Business Standard
Business Standard
Business Standard
22 pages in 1 section
he Union labour and 369 with Airbus A330 aircraft.
The share of US biz in the overall revenue of employment ministry has According to a senior IndiGo executive,
big pharma firms shrank in FY17 and in the raised concerns about the airline will begin with direct flights to
first half of FY18, the data shows. The trend the ‘bail-in’ clause — under
124 134 these cities and price them at least 30 per
is likely to continue for the next few quarters which bank deposits can be used for cent lower than the prevalent rate. “The low-
before the benefits from new drug launches helping failing public sector banks As on As on cost structure of IndiGo makes it ideal to
start to accrue. SOHINI DAS writes (PSBs) to stay afloat — in the March 31, 2016 March 31, 2017 offer a long-haul service. An airline’s cost is
Financial Resolution and Deposit primarily towards fuel burn, aircraft
Insurance (FRDI) Bill. TOTAL acquisition, and labour — all of which are
ON This is perhaps the first time the
clause has drawn flak from within
493 594 among the lowest for IndiGo,” he said.
IndiGo’s cost per available seat kilometre
MONDAY the government, which is facing
Source: ESIC Annual Report
HNIs target companies at
pre-IPO stage
They can earn super-normal profits, but NEW TAXES SPARK WITH ESOPs, 200
any delay in the offer would mean a longer
fading away The Big Four It is not just Paytm
Eight years after implementation of RTE, multinational boss Vijay Shekhar
girls are finally catching up with boys in accounting firms Sharma whose cash
schooling; most big states reduce regional have doubled the register has not
variations in ‘children with no education’. size of their indirect stopped ringing for
tax teams in India to the past one year.
cater to the sharp rise in demand arising Thanks to a commanding valuation of
START-UP CORNER: from implementing the goods and ~635.8 billion, 200 of the firm’s current
Going vernacular in services tax (GST) and introduction and former employees have also
social networking of the value-added tax in West Asia. become richer by ~5 billion. The firm,
ShareChat offers content consumption PwC India, EY, Deloitte, and KPMG have run by One97 Communications, recently
in 10 languages; needs to fix bugs in expanded the size of their indirect tax announced completing a secondary
teams by 100 per cent over the past 12 share sale round that valued the
video uploading and downloading.
to 18 months. Rolled out on July 1 last company close to ~635.8 billion, gave
year, the GST is yet to stabilise with the an opportunity to Paytm employees to
STATSGURU: BS analyses rules. This is leading to exponential liquidate their vested employee stock
fiscal math and rise in workload for tax professionals. ownership plan, and earn ~5 billion.
Budget expectations 4> DILASHA SETH reports 4> KARAN CHOUDHURY reports 2>
Nod for generics up but US biz shrinks for home firms
‘India Inc announced M&A, PE
deals worth $60 bn in 2017’
continue for the first few quar-
ters of FY19.
TOTAL REVENUE FY19, which will lead to further
pricing pressure and keep gen-
Moreover, thanks to the gro- % share of US business eric drug prices down.”
% share of domestic business*
CorporateIndia’sdealtallyincludingmergerand Indian pharmaceutical firms wing pricing pressure in the WiththeshareoftheUSbusi-
acquisitionandprivateequityamountedto$60.5 are upbeat about the success world’slargestgenericdrugmar- 44.1 42.8 38.8 ness going down, the share of
billionin2017drivenbybig-ticketconsolidation, they had in 2017 — 300 gener- ket, the US, revenue growth has 24.5 24.4 27.5 domestic business in the overall
andtheoutlookforthisyearlooksbullishtoo,a ic drug approvals (an all-time beenslow.AccordingtoanICRA turnover is going up. But,
reporthassaid.Accordingtoassurance,taxand high) from the US Food and note, domestic players are according to the industry, this is
advisoryfirmGrantThornton,therewere1,147deals Drug Administration (FDA). expected to face a 10-12 per cent H1FY17 FY17 H1FY18 not because the domestic for-
(M&AandPE)worth$60.54billionin2017against1,485suchtran- However, the share of US pricing pressure on their US mulations business has grown
sactionsworth$57.85billionin2016.“Thismomentumwaslarg- business in the overall revenue genericbusiness,whichmaysus- Overall revenue growthrate (%) at a faster clip. In fact, the over-
elydrivenbybigticketconsolidationacrosssectorsascompanies of big pharma firms shrank in tain for the next 12 months, Q4FY17 Q1FY18 Q2FY18 all revenue growth has slipped
divesteddistressedassetsinanefforttoreducedebt.Ontheother 2016-17 and in the first half of thereby, negatively impacting into a negative territory for the
hand,corporateswithstrongbalancesheetsdroveacquisitions 2017-18, data shows. And, the profitability and cash flows -2.2 -1.7 ICRA sample — -2.2 per cent in
tocapturethemarketshareandincreasecompetitiveness,” trend is likely to continue for before tapering off gradually. -9.5 Q4 FY17, -9.5 per cent in Q1 FY18,
GrantThorntonIndiaLLPPartnerPrashantMehrasaid.Onthe the next few quarters before the Shah said, “The US share in rev- *Does not include Aurobindo Pharma Source: ICRA and -1.7 per cent in Q2 FY18.
M&Afront,theyearsaw411dealsvaluedat$40billion,continuing benefit from new drug launch- enues of big pharma firms has Analystsdonotexpectthetrend
thedecliningtrendafterpeakingin2015.Thefallinthedealtally es start to accrue. shrunk, as the absolute export ICRA, said, “The US generic to low teens in Q2 FY18 con- May 2016, McKesson (whole- to change in the third quarter
ismainlyduetotheabsenceofmulti-billion-dollardeals. PTI< There is usually a time gap of value to that country, too, has market is characterised by buy- tributed by consolidation of dis- saler) and Walmart (retailer) either.CreditSuissesaid,“Inour
6-12monthsfromthedateofthe come down. Between January ing bulk volumes at lower tribution supply chain (trade announced a joint purchasing view, the impact on base US
approval to the date of billing and August 2017, there was a 20 prices and tend to have price partners) and faster ANDA arrangement, while in May 2017 sales should be 2-4 per cent. Full
(after a launch in the US), said D per cent year-on-year (y-o-y) erosion historically. However, approvals by the US FDA after the tie-up between Walgreens impact should be visible over
UK cocktail brand Essar Power to G Shah, secretary-general of the dropinexportstoUSfromIndia. pricing pressure on the US the implementation of Generic Boots Alliance Development next two quarters as the com-
HappyDown set to surrender Tokisud IndianPharmaceuticalAlliance, Incalendaryear2016,theexports generic business has intensi- Drug User Fee Act.” (WBAD) and Econdisc bined entity starts sourcing
enter Indian market coal mine which represents large Indian to US (valued at roughly $7.4 bil- fied over the past 12 months. Over the past one-and-a- Contracting Solutions (group together.”
drug makers such as Sun lion)hadgrownby25percenty- The yearly price erosion, which half year there have been two purchasing organisation) took Cadila (which is leading the
UK-based cocktail Facedwithdelaysinkeyapp- Pharmaceutical Industries, and o-y.” There are two reasons stood at 5-7 per cent during Q2 major announcements that led effect. ICRA said, “The impact pack, with 66 drug approvals in
start-up rovalsandsuddenchangein Dr Reddy’s Laboratories. behind the price erosion- con- FY17 for our sample companies to consolidation in the US dis- of the McKesson-Walmart tie- 2017) has been the only excep-
HappyDown is tariffterms,EssarPowerhas The chairman of a leading solidation in the distribution (Dr Reddy’s, Torrent Pharma, tribution supply chain, with 85 up on prices has started to tion. Analysts expect its third
planning to enter decidedtosurrendertheToki- drug exporter to the US said the channelandentryofnewplayers Cadila Healthcare, Lupin, Sun per cent of the generic drug reflect in FY18, though the quarter performance to be go-
India by June this year sudNorthcoalblockinJhar- trend was unlikely to change (more drug approvals). Pharma, Glenmark, and Auro- purchases controlled by three impact of WBAD-Econdisc is od, riding on Tamiflu and gen-
and will raise about $2 million khandinwhichithasalready anytime soon and would likely Gaurav Jain, vice-president, bindo) has gradually increased large buying consortiums. In expected to be fully reflected in eric Lialda sales.
to be used for the launch and invested~4.90billion.The
expansion of its beverages. movewillcripplethefirm’s
for Bhushan
are experimental and there processinFebruary2015offer-
are different set of consumers ing~1,100atonne,thehighest
who don’t mind paying a intheindustry.Surrendering
premium for any good thecoalblockwillhitits1,200- KARAN CHOUDHURY
product. The mindset is we will
consume less but will
Mumbai/Kolkata, 28 January FINANCIALS
consume better,” Tipple betweenSeptember2014and t is not just Paytm boss Vij- Bhushan Power &Steel
Brands co-founder Paritosh May2016aftertheSupreme ay Shekhar Sharma whose Tata Steel, Vedanta, and JSW FY16
Bhandari told PTI. PTI< Courthadcancelledallthe204 cash register has not stop- Steel have finalised their plans
Netsales: ~77 billion
coalblocksallottedbythepre- ped ringing for the past one to make financial bids for Bhu-
viousManmohanSinghgover- year. Thanks to a commanding shan Power & Steel, which has Loss: ~24.36 billion
HealthCare Home nmentcitingcorruption. PTI< valuation of ~635.8 billion, 200 defaulted on loans worth ~470 Debt: ~372 billion
to hire 4,500 in of the firm’s current and former billion to Indian lenders. Besi- FY17
employees have also become des, the big three metal maj-
India by FY19-end MSI to get 250,0000 richer by ~5 billion. ors, Edelweiss Asset Recon-
Debt: ~470 billion
Plantsize: 3 million tonnes
Home health care service units from Suzuki’s The mobile-first financial struction Company and a
provider HealthCare at Home services firm, run by One97 Dubai-based investor are also
(HCAH) plans to hire around Gujarat plant in FY19 Communications Ltd, recently expected to bid.
Source: Company
4,500 employees by the end of Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) announced completion of a The last date for accepting expected to double its bid val-
next fiscal as it undertakes expects easing of waiting secondary share sale round that the bids has been extended to ue for debt-laden Bhushan
aggressive expansion plans period pressure on its popular valued the company close to February 8 as bidders seek Steel. “The liquidation value
across the country. The models as it is slated to receive ~635.8 billion, gave an opportu- Paytm employees at the One97 Communications headquarters in Noida, near Delhi PHOTO: BLOOMBERG more clarity on the income has set been set at ~150 billion,
company backed by promo- 250,0000 units in 2018-19 from nity to Paytm employees to liq- tax (I-T) liabilities. The Budget below that the bid will not be
ters of Dabur, the Burman parent Suzuki's Gujarat plant, uidate their vested employee ness, technology, product, ad- wealth among its employees. said. The buyback is till-date on February 1 is likely to clar- accepted. Looking at the com-
family, and founders of a senior company official said. stock ownership plan (Esop) ministration, human resources, The company’s open culture the largest liquidity provided ify I-T liabilities of stressed petition, JSW Steel is expected
HealthCare at Home (HAH) UK, In the ongoing fiscal year and earn around ~5 billion in sales, and finance have liqui- and values based on empow- by an unlisted firm to its Esop assets. The liquidation value to double its bid amount. It
has around 1,300 employees at ending March 31, the company total. An Esop is a benefit plan dated ~5 billion worth of shares erment and ownership have holders for encashing an un- of the firm is ~120 billion and can be between ~250 billion
present. “We plan to hire will get 150,0000 units from to enable employees to acquire through secondary sale till date. attracted and retained the best specified percentage of their lenders expect bidders to to ~300 billion,” the source
around 4,500 employees by the Gujarat plant, from where shares in the company. These employees, most of talent in the industry, helping vested stock options. “Employ- make at least this sum as up- told PTI.
the end of next financial year, the popular premium hatch- Paytm, which was valued at whom have been with the com- it drive strong growth,” the ees are our strength and with- front payment to them aga- The unlisted Bhushan Po-
taking our total strength to up back Baleno is being rolled around ~445.09 billion in May pany since inception, have ben- company said. out them we could not have inst the loan when they make wer & Steel has a steelmaking
to 6,000,” HCAH Co-Founder out. “Currently it (the plant) is 2017 when it raised around efitted,” the firm said. Last year in December, on- built the e-commerce industry their bids. capacity of three million
and CEO Vivek Srivastava on full swing in A and B shifts ~114.45 billion from Japanese The company said that it line marketplace biggie Flipkart in India. As an organisation, we Among the bidders, the tonnes across Odisha, West
told PTI. PTI< and in 2018-19 it will give us telecom giant SoftBank Group, calculates the eligibility for had completed buyback of believe they are equal partners lenders are expecting cash- Bengal, and Chandigarh. A
full production across the year. got a bump in valuation after awarding Esops based on an Esops worth ~6.5 billion from in our success,” Flipkart Chair- rich Vedanta to make the hot-rolled steel facility is in
So, that would be 250,0000 its most recent rounds of sec- individual’s contribution to its present and former employ- man Sachin Bansal had said in most aggressive bids for Bhu- Odisha and cold-rolling facili-
Radical Minds units,” MSI Senior Executive ondary sale of shares, most of the firm, long-term potential, ees. “About 3,000 present and a statement. shan Power, while JSW Steel is ties are in Kolkata and Cha-
plans to hire Director (marketing and sales) which, according to sources, and duration of employment. former employees of Flipkart, Flipkart had this Esop buy- expected to put its might beh- ndigarh. Bhushan also has a
R S Kalsi told PTI. PTI< were sold to Discovery Capital. “Esops are one of the most Myntra, Jabong, and PhonePe back after it successfully raised ind Bhushan Steel’s assets, captive power plant, a pellet
1,300 in 15 months “Over 200 former and existing effective reward and retention participated in the fourth Esop about ~254.3 billion from Soft- which runs a five-million ton- plant and an iron ore benefici-
BPO firm Radical Minds Paytm employees across vari- tools, and the success of Paytm buyback programme in five Bank and Chinese Internet con- nes per annum plant in Odi- ation plant.
Technologies is looking to hire BSNL stops free ous verticals including busi- has helped create unparallel years,” the company had then glomerate Tencent. sha. Tata Steel is expected to Bhushan’s debt in FY16
around 1,300 to take its total Sunday calls on make conservative bids for stood at ~372 billion, net sales
headcount to 4,000 in the both Bhushan assets consid- were at ~77 billion and losses
next 15 months in view of landlines ering that it has its own expa- were ~24.36 billion. The dues
current order books and near-
term business growth
prospects. “We have over
Telecom company Bharat
Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) has
said it would withdraw its free
DLF may launch QIP by April; raise ~50 bn nsion plans at Kalinganagar
in Odisha. When asked whe-
ther Tata Steel would be bid-
have ballooned to ~470 billion.
Bhushan Power & Steel ran
into trouble after its licences
2,700 employees at present. voice calling benefits from RAGHAVENDRA KAMATH According to a source, the According to a recent additional proceeds from the ding for Bhushan Power, a for the iron ore and coal mines
Based on the orders that we landlines on Sundays from Mumbai, 28 January company may raise ~45 -50 bil- CRISIL report, the firm has offering of equity shares and Tata Steel spokesperson said, were cancelled. The company
have and discussions with February 1. The decision comes lion from the QIP. When con- already repaid a debt of ~66 bil- the balance payment of 75 per “As a process, we do assess was allotted a coal mine, with
some of the customers, we soon after the company DLF, the country’s largest dev- tacted, Saurabh Chawla, DLF lion from the ~90 billion that cent against warrants issued to and evaluate various strategic reserves of around 250 million
expect to have workforce of decided to curb free night eloper by market value, is look- group chief financial officer, the promoters had infused in promoters, the debt is expected opportunities for growth. This tonnes, but this was deallocat-
around 4,000 people in next 15 calling benefits.”BSNL is going ing to launch its qualified insti- said, “The board has not taken December 2017. to reduce further by FY19,” is an ongoing process in the ed in 2014. The iron ore mines
months,” Radical Minds to withdraw the free Sunday tutional placement (QIP) of any decision yet. We have to do According to the source, the CRISIL said. “DLF is focusing company.” Vedanta and JSW were committed by the Odisha
Managing Director Sanjoo calling benefit from February 1. shares by April this year, a the QIP in the next 12 months company has already clocked on selling its ready-to-move- Steel did not comment. government. Two mines were
Sharma said. The company This will happen nationally. source said. and we will do it.” He, however, sales to the tune of ~ 5 billion in in apartments to fund its Sources close to the devel- allocated in 2012 and 2014
claims to be a leading BPO But, from Calcutta Telephones, DLF has already received did not comment on the quan- two months of resuming sales future plans and reducing opments said ArcelorMittal has after an intervention of the
partner for online food and we are working on some plans approval from shareholders to tum of the QIP. in November last year. DLF had debt,” said DLF Chief Exe- withdrawn from the bidding Supreme Court. Subsequently,
restaurant booking firm which I think will mitigate the sell 173-million equity shares, The company has already a gross debt of ~290 billion as of cutive Officer Rajeev Talwar. process for Bhushan Power. the amended Mines and Min-
Zomato and online tour and impact for our customers,” which will be determined by said that its development arm, September 30, 2017. Fund infu- DLF has completed inven- The firm is likely to focus on erals (Development and Reg-
travel booking firm Goibibo Calcutta Telephones (CalTel) the formula laid down by mar- which has a debt of ~130 bil- sion by the promoters resulted tory worth ~150 billion in Del- Bhushan Steel and Essar Steel. ulation) Act was passed in 2015
(now acquired by Chief General Manager S P ket regulator Securities and lion, will be a zero-net debt in debt reduction by around hi, Gurugram, Lucknow, Kochi According to a PTI report and as a result, Bhushan’s iron
MakeMyTrip). PTI< Tripathi told PTI. PTI< Exchange Board of India. company by March 31, 2019. ~66 billion so far in FY18. “With and Punjab. quoting a source, JSW Steel is ore mines were cancelled.
What is Nasscom’s view The proposed Immigration Innovation (I-Squared) Act, a Bill introduced in the US Senate, now disincentivises outsourcing to a
on the Bill? advocates increasing the cap for H1B visas to 85,000, more liberal policies for the US green card, related party. That, in a sense, is a count-
There are positive and and allowing people with H4 visas (spouses and children of H1B holders) to work in the US. While er. If talent is not there, companies have
negative aspects. First, it these provisions make it attractive for Indian workers to migrate to the US on work visas, the Bill, to pay whatever extra cost is involved.
clearly recognises a sub- which has the support of Microsoft and Facebook, if passed in the current format discriminates We have to see the combined effects of
stantial skill shortage in the US, which against Indian information technology (IT) service firms, R CHANDRASHEKHAR, president of all of these.
requires urgent and substantive steps. Nasscom, the apex association of the industry, tells Raghu Krishnan. Edited excerpts:
Second, an acknowledgement of the val- Indian IT firms have struggled to transi-
ue provided to the US economy by IT work with the authorities in the US, ingly committed to hire local workers in tion to getting into digital in the past 12-
services companies that employ H1B visa including the champions of this Bill. the US and investing in STEM (science, 18 months. Most top companies say they
holders. The other thing is the number of new technology, engineering, mathematics) are positive of growth coming back.
This is very much in sync with what restrictions being put on H1B visa hold- education in the US to address skill gaps. The industry has shown that firms have
Nasscom has been saying. We have ers. There is a discriminatory thing With this, it makes very little sense to necessary resilience, as well as capacity,
always advocated the need to ensure against India-centric IT firms by persist- impose restrictions which only apply to to meet challenges and take global com-
availability of needed technical skills in ing with the language of H1B-dependent dependent companies. petition head on. It is also a good indica-
the US economy, both by supporting companies, based solely on arbitrary dis- tion of the confidence they have been
skill development there and employ- tinctions that have no impact on US jobs Firms such as Facebook and Microsoft able to build in their clients that even
ment of such workers, as well as supple- or on employment opportunities. We are backing this Bill. Is it actually when it comes to enabling their clients
menting that with the entry of foreign have maintained, while we understand counter-productive for Indian to undertake the digital transition, they
skill workers. These are positive aspects. the objective of ensuring jobs for skilled companies? are not saying it was IT, digital transfor-
Americans, any restrictive measures that Yes, because of the artificial distinction ndent firms nullify some of the beneficial Essentially, the US might not get access to mation, and so we are going to some-
The negative ones? don't apply uniformly doesn’t protect being drawn (in the Bill). There is no logic impact of the proposed reform. the best in the world. We are engaging with body else. On the contrary, they say
The unnecessary and counter-intuitive any American worker. for this whole category of dependent Changes in the lottery system might the relevant parties. Indian IT firms have helped us in our IT
provisions that target the so-called H1B- The US customs and immigration companies and super-dependent compa- have the unintended consequence of con- efforts, they understand our business
dependent companies. Any measures services data clearly provides evidence nies. Our view is there should be no dis- straining access to the best and the bright- Wouldthismakecaptivesexpandmore completely, they're our right partners to
that make it harder and expensive for US that the number of H1B visa petitions crimination. The overall increase in H1B est in the world, by assigning the overrid- orcreatenewcaptivesinIndiafortalent? undergo the digital transformation.
companies to fill their skills gap weakens filed by the top seven India-centric IT visas, eliminating the country cap for ing priority to US education. For example, a If you restrict talent coming in, it pro-
their economy and puts American jobs firms dropped 37 per cent in a year and 50 green cards, making statutory provision person with a bachelor’s degree from a US vides an incentive for jobs going out. More on
at risk. In fact, it creates pressure to send per cent in two years, whereas the peti- for employment for dependents on H4 university, irrespective of where he has fin- From that point of view, the (case for)
more IT work out of the country. This is tions by US-centric firms is increasing. visas — these are all positives. Selective ished in the class, could be assigned higher captives expanding becomes stronger.
something on which we will continue to Indian IT services firms are increas- application of new restrictions on depe- ranking than a topper from an IIT in India. However, the tax changes in (the US)
Henkel break-up
Metro Cash & Carry is
expecting its hotels, restau-
rants and caterers (HoReCa)
segment to have a faster
growth post goods and serv-
Says not looking for strategic investment, but want ices tax (GST) implementa-
tion, said a top official.
alliances in research, development, technology Besides, Metro is also
helping its customers in
VIVEATSUSANPINTO While, the company is likely Kirana and traders segment
Mumbai, 28 January to close this financial year with to digitise their business.
a topline of ~18 billion after tak- “Post GST, HoReCa seg-
onsumer goods major ing into account the goods and ment has started growing
Jyothy Laboratories — services tax, the next financial much faster and on the basis
best known for brands year may see it cross ~20 billion of that we are going on
such as Ujala and Henko — is in turnover, Kamath said. “We HoReCa in a big way,” Metro
open for new partnerships fol- should consistently grow over Cash & Carry India Chief
lowingabreakdownintalkswith the next two years thereafter, Executive Officer and
German company Henkel last but we will need to support this Managing Director Arvind
year. Henkel's window to invest growth with a few regional Mediratta told PTI.
in Jyothy lapsed on October 31 acquisitions,” he said. It is presently 15 to 16 per
after it failed to exercise the The acquisitions, he said, cent of our total sales and we
optionforpickingup26percent would be in Jyothy’s existing believe that this is a segment
stake in the firm. areas of operations, including in the years ahead, he said
Speaking with Business fabric care, home care, per- further. People are now pre-
Standard, Ullas Kamath, joint- sonal care and surface clean- ferring more to dine outside
managing director, Jyothy BY 2021, WE ers. “We wish to consolidate as disposable income is on
Labs, said: “We are not looking
for strategic investors because
WANT TO TOUCH our presence in our existing
areas of operation. The acqui-
rise here, he added.
“Our estimate is that
our experience tells us that they A TURNOVER OF sitions will act as bolt-on trans- there are around 130 million
would want to get involved in ~40 BILLION actions, intended to push HoReCa businesses in the
the running of the business. topline. Once we touch country, which is more than
This could result in a culture ULLAS KAMATH ~40 billion in turnover, the the number of kirana shops
clash, which could be detri- Joint-managing director, next level of growth would be in the country, which is
mental to the company. What Jyothy Labs for the ~80-billion-mark in around ~120 million,” said
we are instead open to is a terms of topline.” Mediratta.
financial investment or even for which it pays a 2 per cent Jyothy is also looking to ride Metro plans to help its B2B
alliances in research, develop- royalty to the German major. the herbal revolution in con- customers with HoReCa dig-
ment and technology. We are Jyothy was also seeking greater sumergoods,usingbrandssuch ital under, which it set up
also open to brand alliances leeway in running the business, as Margo soap and Neem tooth- websites for small restaurants
with companies keen to set up while the German company paste. For the quarter ended and also help in developing
base in India. This is a more wanted more say in day-to-day December, Margo soap, with a their menu and improving
acceptable arrangement to us.” management. turnover of ~1.75 billion, report- their quality free of cost. “We
The breakdown in talks Kamath said the “Henkel ed a 44 per cent year-on-year can help them with their food
between Henkel and Jyothy chapter is over” and that the growth, emerging among the cost by modernising their
was ascribed to their inability focus would now be on the next fastest growing brands within supply chain. Right now they
to arrive at a consensus on the level of growth. “By 2021, we Jyothy’s portfolio. While Neem follow basic practices,” he
way forward for the firm. want to touch a turnover of ~40 toothpaste is a smaller brand said, adding that it would also
Jyothy, sources said, wanted billion. For this, we are looking (~300 million turnover), Jyothy share the practices followed
more brands from the Henkel at both organic and inorganic hasplanstotakeitnational,and by big global firms in
stable in addition to Pril and Fa growth,” he said. also export it to south-east Asia. supply chain.
Steelmakers want
NMDC to roll back
iron ore price hike
Mumbai, 28 January
TRANSFERRING A LOWER DIVIDEND (~ bn) Non-debt capital receipts (~ bn) (~ bn) (~ bn)
FY16 FY17 (BE) FY17 (RE) FY18 (BE) FY16 FY17 (BE) FY17 (RE) FY18 (BE)
(~ bn) 426.3
% of % of
Actuals Actuals Actuals in
FY18 up to to BE FY17 to
Revenue 3,217.3
4,898.4 152 98.2
234.5 3,023.1 1,288.9 464 Capital outlay Ministry of Ministry of Ministry of
deficit FY16 FY17 FY17 FY18 revolution
on defence Railways Road Transport Urban
(BE) (RE) (BE) MGNREGP: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme; PMKSY: Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana; PMGSY: Pradhan services & Highways* Development#
Note: In FY17, interest subsidy for short-term credit to farmers totalling ~150 Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana; PMAY: Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana; NRDWM: National Rural Drinking Water Mission; SBM: Swachh Bharat Mission; *National Highway Authority of India and Road works; #Metro Projects
billion transferred from the finance ministry to the agriculture ministry NHM: National Health Mission; NRLM: National Rural Livelihood Mission; Only rural component of schemes has been taken Note: Reports suggest the Centre has cut budgetary support to the Indian
Railways by ~150 billion in FY18
StatsGuru is a weekly feature. Every Monday, Business Standard guides you through the numbers you need to know to make sense of the headlines Sources: Union Budget Fy18; Compiled by BS Research Bureau
accounting firms
Kolkata/Chennai/Mumbai, 28 january assets, especially big exposure, Limiting further exposure a matter of policy had almost
is top on the agenda. Similarly, stopped giving bigsize loans,
Sale of stressed assets
The government has asked banks would engage in sale of said an official.
small public sector banks performing loans through Recoveries from loans A senior executive with
(PSBs) to reduce corporate loan securitisation and assignment using one time Chennai-based Indian Overs-
he ‘Big Four’ multina- cut in corporate and big busi- has over the past year reduced smaller banks gets reduced.
tional accounting firms ness loans by at least 15 per its corporate loan exposure by IOB’s corporate exposure
have doubled the size of cent by March 2019, as part of five to six per cent, said R K was about 50 per cent a few
their indirect tax teams in this its recapitalisation plan. Takkar, chairman. At present, quarters earlier; it is now 42
country, to cater to the sharp However, the process of part- corporate debt is 55 per cent of per cent and work is on to curt
rise in demand arising from ing with corporate loans and a the loan book. enterprise lending, while ject to a PCA, in 2014. Earlier, this to 40 per cent. The bank
implementation of the goods virtual halt to further exposure Another Kolkata-based reducing exposure to corpo- the bank was not allowed to will selectively take exposure
and services tax (GST) here and has been on since the early bank, United Bank of India, rate lending, the latter a third give a loan more than ~100 to top-rated corporates. “We
introduction of value-added part of this financial year, has also been refocusing on of its loan book. million to a single borrower. will focus on AA & AA- rated
tax (VAT) in West Asia. when the Reserve Bank began retail (small borrower) and United Bank of India was Last month, it wase again ones, where risks are less,” an
PwC India, EY, Deloitte, and to place PSBs under a PCA. micro, small and medium one of the first PSBs to be sub- subjected to PCA. While the IOB official added.
KPMG have expanded the size
of their indirect tax teams by HIGH DEMAND
100 per cent over the past 12 to Indirect tax employee strength in accounting firms in India
18 months.
Rolled out from July 1 last
year, GST is yet to stabilise with
Pre-GST Post-GST
750 900 Global tech start-ups to gain from
proposed mining policy
the rules. Rates and filing
requirements are undergoing 550
frequent changes. This is lead- 450 450
ing to exponential rise in work-
load for tax professionals. 300
250 200
“Our indirect tax employee
strength has doubled from
New Delhi, 28 January WHO WILL BENEFIT
2016 till date to 900-plus prac- Companies providing
titioners,” the EY spokesper- PwC India EY Deloitte KPMG Under the draft national mineral poli- ancillary services in the
son told Business Standard. cy, the planned set of incentives for pri- mining space, mainly
PwC India’s indirect tax believe the role of consultants Saudi Arabia and the United vate investment are likely to be more start-ups from abroad
team has grown from 300 a are also changing. We would Arab Emirates from January beneficial to companies providing
year before to about 750. continue to grow at a fast 1, 2018. The six-member Gulf ancillary services in the mining space, Companies that can provide
Deloitte’s has grown from 250 pace,” said Jain. Cooperation Council (GCC) mainly start-ups from abroad, than data repository on the
to 550 professionals. At KPMG, Another expert said while has started implementing VAT core mining companies. potential exploration sites
the indirect tax team has the size of the indirect tax mar- in order to diversify their The draft policy is yet to be Companies that can do
grown from 200 to 450 during ket had seen a tremendous source of income beyond oil finalised. aerial surveys and collate
the period. increase, it would shrink once reserves. “Companies engaged in the prelim- the data to be sold to
“GST changed the way GST stabilises. “We were work- While Saudi Arabia and inary stages of mineral exploration potential investors
businesses are managed, ing even on Sundays till two UAE have led with a five per stand to benefit the most from the
from manufacturing to dis- months ago. On Saturdays, we cent VAT, others like Bahrain, financial incentives proposed,” said
tribution. It offered unprece- still go in to work,” he said. Kuwait, Oman and Qatar will Kameswara Rao, leader — energy util- such activities,” Rao added. approved amending the Mines and The revenue sharing could be in the
dented opportunities not The slew of changes on be introducing it over the next ities and mining — at PwC. Australia-based start-ups Vayeron, Minerals (Development and form of a lump sum or an annuity, to be
only to consultants but also account of introduction of GST two years. He said companies that can provide FDP Mining, XDR, Quick Safety and Regulation) Act to allow transfer of cap- paid through the period of mining
to industry,” said Pratik Jain, like anti-profiteering, e-way “The Gulf countries had no data repository on the potential explo- Artemis Intelligent Robotic Systems tive mining leases issued prior to lease, with transferable rights.
partner, PwC India. bill and rules meant compa- tax before and are now relying ration sites, do aerial surveys and col- are some of these. According to January 12, 2015, in the case of mergers Beside encouraging private par-
He said while the one-time nies have had to take help from on India for professional sup- late the data to be sold to potential Australian media reports, mining tech- and acquisitions. However, under the ticipation in exploration, the draft
transition is over, things are yet professionals. port, due to cultural similarity. investors will benefit from the policy. nology or tech start-ups are on the rise, National Mineral Exploration Policy of mineral policy talks about involving
to stabilise. “Aspects such as We are catering to a lot of So, too, with consultancy assignments especially across Queensland, the state 2016, private agencies would be states for facilitation and regulation
anti-profiteering, compliance- West Asian demand demand there. It will only on policy structure sharing and mon- which hosts mining potential. engaged to carry out exploration with of such activity. Grant of clearances
related changes and vendor Close to 200 indirect tax pro- grow once other member- etisation of the resources. According to a former Union mines the right to a certain share in the rev- for commencement of operations
management are occupying fessionals from the Big Four counties of GCC introduce Research identification and infor- secretary, core mining companies like enue (by way of royalty/premium to be shall be streamlined, with simpler
the minds of senior manage- combined are posted in West VAT,” said an indirect tax mation on probable mining and explo- Rio Tinto and DeBeers might not be accruing to the state government) from and time-bound procedures. The
ment in businesses. With the Asia, to keep up with the leader of a top accounting firm ration sites can be sold in the market. able to gain, mainly due to absence of the successful bidder of a mineral block country’s exclusive economic zone
role of technology becoming demand after implementation in India, who did not wish to “There are many Australian and a clear policy on exploration. after e-auction, which would be dis- should be explored and exploited, the
more important in taxes, we of VAT for the first time in be named. Canadian firms already involved in In March 2016, the Union Cabinet covered by that private explorer. draft said.
Goodbye, advertising’s
Shree Cement ventures abroad
AVISHEK RAKSHIT hand, has initiated the process
Kolkata, 28 January of acquiring land in different Ranjan Kapur was not only among the
parts of India for future projects doyens of Indian advertising, but also a
ith slow pace of land and some are already underway great conversationalist, painter, writer,
acquisition in India in Jharkhand and Odisha. and thorough gentleman. Among lead-
delaying its projects Besides these two projects in ing figures of the advertising industry to
for new plants, Shree Cement India, the company has been have died in the past few years — a list
has decided to venture abroad expanding its capacity in that includes veterans like Mike Khanna
in the UAE after acquiring Rajasthan by two mtpa and in of JWT (2015) and AG Krishnamurthy of
Union Cement Company (UCC) Bihar by 1.6 mtpa. It has recent- Mudra (2016) — Kapur continued as
for an enterprise value of ly augmented capacity in WPP India chairman until his death.
$305.24 million. Chhattisgarh by another 2.6 He was as an astute advertising pro-
H M Bangur, managing mtpa. The completion of UCC’s fessional, credited for taking Ogilvy &
director of Shree Cement, said acquisition would increase Mather (O&M) India to the number one
the company had about ~40 bil- Shree Cement’s capacity from position after coming on board as man-
lion cash balance and it faced the current 29.3 mtpa to 33.3 aging director in 1994.
with two options — either invest mtpa. Its some domestic proj- Kapur, the erstwhile country manag-
in some venture that would ectsexpectedtobecompletedin er of WPP, who handed over the reins to
assure growth and higher 2018 would augment capacity CVL Srinivas, chief executive, GroupM
returns for shareholders or pay- by at least 5.6 mtpa. Asia, in October 2017, died on Saturday
off the balance as dividends.
“In India, we could not
KEY FINANCIALS time and you need to have a lot
of patience besides planning at
In line with the firm’s philos-
ophy of greenfield expansion,
in Mumbai at the age of 75. He is sur-
vived by his wife Lorraine, and
All figures in ~ billion
invest so much money as land least five years in advance.” Bangur had initially opted for daughter Tina.
purchase will require nearly five Nine months ended Year ended A~5-billionprojectinPurulia putting up a fresh project in the Piyush Pandey, executive chairman
years. And, after the 3-million Dec 31,’17 Dec 31,’16 Mar 31,’17 district of West Bengal — pro- UAE, but changed his mind and creative director, O&M South Asia,
tonne per annum (mtpa) project Net income 73.31 69.06 96.43 jected to strengthen the compa- after he felt that the valuation termed Kapur's death as "the end of an
in Karnataka, we didn’t have ny’s eastern market share — is of UCC, which was up sale, was era and a great loss".
Total expenses 62.46 59.59 84.73
anything big in sight in India. yet to see the light of day. For “right”, and it would have a mu- Rightly so. Kapur was responsible for
The cash balance with the com- Net profit 9.85 10.35 13.39 this two-mtpa project, Shree ch lower gestation period com- not only helping Oglivy grow as a cre-
pany would have started piling Total comprehensive income 9.82 10.30 13.39 Cement has already acquired 95 pared to a greenfield project. ative powerhouse under Pandey, but
up unless we came up with a Source: Shree Cement per cent of the requisite 100 Analysts have been remain also helping it expand into newer busi-
plan to use it profitably,” Bangur acres. But acquisition of the skeptical about Shree Cement’s ness areas, such as below-the-line and
told Business Standard. A 22-25 pany’s investments in India. pleted in the forthcoming remaining five per cent land has foray into the UAE, expecting a rural communication, outdoor and
per cent operating margin is Three years ago, Shree October-December quarter. been lingering. low return on royalty. But, the health care advertising, putting into Ogilvy and moved to south-east Asia lat-
expected from UCC in the next Cement had targeted 40-mtpa Asked if land acquisition “In West Bengal, the biggest company acquired UCC for $76 practice the concept of one-stop shop, er to head operations in markets, such
five years, he said. capacity by 2020 and the UAE delays continued to be a deter- problem was the pace of pur- a tonne, which was lower than long before other agencies as Singapore, before coming
Bangur termed the acquisi- foray was part of that plan. rent despite ease of doing busi- chase because the average land $84 a tonne that UltraTech took to it. Kapur was born back to India in the 1990s.
tion as “one-of-its-kind” and For the ~20-billion project in ness improving in the country, parcel size is 500 sq feet and in Cement had incurred in 2010 Kapur, who was born in in Lahore in Apart from his business
said he was open to more such Gulbarga district of Karnataka, Bangur said, “It remains an some cases, it is as low as 100 sq while acquiring the 3.2-mtpa Lahore in undivided India in undivided India skills, Kapur was a great man-
global ventures in the long-run, which marked the cement com- issue throughout India, be it feet. For every acre, there are 70- Dubai-based ETA Star Cement 1942 and subsequently moved in 1942. He moved manager, allowing talent to
based on the success of UCC’s pany’s maiden south Indian for- West Bengal, Karnataka or 80 registries on account of the for $269 million. It was also low- to Delhi after partition, was an to Delhi after grow under his watch. Post-
acquisition and if return on cap- ay, the process of land acquisi- Bihar, where plants have taken a fragmented nature of the land,” er than $95 a tonne Shree alumnus of St Stephens partition, and was liberalistation, India saw not
ital in global ventures ensured tion had started seven years ago. lot more time than expected. Bangur noted. Cement has been spending on College in the capital. An MA an alumnus of only international businesses
returns comparable to the com- The plant is expected to be com- Greenfield projects take a lot of The company, on the other the Karnataka unit. in English, he began his pro- St Stephens make a beeline for the coun-
fessional life as a banker with College in the try, but also local giants chart
Citibank in New York. capital. An MA in out plans to grow.
It was a chance encounter English, he Kapur led from the front to
Budget should allocate more funds for research, says Kris Gopalakrishnan in 1966 with advertising leg- began his
end David Ogilvy in New York professional
pitch for local and interna-
tional businesses, along with
that convinced the 24-year- life as a banker his team of professionals,
GIREESH BABU ishnan Symposium on Innovation and adding that while, basic research will Budget was addressing the issue of angel old that advertising was the with Citibank backing it up with a strong
Chennai, 28 January Entrepreneurship in Chennai, Gopala- deliver a long-term value, it is equally tax, which is impacting the start-up career for him. He had joined in New York creative product under
krishnan said, "I strongly believe that important to focus on both basic and ecosystem. Commenting on the transla- Ogilvy from Citibank having Pandey.
The upcoming Union Budget should funding for research has to increase. It is applied research. tional research and industry collabora- responded to his creative call- Following his retirement
allot more funding for both basic and currently 0.8 per cent of GDP and I think The organisations should also be tion in educational institutions, he said, ing, realising that the life of a banker from Ogilvy in end-2003, Kapur headed
translational research, and address the we should take it up to two to three per empowered to have budgetary control in the country a system should evolve to was not for him, but, like most young- WPP agency Bates in India and was also
issueofangeltax,saidInfosysco-founder cent." The private sector also has to con- over the funding, he said. "It is not only measure contribution of the faculty in sters, he was unsure whether the move chosen to lead the overall group as coun-
and angel investor Kris Gopalakrishnan. tribute as it gives only 0.2 per cent, he about allocating the money, but also to translational research and industry aca- would click. try manager in 2004. Kapur replaced
Speaking on the sidelines of the inau- said. Funding should be both for basic give authority to spend that money." demia collaboration, including working His meeting with Ogilvy changed all marketing guru Shunu Sen, who had
gural function of Deshpande Gopalakr- research and applied research, he said, His another expectation from the with incubation centres and start-ups. that. He spent time in the US office of died a year earlier. VIVEAT SUSAN PINTO
S President Donald Trump would
Sunday. A total of 523 million coins take a “tougher” approach to Brexit
were stolen, it said. “The timing of negotiations than Britain’s Prime
the reimbursement and the application process are currently under Minister Theresa May, he said in a television
consideration,” Coincheck said in the statement. “The source of the interview to be broadcast later on Sunday.
refunded money is being carried out using our own capital." NEM In the interview with British channel
prices surged 21 per cent to $1.03 as of 12:31 pm Tokyo time, according ITV, Trump said the European Union was Europe is approaching the next stop in its global
to prices on “not cracked up to what it’s supposed to market-opening drive aimed at countering US President
BLOOMBERG< be” and claimed he had predicted the result Donald Trump’s protectionist tilt. Top officials from the EU
of the June 2016 referendum in which will meet with the Mercosur group of Argentina, Brazil,
Britons voted to leave the EU. Trump was
Paraguay and Uruguay on January 30 in Brussels to gauge
China's Weibo US to make streaming elected to the US presidency later the same
year. When asked if May was in a “good
the prospects for a free-trade deal that would follow
suspends portals services pay more position” regarding the ongoing Brexit talks, Theresa May was the first foreign leader to visit President Donald Trump after his
groundbreaking commercial pacts with Japan and Canada.
The EU-Mercosur talks began almost two decades ago,
after reprimand for music over 5 yrs Trump replied: “Would it be the way I nego- inauguration in January last year PHOTO: REUTERS
faltered and were re-started in 2010.
tiate? No, I wouldn’t negotiate it the way
China’s Sina Weibo was ordered
to move several portals offline
US copyright authorities on
Saturday decided to increase
it’s [being] negotiated ... I would have had a
different attitude.”
Trump for major ‘Door is open’ for With EU-Mercosur trade worth almost ^85 billion ($105
billion) in 2016, a market-opening agreement would be
for a week after spreading
obscene and wrongly oriented
over the next five years the
royalty payments music
Pressed on how his approach would change in Paris deal Britain: EU's Moscovici among Europe’s biggest. Mercosur says an EU offer to open
be different, he said: “I would have said further its agricultural markets, including for beef, is
content, the internet watchdog streaming companies like the European Union is not cracked up to AFP REUTERS inadequate. BLOOMBERG
said. The government has been Spotify and Apple must what it’s supposed to be. I would have London, 28 January Paris, 28 January
tightening controls over make to songwriters and taken a tougher stand in getting out.” FLAGGING THERE'S THE BEEF
internet content as part of music publishers, a trade May was the first foreign leader to visit President Donald Trump would be willing The “door is open” should Britain want to EU-Mercosur trade needs
efforts to maintain “social association for music Trump after his inauguration in January to sign the US back up to the Paris climate reverse its 2016 vote to leave the European Sources of EU imports of
a boost beef and veal in 2016
stability”, taking on “vulgar” publishers said. The last year and they were filmed emerging accord, but only if the treaty undergoes Union, Pierre Moscovici, the European
and pornographic content as Copyright Royalty Board of from the White House holding hands. But major change, he said in comments Commissioner for Economic and Monetary EU exports EU imports (Figures in metric tonnes)
well as the unauthorised the US Library of Congress the “special relationship” between the two published Sunday. Union, told French media in an interview (Figures in ^ billion)
dissemination of news. issued a written decision nations has since faced several ups and Trump was met with global on Sunday. Brazil 141K
that altered the formulas condemnation when he announced in Some British politicians have said
downs, including Trump rebuking May on
Others 88K
used to determine how Twitter after she criticised him for retweeting June 2017 that the US was pulling out of the another referendum should be held on
much of their revenue British far-right anti-Islam videos. He said Paris climate agreement. While Trump whether to leave the EU once the terms of Uruguay 57K
China will join 1st streaming companies must in an earlier extract from the same inter- remains firm in his criticism of the historic departure and likely future relationship Argentina 44K
Japan, South Korea share with songwriters and view that he had not intended to cause accord, which was signed by his between Britain and the economic bloc
Paraguay 6K
the music publishing offence in Britain by sharing the videos and predecessor Barack Obama, he said he are known. When asked about that , former 2014 2015 2016
summit since 2015 companies they typically that he would apologise if the original would be willing to sign up to a French finance minister Moscovici said: Mercosur data also include Venezuela Source: Copa-Cogeca
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will hire to collect licensing fees posters were horrible racists. REUTERS revamped deal. “The door is open.” Source: European Commission
travel to Tokyo for his country’s on their behalf. REUTERS <
first joint summit with Japan
and South Korea since 2015, the
VW issues apology
First ‘jackpotting’
clearest sign yet of improving
ties between the three for testing of diesel HUNDREDS RAISE VOICE IN RUSSIA AGAINST PUTIN
neighbours. The meeting was
announced by China and Japan fumes on monkeys
Exchange rates, jobs & external vulnerability — is he referring to capital flight and
a currency crisis? To be sure I did not
follow many other points in the pres-
entation. To quote a couple:
Before our political masters talk of a sovereign wealth fund, we need a far better balance between “firms have two markets to undo
the central bank reserves”; Mumbai locals vs bullet trains
external assets and liabilities “If tax on foreign currency debt
Mexico and everybody else for the higher than most of our trading part- eigners running away (that is, capital is high, then firms switch to domestic
deficit, but not the vaunted “strong ners, and when the oil price is rising. flight), he correctly refers to the need currency debt in spite of higher cost.
dollar” policy of the US, which keeps The central bank’s REER index to consider all reversible “hot Hence, central bank has to tax both
up the consumption level of the stands at 132, evidencing 30 per cent money” flows; margins of arbitrage”.
worse off through cheap imports. overvaluation. Apart from the loss of — But in his measure of “external Perhaps the presentation was
Recently, there seems to have been output and jobs which persistent sector resilience”, meant to answer meant for a far more sophisticated
a policy change: the Treasury external deficits represent, does this the question “if foreigners run, does audience of US students, not igno-
Secretary said last week in Davos that policy make our external situation the country have adequate FX rant Indians!
he welcomes the dollar’s recent fall in vulnerable to capital flight? reserves?” he seems to consider only In my view, our most serious
international markets, as it will help Remember Mexico, Thailand, short-term external debt. His meas- weakness is the exchange rate policy
domestic industry. But the US deficit Argentina etc? Recently even surplus ure is (reserves – short term being followed for the past decade.
THE OTHER SIDE does not lead to external vulnerabil- countries like China, South Korea and debt)/GDP. I have not understood the The best way of ensuring resilience
ity or a balance of payments crisis as Taiwan, have expressed worries over rationale for dividing by GDP: If a to capital flight is an exchange rate The crumbling infrastructure
the dollar remains the world’s prin- the rise of their respective currencies divisor is needed, surely total trade is policy aimed at a balanced primary supporting Mumbai’s local train
cipal reserve currency: in effect, the against the dollar. This apart, labour more relevant? income and expenditure account (i.e. network has been a talking point for
ecently, The Observer news- long; corporate India leader Harsh
rest of the world’s central banks intensive exports, like garments and In my view, we need to look at FPI excluding secondary income like
paper of UK criticised finance the deficit by buying and leather goods, require a competitive (in both debt and equity markets) remittances). Before our political Goenka and Indian cinema legend
President Donald Trump for holding US government securities in exchange rate even more than tech- also to measure our “external masters talk of a sovereign wealth Amitabh Bachchan brought it back
his “petulant, childish behaviour their reserves. nology intensive exports. resilience”. And as of September 9, fund, we need a far better balance into focus after tweeting a video of
combined with a staggering lack of One sometimes wonders whether In order to understand the cen- 2017, the potential outflows were $348 between external assets and liabili- passengers trying to enter a Mumbai
knowledge and contempt for facts”. we are following a “strong rupee” pol- tral bank’s policy perspectives bet- bn, including short term debt of $94 ties, that is, IIP. And, this will not be local train as they put their lives in
While I agree with most epithets, on icy to help meet the inflation target, ter, I recently went through the bn, as compared to reserves of $400 possible if we give priority to money danger. The video immediately went
one point Trump is surely right: that which I described in the last article as PPTs of a presentation by Dr Viral bn — and our IIP was a negative $400 as a store for value, which benefits viral as it struck a chord among daily
the huge and persistent trade deficit possibly a major policy blunder of the Acharya, in New York last month bn as on that date. Are these num- the better off, over money as a means commuters. While most brushed it off
of the US has led to much lower present government. The exchange on the topic of “Global Spillovers: bers not enough to measure our of exchange. saying it was a daily ritual for them,
employment in the domestic indus- rate against the dollar has appreciat- Managing capital flows and forex external resilience to capital flight? many said the government should
trial sector than what it otherwise ed from a low of ~68 to ~64 in two reserves”. Two points struck me: I could also not follow what exact- The author is chairman, A V Rajwade & Co first set up a world class local train
would have been. He blames China, years despite our inflation being — To measure “resilience” to for- ly he means by “retrenchment state” Pvt Ltd; service for Mumbai and then start on
the bullet train project.
lot has been said about whether is levied. The same applies to imports.
capital gains taxes on equities As soon as goods are imported into will go to polls on February 27 and the
will be raised in the upcoming the country, IGST is levied aside from results will be announced on March 3.
Budget. The common response from the the customs duties. One might argue
fund management community has been that excise duties or countervailing
“unlikely, because Mr Modi doesn’t want duties were also levied in a similar
to create one more big disruption before manner earlier but the point to keep in
election and the government wouldn’t mind is that GST rates are higher than Tipu, controversy travel to Delhi
get much out of it anyway”. Without excise duty rates and subsume VAT On Republic Day, Delhi Chief Minister
going into the politics or rationality of also. There was no upfronting of VAT Arvind Kejriwal unveiled portraits of
the potential tax increase, let us focus in the earlier regime. A secondary rea- 70 eminent individuals at the Delhi
on the latter part of it. How much can the son is, in the run up to the implemen- government for July-November 2017, The last one is the most bullish pos- now businesses can claim input tax Assembly, including those of
government get out of it? Our analysis tation of the GST, several businesses that is, for five months, this IGST float sibility and then we need not worry credit on virtually each and every Ashfaqulla Khan, Bhagat Singh, Birsa
suggests that this number could be as big had reduced the inventories and a lot is already ~1.4 trillion. While this IGST about FY19 GST collections so much. expense item, whether spurious or real. Munda, Rani Chennamma, Subhas
as ~300-500 bn (US$4.5-8 bn). This is a of those inventories are getting rebuilt float would sustain, the IGST float No. 1 should be ruled out looking at The best case, however, is that the Chandra Bose and Tipu Sultan, which
meaningfully large number for the gov- post July. And hence, a part of IGST ‘income’ should fall by 90 per cent YoY the various economic indicators. My government would reinstate the com- will be put up in the galleries of the
ernment to consider as a revenue build- collections is associated with this in FY19, creating a big revenue shortfall base case is some combination of No. 2 pliance improvement measures as Delhi Assembly. Next day, as BJP MLA
ing measure. Is a revenue building meas- inventory build-up and unsustainable. for the government in FY19. and 3. Tax compliance has possibly soon as possible thereby driving a big Om Prakash Sharma lamented,
ure really needed by the government? It In simpler words, FY18 GST collec- The key question here is, why is the weakened because the government has increase in the sustainable rate of GST “people’s sentiments hurt if we put
can be argued that this is badly needed tions include some portion of taxes sustainable rate of GST collections signif- suspended three of the most potent collections in FY19 but that might be a up a portrait of a controversial
for the fiscally constrained government that would have been recognised as icantly lower than the expected number. aspects of the GST: invoice matching politically sensitive issue. The gov- personality”, it set off a war of words.
in a pre-election year where GST collec- revenues for FY19 under the earlier There are four possibilities. 1. The econo- mechanism, reverse charge mecha- ernment might need to weigh the Delhi Assembly speaker and AAP
tions are running significantly below the regime. Also inventory building after my slowed down meaningfully. 2. Tax nism and e-way bill. Tax compliance political sensitivity of these compli- member Ram Niwas Goel retorted,
expected trend and our calculations sug- GST implementation in June 2017 has compliance has gone down. 3. GST rates will likely remain weak till these three ance enhancement measures vis-à-vis “The Constitution carries a picture of
gest that GST collection shortfall will be further inflated GST collection num- are lower than the effective tax rates vis- aspects of the GST are resumed. The the raising of equity taxation. The lat- Tipu Sultan on page 144, so either the
even bigger than FY19, to the tune of bers. This unsustainable portion of col- à-vis earlier regime. 4. IGST settlement situation as per No. 3 could be due to ter appears like an easier option. We people who fought the British to free
nearly ~1.5 trillion (US$23 bn) or almost lections in FY18 is the ‘IGST float’. The number is understated due to systemic the underestimation of the negative don’t have to wait for too long to know the country and wrote this
90 bps of GDP. estimated IGST float for FY18 would issues and the real IGST float is much impact of input tax credit. Please note which way the government will go. Constitution were traitors or BJP is.”
Let’s take a look why GST revenue be about ~1.5 trillion (US$23 bn). smaller and the sustainable rate of tax that in the previous regime, the extent Surely, not the end of story.
shortfall will be such a big number in According to the data released by the collections is not as bad as it appears to be. of input tax credit was quite limited, The author is India Strategist, CLSA
Simply a bad idea Fix duty drawback rates them over also at some stage, this deal
does not make much sense.
If state and national elections are held together, important state leaders The all-industry rates of duty drawback Krishan Kalra Gurugram
would be unable to challenge national leaders and their parties revised on Thursday shows only a margin-
al raise on 102 export items. The increase
dicts the federal character of the particular to India. does not fully offset the taxes levied on raw Raise deposit insurance
Indian political system. We have 29 If state and national elections are materials, components, consumables that
states and 2 Union Territories with held at the same time important state goes into export production. Once the Financial Resolution and
their own assemblies. Each have their leaders will be restricted to cam- The government should immediately Deposit Insurance (FRDI) Bill is passed,
own assembly and it’s separate from paigning for their state assemblies look into raising duty drawback further to the Resolution Corporation will take
the national parliament. If their and unable to participate fully in the fully cover all the levies to make exports over the functions of Deposit Insurance
longevity were to be co-terminous national election. Thus a Mamata more competitive. With oil prices going from the Deposit Insurance and Credit
with that of the Lok Sabha it would Banerjee, Mulayam Singh Yadav, up, rupee appreciating, there is hardly any Guarantee Corporation (DICGC), a sub-
impose on them an artificial time- Nitish Kumar, Mayawati, Sitaram workable profit for export trade. The suf- sidiary of RBI. The RBI has, till date, by
KARAN THAPAR frame and, thus, restrict their con- Yechury along with their regional ferings of the leather industry can be ernment to another. It is difficult to call it and large, ensured no loss to the fully
stitutional power to determine their parties would be pinned down at wiped out if 100 per cent taxes is compen- disinvestment in the strict sense of the protected accounts of the depositors
own fate. state level and unable to effectively sated by way of duty drawback, not a mere term, though technically, it may be so. Both which constitute 92.1 per cent of the
n India foolish ideas rarely fade But this is only the first of my challenge Narendra Modi and Rahul 0.3 per cent. Further, in line with ease of the entities are state controlled; so how total deposits as of March, 2017, if war-
away. There is always someone concerns. What would happen if a Gandhi and their national parties. At doing business, the Ministry of Commerce does this deal qualify as disinvestment, ranted by merger and amalgamation of
willing to reiterate and revive government loses its majority and a time when some of the fiercest and Industry should recommend a pro- which should really mean sale to the pri- banks. The FRDI Bill is silent about the
them. That seems to be the case with the assembly cannot throw up an opposition to the national parties posal to the Ministry of Finance, which can vate sector or to retail investors? This deal likely increase in the deposit insurance
the proposal state and national elec- alternative? In an age where coali- comes from regional leaders would be incorporated in the Budget — a self-fix- fails on this criterion. The deal only makes coverage. The DICGC had last increased
tions should be held simultaneously tion governments have become this not confer an unfair and unwar- ation of brand rates of drawback by ONGC an owner of the stake that the gov- the limit of deposit insurance 25 years
every five years. In terms of saving common this could happen fre- ranted advantage on the BJP and exporters themselves. Wherever duty ernment held earlier in HPCL. back in 1993 from ~30,000 to ~100,000.
time and money it makes practical quently. So, if an assembly has to be Congress? And, you could ask, is this drawback rates are not fixed as all-industry The fact that the government is a major As per Inflation Calculator India,
sense but there’s a lot more wrong dissolved early, would the state why the BJP is pushing the idea? rate category, exporters have to seek brand shareholder in ONGC means that really ~490,000 of 2017 is equal to ~100,000 of
with it than can be said in its defence. have to wait several years till the If my suspicions are wrong and rate fixation which takes a lot of time and nothing has changed. Admittedly, there 1993 and hence, the limit of deposit
It’s said when state and national next Lok Sabha elections before the BJP believes its commitment to a plethora of documents have to be sub- is merit in the deal due to obvious benefits insurance should be increased to a min-
elections are held at different times another is elected? In the mean- this concept is genuinely in the mitted to get the rates fixed. Instead, of synergy; an excellent case of vertical imum amount of ~500,000.
the country is pushed into an time what would happen to popular national interest then I would sug- exporters can self-calculate the duties that integration which should lead to savings in Ramanath Nakhate Mumbai
almost semi-permanent period of representation? Wouldn’t this leave gest Narendra Modi prove this to be have gone into export production and operational costs and will hopefully make
political campaigning. The model the state electorate effectively dis- the case. With 19 state governments straightaway claim the brand rates similar ONGC more competitive. But, again, who Letters can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to:
code is almost always in implemen- enfranchised? under BJP control all he needs to do to all-industry rates. Such an easy method are ONGCs competitors? Primarily Indian The Editor, Business Standard
Nehru House, 4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
tation somewhere or the other. Connected to this is the preroga- is ensure they hold their respective of claiming brand rate duty drawback will Oil and BPCL. No private sector company
New Delhi 110 002
Governance, as a result, suffers. tive of prime ministers and chief state elections to coincide with the alleviate exporters’ difficulties and save is really into retailing of fuels in a big way. Fax: (011) 23720201 · E-mail:
Political rhetoric and election bom- ministers to call early elections. It’s next national election. This would time. There are a host of items where So, unless the long-term plan is to weaken All letters must have a postal address and telephone
bast, instead, take its place. only happened infrequently in India mean the national election will have import and re-export happen with value these two giants and for ONGC to buy number
What this overlooks is the fact but under Margaret Thatcher and to be held early to coincide with the addition, but all-industry rates are not
Germany has a system similar to Tony Blair it was a regular feature in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and available. A serious thinking on these lines
ours. And as happens in India, state Britain. This is a power all heads of Chhattisgarh elections due by will enhance trade among Asean countries > HAMBONE BY MIKE FLANAGAN
elections in that country do not government have both to discipline December. It also means the other 16 and may even double the total export val-
coincide with national elections. supporters as well as take advantage states would have to bring forward ue with these countries..
Indeed, often the verdict of one rais- of an unprepared opposition or oth- their polls. A Sathyanarayana New Delhi
es questions about the other. But so er factors in their favour. It’s part of If the BJP truly believes in this
what? Surely this is a way of dip- the democratic system of our con- concept, this is a small sacrifice for Deal or no deal
stick checking the popularity of the stitution. How would we justify what it claims is a big national gain.
national government and not a rea- doing away with it? And if this is done it would be hard This is with reference to “ONGC-HPCL deal
son for changing the system? These are all well-rehearsed con- for the hold-out states or parties to has logic, but can’t address fiscal woes”
However, my concerns go further. cerns. There is, however, one other keep resisting. But will the BJP take (January 26). I think the ONGC-HPCL
To begin with, the proposal contra- consequence that applies in this drastic first step? I doubt it. mega deal is merely a case of transferring
money from from one pocket of the gov-
he stock market rally since the beginning of 2016 has been extraordi-
nary. At a time when the economy was reeling from extreme stress after
System and related map data, which detects your
the note ban, the stock market started rallying, with foreign investors
location and gives you helpful directions. For that
buying stocks of over ~300 billion in March last year, the highest they matter, practically all that makes the Information
have bought ever in a single month. The goods and services tax (GST) regime, Age possible is also thanks to the US Department of
which started in July, disrupted the economy further, but the stock markets were Defense funding: The internet itself, the micro-
in a zone of their own as money kept coming. Retail investors, who began invest- processor that drives computers and mobile phones,
ing aggressively in mutual funds since 2014, kept oiling the liquidity in the mar- as well as the cellular technology that makes all
mobile phones possible.
ket as they poured in ~1.8 trillion through the year.
Another area in which Indians’ show their aver-
The Sensex is up over 35 per cent since the end of 2016, while the BSE MidCap sion to technology is what is being noticed on a large
index is up 48 per cent and the BSE SmallCap by over 60 per cent. Corporate earn- scale among software developers in India: They try
ings recovery has been around the corner for three years, but is yet to materialise. The their best to wriggle out of hands-on coding once
price-earnings multiple, a key indicator, puts the market in an expensive, over- they cross the mid-30s ... they want to be “man-
bought zone — signs of which are evident in the recent fall of many small- and mid- agers” who will supervise other programmers but
won’t “dirty” their own hands with writing pro-
cap stocks from their stratospheric levels, though the large-caps continue their jour-
grammes. Except that this is like a novelist stopping
ney towards uncharted territories. Cocktail party conversations have moved on from to write and moving to be a “manager” in a publish-
war stories of multi-baggers to hushed conversations of when the party is likely to end. ing house. Here, again, a societal level question:
A comparison with the heady bull market of late 2007 and the subsequent Does Indian society reward hands-on creators less
bear market keeps cropping up. However, there are clear differences between then than it does “supervisors” and “managers”?
and now. There were signs of possible dangers in the sub-prime market in the US This phenomenon runs from even deeper socie-
tal sources. I have recounted this story before, but it
and concerns of global growth, which isn’t the situation this time. The global econ-
probably needs another recounting: A 20-something
Are we Indians
omy is on a strong wicket. In India, there are no runaway capital expenditure plans, colleague told me that in the arranged marriage
large-scale acquisitions, or mounting debt beyond the distressed companies. market he was fishing in, many of the young women
Bank credit growth to companies, which has been at a multi-decade low, is more he was meeting as a prospective life partner were ask-
likely to go up than stay at current levels. There are indications that a double-dig- ing him “how many people report to you” as a way of
it earnings recovery for the corporate sector is not far. Automobiles, consumer
goods, private sector banks, non-banking finance companies, and even real estate
stocks are doing well. If the government’s infrastructure spending rises, there are
technology-averse? assessing whether he was a success in his job!
We should not also forget that the creation of the
independent Indian state was based on an anti-tech-
nology stance: The choice of the charkha as the sym-
strong chances that private sector capex will start in the next 12-18 months.
It’s not that there aren’t risks to markets — the extent of increase in interest
Some examples that show we may be call for introspection bol on the Independence Era Congress Party flag. It
is almost as if Gandhiji, that astute politician, want-
rates in the US will have a bearing on the risk premium on equities, and overall ed to trigger an anti-textile-machinery-automation
risk appetite and crude oil prices. Legendary global investors have called a bub- ust the other day, a very senior banker I was in pany to try this — you just won’t win. instinct in the Indian psyche.
conversation with said to me, “I just don’t Or is there a bigger issue that the larger ecosystem Do the traditional business families which so
ble formation and have advised investors to shift their stance from aggressive to understand technology”; in the same noncha- needed to wean young technology companies: dominate the business scene in India actively dis-
defensive. On the other hand, many Asia and India strategists are yet to talk lant way I could probably say, “I don’t understand Knowledgeable and patient customers, a patient courage their offspring to enter technologically chal-
about risks. For investors who are concerned about valuations, it could be a tantra” — I mean, accepting its existence but not domestic venture capital industry and, most of all, a lenging business opportunities? There is some evi-
tempting choice to sell now and come back when prices are down, but this is eas- being bothered enough to dig deep big enough domestic market for tech- dence that this is possibly true. Is it that they are
ier said than done. Had this view been taken three months or even a month ago, enough to understand it. In a similar nologically innovative products, more comfortable in their method of “competition”
vein, the founder and head of a mul- which just doesn’t exist in India? — not to produce superior or less expensive products
investors would have lost some of the gains as the market has gone up since then.
timillion-dollar venture capital fund The evolution path of a technology — but by getting access to some natural resource
Also, equity as an asset class is likely to continue attracting new investors, given looked at me, exasperation writ large company is by now fairly clear from (spectrum, coal, iron ore, etc), organising the licences
that there aren’t other avenues for wealth creation. Thus, investors are likely to be on his face, and said: “If you can think studies done across the world. First, an and capital for it, and letting some outsourced com-
better off holding on to the bulk of their investments after booking minor profits. you can see the next five years and entrepreneur hatches an idea in a sun- pany worry about the technology platform, let alone
A small price correction should not be cause for concern, and a time correction predict where this technology is rise industry, then he wins a few early worry about technical innovation. This division of
(where prices don’t move much for the next few months as they adjust earnings going, you are pretending to be god.” sophisticated customers (sophisticat- labour, where the Indian partner provides the con-
Is this kind of aversion to tech- ed because the young company needs nections and the government the licences, and the
and valuation) after the December quarter results is an ideal scenario.
nology the reason why, when a new to solve some big tech problems early foreign technology partner worries about the tech-
tech paradigm like the personal com-
AJIT BALAKRISHNAN on and not meet them later). This ear- nology, is so inscribed in our societal psyche that this
Act fast on RCEP puter revolution arrived in the late ly sophisticated customer very often is
1980s, making computing affordable to the mass- the defence R&D groups. Once the prototype is
es (just as the mobile phone is doing today), this proven in demanding defence conditions, the entre-
is baked into the structure of major government
As the Information Age dawns and we are wit-
India-Asean trade growth has been underwhelming opportunity was converted into a vast body-shop- preneur brings it to the lay market in his country and nessing an outburst of technology evolution in
ping enterprise? What underlay this? An unwill- then takes it worldwide. machine-learning and artificial intelligence, it is too
ast week, India played host to the leaders of 10 Association of Southeast Asian ingness to take on the fledglings of that period, Many have documented how much the iPhone crucial a period not to examine and cure the Indian
Nations (Asean) in a commemorative summit as the country celebrated 25 Microsoft, Oracle, etc, which grew in that period owes the US Department of Defense for bringing psyche of its aversion to technology.
and became world-dominant giants? Or a sense of into being the very pieces that have made it the
years of its association with Asean. It was even more special because Asean
pragmatism in the air which tells you in a dozen dif- most desired phone brand in the world: Its touch- The writer is the author of The Wave Rider, A Chronicle of
is celebrating 50 years of its existence. The Delhi Declaration talked about ferent ways: There is no point for any Indian com- screen display, and the Geographic Positioning the Information Age.
a wide range of issues — from cultural to political and from geo-strategic to economic
— over which India and Asean are expected to collaborate more closely in the near
future. Barring a couple of Asean partners, most countries have deep cultural ties with
India and, as such, it was a fitting end to the summit meeting as the Asean leaders
presided over this year’s Republic Day parade as chief guests. On the face of it, Prime
Minister Narendra Modi’s government has taken a bold step towards reaffirming its
commitment to its Act East policy. However, among all the concerns that were dis-
Why ‘illegal’ is the norm
am writing an incomplete story. But I need you analyse the water. The test report showed that there permissible industrial activities in such non-con-
cussed, the central worry was India’s inadequate economic integration with Asean. to follow me as I learn more. Shiv Vihar is a “non- was virtually no contamination in the area. forming areas would be stopped. It gave detailed
To be sure, a coming together on trade and investment is a necessary requirement not conforming” — where industrial activities are The results of the 42 samples tested showed that directions that water and electricity connections
just for the sake of the economic benefits that will accrue to both sides but also for happening, which is not in conformity with its stip- pollution was negligible and contaminants were “not would be severed and if “illegal” activities contin-
ulated land-use — colony located in the eastern part detected”. I then asked for the chromatograms of the ued the units would be sealed. Textile dyeing was a
India’s larger ambitions of being a force in the global economy.
of Delhi. Some months ago, a leading daily newspa- tests to understand more. By the time this article “not permissible” activity. It should have been
By all accounts, India’s achievement in terms of growing trade relations with per did an exposé of the high cancer incidence in this goes to press, the chromatograms will have been stopped, and certainly not allowed.
Asean has been underwhelming. As a trading partner of Asean, India is ranked a low- area, which investigations linked to pollution from sent; these show impurities but it is still difficult to This direction was reiterated in MPD 2021, which
ly seventh — well below rivals such as China, the European Union (EU), Japan, the the many small-scale industrial units engaged in conclude anything. I have asked for more informa- was first issued in 2007 and amended in 2008 and
US, South Korea, and Australia. The India-Asean free trade agreement (FTA), which dyeing jeans. The water had turned tion. As I said, this story is in 2009. It also provides a list of household industries
came into force in 2010, has seen trade grow from $45 billion in 2008-09 to $71 billion blue. This shocking story got the progress. I will update you as I gath- that are permitted in “residential” areas. But this list
attention of the Delhi High Court. er something from these reports. also does not include textile dyeing.
in 2016-17. But trade with Asean still accounts for roughly the same share in India’s
The acting chief justice took suo But this is the nub of the matter The catch is that nobody knows (or rather, nobody
total trade — around 10 per cent. Moreover, against expectations, the composition of motu notice of the matter and the — in many such cases we know wants to say) who will regulate the “permissible” and
India’s trade with Asean has shown very little improvement in manufacturing goods. case is going on. where pollution exists, we can see it ensure what is not permissible does not flourish.
In fact, the data suggests that trade in goods like mechanical appliances, and elec- The issues of enquiry are as fol- but we cannot prove it. The prob- Also, in the DPCC’s view, industrial activity is per-
tronics and electrical equipment has declined since the FTA came into effect. These lows. First, who is responsible for lem can be the sampling procedure; mitted only in authorised and designated areas and
goods are traded in big volumes between Asean and the rest of the world. allowing this industry in a colony the problem can be the testing so, if it is operating outside, it is illegal, irrespective of
where this use is strictly banned? The method; or the problem can simply whether it is polluting or not. So, it is the task of the
India has been further blamed by Asean partners as well as trade observers for Central Bureau of Investigation has be that the tests were not done with land-owning agency — in this case the municipality
not being proactive in moving ahead with greater trade integration with the region- been asked by the court to examine adequate precision or care. The — to stop it.
al bloc. A key element is the long-pending negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive witnesses and to establish the culpa- DOWN TO EARTH problem is also that laboratories that The charade continues. Because even if the
Economic Partnership (RCEP). The RCEP is a proposed FTA between the 10 Asean bility of the officials who allowed this can do such tests are few. But with- municipality stops it because of “misuse”, the penal-
partner countries and six other nations — Australia, New Zealand, China, South Korea, to happen. Second, what can be done SUNITA NARAIN out good quality and rigorous foren- ty in court is a mere ~6,000. So, pay and get away. In
Japan, and India — with which Asean has individual FTAs. The RCEP negotiations to provide health care to the victims? sic science, there can be no proof this way, there is absolutely no regulation of the pol-
The Delhi State Legal Services Authority has been and hence no conviction. This is the pollution story lution caused by these industries.
were initially expected to be concluded in 2015 but continue to drag on. India’s insis- asked to work with agencies to ensure this. Third, of not just Shiv Vihar, but of the many Shiv Vihars The reason this becomes such a serious enquiry is
tence on differentiated tariff schedules and its demand for concessions in services lib- what can be done to clean the contaminated ground- that exist in the country. that if the “illegal” is allowed to happen, indeed flour-
eralisation, in particular, in mode 4 have been key stumbling blocks. water on the site? I have been asked by the court to Then there is the question of why this massive ish and expand, all the actions to mitigate and man-
The Delhi Declaration promises to “intensify efforts in 2018 toward the swift assist in finding solutions on this issue. contamination in Shiv Vihar occurred in the first age pollution in the legal areas come to naught. This
conclusion” of the RCEP. It is important that India walks the talk on this crucial bit. Before we can suggest solutions, we have tougher place. What is the institutional and regulatory failure one case of Shiv Vihar opens up important questions
questions: What is the state of pollution and how bad that has led to this situation? The fact is Shiv Vihar, with huge ramifications. So, will there be no more
For one, the RCEP is important because it will help shore up India’s poor backward
is the contamination? Only after knowing the answer under the Master Plan of Delhi 2021 (MPD), is under Shiv Vihars? Or will the pollution business continue
and forward linkages in global value chains. Moreover, the RCEP is necessary to bol- can there be a plan for remediation. For this, under the the category of unauthorised/regularised unautho- as usual? The outcome of this case will tell us and I
ster India’s case for its long-pending candidature of the Asia-Pacific Economic Water Act, 1974, only authorised agencies can collect rised colonies. In other words, it is an unplanned will keep you informed.
Cooperation. At a time when the multilateral trading system is under threat, India samples and only authorised laboratories can test the area. But its land-use is residential. Therefore, indus-
cannot afford to miss the bus on regional trading opportunities. samples to check for contamination. In this case, the trial activities are not allowed here except those that The writer is at the Centre for Science and Environment
Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) appoint- are classified as permissible “household” industry.
ed a third-party agency authorised by it to collect and In 2004, the Supreme Court directed that all non- Twitter: @sunitanar
Discontents of Trumpism
and falsehood is becoming dangerously and America’s current weaknesses is checks and balances are already playing
blurred. Again, America’s knowledge nothing less than a threat to the demo- the role that the founders intended. But
elite is partly responsible for this: cratic order. “The thing to fear from the the bigger task is to eliminate the weak-
Armies of postmodern academics had Trump presidency is not the bold over- nesses that have produced Trumpism.
prepared the way for Trump by arguing throw of the Constitution, but the Frum rightly points out that these are
Trump’s election has set off a furious Frum argues that Trump’s greatest tal- that truth is a construct of the power stealthy paralysis of governance; not the broad as well as deep. The travails of the
competition among America’s pundits to ent — his genius really — is spotting and elite. But the biggest culprit is techno- open defiance of law, but an accumulat- white working class are symptoms of a
explain what is going on: The most exploiting weaknesses. The Republican logical progress. Digitalisation is not ing subversion of norms; not the deploy- bigger problem: the concentration of
depressing political story of our time is establishment spent $100 million to put only creating a deafening cacophony of ment of state power to intimidate dissi- wealth in a narrow range of industries
also the most exciting. David Frum has the crown on Prince Jeb Bush’s head. voices. It is also making it harder to dents, but the incitement of private and companies. Likewise, the corrup-
BOOK REVIEW usually been at or near the front of the
pundit pack with a succession of articles
Trump incinerated Bush (and all that
cash) with his gibe about “low energy.” He
finance real journalism while simultane-
ously making it easier to distribute tripe.
violence to radicalise supporters.”
Trump isn’t alone in the weakness-
tion embodied in Trump Inc. is the
product of a broader corruption of
ADRIAN WOOLDRIDGE in The Atlantic, where he is a senior edi- then proceeded to incinerate “little” What does Trump want to do with all exploitation business. Some of the most America’s governing class, which has
tor. Most commentators are dyed-in-the- Marco Rubio and “lyin’” Ted Cruz. his power? The answer, Frum argues, eye-catching investors in his real estate allowed Bill and Hillary Clinton to trans-
wool liberals who exhausted the language Trump’s campaign against Hillary certainly does not lie in helping the empire since he won the Republican form themselves into public-service mil-
Donald Trump is the oddest president of fulmination during George W Bush’s Clinton was in some ways a model of how white working class that put him in the nomination hail from countries where lionaires and Barack and Michelle
America has ever elected. He lived in a presidency. Frum worked for Bush and not to run campaigns — he lurched from White House. His tax cuts will widen there is a faint line between business and Obama to negotiate a reported $65 mil-
gilded tower on New York’s Fifth Avenue even had a hand in writing his “axis of crisis to crisis and never bothered to enu- America’s already high levels of inequal- politics. Hanging over everything is the lion book deal for their autobiographies.
but nevertheless became the voice of the evil” speech. Most commentators regard merate any detailed policies. But he ity. It lies instead in “the aggrandise- figure of Vladimir Putin, a man who has Getting tough on Trump is going to be a
left-behind. He made his public reputa- conservative America as an alien land understood her great limitation: that she ment of one domineering man and his devoted his career to accumulating infor- picnic compared with getting tough on
tion as a reality-TV star but nevertheless inhabited by monsters. Frum has been represented the nexus between meritoc- shamelessly grasping extended family.” mation on weaknesses, both personal the causes of Trumpism.
defeated one of the most experienced writing sharp but sympathetic books on racy and plutocracy, indebted to Big The essence of Trumponomics is run- and political, and turning that informa-
politicians in the land. Trump has done that land since his first, Dead Right, on Money and divorced from millions of ning a country just as you run your fami- tion into power. Rather than Russia turn- © 2017 The New York Times News Service
so many extraordinary things in his first the weaknesses of Reaganism, in 1994. heartland Americans. ly business: appointing people with ing into America, as America’s policy-
year in office, from tweeting about nuc- The central theme in Frum’s excellent Trump’s political operatics worked whom you have strong personal ties, makers argued in that great age of
lear war to conducting public business in new book, “Trumpocracy,” which draws because he understood deeper weak- ideally ties of DNA, directing business to illusion, the 1990s, America seems to be TRUMPOCRACY
sight of paying guests in a resort he owns, on his Atlantic articles, is what Trump’s nesses in American society. Trump your properties, using public resources turning into Russia. The Corruption of the American Republic
it’s easy to forget that, unless impeach- career tells us about the deeper structural grasped that America is suffering from to avenge private grudges. The immediate task facing the By David Frum
ment intervenes, he still has another problems of America in general, and con- an epistemological weakness as well as Frum thinks the combination of American republic is to limit the dam- HarperCollins
three years — and perhaps seven — to go. servative America in particular. economic ones: The line between truth Trump’s drive for self-aggrandisement age that Trump can cause: Here the 301 pages; $25.99
FinMin to conduct review of FinMin not to recreate Real estate may
finally get
heads of 12 banks under PCA
The finance ministry would soon initiate a
performance review of heads of public sector
banks that are under the RBI’s Prompt
omnibus development bank industry status
Corrective Action (PCA) as part of the reform SUBHOMOY BHATTACHARJEE rowing by state-owned and pri- KARAN CHOUDHURY nessed a lot of change in the
process, official sources said. So far, the New Delhi, 28 January vate sector entities. It is not New Delhi, 28 January sector, with enforcement of
Reserve Bank has put 12 public sector banks clear, however, for which of the the Real Estate Regulatory
(PSBs) under watch in view of lagging on he word from North social sector expenditures the On the argument that real Act. The sector has stream-
certain performance parameters like unexpected level of high Block just before the government will use this route estate development is the lined a lot and mostly players
non-performing assets (NPAs), low capital level, low return on Budget is that the to raise money, though both best driver for mass job cre- who fulfill all criteria remain.
assets etc. These parameters indicate weak financial health of finance ministry has decided education and health sectors ation in a short span of time, There is seriousness in the
lending institutions and a need to initiate remedial measures not to recreate an omnibus demand huge increase. the government might final- sector that might have been
to put them on a right course. Performance review of the top development bank. Instead, The money to be raised will ly give industry status to the missing earlier,” added an
level management of all such banks would be undertaken with at least one international show up in the aggregate sector in its Budget for 2018- official. “We estimate in the
soon, official sources said. PTI< rating agency having pushed up expenditure of the government, 19. This has been the real next two years itself, over 1.5
India’s credit rating, it will push but will not push the borrowing estate industry's long-stand- million new jobs can be cre-
state-owned and supported figures askew. It will also show ing demand. ated as more real estate
Govt may bring Govt may consider entities to take advantage of the
favourable conditions to raise
up as part of the aggregate cap-
ital expenditure (capex) plans.
“A midsize affordable
housing project gives
development projects will
come up.” Experts say real
more amendments import duty hike on more money from the markets. How much money the govern- (NICDIT). The Trust has taken will be released in the Budget employment to at least 2,000 estate has been marred by a
in insolvency law few medical devices For this purpose, the min- ment pushes for capex in FY19 over the building of the Delhi- papers on Friday, the difference to 3,000 people, direct and lack of consumer confidence
istryhasclearedaproposalfrom will be a keenly watched metric Mumbai Industrial Corridor is expected to persist. indirect. Bigger projects due to stalled projects, lead-
Theinsolvencylawmightbe Thegovern- at least one line ministry to cre- in the Budget the finance min- Project. NICDIT is being used For FY19, Jaitley is expected require more people. This is ing to a fall in demand and
amendeddependingon mentmay ate a specialised financing arm, ister will table in Parliament on as a revolving corpus into which to ask these companies to be a two-pronged plan. Not demonetisation, among oth-
recommendationsofthepanel consider quite like the Indian Railway Thursday (February 1). The per- investments into the project- more aggressive in their capi- only we will help get more er things. The hope is that
reviewingissuesrelatedtothe increasing Finance Corporation. centage of gross fixed capital specific vehicles is being routed. tal-raising plans and exceed the people affordable housing industry status might help a
legislation,includingthose importduty When state-owned institu- formation in the economy (at All debt service payments made levels for FY17. Other than the but also help millions get turnaround.
pertainingtohomebuyers,a oncertain tions raise money current prices) has by the vehicles or money raised off-Budget nature, borrowings employment. We think this “Real estate is one of the
seniorgovernmentofficialsaid. medicaldevicesintheforth- from the markets on slipped to 26.4 per from their disinvestment are to by the state-owned entities will year the finance ministry key gross domestic product
Whileeverythingistime- comingBudgetwithanaimto their own steam to cent of gross domes- be ploughed back into the cor- also spur them to use the mon- would give its nod (for indus- contributors and fourth
boundundertheInsolvency boostdomesticmanufacturingof finance their capital tic product for FY18, pus, enabling the NICDIT to ey to set up projects quickly try status),” said a senior largest employment genera-
andBankruptcyCode(IBC), thosegoods,sourcessaid.The needs, those qualify as according to the first support the development of since they run an interest cost. urban development ministry tor in India. Extending
CorporateAffairsSecretaryInjeti movewouldalsohelppromote off-Budget borrow- dataset released by more industrial cities in future. The push will be despite the official. If the status was industry status to the entire
Srinivassaidtheissueishowthe thegovernment’sambitious ings. Prime Minister the government this Themoneywillalsoraisethe extensive cash reserves built up granted, the official added, sector will help developers
interestsofstakeholdersareto ‘MakeinIndia’initiative,saidthe Narendra Modi and month. It was 29.3 per capex profile of the state-owned by some of these companies developers would be able to to raise funds at lower rates
bebalanced.A14-member source.Thedomesticindustry, Finance Minister cent in FY16. A turn- enterprises. In FY18, the Budget that has made them reluctant get finance at single-digit and, in turn, reduce their
panel,alsochairedbySrinivas, includingtheAssociationof Arun Jaitley are convinced that around here is considered Estimates for state-owned to approach the capital markets. interest rates, between five project costs, which will help
isworkingtoidentifyand IndianMedicalDeviceIndustry,in even for financing the needs of essential for the Indian econo- enterprises to raise money from In the absence of investment and nine per cent. At pres- in pushing demand,” said
suggestwaystoaddressissues itshaspre-Budgetmemo- the soft infrastructure sectors, my to regain its growth the debt markets were estimat- plans, the government has been ent, it is 10-15 per cent. Anuj Puri, chairman,
facedintheimplementationof randumhasaskedthe the same strategy could be momentum. ed at ~3?.?85 trillion. It was a five soaking up some of this money Other sources say the Anarock Property
theIBC—whichcameintoforce governmenttoraisebasic applied. This would keep the A possible way to do this is per cent dip from the impres- to meet its fiscal balance. Yet, finance ministry, under- Consultants. Additionally, its
inDecember2016. PTI< Customsdutyonmedicaldevices government borrowing within the route adopted by the gov- sive ~4?.?06 trillion raised in there are several sectors of the standing the need to boost inclusive growth will help in
intherangeof5-15percent.The prudent limits. Keeping the ernmentfortherecentlyformed FY17 by the same entities in economy like transport and civ- the numbers of indirect and generating employment
currentslaboftheimportdutyis government borrowing within National Industrial Corridor FY17, a 30 per cent rise achieved il aviation within the infra- ancillary jobs, has decided to across various sectors which
0-7.5percent. PTI< limits will also retain the cur- Development & over the scorecard for FY16. structure sectors where there is grant the demand. are directly or indirectly
Flex-engine bikes to rent soft interest trends for bor- Implementation Trust While the final figures for FY18 an acute fund constraint. “The past year has wit- related to it.”
hit markets soon,
says Gadkari UIDAI says Aadhaar
an identification,
not a profiling tool
All eyes on Economic Survey as Budget Session begins today
tosooncome allayfearsoverdataprotection
upwith andprivacyissuesaroundthe12 ARCHIS MOHAN voters. An important sideshow “Number of ‘full’ working days Bandhopadhyay (TMC), Tariq KEY BUDGET SESSION BILLS TO BE TAKEN UP
New Delhi, 28 January will be a meeting of opposition
parties on Monday. Nationalist
in the first phase of the Budget
session are February 5, 6, 7 and
Anwar (NCP) and Dushyant
| Key Bills likely to be taken up
motorcyclesintheIndian notaprofilingtool.Italsostress- All eyes will be on the Economic Congress Party (NCP) chief 8. Just four days. This govern- “We will leave no stone | Jan 29 — President’s address during the session
markets,accordingtoUnion edthattheAadhaardatais Survey on Monday, the first day Sharad Pawar has convened the ment cares two hoots about unturned for the passage of the to joint sitting
ministerNitinGadkari governedbystronglaws. of the crucial Budget session of meeting of all the leading oppo- Parliament,”saidDerekO’Brien, triple talaq Bill in the Rajya | Muslim Women (Protection of
(pictured).Aflex-fuelordual FieldingquestionsonTwitterin Parliament. The last full Budget sition parties to discuss their Trinamool Congress (TMC) Sabha... We will approach vari- | Jan 29 — Tabling of Economic Rights on Marriage) or Triple
fuelvehicleiscapableof alivechat,UIDAICEOAjay session of the 16th Lok Sabha parliamentary strategy for the leader in the Rajya Sabha. While ous political parties to evolve a Survey Talaq Bill (passed by LS)
operatingonbothpetroland BhushanPandeysaidthe will begin with President Ram Budget session as well as elec- January 30 is martyrs’ day, there consensus for its passage. Like | Feb 1 — Presentation of the
ethanol.Keentopromote Aadhaarisbasedonminimum Nath Kovind’s address to a joint toral strategy for the forthcom- is a parliamentary holiday on the GST (goods and services tax)
| Consumer Protection Bill
Union Budget (pending in LS)
electricvehiclesfleetaswellas informationandbiometrics sitting of the Lok Sabha and the ing Assembly and Lok Sabha January 31 on account of Guru was passed by consensus, this
vehiclesonalternativefuellike whichis"leastintrusive".Toa Rajya Sabha — his first after elections. Ravidas birth anniversary. Bill seeking to ban the practice | Jan 29 to Feb 9 — first half of | Negotiable Instruments
ethanol,Gadkarihasalsobeen specificqueryonwhetherthe being elected to the office. On Friday, Pawar had led a Some of key Bills slated to be of instant triple talaq (Talaq-e- the Budget session (Amendment) Bill
emphasisingtheneedto UIDAIwillgoforDNAprofilingin Finance Minister Arun ‘save the Constitution’ rally in taken up include the controver- Biddat) among the Muslims will | Feb 10 to Mar 4 — recess (pending in LS)
enhanceethanoloutputina future,Pandeysaid. PTI< Jaitely will table the Economic Mumbai on the occasion of the sial ‘triple talaq’ Bill. The gov- be passed,” parliamentary
bidtomovetowardsethanol- Surveyfor2017-18,daysaheadof Republic Day. Several opposi- ernment on Sunday said it will affairs minister Ananth Kumar | Mar 5 to Apr 6 — second half | State Banks (Repeal and
basedtransportation. PTI< the fifth and final full Budget of tion leaders participated in the “leave no stone unturned” to said. About the demand raised of the Budget session Amendment) Bill
India cheapest the current term of the rally. The first half of the Budget ensure the Bill is passed in the byvariouspartiesduringthelast (passed by LS)
EXIM Bank raises country to live in Narendra Modi government on session is from January 29 to Budget session. session that the Bill be referred issues of rape and atrocities on | National Medical
Thursday. Chief Economic February 9. After nearly a The government also con- to a select committee, he said it women, alleged attacks on the
$1 bn in LSE bond issue after S Africa: Survey Adviser Arvind Subramanian month-long break to give stand- vened an all-party meeting on was now the property of the Constitution and constitutional
Commission Bill (standing
Indiaisrankedsecondonlyto has announced a survey-dedi- ing committees time to study the eve of the session and it was Rajya Sabha. “Let the House institutions, plight of traders,
committee to submit report
TheExportImportBankofIndia SouthAfricaasthecheapest cated webpage — #economic- Budgetary grants, the two attended by Modi, union minis- decide,” Kumar said. farm distress and the recent on Friday)
hasraised$1billionwithabond countrytoliveorretire, survey18. Amid speculation that Houses will meet again for the ters Rajnath Singh, Arun Jaitley Political considerations will incident of communal violence | National Commission for
issuanceontheLondonStock accordingtoarecentsurveyof the Modi government is think- second half of the session from and Ananth Kumar, and lead- weigh with the government in in Uttar Pradesh. Opposition Backward Classes 123rd
Exchange(LSE).The10-year 112countries.Thesurveyby ing of advancing the Lok Sabha March 5 to April 6. The session ers of opposition parties among pushing the Bill. While elections parties will discuss their strate- Constitution Amendment
dollarbondswerenearlytwo GoBankingRatesranked election from April-May 2019 to will have 31 sittings — eight in others. The Opposition was rep- to Nagaland, Tripura and gy at the meeting that Pawar has Bill (returned to LS with
timesoversubscribed.The nationsonthebasisoffourkey November-December 2018, the the first half and 23 in the sec- resented at the meeting by Meghalaya will take place dur- called.
proceedsraisedwillbeusedby affordabilitymetricsprovided Economic Survey and the ond. Ghulam Nabi Azad, Mallikarjun ing the session recess, the The BJP parliamentary par-
theEXIMBanktosupportIndian byonlinepricingdatabase Budget will be gleaned for any After a truncated Winter ses- Kharge and Jyotiraditya Scindia Karnataka Assembly poll is ty executive will also hold a | Financial Resolution and
projectexports,overseas Numbeo.Themetricsare:local such indication, and whether sion, which ended on January 5, (Congress), Mulayam Singh scheduled within weeks of the meeting on Monday, which will Deposit Insurance Bill
investmentbywayoflongterm purchasingpowerindex,rent the Budget attempts to reach the first half of the Budget ses- Yadav (SP), D Raja (CPI), session ending in the first week be followed by one of the NDA (standing committee to give
creditanditslinesofcredit index,groceriesindex,and out to key constituencies of sionisalsoslatedtobeoneofthe Kanimozhi (DMK), Derek of April. constituents, to deliberate on its report on the last day of
portfolio. PTI< consumerpriceindex. PTI< urban middle class and rural shortest in recent times. O’Brien and Sudip The opposition is set to raise strategy for the session. the Budget session)
of commodity
derivatives soon FRDI Bill’s... IndiGo...
Globally, long-haul operations for LCCs are
“A large portion of ESIC verted into equity of banks through in)... This should be only applica- 686 districts in India and around growing rapidly. According to OAG, an air
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA (Employees’ State Insurance the bail-in clause, it will become ble to private sector banks. Workers 29.3 million workers were insured travel Intelligence company, this summer
Mumbai, 28 January Corporation) deposits is kept as difficult to extend medical bene- stand a risk of losing their hard- under the ESI scheme till March there will be more than 1,454 long-haul flights
fixed deposits in PSBs. This is fits committed to stakeholders as earned money because of this pro- 31, 2017. operated per week by 20 LCCs.
As it awaits Sebi guidelines on money collected from employers the money will become inaccessi- posal. We have strongly opposed The Union government has, in Last year, IAG, owner of British Airways,
universal exchanges, NSE has and employees for extending med- ble,” said a senior ESIC official. it,” said Rashtriya Swayamsevak the last couple of months, issued a launched Level, a low-cost brand. Lufthansa
said it will finalise its list of ical benefits to workers that will The ESIC is mandated to invest Sangh-affiliated Bharatiya series of clarifications to allay con- is expanding its low-cost subsidiary
commodity derivatives prod- come under threat. A bail-in clause 75 per cent of its funds in PSBs. “This Mazdoor Sangh President C K Saji cerns over the clause. Jaitley had Eurowings to new destinations. In Asia, Tony
uctstolaunchonitsplatformin is different than bail-out where the is workers’ money, which should be Narayanan. assured the Lok Sabha last month Fernandes-ledAirAsiahassuccessfullyimple-
next 1-2 months. government steps in to rescue fail- protected,” the official said. The ESI scheme applies to all that “the government is very clear” mented the long-haul low-cost model
Theleadingboursealsosaid ing financial institutions. The for- The ministry has raised these factories and establishments, that it would “fully protect” depos- through AirAsia X. The finalisation of long-
it has made the required tech- mer is a hands-off approach,” said concerns before a joint parliamen- including shops, hotels, restau- itors’ money in case a PSB fails. haul operations through an organic way is
nological changes for such a senior labour and employment tary committee of both the rants, cinemas, and road transport “Bail-in will be only sparingly perhapsanindicationofIndiGo’sdiminishing
trades. The National Stock modity derivative products, ministry official. Houses, which is examining the undertakings, employing at least used. PSBs will effectively not be interest in acquiring state-owned Air India.
Exchange (NSE), which is look- which would be fit for trading Around ~460 billion, which Bill and holding discussions with 10 workers. While 4.75 per cent of a subject to bail-in provisions. IndiGo is the only airline which has so far for-
ing to offer trade in commodi- in the market, the NSE official constitutes 77 per cent of its cor- stakeholders and the finance min- worker’s monthly salary goes Depositors need not have any mally expressed interest to invest in the
ty derivatives such as energy added. It is planning to launch pus, was invested by the ESIC in istry, according to government towards ESI as the employer’s con- apprehensions,” Department of national carrier. “We remain interested in
and metals, is currently engag- trading in energy and metals. PSBs’ fixed deposits till sources. tribution, 1.75 per cent of the Economic Affairs Secretary acquiring the international operations of Air
ing brokers and other market “We are engaging with bro- March 31, 2017. The panel, headed by Rajya income is the employee’s share. Subhash Chandra Garg said earlier India, but as we have said previously, we will
participants for shortlisting kers and other market inter- The remaining money, in the Sabha Member Bhupender Yadav, Workers drawing a monthly salary this month. explore the long-haul opportunity with or
such products with an aim to mediaries for the purpose. The fund of ~594 billion, was invested will likely present its report to of up to ~21,000 are entitled to Bail-in amounts to holders of without Air India,” IndiGo president Aditya
bring in a diversification in the process of finalising the prod- as special deposits with the cen- Parliament on the last day of the medical benefits owing to sickness, liabilities bearing a part of the cost Ghosh said in last week’s post-results call with
segment. On December 28 last ucts should be completed in 1- tral government in 2016-17. upcoming Budget session. disability, and death due to an of resolution and it is one of many analysts.
year, the markets watchdog 2 months. We do not want to “The ESIC is supposed to look The central trade unions, too, occupational disease or work-relat- resolution tools in the FRDI Bill, Minister of State for Civil Aviation Jayant
Securities and Exchange Board restrict ourselves from trading after the interests of the workers, have opposed the clause. “We have ed injury along with maternity including acquisition and merger, Sinha recently said the government would
of India (Sebi) had announced in any asset class or product in who are its contributors. If a por- demanded the finance ministry benefits. ESIC dispensaries and the finance ministry had said in a not carve out the international business and
that from October 2018, the the segment,” he added. tion of the ESIC’s corpus is con- withdraw clause 52 (related to bail- hospitals are present in 503 of the statement on January 2. instead look to sell it as an integrated airline.
country will have a unified While noting that many
exchangeregimewhereinstock brokerages are in process of
exchanges will be allowed to
offer trading in commodities
derivatives. Detailed guidelines
consolidating their commodity
and equity businesses,
Varanasi said any plans to offer
Rush to find ‘suitable’ car dealers
are awaited. commercial incentives to trad- Realising the need to reduce the Brands like Maruti have a policy be a shortage of right and experi- always lucrative to invest in the auto said.
“Our technology platform is ing members for transactions burden on future investments in of not letting their dealers invest in enced dealer partners who under- dealership business as the market Puneet Anand, general manager
ready for commodity deriva- in commodity derivatives will dealerships, especially in cities, rival brands and this also limits the stand the business and are commit- is crowded and there is competition and group head (marketing) at
tive trading. Whatever techno- be taken closer to the launch of Maruti Suzuki has ventured into cre- number of eligible investors. ted to it. The disappointment of from the same brand as well as rivals Hyundai, says financial health,
logical changes were required the segment. “Besides, we are ating a pool of land parcels. The Recently, Hyundai (which has a lib- dealers of brands like General in the same city. “We have been reg- understanding the automobile busi-
has already been made for the also going to conduct pro- company is learnt to be investing ~8 eral dealership policy) stopped its Motors and Fiat Chrysler ularly observing that most players ness and customers, and local mar-
segment,” NSE Chief of grammes to help brokers billion in land parcels in the current 60 dealers from applying for deal- Automobiles has turned investors open touch points without ade- ket conditions are key to running
Business Development Ravi understand the segment and financial year (FY18). Maruti has a erships of Kia, its sister brand. Kia, cautious. Amit Kaushik, managing quately evaluating the region’s automobile dealerships in India.
Varanasi said. its potential as well as make network of 2,500 sales outlets Peugeot, and MG are likely to start director for India at Urban Science potential and the viability of the The company has 490 dealerships
The exchange is in the them aware of its usefulness,” (including Nexa) and is planning to retailing cars in 2019. (a company advising carmakers in investor. This has created a loss- and will add another 100 in three
process of shortlisting com- he said. add another 1,000 by 2020. Industry experts say there will network development), says it is not making business in many cases,” he years.
pre-IPO stage
specific category of shareholders, like
employees with stock options, are
If the BJP is not confident about its permitted to sell before one year of
listing. By the time an investor can
re-election prospects, it's more sell there is a possibility that market
starts correcting and so does the com-
likely to push things in a hurry They can earn super-normal profits, pany’s stock.
As wealthy investors are eyeing
Barring black swan events, but any delay in the offer would mean this space in a big way there has also
the Budget will be the chief been proliferation if intermediaries.
topic of concern this week. a longer holding period Investors need to be careful of the
Expectations include intermediaries they are dealing with.
measures designed to TINESH BHASIN Investment management compa-
accelerate infrastructure nies point out that such transactions
creation, and lots of give- or high net-worth individu- are fraught with risk of fraud. There
aways for farmers and the als (HNIs), getting the have been cases of unscrupulous
rural hinterland. There are desired allotment in initial intermediaries collecting money
fears that fiscal prudence public offerings (IPOs) has become from investors and not delivering
MARKET INSIGHT will be compromised and difficult. In Amber Enterprises shares. Investors should stock to bro-
some long-term capital India issue, for example, the non- kers known to them or their invest-
DEVANGSHU DATTA gains (LTCG) tax on equity institutional category was sub- ment advisors.
may be introduced. There scribed 519.26 times. Consequently, Wealth managers also say that as
are hopes that corporate tax rates will be cut, and that many HNIs are actively looking at more and more investors chase pre-
personal income tax slabs will be upgraded. other places for hefty returns. One IPO deals, the sellers are offering it at
The market will not react negatively to sops for rural cit- option, which has emerged in aggressive valuations. Going for-
izens. Indeed, there is already an investor focus on com- recent times, are companies which ward, it may get difficult to get a high
panies that may be good plays in terms of affordable hous- are planning to go for an IPO in a discount to the listing price. Even at
ing, tractors, tillers, fertilisers, cement, steel etc. The market few months. present price discovery can be a
will also respond positively to construction and infra devel- Getting shares in the unlisted
Not all public offers make money Top 5 IPO subscriptions in HNI category challenge for an investor if he does-
opers if there's some attempt to speed up project financ- companies at the pre-IPO stage After one year Company IPO size Subscription* n’t have professional help as little
ing and implementation. Even an expansion of the MNRE- means an investor can get a higher Year Number Stocks below Stocks above (~ mn) (times) information is available about
of IPOs issue price issue price
GA budget could be discounted positively as a rural number of shares than in an IPO and Apollo Micro Systems 1,585 966.4 unlisted companies.
consumption-booster. at a lower price. “To get a higher expo- 2012 5 4 1
However, if the rural focus comes at the cost of an sure, wealthy investors they are hap- 2013 3 0 3 Capacit'e Infraprojects 4,000 647.1 Spread risks though funds: Those
expanding fiscal deficit (FD), foreign portfolio investors py to go up the risk curve and take an 2014 5 1 4 CDSL 5,240 558.0 investors who don’t have the time and
(FPI) in particular, will be unhappy. The FD will be the exposure at an early stage of the IPO 2015 19 8 11 inclination to analyse the companies
most-watched macro-number in this election-year Budget cycle – even 12-18 months before the Astron Paper & Board Mills 700 394.1 in depth, are better off with funds
2016 28 21 7
because there is the temptation to abandon prudence and planned listings, at times,” says MAS Financial Services 4,608 380.8 focussed on such deals. A few com-
Note: Only companies raising above ~500 million are considered
just spend. The rupee has strengthened a lot over the past Prateek Pant, head of products and Source: Exchanges Compiled by BS Research Bureau *Number of times IPO oversubscribed, Note: Subscription figures only for panies such as IIFL Asset
non-institutional bidders for past one year. Source: Exchanges
year against the dollar. If the FD does expand, it may trig- solutions at Sanctum Wealth Management and Edelweiss Group,
ger an FPI sell off, leading to a rebound for the dollar. Management. have such AIF funds, where mini-
In addition to fears of higher expenditure, there is an Investment managers point out Getting into the game: Most HNIs in managing partner and head of fam- global institutions in the company, mum investments as mandated by
apprehension that indirect tax collections might under- that there’s high demand for compa- the pre-IPO space acquire shares ily office, ASK Wealth Advisors. If it gives them comfort. Sebi is ~10 million.
shoot. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) hasn’t yet settled nies in banking, financial services through intermediaries. The inter- investors expect to make 12-15 per By investing in a fund, the
down and it's unclear what the split of state-Centre allo- and insurance (BFSI) space. At pres- mediaries can be stockbrokers or cent in equities, return expectations Liquidity will be an issue: There’s investor can diversify across compa-
cations will be, as well. Given a trend of falling GST col- ent, investors are scouting for oppor- individuals who have acquired a sig- from pre-IPO investment should be also the risk of the delay in IPOs due nies at a smaller amount. “Funds get
lections in the last three months, and the short-term dis- tunities in companies such as Hero nificant number of shares from an 17-20 per cent. to regulatory clearance or the com- better deals from institutional
ruption (we hope) it has caused, indirect tax estimates Fincorp, UTI Asset Management existing investor or employees with While there are could be many pany calling off the fund-raising plans investors looking to sell a significant
will be carefully studied. Company, HDB Financial Services (a stock options, and then sell them in opportunities available, investment due to market conditions. Wealth stake. Even their evaluation criteria
In 2017-18, investors assumed there would be a large subsidiary of HDFC Bank), parts at a profit. At times an existing advisors say that they first look at the managers point out the case of are far superior to what individual
error factor in indirect tax estimates as GST was impend- Metropolitan Stock Exchange of investor wants to offload part of his uniqueness of the sector. They usu- National Stock Exchange where the investors can do,” says Prashasta
ing. The error factors are also likely to be pretty large in India, FINO Paytech and Smaaash stake and a group of HNI investors ally prefer companies that don’t have IPO got delayed due to its pending Seth, CEO, IIFL Asset Management.
2018-19. There’s been a vast amount of chopping and Entertainment, according to indus- acquire them. Promoters selling a many or no listed peers at all. “If there co-location case with Securities and Seth says that the fund looks at his-
changing, which makes it impossible to guess the collec- try sources. part of their stake is not common. are many listed peers available, return Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has torical data, there are multiple
tion trends. As the disruptive effect eases off, collections While there’s potential to make These deals can give investors expectation should be close to listed caused uncertainty. “Exiting compa- rounds of discussions with the seller,
should climb but we don’t know how long it will take. higher returns to listed equities, it high returns when markets are doing equities,” says Agarwal. At present, nies whose IPOs are delayed can be view on industry experts are sought,
The other question-mark is about imposts on petrol, carries much higher risks compared well. Investors, however, need to one can look at stock exchanges, difficult as there’s no formal mecha- there are meetings with the manage-
diesel, etc. if crude prices continue to climb, high retail to listed companies. Investors need to keep return expectation practical small banks and so on. nism to trade shares in unlisted com- ment, there are checks on the sup-
prices will become a political hot-potato. This may put tread with caution. If they don’t have from the bouquet of investments Apart from doing the valuation panies,” says Abhijit Bhave, CEO at pliers and so on.
pressure on indirect tax collections, and therefore, the the time to evaluate the companies, they make. “These investments and evaluating future earnings, Karvy Private Wealth. Wealth managers do agree with
Budget might seek other revenue channels. they can look at a few Alternative should give an alpha (risk-adjusted analysts looking at such deals then Bhave also suggests that when an the reasoning, they say that AIFs can
That brings us to a possible change in the LTCG tax. Investment Funds (AIF) launched returns) over listed equities of three- look at other investors in the com- investor gets into such deals, he have high fee and profit sharing that
There have been rumours that LTCG tax will be imposed that focus on this space. five per cent,” says Nishant Agarwal, pany. If there are well-known should be willing to stay invested for investors need to bear in mind.
in some form or another, on equity. Now, LTCG is a tax-cat-
egory with complex and variable tenures and rates. Across
assets such as real-estate, equity, jewellery and debt,
accepted tenures for classification as ‘long-term’ are all dif-
ferent; the tax rates are also different. GST & YOU
LTCG for equity (and equity mutual funds) isn’t subject
to any tax if assets are held for over 12 months. That tenure respectively. GST law also pro- of goods/inputs used for making invoice series for the same year, deposit tax under reverse charge.
might be bumped up to two years. Or, there could be a tax vides an option to supply the such goods which are subse- so long as the same series is not In such cases, the registered per-
imposed. In compensation, the double tax on dividend inputs or capital goods from the quently supplied as samples used across financial years. You son is required to issue a self-
may be cut, or the securities transaction tax might be cut place of business of the job work- without charging any considera- may have a different invoice invoice at the time of receipt of
or removed. er subject to the condition that tion, shall not be available as series for each location having goods or services and a payment
Another possibility: short-term equity profits will be you have to declare the place of input tax credit. consecutive serial numbers run- voucher at the time of making
added to other income for tax computation instead of business of the job-worker as ning across that series. payment to the supplier.
being taxed at a flat rate of 15 per cent. This could more your additional place of business, GST law prescribes that a dealer
than double collections since the average equity investor if the job-worker is not a regis- should maintain a consecutive Are there any prescribed limits Will GST be applicable on air
is in the highest income tax bracket. Taxing equity would- tered person. serial number for invoices issued below which a registered per- travel undertaken on or after
n’t bother FPIs, who work out of tax havens. But it may hurt in respect of supply of goods. If a son is not liable to deposit tax July 1, 2017, on tickets issued
the retail segment. What are the requirements for dealer is supplying goods from under the reverse charge before July 1, 2017, on which
Political promises mean little, but Mr Jaitley said he clearance of physician samples multiple locations, will there be mechanism? Also, what are the service tax was collected and dis-
would lower corporate tax rates to 25 per cent, all of three AMIT BHAGAT distributed free of cost? any requirement to maintain the documents that need to be charged?
years ago. This is his last chance. If he does, that could lend Under the GST law, supplies with- serial number of the invoice issued in case of a deposit of As the service tax has already
some upwards impetus. Start-ups are also praying that the I am a manufacturer of ready- out consideration to unrelated centrally? tax under reverse charge? been collected and discharged by
tax department will iron out dodgy interpretations of treat- made garments. If I send any parties are not liable to GST. CGST rules provides that an the airlines on the tickets issued
ing equity investments as capital gains. Individuals also inputs to the job worker, will it Generally, samples are supplied invoice shall have 'a consecutive Reverse charge on supply of prior to July 1, 2017, airlines shall
hope that the income tax exemption limit and tax brack- be treated as taxable supply? Can on a free of cost basis. Such sup- serial' number not exceeding six- goods or services received by a not be required to charge GST on
ets would be rationalised upwards to some degree. I supply the goods after comple- plies shall not be liable to GST as teen characters, in one or multi- registered person from an unreg- such tickets even though the trav-
Beyond this, the Budget could give us some clues about tion of job work from the place of long as these are supplied to an ple series, containing alphabets istered person has been deferred el date is on or after 1 July 2017.
the disinvestment process and bank recapitalisation plans. business of the job worker? unrelated party. or numerals or special characters till March 31, 2018. For other sup-
My take is that the degree of urgency in these areas You can send your inputs or capi- The GST law specifically hyphen or dash and slash sym- plies of goods or services which The writer is tax partner, PwC India.
depends on the degree of the government's confidence tal goods to a job worker without restricts input tax credit in bolised as '-' and '/' respectively, are subject to a mandatory Aditya Khanna, associate director, PwC
about being re-elected in 2019. If the BJP is less than con- payment of tax and also bring respect of goods disposed of by and any combination thereof, reverse charge, no limit has been contributed to this column. The views
fident about its re-election prospects, it's more likely to back the same, after completion, way of free samples. The tax paid unique for a financial year. A sup- prescribed below which a regis- expressed are experts’ own. Send your
push through things in a hurry. within one year or three years by the supplier for procurement plier can maintain multiple tered person is not liable to queries to
sportswear brands
with a full-fledged women’s
footwear range for ‘active
personalise the brand promise. A recent study by Kantar TNS looks at the
lifestyle’ that includes boots for contentious issue of data exchange and what it means for brands. Anusheel
hiking/trekking/commuting. Shrivastava, executive vice president, India, Kantar TNS said, “The desire to
“We expanded our range for connect via social media has been the driving force behind a substantial part of
women in winter. That saw a the digital revolution in India, and as a result, engagement and trust on social
How brands such as Puma, Wildcraft, Woodlands are rewriting the marketing lot of good traction,” says platforms continues to be high. Brands need to act responsibly online to
Siddharth Sood. He and maintain the trust that they currently hold”
playbook to cater to women consumers PHOTO: ISTOCK Gaurav Dublish say that 2018
will see the brand get more 5 steps to build trust with “To build and way up with the
Companies say that women women-centric. consumers and data protect trust,consumer
consumers could bring in “Going forward I would see | Show your hand: Be | Offer the right
almost half the sales revenue the tilt is going to be more brands need
transparent and tell people personal benefit: Ensure
in the sports and fitness towards women, with almost
why you need their data
to put the that there is a culturally
wear and gear category 60 per cent of the shop floor
allocated to women’s wear and | Play up safety cues:
customer first”
appropriate incentive
40 per cent for men,” says Showcase high safety ANUSHEEL for the data share
Bijoor. With women on the standards and ability to SHRIVASTAVA | Give back: Brands that
radar, the companies say that resist breaches Executive VP, India, are ready to share
design will play a bigger role in Kantar TNS processed data develop
their scheme of things this | Stagger data requests: Start
with the safest and most more meaningful
year. Puma’s Majumder says,
“Just because we are sports fit- relevant information, and work your relationships with customers
ness brand, we are not shying
away from getting into fash-
ion.” Puma sys it sees itself as a CONCERN AROUND USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION
brand that is not just aspira-
tional, but also one that is fash-
ionable and innovative.
By listening to what women
40% of global users are concerned about
the amount of personal infromation
that companies know about them
want, Singh believes that
brands can widen their scope 60%
of influence. It is a matter of 51% 45%
T E NARASIMHAN only for the products, even in store was for men, now there ran a campaign with women changing the mindset and if 32% 20%
Chennai, 28January our campaigns we focus on is equal division with a full athletes and had Deepika brands can really do that, he 15%
women customers,” Harkirat floor catering to women as Padukone helm its initiative to adds, they will find that they
or years sportswear Singh, managing director of well as for men,” says Harish promote sports among women. can reach out to the entire fam- USA France Hong Kong Nigeria Thailand Philippines
brands have had their Aero Group that owns the Bijoor, a Bengaluru based Women are more demand- ily of consumers. Women are
eyes trained on men. But Woods and Woodlands brands brand consultant. ing, cost conscious and at the also more experimental with
now women, with their grow- says. He adds that 40 per cent Today women have more same time loyal consumers, their tastes and that means that OBJECT TO CONNECTED DEVICES OPENNESS TO SHARING
ing engagement with the cate- of the products in his company spending power and are more says Singh and adds that both brands have to pay more atten-
gory and rising purchasing are being designed for women. inclined towards sportswear, Woods and Woodland used to tion to design and variety with-
of people globally of people globally are
power, are forcing global and
local labels to realign their gaze.
While some companies are
While the Indian market for
sportswear and gear for
women is still a small percent-
casual athletic wear and fitness
and training gear say the com-
panies. Abhishek Ganguly,
get around 15-20 per cent of
their business from women but
today it is already around 35
in the labels.
Most brands believe that
marketing for women also
43% object to connected
devices monitoring
39% open to sharing more
information online, if
using women’s voices to con- age of the total, companies say managing director, Puma per cent. “Women will bring in means aligning the brand to a their activities they are offered a reward in return
vey their brands’ messages and that it is growing so rapidly India, speaking to the media 50 per cent and then overtake gender-related social causes.
some are aligning with women that they would be foolish to last year had stated that he men in the segment in the next Puma for instance says that Indonesia 18% Brazil 63%
achievers in sports, the chang- ignore its potential. expects good growth in the one or two years,” Singh says. it wants to bring in independ-
ing gender play is forcing women’s wear category and the The owners of Wildcraft, an ent voices to take up issues Thailand 22% India 48%
everyone to take a fresh look at Not just pink and shrink segment to cross 30 per cent of Indian outdoor and adventure that women face on a routine
branding, product design and For a long time men were the the business by 2018. Puma has products brand, Siddharth basis. Such communication, Kenya 35% Nigeria 41%
retail strategies. sole focus of sportswear mar- roped in Bollywood actor Disha Sood and Gaurav Dublish are Majumder believes has a cer-
Debosmita Majumder, keters. Women bought from Patani as endorser and will bullish on women consumers tain amount of stickiness. 54% 35%
UK Australia
head of Marketing, Puma the men’s section or not at all. soon launch a women-focused too. Their brand is growing at Earlier Reebok had used
India, says “We saw a poten- And then came the ‘shrink and campaign in the country. 30-35 per cent and they see Kangana Ranaut to speak up 54%
tial in women as a category to pink’ strategy, which meant Both Reebok and Nike have women accounting for close to against eve-teasing gender- HongKong Greece 23%
grow way back in 2016 and the offering the same designs and done that in the past. A year 40-50 per cent of sales. related pay discrimination. 59%
brand has been capitalising on choices as men but, in smaller ago, Reebok brought in Wildcraft too plans to go down USA Denmark 12%
that through marketing and sizes and feminine colours. Kangana Ranaut as brand Fitness, fashion and the same route, a campaign
(targeted) offerings.” Others “Typically, it used to be ambassador and set up stores social causes around women’s issues is on Source: The Data Debate: Creating fairer value exchanges between people and brands, Kantar TNS
are doing that too. “Today not around 90 per cent of the managed only by women. Nike The heightened attention from the cards.
Max/min temperatures in C
everything in coach (8) sports enthusiast (8)
ACROSS 27 Place of fancy ? (5,3) NATIONAL
19 Disasters in which little credit
8 Sportingly Mr. Brookes came in 28 Bird seems quietly affectionate remains (7) Ahmedabad . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 31/3
gay surroundings ! (6) (6) Aizawl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 17/3
21 I see he is beastly, yet with great
9 There’s no confusion after the
power (6) Bengaluru . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 29/14
go-ahead (3-5)
DOWN 23 Dies when one tramples on it (6) Bhopal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 29/13
10 Hardworking princess with tin
leg, perhaps ? (8) 1 A daughter in jolly pickle (8) 24 Bound to have lines in the circuit Bhubaneswar Partly cloudy 30/14
11 Fashionable national leader, 2 A negative which, if flat isn’t (6) Chandigarh . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 23/11
outwardly young and vigorous developed (6) Chennai . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 29/22
(6) 3 Stimulate with increased Delhi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 23/11
12 Head back in a wild rage, here intensive publicity (4,2) Guwahati . . . . . . .Partly cloudy 23/14
comes someone like the Major ! 4 A few cells together is what the Hyderabad . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 32/17
(8) artillery has (7) SOLUTION to #2946
Imphal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 21/8
13 Whose is the change, sir? (6)
5 Great affinity with keenly Indore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 29/14
14 Teeming with support for illegal SOLUTION TO #2410
Mexican immigrant (7)
contested cup match (5,3) Very easy: Kochi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 33/22
6 Lace nets of superlative Solution tomorrow Kolkata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 24/11
17 From Rochester maybe, not from
Canterbury (7) neatness? (8)
Lucknow . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 21/7
7 A man of stone (6) HOW TO PLAY
20 Face it, it’s just an Mangalore . . . . . . .Partly cloudy 33/22
advertisement about a cafe (6) 15 Gymnasium event finishes poor
Fill in the grid so
that every row, Mumbai . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 32/22
22 Not put off, tackled crossword people on them (4,4)
every Pune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 33/21
again? (8) 16 They may well be employed in column and every Srinagar . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 11/-2
25 Puts the lid on C, more than S (6) checking (8) 3x3 box contains
26 What market traders pay for Surat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 35/22
18 Assassin said to be a winter- the digits 1 to 9
Thiru’puram . . . . . . . . . . .Sunny 32/23
he Union government’s move to the Left-affiliated Centre of Indian
allows piecemeal appeals against allow industries to hire contract Trade Unions and the Congress-affili-
interim awards. The court prefers a consolidated appeal. workers in ancillary businesses ated Indian National Trade Union
The recommendation was made in its judgment, IFFCO vs and non-core activity has not found Congress strongly opposed the move
Bhadra Products. In the dispute between IFFCO and Bhadra takers among both employers and and said both core and non-core activ-
over a tender for defoamers, a retired Supreme Court judge trade unions. ities were essential in “integrated
was appointed arbitrator. He passed an interim order on The labour and employment min- activities” of an establishment. The
the question of limitation. This was challenged before the istry held a discussion on January 19 RSS-supporting Bharatiya Mazdoor
Orissa High Court by IFFCO. The question was whether the with businesses and unions on its pro- Sangh said hiring of contract labour in
interim order on limitation could be challenged as an posals to amend the Contract Labour work of perennial nature should be
interim award. The Attorney General said yes, but Bhadra (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970. banned in both core and non-core
argued it was only a question of jurisdiction and could not In a bid to strike a balance between activities in an establishment.
be called an interim award. The high court dismissed the the contrasting demands, the govern- While unions have been demand-
IFFCO appeal. The Supreme Court, however, set aside the ment had proposed amending Section ing a prohibition on the hiring of con-
high court view and stated that the interim award could be 10 of the Act that deals with abolishing tract labour in various categories of
challenged. The law says that an award includes an interim of contract workers as and when jobs, business has always demanded
award. But, in a given case, more than one award may be demanded by the workers. flexibility in hiring of labour.
necessary. In such cases, the arbitrator should consider The aim of the 1970 Act is “to regu- The government’s proposal was
“whether there is a real advantage in delivering an interim late the employment of contract labour based on the recommendations of the
award or in proceeding with the matter as a whole and in certain establishments and to pro- Second National Commission on Labour
delivering one final award. Ultimately a fair means for vide for its abolition in certain circum- in 2002. “Contract labour shall not be
resolution of all disputes should be uppermost in the mind stances.” According to Section 10, a engaged for core production, services or
of the arbitration tribunal,” the judgment said. Central Advisory Contract Labour activities. However, for sporadic season-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Board recommends abolishing of this al demand, the employer may engage
category in certain areas of an entity temporary labour for core production or
Notice before cancelling trademark based on various parameters, including service activity,” it had said.
The Bombay High Court has ruled that whether the work was of perennial However, both unions and the
the registration of a trademark cannot nature or not. The central government, staffing industry cheered the govern-
be removed without giving notice to based on the Board’s recommenda- CONTRACT LABOUR (REGULATION AND ABOLITION) ACT, 1970 ment’s proposal for mandating con-
the company owning it. Even if the tions, bans hiring of contract labour tractors to obtain a one-time national
owner of the trademark neglects to through an official notification. Objective: To regulate What the govt wants: abolished in perennial nature of work, licence, valid for three years, from the
apply for renewal of the trademark, the The ministry had proposed on the the employmentof To change the criterion based on core irrespective of whether it is in core or central government, to work anywhere
Registrar of Trade Marks cannot one hand, discouraging hiring of con- contractlabour in and non-core activity in an establishment non-core area in an establishment in the country. Under Section 13 of the
unilaterally remove the name, the high court stated in its tract workers in “core activity” of certain establishments present contract labour law, contrac-
judgment, Kleenage Products Ltd vs Registrar of Trade businesses and, on the other, allow- Allow contract labour in non-core Contract labour should be made tors are required to obtain a licence
and to provide for its
Marks. In this case, the company was using its registered ing hiring of such workers in “non- activity and discourage contract labour permanent if employed continuously for undertaking each project from dif-
abolition in certain
trademark Klitolin for its washing and cleaning core activity”. The present law sug- circumstances in core activity in an establishment for more than two years ferent state governments.
preparations for a long time. But in 2009, it inadvertently gests a firm cannot hire contract “Local contractors often exploit
failed to apply for renewal of registration. The registrar then workers in jobs perennial in nature or Criterion for Why business is opposing this: Where govt and unions do not workers and monitoring them
removed the trademark from the list. He also did not permit round-the-clock. abolishing contract Difficult to distinguish between core see eye-to-eye: becomes an issue for the government.
the company to renew or re-register the name. The “The issues arising out of the pres- labour: Based on and non-core activity in changing Former thinks business should get a A three-year national licence for con-
company moved the high court against the denial and ent law were that the industry was whether workin an business environment free hand to hire contract workers for tractors will lead to transparency,
succeeded. The judgment emphasised that if the registered apprehensive in hiring contract workers establishmentis of activities such as housekeeping, avoid duplication of efforts and will
The move will tie its hands in employ-
proprietor did not apply for renewal, the Registrar must for non-core activities such as house- perennial nature or gardening, security, catering and ensure staffing organisations are cau-
notify him of the approaching expiry of the trademark. Prior keeping, gardening, security, catering
ing contract labour in core areas of work. tious about conducting its business,”
not. Lawdiscourages Will impact automobile firms the most maintenance of establishment
notice is a mandatory requirement because loss of the and maintenance of establishment,” contractlabour Rituparna Chakraborty, co-founder
trademark has serious consequences for the company. The said a senior ministry official “And, As these activities are carried out and executive vice-president at
hiring in perennial How trade unions see it: throughout the year, unions are making
court directed the Registrar to consider the company’s these are activities in which an estab- TeamLease Services said. Adding the
application for renewal of the trademark. lishment requires workers throughout
nature ofwork Contract labour should continue to be a case for permanency in these areas move was in line with the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the year. So, trade unions argue that it’s International Labour Organisation’s
perennial in nature in a way.” Convention 181 on private employ-
Samsung gets relief on VAT However, all the employer bodies its core businesses, too. In an automo- workers,” said an industry executive, ment. “With technological advances, ment agencies.
The Allahabad High Court has ruled unanimously opposed the move in the bile company, nearly one-third of the on condition of anonymity. what is core and non-core activity is “The move will ensure contractors
that Samsung (India) Electronics is not January 19 meeting, sources said. “It is workers are on its payroll and the rest Another executive said the biggest becoming fuzzy. Hence, wrong inter- with a good track record and highest
liable to pay VAT (value-added tax) highly unlikely that the proposal will are contract workers. So, for instance, worry will be distinguishing core and pretation (of the definition) can lead to level of compliance are able to obtain
separately on the mobile phone pack go through. Industry hires a signifi- in the car assembly department, there non-core activity in an establishment challenges and disputes,” said Pradeep a licence from the central govern-
which also contains its charger. The cant proportion of contract workers in are both permanent and contract in the changing business environ- Bhargava, president, Employers’ ment,” she added.
commissioner of commercial taxes
had maintained that the charger,
although sold as part of a composite package, was liable
“We are competing with big pharma “The main model workshop business failed. “It is important for enterprises to
companies but do not have similar We came at a time when real estate prices make investments in reskilling and
resources. We have to find a way to were very high. The same locations are upskilling employees and prepare
succeed with very limited resources” today available at 50 per cent rent” them for digital-age careers”
Chairman, Wockhardt Chairman and managing director, Carnation Auto Chief executive officer and managing director, TCS
> .
too complex by consumers extent is possible, tea preferences vary greatly seen your average ticket size go up. So, what
are the innovations driving your food
Consumers perceive the telecom market to be too across regions, NITIN SALUJA tells Sangeeta Tanwar experiments?
Our average ticket size with tea and food
complex. With six in 10 smartphone users grappling with included is ~250. It is natural behaviour for
the complexity of mobile data plans, there is considerable NITIN SALUJA Given the varying palate of Indians how have people to ask for something to eat with tea.
misalignment between what users buy and what they use. you developed standardised products for We have been tapping into this need. Over the
Founder & CEO, Chaayos
With only three in 10 smartphone users satisfied with the consumers with individual choices? last five years, our food menu has become
way their operator presents plans online, the digital Our starting point was to figure out what kind more conducive for all day consumption.
telecom experience is neither simple nor effortless. This is of tea the country drinks. And the answer to Now we have food offerings that consumers
one of the six calls to action from consumers that How did you identify the business that is, there is no one tea that India drinks. can pick from morning to night to go with tea.
operators need to act upon to provide a foundation for opportunity in chai cafés? Tea made in my house would be different This roundness of the food menu has come
adoption of 5G technology, according to an Ericsson We are a tea drinking nation. A tea café chain than that in yours. Within families people about as a result of constant innovation. For
report titled Towards a 5G consumer future. The report was possibly something that was waiting to make and consume different types of tea. example, we wanted to come up with a
represents the views of 800 million smartphone users. happen. Imagine, in terms of business There is no one type of chai. Thus, we decided paratha offering for a good two years.
Consumers also opportunity on the consumption side, we are that we are not going to give you Chaayos tea, Initially, we came up with a stuffed paratha
aren’t counting on looking at about 30 cups of tea and one cup of rather we will give each consumer “meri but soon realised that we could not keep it
unlimited data plans, coffee. Today, all the coffee brands put waali chai”. So, we custom-make every tea crisp and super savoury. After working on it
but are looking for a together account for 2,000 cafés. In the and this calls for extensive training for two years, we ditched it. Next,
sense of the unlimited. evolution of coffee cafés, Starbucks has been of our boys and girls in the café. We With changing we got a Malabar paratha saying
The average able to achieve what it has in the West have invested heavily in consumption we will not put anything inside the
smartphone user has because they are coffee drinking nations. technology in the background so behaviour and paratha but put the stuffing on top
31 gigabytes of unused Back in India the question that we asked that we can consistently come up preferences, of it. People lapped it up calling it a
mobile data left over ourselves was, what is it that the bulk of India with your (consumer’s) version of consumers today desi pizza with the stuffing on top.
per year. Two in five is looking for? In the West people wake up cup of tea. With access to a lot of are open to With changing consumption
consumers would like to use this excess as currency and and head for their favourite brewery. In India, consumer data, we have been able experimentation. behaviour and preferences,
expect to be able to save, trade or gift unused data. most of us reach out for a cup of tea. Talk of to standardise and perfect our This works in consumers today are open to
Faster broadband speeds and fair wireless contracts tea and we realise that Indian kitchens end up internal processes of picking the our favour experimenting and trying new
are considered more important than the data buckets that with the same brand of tea year after year on right tea leaves, quantity of ginger, things. And this works in our
dominate the market. Also, contrary to the belief that their shelves. Unlike coffee where sugar and other ingredients to serve up “meri favour. Our Malabar paratha goes well with
consumers are uninterested in 5G, globally the idea of 5G standardisation to some extent is possible, waali chai”. This way ordering becomes easy. lunch and dinner. We also have mutton
services appeals to 76 per cent smartphone users; 44 per tea preferences vary greatly across north, The objective is to perfect the ability of cutlet and bun samosa. The entire spread
cent are in fact willing to pay for 5G. Over a third expect 5G south, east and west. In fact, within families, making the same cup of tea (according to of the menu is centred on chai. We run our
to offer capabilities beyond speed, network coverage and every member has a variant of “meri waali individual preferences) over and over again. own kitchen spread across 2,000 square
lower prices: improvements such as better battery life and chai” (my cup of tea). The idea is to ensure that every customer feet with 35 people. The food is directly
the ability to connect not only devices but also Internet of Since the tea palate of Indian varies vastly, looks at Chaayos with a high degree of delivered to our cafés from this
Things. Moving towards a 5G future, consumers are from day one we decided that however reliability of getting her own variant of a cup centralised kitchen.
calling on operators to avoid baseless marketing slogans arduous a task it may be but we will offer our of tea every time she visits Chaayos. The
and instead focus on real network experience. customers “meri waali chai”. moment we do this, it is game won for us. More on
BSE price in ~ Jan 19, ‘18 Jan 25, ’18 % chg The stock of Larsen & Toubro (L&T) scaled to new highs and NOT ONLY HURT MARKET SENTIMENT, BUT ALSO
Vakrangee 445.6 505.4 13.4 was among the top Sensex gainers on Thursday. Rising order
Escorts 771.1 835.5 8.4
inflows is providing confidence on the company’s prospects
Tech Mahindra 552.6 598.6 8.3 and analysts believe that a revival in execution of large DEFINITION COULD BE INCREASED TO THREE YEARS”
IDBI Bank 60.4 65.0 7.6 domestic orders secured by L&T in recent times will drive SANJAYMOOKIM
ONGC 193.6 208.3 7.6 earnings India equity strategist, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
nsurance was 24.4 17.5 per cent; a near two-fold player, SBI Life is Citi’s top pick in
among key themes 22.4 increase over the past year. While the sector. Its strong distribution that cars would, sooner or later, have to run
that played out last 20 the share of high-yielding partici- network led by State Bank of on bio-fuels or batteries, many market
year, whether life or pating policies increased from 10 India and balanced product mix players are seeing an opportunity in Praj
general. Yet, barring 13 per cent last year to 13.5 per cent work in its favour. Increasing the Industries. The company manufactures
HDFC Standard Life, 10 7.9 in Q3, better realisations of newly share of Ulips in the past few bio-fuel technology machines. Shares of
which more than dou- launched products (including years and reducing dependence the company have been rising steadily in
bled since its listing, not Ulips) and improvement in per- on low-yielding non-participative the past three months and are up 54 per
all stocks received the 0 sistency ratio (reflects business products has helped SBI Life sub- cent – from ~71 to ~110. Union transport
same investor interest. I-Pru Life SBI Life HDFC Life Max Life retained) have also played a key stantially improve its financials. minister Nitin Gadkari has been pushing for
That phase is slowly * APE is annualised premium equivalent; Source: Brokerage reports role in bettering the margins. Likewise, increased business greater usage of bio-fuels to reduce the
changing and foreign bro- with significant under-pene- Analysts at JP Morgan, who are from individual products, which ~7-trillion oil import bill.
kerages, such as Nomura tration in India. With a shift SBI Life, HDFC Standard Life value of new business (VNB) mar- overweight on the stock, say I-Pru tend to have better realisations, is JOYDEEP GHOSH
and Citi, feel life insurers could be towards financial savings, which (HDFC Life) and Max Life. gin of 22 per cent, a rise in unit Life has emerged from a tough also positive. While its Q3 num-
a viable option in the financial sec- is under way, the life insurance sec- linked insurance plans (Ulips) six-seven years of low growth. bers are awaited, analysts at Citi Nifty 11,500 on the cards?
tor. Analysts at Citi defend their tor should deliver healthy growth,” HDFC Life: Too much, too fast from 50 per cent in FY17 to almost “We see 20 per cent top line expect SBI Life to deliver annu- The rally in the Indian market seems far
premium valuations and say they the analysts add. Given that there With strong listing gains, HDFC 59 per cent in Q3 came as a sur- growth in FY16-20, driven by alised premium equivalent (APE) from over. According to derivatives data,
are in line with the superior multi- are only four listed players, Life was quick to grab the atten- prise. While Ulips are still within improving penetration and growth of 28.1 per cent in FY17- one of the highest open interest for Nifty is
ples enjoyed by private sector investor interest is expected to be tion of many analysts. While its the guided range of 50-60 per robust markets,” they note. FY20 and VNB growth of 32.4 per currently at 11,500 strike. This means traders
banks and non-banking finance well-spread between them. For December quarter (Q3) numbers cent of HDFC Life’s total portfolio, cent helped by a well-diversified are not ruling out another 400-point (3.6
companies. “Life insurance is a Nomura though, the pecking order didn’t disappoint, with the insur- analysts say they would monitor Max Life: Uncertainties remain product portfolio and multichan- per cent) rally in February. Meanwhile, the
retail financial services product is ICICI Prudential Life (I-Pru Life), er yet again posting superior it’s performance on this front. Yet, Unlike others, the Max stock has nel distribution strategy. 10,800 strike too has high open interest.
“The market could see huge fluctuations
following the Budget announcements.
Traders will have to brace for high
AMANDEEP CHOPRA, group president and head-fixed income, UTI Mutual Fund. In an estimate is around $65. A $10 average 29-Jan US - personal income &
interview to Vishal Chhabria, he says if there are no mitigating factors in the Union Budget rise, increases the CPI (consumer price spending data
and the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI’s) policy review, the 10-year government security (g- index) by 60-70 bps and the CAD (cur- Results: HDFC, Tech Mahindra
sec) yields could rise to 7.75 per cent. Edited excerpts: rent account deficit) by 35 bps of gross 30-Jan Eurozone - GDP, consumer
domestic product. With higher infla- confidence data
become completely negative. tionary expectation and its impact on Japan - jobless rate, retail sales
Heightened uncertainty, with frac- the rupee, it will lead to bond yields Results: Indian Oil
tured market sentiment, puts the bond moving up. The worry in all this is if RBI 31-Jan India - Eight Infrastructure
markets in uncharted territory. becomes hawkish and hints at rate hike. Industries, GDP, fiscal deficit
Against this backdrop, the reduction US - ADP employment change,
AMANDEEP CHOPRA in additional borrowing (to ~20 billion) What returns could investors expect Chicago purchasing managers,
Group president and head-fixed income, is only marginally positive and isn’t in 2018? MBA mortgage applications
UTI Mutual Fund helping improve the sentiment when Given the many concerns, a long dura- Eurozone - CPI data
the other drivers remain unsupportive. tion strategy might not outperform. So, China - manufacturing PMI
Bond markets have seen a lot of action A 20-30 basis point (bps) shift in the the focus will remain on being low on Japan - industrial production,
on concerns over the government’s fiscal deficit target doesn’t seem a big duration, such as short-term income housing starts
fiscal math. Your take? number but adding ~300-500 billion fund, income opportunity fund and Results: ICICI Bank, NTPC,
Bond markets are seeing a fair amount of excess (paper) supply when senti- ultra-short-term fund, unless these risks Larsen & Toubro, Vedanta
of volatility, led largely by a reversal in ment is already not conducive, exag- start plateauing. If the negative trends in 1-Feb India - Nikkei India PMI Mfg
expectation, driving both rates and gerates the market moves. The bond
FROM A ONE-YEAR PERSPECTIVE, IF THERE ARE NO RATE HIKES AND 10-YEAR crude oil, inflation, etc, start peaking, it
G-SEC YIELDS STAY AT 7.25-7.50%, INVESTORS CAN GET 8-8.25% FOR US - FOMC rate decision, initial
volatility. markets will remain somewhat scep- might offer some trading opportunities. jobless & continuing claims,
What I mean is till about September, tical on the deficit numbers for FY19 as THE YEAR IN SHORT-DURATION FUNDS WITHOUT TAKING ON RISK In such a cycle, it is a good time for Markit US Mfg PMI, ISM Mfg,
the inflation and crude oil outlook was well, since India heads into elections. investors to start systematic investment construction spending data
largely benign. There was an assump- 7.5–7.75 per cent. We were looking at a rel. Finally, how global central banks plans in income funds. UK - Markit UK PMI Mfg
tion of better tax mobilisation after the So, where do you see bond yields band between seven and 7.4 per cent react. They are already either shrinking From a pure one-year perspective, if Eurozone - Markit Eurozone
goods and services tax (GST) and no ending by March and by December? earlier, but it’s already tested that. And, their balance sheet or initiating a rate there are no rate hikes and the 10-year g- manufacturing data
fiscal slippage. So, stable policy bias That’s a tough call, as there are too many this is still in a backdrop where crude oil hike, if not already done. sec yields stay at 7.25-7.5 per cent, China - Caixin China PMI Mfg
was expected from the RBI. Quite moving parts. The yields by March and is hovering around $69. investors can get 8-8.25 per cent for the Japan - Nikkei Mfg PMI,
abruptly, these expectations began col- December will be more a result of certain The only way I see it coming down is Apart from the pressure on Union year in short-duration funds without vehicle sales
lapsing as data flow became negative, outcomes. If there are no mitigating fac- if the Budget does not indicate a slip- government’s fisc, states are also taking on risk. With a bit of risk, maybe Results: Bajaj Finance,
forcing the markets to recalibrate their tors in the Union Budget and the RBI page of more than 10-20 bps in fiscal talking of farm loan waivers. Their slightly higher; they will outperform Power Grid
expectation. The revised calendar with policy thereafter, the band for the 10- deficit. Second, if the RBI does not budgets are also in a mess... bank fixed deposits and beat inflation.
2-Feb US - change in nonfarm
additional borrowing of ~500 billion year g-sec is clearly heading upwards. I change its stance and remains neutral. It is a big worry. The populism that mar- payrolls, unemployment rate,
was the tipping point for sentiment to will not be surprised if yields rise to Third, if crude oil stays below $70 a bar- kets are worried about today is some- More on factory orders
UK - Markit / CIPS UK construction
Results: Bajaj Auto, Hindalco
Source: exchange/websites/Bloomberg
Mumbai, 28 January National Aluminium Company in ~ bn Cash Equity Cash as %
INCREASE IN MF HOLDING (Nalco) saw the highest increase holding AUM of AUM
The average shareholding of MF holding (%) Change in MF holdings. “MFs have been
SBI MF 27 889 3.0
mutual funds (MFs) in the BSE Company Sep-17 Dec-17 (bps) lapping up several small and
500 companies went up by 38 mid-sized stocks, despite con- HDFC MF 17 788 2.1
Bharat Fin 9.64 17.05 741
basis points (bps) during the cerns about valuations. Unlike ICICI Pru MF 52 742 7.0
December quarter, even as for- Cyient 11.92 18.78 686 FIIs, which deploy resources in a
Nalco 3.17 8.96 579 Reliance MF 14 724 2.0
eign institutional investors (FIIs) different country if Indian equi-
Aditya Birla MF 20 613 3.2 NO NERVOUSNESS YET (in ~ bn) Sugar is trading at ~3,090 per quintal in Kolhapur.
trimmed theirs by 16 bps, GHCL 2.86 7.92 506 ties don’t look attractive, MFs can
Capitaline data showed. Cash Equity Cash as Sensex For the week ahead, prices are expected to head
NLC India 0.10 5.10 500 only invest in Indian equities. Data as on Dec 2017; Open-ended equity schemes only;
towards ~3,000 per quintal. Higher selling
In the three months to Hence, they are in constant Source: Value Research For 2017 holding AUM % of AUM chg (%)
STOCKS THAT SAW HIGHEST pressure due to intensified competition among
December, MFs had invested search for good bets in the broad- SAMIE MODAK January 191 4,457 4.3 3.4 mills, subdued demand from stockists and higher
~240 billion in domestic stocks, INCREASE IN FII HOLDING er markets,” said a fund manager.
February 214 4,685 4.6 3.9 production outlook may keep the undertone
whereas FII buying was relative- Bharat Financial was the top Cash levels at mutual funds remained
FII holding (%) Chg bearish during the coming days.
ly muted at ~83 billion. bet of MFs during the quarter, as below one-year average level of 4.3 per March 205 4,959 4.1 3.1
MF ownership in Indian com- Company Sep-17 Dec-17 (bps) their shareholding jumped 7.4 cent in December. At ~271 billion, cash April 215 5,169 4.2 1.0 SOYBEAN
panies has nearly doubled since Indian Hotels 9.01 24.08 1,507 percentage points to 17.05 per holdings were at 3.9 per cent of equity
2014, thanks to huge consistent cent. MFs also increased their May 221 5,273 4.2 4.1
Bajaj Hind 37.32 48.00 1,068 assets under management (AUM) of ~6,867
buying. FIIs, biggest non-pro- stake in Cyient and Nalco by 6.8 June 236 5,350 4.4 -0.7
Delta Corp 10.09 18.38 829 billion (open-ended equity schemes), data
moter shareholders, have seen percentage points and 5.79 per- July 243 5,665 4.3 5.2
HPCL 20.07 27.95 788 provided by Value Research showed. The
their holdings dip during the centage points, respectively.
Sunteck Realty 10.1 17.35 725 benchmark Sensex gained 28 per cent in August 271 5,715 4.7 -2.4
same period. Market players pre- Indian Hotels was the top bet
dict the trend to continue, as for FIIs, where their sharehold- 2017, while the broader markets rallied even September 274 5,809 4.7 -1.4
domestic financial savings could MFS GAIN GROUND ing went up 15.07 percentage more. On an absolute basis, however, cash October 260 6,243 4.2 6.2
rise further and the share of equi- Average holding (%) Change points. Bajaj Hindusthan and holdings rose by ~14 billion in December
over the previous month. These could be on November 257 6,542 3.9 -0.2 Soybean prices at Indore markets are trading at
ties in domestic savings could Category Sep-17 Dec-17 (bps) Delta Corp saw their FII owner- ~3,685 per quintal. The week ahead could see
also rise on the current low base. ship go up by 10.68 percentage the back of high net inflows in equity December 271 6,867 3.9 2.7
FIIs 15.81 15.65 -16 prices head towards ~3,800. Low arrivals along
Retail investors’ holding in the points and 8.29 percentage schemes during the month. An analysis of with low output for the season would continue
December quarter dipped 18 bps. MFs 6.87 7.25 38 points, respectively. cash levels at mutual funds don’t point to have come on the back of foreign investor to drive prices higher in the days ahead. Also
Experts say these investors are Insurance 2.40 2.42 2 Unichem, Castrol India and any nervousness or caution among fund inflows of close to $2 billion. It will be supporting prices are firm global cues due to
increasingly accessing the mar- Retail 12.63 12.45 -18 Shankara Building Materials saw managers even after last year’s stellar rally. interesting to see if the recent gains have ongoing dry weather concerns in Argentina.
ket through the MF route, instead the steepest fall in MF holding, The markets have extended gains this triggered any profit-taking by domestic
of directly investing in stocks. mid- and small-cap stocks. Fund while FIIs pruned their stakes in month by another six per cent. The gains money managers. Prerana Desai,
During the December quarter, managers were seen preferring Cyient, Shilpa Medicare and VP-Research -Edelweiss Agri Services and Credit,
MFs were seen betting on several financial and commodity stocks. Kaveri Seed. Edelweiss Agri Value Chain
"Some world powers don't just "He is saying that why not "Dear PM, Welcome to
want to shun globalisation; they create a new world at the Switzerland! Please tell Davos
want to stall it. An example of same time when we create a why 1% of India's population
this is new tariff barriers" new India” gets 73% of its wealth"
NARENDRA MODI, Prime MInister, at Davos SURESH PRABHU, trade minister, at Davos RAHUL GANDHI, Congress President, in a tweet
> .
Author, teacher,
Eight years after implementation of RTE, girls are finally catching up with boys in
schooling; most big states reduce regional variations in ‘children with no education’
2005-06 2015-16 2006 2017 bureaucrat, and
now at poll panel
New Delhi, 28 January
irls are catching up with boys in terms
of attending school over the last
decade, with improvements in the
years of schooling and proportion of unedu-
cated children. The regional variation among
states in ensuring that no child remains une- Girls Boys
Girls Boys
Girls Boys
Girls Boys
ducated has declined, while that in ensuring Median years Proportion of Proportion not Proportion not
they attend college has increased. of schooling uneducated enrolled atage 14 enrolled at
These are among the findings in a report by Source: NFHS 2015-16, ASER 2017 (Class 8) age 18 (college)
the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4)
The median years of schooling for girls Median years of schooling (F)
underwent a faster change from 1.9 years in Enrolment
2005-06 2015-16 Govt Pvt Higher No.
2005-06 to 4.4 years in 2015-16, while that for
boys went up from 4.9 years to 6.9 years in the 4.2Maharashtra schools schools edu- of
6.1 (mn)# (mn)# cation* colleges
same period. The proportion of girls with no
schooling declined from 42 per cent to 22 per 3.4 2012-13 -6.5 2.6 3.1 1.9
cent, and that of boys from 31 per cent to 15 per 5.1 2013-14 -3.5 0.0 7.3 3.1 ARUP ROYCHOUDHURY
cent in the decade. 1.4 New Delhi, 28 January
Andhra Pradesh 2014-15 -3.6 0.0 3.1 5.1
The narrowing of the gender gap is being 3.9
reflected eight years after the implementa- 2015-16 -2.5 0.0 3.9 1.5 New Election Commissioner Ashok Lavasa wears
Tamil Nadu 4.5
tion of Right to Education (RTE) Act, 2009, # Elementary education many hats —author, erstwhile teacher, bureaucrat,
6.7 *Higher education, enrolment in
though the process started much before, nature lover. What he loves the most is photography.
according to Suman Bhattacharjea, director at Kerala 7.5 colleges and universities (mn)
Wherever he has taken office, he has adorned it with
Source: AISHE 2016-17, NITI Aayog
ASER Centre. “Though the gender gap has 8.7 photographs clicked by him. He says his camera is
reduced in enrolment, there is no concrete 1.6 one thing he has never forgotten to pack when on
evidence that the gender gap in school atten-
A WORK IN PROGRESS foreign tours. Go to his Twitter account and you will
dance has reduced,” she added. 2005-06 2015-16 find some of the pictures clicked by him.
Rajasthan 0 Men Women
States are converging towards a lower pro- 1.7 Lavasa, who retired from the Indian Administrative
portion of uneducated but are diverging in Service in October, is now also a quiz question. He is the
women marrying after completing 18 years of Himachal Pradesh
terms of access to education at and above the veys companies and not households. The answer to the query: Who was India’s finance secretary
degree level. Most big and populous states NFHS is more representative in that respect,” age—the legal age—with the median age for when the government implemented demonetisation
reduced regional variation among themselves said SK Singh, professor at the Indian Institute women at the time of first marriage improving UttarPradesh 0 and goods and service tax?
3.0 Currently Not Currently Not
in ‘children with no education’. In terms of of Population Sciences, the organisation that from 17.2 years to 19 years. But, the median age employed employed employed employed A 1980 batch Haryana cadre officer, Lavasa was
college education, the inequality of educa- prepared the NFHS. of marriage for uneducated women is 17.2 Bihar 0 during in last12 during in last12 indeed one of only 10 people at the top of the central
tional attainment among states increased dur- Further, the proportion of unemployed years, same as the average in 2006, compared 0.9 lastweek months lastweek months government who were aware of the plans and
ing the decade. persons was more in the well-educated cohort to 22.7 years for college-educated women. 0 contours of demonetisation before it was
Again states’ performance in basic educa- (eight+ years) for both men and women than The reduction in the fertility rate among Jharkhand announced. As the secretary in charge of
tion differs from that in higher education. in the less educated (less than eight years) Indian women from 2.7 in 2005-06 to 2.2 in
2.3 INTRINSIC INEQUALITY expenditure, he had the biggest role, among
Maharashtra ranks third best in basic educa- cohort consistently for 2005-06 and 2015-16. 2015-16 is associated with an intrinsic Madhya Pradesh
0.1 Women Men fertility rate/ bureaucrats, in shaping the 2017-18 Budget, when
tion coverage but sixth best in the proportion Employment shares this inverse correla- inequality. Rural women tend to have 2.4 3.6 (Unemployed in last12 months) 1,000 births Finance Minister Arun Jaitley bit the proverbial
of children entering degree education. tion not just with education, but also with children per woman, while urban women Chhattisgarh 0.1 Lowest 60 3.2 bullet and went for a fiscal deficit target of 3.2 per
From 85 per cent in 2005-06, the propor- wealth. While women from 60 per cent of the tend to have 1.8. 4.2 13 cent of gross domestic
tion of men who are currently employed— households from the poorest quintile were Among wealth quintiles, the poorest quin- WestBengal 2.6 Second 64 2.5 product, instead of an advised Lavasa was
regular employees and those who have unemployed in the 12 months preceding the tile has a fertility rate of 3.2 children per 4.5 16 three per cent. responsible for
worked in the last seven days of the survey— survey, 80 per cent of women from the richest woman, while women in the richest quintile 7.0 Middle 67 2.1 This was the first Budget allocations to
came down to 75 per cent in 2015-16. For quintile households were unemployed. give birth to 1.5 children on average, suggest- Delhi 7.4 18 which to be presented on various
women, the proportion declined from 36 per Among men, 13 per cent from the poorest ing clearly that wealthy households in India Fourth 74 February 1 and, hence, allowed ministries and
India 1.9 21 1.8 schemes, joking
cent to 24 per cent. quintile households were unemployed while are increasingly preferring a single child. passage of the Finance Bill
4.4 that he was one
“As the NFHS is a community-based ran- the proportion was 25 per cent from the rich- In all, 23 states and Union Territories have a Highest 80 1.5
before the start of a new
dom survey, its data differs from employment est quintile. fertility rate lower than the population replace-
All figures in percentage
25 financial year. Hence, of the most
surveys by the Labour Bureau. The latter sur- In a first, India has less than 50 per cent ment rate of 2.1 children per woman. Source: NFHS 2015-16 All figures in % Source: NFHS 4 expenditure was massively disliked men in
frontloaded and at the start of bureaucracy
the 2017-18 financial year,
disbursements for some projects were as high as 400
PERISCOPE STORY IN NUMBERS per cent year-on-year.
Lavasa was directly responsible for allocations to
Wait for Budget various ministries and schemes, joking that he was
one of the most disliked men in bureaucracy. Indeed,
The central government on Thursday will
present its last full Budget of this term. Will the
Agriculture Industry Services
when ministries see their allocations getting cut or
sums not being disbursed, they blame the ‘all-
expectations? Will it report sufficient counterparts using charm and grace. Traits which
disinvestment? Will tax slabs at the lower end Jammu and Kashmir Finance Minister Haseeb BUDGET PROVISION IN 2018-19 will hold him in good stead as he helps to ensure the
Drabu presented the 2018-19 Budget for the state on
~62 bn is budgeted to be spent
of the spectrum be rejigged? All these coming state elections, and the big one, the 2019
January 11. Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) is
questions will answered on the Budget Day. on power. This includes power general election, go off relatively smoothly.
estimated to be ~1166.37 billion or 6.9 per cent
Shameen Alauddin vernacular audience in India. Having NIRMALYA BEHERA Shubhankar Bhattacharya, venture
closely worked with the team over some partner at Kae Capital.
time, we are extremely pleased with their It would take an individual more Its sale proposition includes
editation and yoga runs focus on using technology to connect these than five million years to watch the online video creation, editing and
through my veins, but my lack new internet users, and are pleased to amount of video that will cross glob- contextual integration with
of command over English partner in their next phase of growth.” al Intellectual Property (IP) net- Freshdesk and Zendesk for support,
prohibited me from sharing that gift with “Since the beginning of the start-up works each month in 2021, says a and Google Classroom, Google
everyone,” says Paramjot Kaur, 43, a boom in India, we have been told by the Cisco study. Slides, Google Docs and D2L for
housewife in Punjab. “ShareChat has wise that we have to learn Every second, a million minutes education.
helped me provide daily tips in Punjabi and from Facebook. Hope now of video content will cross the net- The business to consumer (B2C)
garner 4,000 followers in a year.” FAC T B OX they will say ‘learn from works by 2021. Globally, IP video traf- video market is pegged at $60 billion.
The social media platform has raised ShareChat’,” says Anand fic will be 82 per cent of all consumer The business to business (B2B) mar-
$18.2 million funding in Series-B from Lunia, another investor from internet traffic by 2021. ket –collaboration and communica-
Shun Wei Capital and Xiaomi Singapore. October 2015 India Quotient. This is the space where Chennai- tion – is estimated at $2.2 billion.
This follows $4 million in a Series-A round Area of business: Social based Hippo Video is see- With 30,000 users
from Lightspeed India Partners, SAIF Challenges ing a big opportunity. globally, Hippo’s users
Partners, India Quotient and Venture As most people in India are Founded in 2016, by have created more than
Highway. (From left) ShareChat founders Farid Ahsan, Bhanu Singh and Ankush Sachdeva Funding: $18 million in trilingual, if not more, the Karthi Mariappan, Nilam 150,000 videos. Over 80
Series-B round from company needs to enable Chand Jain and per cent of its user base is
Concept Facebook and Instagram, English is not an Lanka, Canada, the US and Shunwei Capital, them to choose multiple Srinivasan S, it is a plat- in America, followed by
Founded by Ankush Sachdeva, Farid option. west Africa, and 20 million Xiaomi Singapore, languages instead of one form aiming to take care India and Britain. The
Ahsan and Bhanu Singh, the Bengaluru- If one opts for Hindi, he or she will be downloads on Google Play, Lightspeed India while signing up. This will of the entire life cycle of With 30,000 company aims to focus
based social media platform began as a taken to the feed generating content only ShareChat seems to be Partners, SAIF Partners, amplify the content. Besides, video — creating, editing, users globally, more in Britain and
content repository application for sharing in that language.If you are proficient with grabbing eyeballs. On an users have complained on hosting, sharing, tracking. Hippo's users Australia. The majority of
India Quotient &
on WhatsApp. Owing to the massive and other vernaculars, you can follow users average, five million content Google Play about facing The company recently have created Hippo Video users are cus-
“unbelievable” response for mostly light- who have opted for them as their base pieces get shared daily from
Venture Highway 'bugs' while uploading more than
raised an undisclosed pre- tomer support staff, edu-
hearted material, such as jokes, memes, language, and create, discover, and share ShareChat, mostly finding its Userbase: 8 million videos and photos. “Several Series A round from Kae 150,000 videos. cators, freelancers, stu-
celebrity updates and health tips, the IIT- content with each other. way to WhatsApp groups. per month times, when I try uploading a Capital. Over 80 per dents, gamers and
Kanpur graduates launched the free The content includes news, general “Vernacular content video, the app hangs before With Hippo Video, a cent of its user YouTubers. Currently
Android application in October 2015. knowledge, political memes, viral videos, consumption in India has Team strength: 50 finally enabling it,” says browser-based video base is in the attracted more towards
Signing into the app is a two-step movie updates, beauty tips, regional witnessed a meteoric rise, Rohan Munglur. “Moreover, tool, anyone with access US, followed the education (K-12) sec-
process. First, the user has to type in his or poetry, devotional messages and other growing from 42 million in it takes several attempts and to the internet is able to by India and tor and its support market,
her name and number. Following which, things. 2011 to 234 million in 2016. These numbers consumes too much time to download a create professional the UK it aims to move to other
he or she is required to select one language are a great indication of a huge opportunity video.” The start-up faces a threat from videos instantly and segments as well.
out of the 10 available — Hindi, Punjabi, Opportunity available for products focused on the established giants like Facebook and share it to GDrive, Google “We are integrating with the
Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Odia, Telugu, With over eight million monthly active vernacular audience,” says Sachdeva, the Pinterest because of these issues. Classroom, YouTube and other existing system contextually. We
Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada. Unlike users in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri chief executive. business software. “This is the rev- want ensure video as a service, be it
Ahead olution that is expected by 2021. in any vertical. By 2020, we want to
EXPERT The new round of investment will be used Videos by common users is the be part of the whole B2B video cycle
Keep evolving for success to continuously do product
improvements in line with that.
What the first time users want
to strengthen the company’s machine
learning effort. “We aim to use innovative
technology to optimise social media
future and we are already here with --including sales, marketing, sup-
Hippo Video,” says Mariappan. port and development,” said one of
“The online video market for the founders.
The local language market is a big phenomenon. India is on a now and what they would content for this new set of Indian users. To small businesses and independent The start-up works on a freemium
opportunity. I love companies, growth path and users are want tomorrow (and the gap solve day-to-day problems of consumers professionals is a rapidly growing model for revenue. For B2C cus-
which are providing for the needs becoming economically better between today and tomorrow is dealing with technology, our algorithms space. Hippo Video’s value proposi- tomers its charges a maximum $30 a
of this market and impacting and modern, and their tastes as blurring very fast) could be the are efficiently designed to reduce language tion as an all-in, easy-to-use, and year. For B2B clients, $10 a month for
users. ShareChat is doing this in well as consumption habits will same or different and evolving hassles and make the platform intuitive highly affordable solution appears to customer support with a restricted
VIRENDRA GUPTA an innovative way and has evolve rapidly. with that will be the key and convenient for all,” says Sachdeva. have resonated with its target audi- bandwidth. Users from the educa-
Founder, Dailyhunt tapped into the content sharing All of us in the ecosystem have to success. ShareChat aims to reach 50 million ence and we see signs of product- tion sector have to cough up $3,200 a
monthly active users by the end of 2018. market fit being established,” says year for 1,000 students.
women our
tradition: PM
for fearless journalism
rounderJavonSearless.KingsXIPunjabemergedthebiggestspenderofthisyear’sauctionwith ARCHIS MOHAN
~674millionspentonacquiring24players(theteamhadretainedaplayerbeforetheauction)to New Delhi, 28 January
splurged~673.35mntoacquire22players.KolkataKnightRidersacquired17playersfor~590mn, In his first Mann Ki Baat
MIHIR S SHARMA havingretainedtwoaheadoftheauction.Ahighlightwastheteams’thrustonyoungerplayers. radio address of 2018, Prime
Jaipur, 28 January ThehighestbidswereplacedforplayerswithhigherreservepricessuchasBenStokes,Manish Minister Narendra Modi
Pandey,ChrisLynnandJaydevUnadkat.Unadkatwasthecostliest,withtheRoyalsbidding spoke of women’s empower-
n the fourth day of ~115mntogethimontheseconddayoftheauction.Uncappedplayers,however,didseealotof ment and his government’s
the 11th edition, efforts at making health care
the Jaipur Literature affordable. He said the
Festival turned back to its COMPILED BY URVI MALVANIA salient feature of India’s
roots — with sessions on the society was its cultural lega-
craft of novel writing, on the cy of a “self-correction mech-
methods of investigative jour- anism”, where unending
nalism, seabirds, music cul- endeavours have taken place
ture, botany, Egyptian queens, against social ills and evil
maritime policy, and rivers, practices, both individually
tigers and Virginia Woolf. and collectively.
Early in the day, Suki Kim He also remembered
and Michael Rezendes were Mahatma Gandhi, appeal-
in conversation with Charlie ing to people to walk on the
English. Kim is a South (From left) Journalists Michael Rezendes and Suki Kim in conversation with Charlie English on path shown by the Father of
Korean journalist who went Piercing the Veil of Secrecy at the Jaipur Literature Festival on Sunday PHOTO: @ZEEJLF the Nation, whose martyr-
undercover in North Korea to 1 2 3 4 5 dom day is on Tuesday.
report how the Pyongyang cuss the past, in a session called guage, performed creditably Shaw and Namita Bhandare. In his 40th Mann Ki Baat
elite lived their lives and saw Those Were the Days; Sanghvi as he went again through his Mazumdar-Shaw was acerbic
the world; Michael Rezendes tried to push De into admitting thesis about perfidious about the ladder of success in
TOP FIVE BUYS broadcast, the PM spoke at
length about woman power
is, of course, the reporter herearlypotboilers,likeSocialite English colonisers and the science, pointing out that while Team Player Speciality Price Reserve price in diverse fields. He paid
who worked on investiga- Evenings,werewildlyunrealistic “age of darkness” they near equal numbers of men (~ mn) (~ mn) tributes to astronaut
tions of child abuse in the but De was willing to brought to India. and women enter scientific RajasthanRoyals Ben Stokes All-rounder 125 20 Kalpana Chawla, whose
Roman Catholic Church admit only to “slight It seemed likely at and technical fields, men death anniversary is on
that were depicted in the exaggerations”. the fourth day of the seemed to find it easier to rise
RajasthanRoyals Jaydev Unadkat Bowler 115 15
February 1.
movie Spotlight. Sanghvi was on festival that, among to the top of a peer-reviewed SunrisersHyderabad Manish Pandey Batsman 110 10 As for the political con-
Multiple other sessions of stage again shortly younger attendees, profession in which most of KingsXIPunjab K L Rahul Batsman 110 20 text, the PM’s reference to
interest were on early in the thereafter, in an incar- there were as many reviewers and others in author- KolkataKnightRiders Chris Lynn Batsman 96 20 woman power comes at a
morning. The writers of two nation more familiar girls as boys — and ity were male. time of the Congress party
books on the search for to younger festival- perhaps more. Notably, the organisers had demanding his government
Osama bin Laden and his life goers: As a food writer. Unusual in an Indian to shift around sessions to fill
after 9/11 — Adrian Levy and He moderated a ses- LITERATURE public space, this may a hole created by the absence
BUILDING SQUADS ensure the passage of the
long-pending Bill to reserve a
Cathy Scott-Clark, writers of sion with Kota FESTIVAL have been because of censor board chief Prasoon Team Purse Purse at start Money spent Number of Highest bid third of Parliament and leg-
The Exile: The Stunning Inside Neelima, Sarah Raven JLF is very clearly a Joshi, who kept away because remaining of auction on auction players in (players; bid islative assembly seats for
Story of Osama bin Laden and and Lathika George. Neelima safe space, with a very visible of threats from violent Rajput (~ mn) (~ mn) (~mn) the squad in ~ mn) women.
Al Qaeda in Flight and Peter has written one about prasad police presence. Best-selling outfits, incensed by his deci- Chennai Super Kings 65 470 405 25 Kedar Jadhav; 78 While former Congress
Bergen, who wrote Manhunt: in Indian temples, Raven — a author Chetan Bhagat — who sion to clear the movie Delhi Daredevils 16 470 454 25 Glenn Maxwell; 90 party chief Sonia Gandhi had
The Search for Osama bin doctor — has written a book dashed in and out of the festi- Padmaavat. In one of the ses- written to Modi on the sub-
Laden in 2012 — were in con- about healthy, vegetarian val arena over the weekend like sions that replaced Joshi’s,
Kings XI Punjab 1 675 674 21 K L Rahul; 110
ject a few months earlier, cur-
versation with India’s former recipes. And, George has pro- a movie star, surrounded by comedian Mallika Dua said it Kolkata Knight Riders 0 590 590 19 Chris Lynn; 96 rent chief Rahul Gandhi has
ambassador to Islamabad, duced two masterful books private security, police, and was unfortunate that she had Mumbai Indians 6.5 470 463.5 25 Krunal Pandya; 88 also appealed to the PM to
T C A Raghavan. Naturally, about Kerala cuisine — specif- adoring fans — tweeted his to be on stage at all. The Rajasthan Royals 1.65 675 673.35 23 Ben Stokes; 125 ensure its passage. The
the subject of Pakistan’s com- ically of her own Syrian thanks to the Jaipur police, say- theme of threats and violence Budget session of Parliament
plicity with bin Laden came Christian community, which ing they were “doing an excel- was taken up at other points;
Royal Challengers Bangalore 1.5 490 488.5 24 Chris Woakes; 74
begins on Monday.
up, though the panelists sug- she said she began to lent job at the crowded ZEE De had already compared the Sunrisers Hyderabad 6.5 590 583.5 25 Manish Pandey; 110 In reference to his govern-
gested incompetence was per- understand better through JLF, quietly providing security current Delhi media nega- ment’s slogan of Beti bachao,
haps a more compelling the recipes. at every corner of the fest”. tively to those who resisted beti padhao (save and edu-
explanation. At lunchtime, Shashi The strong female presence the Emergency. For many, PLAYERS WHO WON’T BE SEEN IN IPL 2018 cate the girl child), the PM
Meanwhile, historian Victor Tharoor, hardest-working added an additional savour to a the highlight of the day was said respecting women has
Sebestyen took the audience speaker at the festival, took session on Women on Science institution of an award by been a tradition in India. He
through recent discoveries and the stage to discuss his past that closed the day, with the writers’ organisation PEN for pointed that Lopamudra,
old truths about the life and bestseller, Inglorious Empire. British journalist and author of courageous reporting, in Gargi and Maitreyi con-
career of Lenin, 100 years after This discussion, however, was Inferior: How Science Got memory of murdered jour- tributed verses to the Vedas,
theRussianRevolution.But,the in Hindi; the MP from Women Wrong, Angela Saini, nalist Gauri Lankesh. James Cameron Corey Hashim Shaun Ishant Lasith Tymall and quoted Skanda Purana
crowds flocked to listen to Thiruvananthapuram, known Harvard physicist Lisa Randall, Faulkner White Anderson Amla Marsh Sharma Malinga Mills which said that a daughter is
ShobhaaDeandVirSanghvidis- for his use of the English lan- Biocon’s Kiran Mazumdar- The festival will conclude Monday Source: the equivalent of 10 sons.