LP Catch-Up Fridays Peace Education
LP Catch-Up Fridays Peace Education
LP Catch-Up Fridays Peace Education
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Oriental
District of Jasaan North
Peace Education focusing on the theme of "Community Awareness" with the sub theme
of "Respect" for January Week 1.
I. Objectives
To introduce students to the concept of community and the importance of neighbors.
To foster positive traits such as respect and understanding among classmates.
To encourage students to recognize and appreciate the roles of different people in their
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic:
"Getting to Know Our Neighbors: Building Respect in Our Community"
B. References:
DepEd Memorandum No. __ s. 2024
National Reading Program (NRP) materials on community awareness
C. Materials:
Images of various community helpers
Chart paper and markers for the "Peaceful World Collage"
Multimedia resources about community roles and respect (videos, songs,
etc.) Handouts for small group discussions
III. Procedure
A. Preparation and Settling In (10 minutes)
Greet students warmly as they enter the classroom.
Ask them to think about people who live near them and what makes a good neighbor.
B. Peace Education Learning Session
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes)
Briefly discuss the concept of a community and the role each person plays in making it
peaceful and respectful.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Peaceful World Collage"
(10 minutes) Provide students with chart paper
and markers.
Ask them to draw or write about what a respectful community looks like.
B.3. Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes)
Show a short video or play a song about community helpers and discuss how they should be
respected for their roles.
B.4. Small Group Discussions (8 minutes) Divide
students into small groups.
Give each group a handout with questions about community roles and how to show respect
to neighbors.
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group)
Invite each group to present their ideas about respect in the community.
Encourage other students to ask questions or add comments.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes)
Have a quick round-the-class sharing of what they learned about respecting neighbors and
community helpers.
IV. Wrap Up
Summarize the session's key points, emphasizing respect for all community members.
Encourage students to greet their neighbors and ask about their day as a homework
assignment to practice respect outside the classroom.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Oriental
District of Jasaan North
Peace Education focusing on the theme of "Community Awareness" with the subtheme of
"Respect" for January Week 2.
I. Objectives
To enhance students' understanding of how to relate positively with classmates
and friends.
To develop skills in cooperation and building friendships.
To cultivate a classroom environment where every student feels included and valued.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic:
"Building Bonds: Relating with Classmates and Friends"
B. References:
DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
"Peaceful World Collage" materials from the previous session
Friendship story or a video about making friends
Group discussion handouts with questions and scenarios Art supplies for creating friendship
III. Procedure
A. Preparation and Settling In (10 minutes)
Welcome the students and have them sit in a circle.
Begin with a quick review of last week’s lesson on community helpers.
B. Peace Education Learning Session
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of the day, emphasizing the value of friendships and cooperation.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Peaceful World Collage" (10 minutes)
Have students add to the collage with drawings or words that represent friendship and
B.3. Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes)
Show a short story or a video that illustrates how to make and keep friends.
B.4. Small Group Discussions (8 minutes)
In their groups, students discuss the story/video and share their own experiences or ideas
about friendship.
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group)
Each group shares their main discussion points about what they can do to be good friends to
their classmates.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes)
Invite a few students to share how they can apply what they learned about friendship in
their daily lives.
IV. Wrap Up
Recap the importance of friendship and cooperation in creating a peaceful world.
For homework, ask students to create a friendship card for a classmate to express kindness
and appreciation.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Oriental
District of Jasaan North
Peace Education focusing on the theme of "Community Awareness" with the subtheme of
"Respect" for January Week 3.
Role-play scripts or scenarios for community meetings Art supplies for the "Peaceful World
III. Procedure
A. Preparation and Settling In (10 minutes)
Start with a conversation about choices and why some decisions are made as a group.
B. Peace Education Learning Session
Explain how community decisions are made and why everyone's voice is important.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Peaceful World Collage" (10 minutes)
Students add symbols of decision-making like voting boxes or discussion circles to the collage.
B.3. Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes)
In groups, students participate in a role-play about making a decision for the class.
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group)
Groups share the outcome of their decision-making role-play.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing
Reflect on how making decisions together can help everyone feel respected.
IV. Wrap Up
Summarize the lesson by discussing the importance of community
involvement. Homework: Think of one decision you would like to make as a
class and why.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Oriental
District of Jasaan North
Week 3 of February: "Community Celebrations"
I. Objectives
To explore various community celebrations and understand their significance.
To foster a sense of belonging and respect for community traditions.
To express joy and pride in participating in community events.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic:
"Festivities and Fun: Participating in Community Celebrations"
B. References:
DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Pictures of community celebrations and festivals
Materials for "Peaceful World Collage" (colored paper, markers, glue)
A video clip showing a local festival or community celebration
III. Procedure
A. Preparation and Settling In (10 minutes)
Start the class by discussing the festivals or celebrations students have attended or heard about.
B. Peace Education Learning Session
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes)
Explain the purpose of community celebrations and how they contribute to a sense of unity and
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Peaceful World Collage" (10 minutes)
Invite students to add images or symbols of community celebrations to the collage.
B.3. Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes)
Show a video clip of a local festival or community celebration, highlighting how people come
B.4. Small Group Discussions (8 minutes)
Discuss what celebrations they enjoy and how these events show respect for community
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group)
Groups present on their favorite community celebration and its importance.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes)
Prompt students to think about how participating in celebrations makes them feel part of the
IV. Wrap Up
Emphasize the importance of respect and participation in community events.
For homework, students are asked to draw a picture of themselves participating in their favorite
community celebration.
Briefly recap the key themes covered in the quarter: safety, environment, community
projects, and celebrations.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Peaceful World Collage" (10 minutes)
Students walk around the room to view the collage and share their thoughts.
B.3. Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes)
Share a slideshow recap of the quarter's themes and activities.
B.4. Small Group Discussions (8 minutes)
Reflect on what was learned and how it can be applied to their lives.
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group)
Groups share their most significant takeaways from the quarter.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes)
Students share one way they will continue to show respect in their community.
IV. Wrap Up
Encourage students to keep practicing the values learned throughout the quarter.
Homework: Create a "Community Respect Pledge" that includes ways they promise to contribute
positively to their community
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Oriental
District of Jasaan North
Week 1 of April: "Our Country's Culture"
I. Objectives
To introduce students to the diverse cultures within their country.
To foster appreciation and respect for the country's
cultural heritage. To understand the importance of national
symbols and traditions.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic:
"Exploring Our Nation: Diversity and Unity"
B. References:
DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Images and symbols of the country (flag, national
flower, etc.) National anthem and cultural music
Traditional clothing or artifacts for display
III. Procedure
A. Preparation and Settling In (10 minutes)
Welcome students with the national anthem or a popular cultural song.
B. Peace Education Learning Session
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes)
Discuss the concept of national identity and what makes their country unique.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Cultural Symbols Collage" (10
minutes) Students add pictures or drawings of national
symbols to a collage.
B.3. Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes)
Show a short video highlighting various cultural traditions and symbols of the country.
B.4. Small Group Discussions (8 minutes)
Discuss the significance of these traditions and symbols and how they foster unity.
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group)
Each group shares their thoughts on why it's important to respect and celebrate national
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes)
Reflect on how learning about their country's culture helps understand and respect
IV. Wrap Up
Emphasize the value of national pride and unity.
Homework: Bring a story or item from home that represents a family cultural tradition.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Oriental
District of Jasaan North
Week 2 of April: "Being a Responsible Citizen"
I. Objectives
To understand the roles and responsibilities of being a
good citizen. To learn about rights and responsibilities in
a democratic society.
To encourage active participation in community and national life.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic:
"Citizenship Matters: Rights and Responsibilities"
B. References:
DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Chart paper and markers for group
work Examples of citizens’ rights and
III. Procedure
A. Preparation and Settling In (10 minutes)
Begin with a discussion on what students think it means to be a good citizen.
B. Peace Education Learning Session
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the concept of rights and responsibilities of citizens.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Rights and Responsibilities Tree" (10 minutes)
Students add leaves to a tree drawing, with each leaf representing a right or responsibility.
B.3. Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes)
Watch a video explaining the basic rights and responsibilities of citizens in a way that is
accessible for Grade 2 students.
B.4. Small Group Discussions (8 minutes)
Discuss why both rights and responsibilities are important for a healthy society.
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group)
Groups present their "Rights and Responsibilities Tree" and explain their choices.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes)
Reflect on how understanding and fulfilling responsibilities helps everyone.
IV. Wrap Up
Highlight the importance of active citizenship.
Homework: Identify one way you can be a responsible citizen at school or in your
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Oriental
District of Jasaan North
Week 3 of April: "Global Communities"
I. Objectives
To broaden students' understanding of global communities and cultures.
To foster a sense of global citizenship and empathy for people from different parts
of the world. To encourage respect for cultural diversity on a global scale.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic:
"Connecting Across Continents: Our Global Neighbors"
B. References:
DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
World map or globe
Stories or videos featuring children from different
countries Art supplies for creating a "Global
Friendship Mural"
III. Procedure
A. Preparation and Settling In (10 minutes)
Start with a brief discussion about different countries students may know or have heard
B. Peace Education Learning Session
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes)
Discuss the concept of a global community and what it means to be part of it.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Global Friendship Mural" (10 minutes)
Students worktogether to create a mural that represents friendship and unity
across different countries, using symbols, flags, and drawings of children from
around the world.
B.3. Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes)
Show stories or videos featuring children from various countries, focusing on
their daily lives, cultures, and traditions.
B.4. Small Group Discussions (8 minutes)
Students discuss what they learned about other cultures and how people around the world
can be similar and different.
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group)
Each group shares insights from their discussion, highlighting what they found
interesting about global communities.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes)
Encourage students to share their thoughts on why it's important to know about and
respect people from other countries.
IV. Wrap Up
Summarize the lesson by reinforcing the idea of global citizenship and respect for all
cultures. Homework: Draw a picture or write a short letter to a hypothetical pen pal from
another country, introducing yourself and asking about their culture.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Oriental
District of Jasaan North
Week 4 of April: "Connecting with the World"
I. Objectives
To understand the concept of international cooperation and its
importance. To explore how countries work together to solve
global issues.
To cultivate an attitude of peace and cooperation on a global scale.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic:
"Together We Can: The Power of International Cooperation"
B. References:
DepEd Memorandum #001 s. 2024 on Peace Education
C. Materials:
Examples of international cooperation (stories, videos)
Art supplies for a group project on "Peaceful World Connections"
III. Procedure
A. Preparation and Settling In (10 minutes)
Begin with a brief discussion about what it means to cooperate with others, including
examples from students' experiences.
B. Peace Education Learning Session
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes)
Introduce the topic of international cooperation, explaining how countries help each other.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Peaceful World Connections" (10 minutes)
Students create a visual representation of countries working together, using art supplies to
illustrate concepts of peace and cooperation.
B.3. Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes)
Show examples of international cooperation, such as humanitarian aid, environmental
agreements, or cultural exchanges.
B.4. Small Group Discussions (8 minutes)
Discuss the benefits of countries working together and how students can apply these
principles of cooperation in their own lives.
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group)
Groups share their projects and thoughts on international cooperation.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes)
Reflect on how understanding and participating in acts of cooperation can contribute to
a more peaceful world.
IV. Wrap Up
Emphasize the importance of global awareness and the role each person plays in
promoting peace and cooperation.
Homework: Think of one way you can make a positive impact on the global community
and share it with the class next time.
Pictures of children from around the
world Template for a "friendship
III. Procedure
A. Preparation and Settling In (10 minutes)
Start with a discussion on what makes a good friend and how people can be friends even if
they live far apart.
B. Peace Education Learning Session
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes)
Talk about the importance of international friendships and how they help us learn and
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Friendship Around the World" Map (10 minutes)
Place pictures of children from different countries on a world map and share facts about
those places.
B.3. Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes)
Watch a short story or animation about a friendship that crosses cultural boundaries.
B.4. Small Group Discussions (8 minutes)
Discuss what they learned from the story and how they can be friends with someone from
another country.
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group)
Present ideas on how to make and maintain international friendships.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes)
Reflect on the new things they learned about different cultures and the value of making
friends worldwide.
IV. Wrap Up
Emphasize the role of friendship in creating a peaceful and connected world.
Homework: Create a "friendship postcard" for a hypothetical friend in another country,
sharing about yourself and asking about their culture.
Pictures or stories about children from different parts of
the world Craft materials for creating "friendship
bracelets" or "pen pal letters"
III. Procedure
A. Preparation and Settling In (10 minutes)
Show the world map and briefly discuss the concept of international friendships.
B. Peace Education Learning Session
B.1 Introduction (5 minutes)
Talk about how making friends from other countries can help us learn and grow.
B.2 Icebreaker Activity: "Pen Pal Wishes" (10 minutes)
Students write a letter or draw a picture for a hypothetical pen pal in another country.
B.3. Multimedia Exploration (8 minutes)
Read a story or show a video about children who are friends across cultures.
B.4. Small Group Discussions (8 minutes)
Discuss what they would like to learn from a friend in another country.
B.5 Group Presentation (5 minutes per group)
Share their pen pal wishes and what they learned about international friendships.
C. Progress Monitoring through Reflection and Sharing
C.1 Class Reflection (2 minutes)
Reflect on the importance of being open and respectful to people from different
IV. Wrap Up
Emphasize the benefits of having friends from around the world.
Homework: Create a "friendship bracelet" as a symbol of openness to making friends from