be recontextualized intothe context of discoveryin the classroom.
3)Shijtingattitudes toward the mathematical knowlecige
More important point to is,belongingto layer'in
Sierpinska & Lerman (1996)'sense, what we aim at by developingEuclideanaigorithmas
a Iearning activity. Meta-mathematical layer is the issue concerning the nature of
mathematical knowledge toward the mathematical
or attitude knowledge, The
interactive activities of operating with folding a sheet and expressing itsprocess have to
leadto the activities by the thought-experiment. In doing so, Euclideanalgorithm is
primitivelyregarded as a practicalmethod. forapplying itto the material (reaD objects,
measuring the diagonal of square with itsside, This ontological view en the method can
undergo changes through the students' applying the method and then derivingthe
theoreticalconclusion from itsinfiniteprocess. This impliesthe students' seeing as the
ideal object. Under the thought-experiment itisexpected or required forthe students to
shift their attitudes toward the mathematical knowledge underlying the points 1)and 2).
aim of thispaper was to show some didacticalimplications
teaching situation for conceptual change by focusing on the irrational
74 lhs"ke Sll71varO
two magnitudes as the approach to Itmeans that two magnitudes are
commensurabie with unit, that is, one can express the measure of the segment b in
terms of thesegment a by saying that the lengthof b is integral multiple of a.
2) Aceording to Tirosh & Tsamir (2004), problematic situations are indicated by
between the initialideas students
76 Yla{suke
{NewYork:Academic Press),
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Dictionary ofthe Histo?:yofldeas.(First published in 1967,Japanese translation in
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Institutional affiliation: Doctoral student in Mathematics Education Department,
GraduateSchoolof Education, HiroshimaUniversity
1-1-1,Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima,Hiroshima,739-8524