Geiger Counter
Geiger Counter
Geiger Counter
In this experiment, the half life of a radioactive source of Indium-116 was measured to be 48.97 minutes.
The dead time of the Geiger Counter was also measured under different circumstances. Under normal
detection conditions, it was measured to be 205 microseconds. With low gain, it was 160 microseconds,
and with low bias and low gain it was 560 microseconds. Despite the experimental results, it seems
clear the gain has no effect on the dead time of the Geiger Counter.
In this experiment, Indium-116 and Carbon-14 are used. 116 In and 14 C both undergo β − decay,
whereby a neutron in the nucleus decays into a proton, an electron, and an antineutrino. The proton
is captured by the nucleus, so the daughter isotope of 116 In is 116 Sn and the daughter isotope of 14 C
is 14 N.
A sample of radioactive material decays at a rate proportional to the amount of material present.
That is,
N (t) = N0 e−kt (1)
where N (t) is the amount of material at time t, N0 is the initial amount of substance, and k is a decay
constant for the material. The half life, T 12 , refers to the time it takes for half of the current sample
to decay. This can be derived as follows:
We know that N (t) = N0 e−kt and that at time t = T 21 , N (T 12 ) = N20 . So,
N0 −kT 1
= N0 e 2 (2)
1 −kT 1
=e 2 (3)
kT 1
2=e 2 (4)
ln(2) = kT 12 (5)
T 12 = (6)
Thus, we can see that the half life is proportional to the decay constant of the material. We can also
see that the decay constant can be measured directly from the exponential decay of the substance.
Table 1: Time since the first count began, Counts, and Count Rate (with background rate offset) from
In over 60s intervals.
Figure 2: A plot of the Count Rate vs. Time of the Indium-116 source. The decay is exponential,
as shown in the theory, and the exponential curve fit yields a decay constant value of 2.359 × 10−4 ±
5.91 × 10−6 , corresponding to a half life of 48.97±1.22 minutes, using equation (6).
Figure 3: The graph of the natural log of the Count Rate vs. Time proves the exponential relationship
between the two variables. We can also directly measure the decay constant from the slope of the
The next part of the experiment involves measuring the dead time of a Geiger Counter. This is accom-
plished in two ways; observing the recovery envelope on an oscilloscope and by the two-source method.
The recovery envelope gave a rough estimate of the real value, on the order of 100 microseconds, as
seen in Fig. 4.
Figure 4: The recovery envelope of the Geiger Counter with a source of Carbon-14. The interval
between the first detection and the second detection is approximately 120µs.
The two source method is more accurate. This involved measuring the count rates, m1 and m2 of each
of two sources 1 and 2 of 14 C and of the two sources combined, m. The true counts are not measurable
due to the dead time of the detector. The dead time can be found from
2 m1 + m2 − m
τ2 − τ+
m mm1 m2
The solutions are solutions for the quadratic in τ . The smaller value is taken.
1 1 m1 + m2 − m
τ= ± 2
m m mm1 m2
Several tests were run, one with bias at 0.6kV and gain at 30, one with bias at 0.6kV and gain at 10,
and one with bias at 0.36kV and gain at 10. The count rates m1 , m2 , and m and the corresponding
value for τ were measured twice each. The results are in Tables 2, 3, and 4.
m1 m2 m τ ∆τ
1102 1244 1890 207µs 4µs
1023 1173 1800 202µs 4µs
Table 3: Bias: 0.6kV, Gain: 10
m1 m2 m τ ∆τ s
909 1018 1662 166µs 5µs
902 1019 1668 159µs 5µs
m1 m2 m τ ∆τ
724 807 1092 528µs 12µs
757 831 1082 591µs 8µs
We can see from the tables that with a normal setup, the average dead time was measured to be
approximately 205µs, for reduced gain 163µs, and for reduced gain and bias 560µs. The gain and bias
readings both deviate from the reading at normal detector settings.
3 Error Analysis
The error in the count, ∆N is given by ∆N = s N
2 2 r
∆t ∆N 1 1
The error in the rate, ∆R is given by ∆R = R + =R 2 + (∆t ≈ 1s)
t N t N
The error in the natural log of the rate, used for Fig. 3 is ∆ ln(R) =