Archetypes at Work Introduction-Workbook

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An Introduction to

at WorkTM

Developing Young Potential |
Contender Charlie
Archetypes at WorkTM Programme Handout
© 2017 Hillman & Olivier
Developing Young Potential

Contender Charlie is a new sister company to Olivier Mythodrama. Its aim is to offer inspiring
courses to staff and students and to help develop strong leadership at all levels of school life.

We believe that anyone involved in the teaching, mentoring or supervision of young people is in
a key leadership role, whether they are currently aware of that or not.

Authentic leaders are ordinary people able to draw on extraordinary talents. They are prepared
to bring all of themselves to work, to stand up for what is important, and to adapt appropriately
to meet new situations. These people are emotionally intelligent and self aware, knowing their
own strengths and limitations. They develop others and sustain those around them, building a
platform for long term success. They inspire consistently, tell compelling stories and guide others
through complex problems to collaborative decisions. In short, they are committed to leaving the
world a better place.

We also believe that the way schools are led has a profound impact on future generations.
Contender Charlie is therefore committed to serving the development of staff in meeting this

Mythodrama provides learning through its unique synthesis of theatre skills, psychology,
mythology and organisational development. This combination gives ready access to people’s
latent talent for creativity, imagination, vision, motivation and communication - the keys to
creating meaning and purpose at work.

For more information on Contender Charlie please contact:


Or visit our website:

Contender Charlie
Archetypes at WorkTM Programme Handout
© 2017 Hillman & Olivier
Leadership Realms & Archetypes

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Contender Charlie
Archetypes at WorkTM Programme Handout
© 2017 Hillman & Olivier 1
Leadership Gifts

Royal, Ruler, Visible, Heroic, Luminary, Generative, Playful, Heartful, Magnanimous, Loyal, Present, Spacious, at the
Centre of Things
Radiates: Purpose, Generosity, Courage, Will, Self-Confidence, Vigour, Strength, Vision, Vitality, Charisma, Ambition

Structured, Rational, Principled, Ethical, Pragmatic, Organised, Controlled, Mature, Contained, Precise, Deliberate,
Respects: Time, Focus, Rules, Mastery, Limits, Discipline, Duty, Hierarchy, Boundaries, Tradition, Wisdom,
Objectivity, Goals, Capital, The Establishment, Law and Order, The Truth in Numbers

Supportive, Caring, Reassuring, Protective, Responsive, Instinctive, Parental, Trusting, Nourishing, Sensitive,
Empathetic, Receptive, Cosy
Values: Relationships, Potential, Growth, Feedback, Togetherness, Time to Reflect, ‘Keeping the Hearth,’ Legacy,
Conservation, Emotional Intelligence, Natural Cycles, Tending Gardens, Feeling at Home, Full-Body Listening

Alluring, Sensual, Sociable, Desirable, Charming, Passionate, Seductive, Creates Longing, Acts as a Muse,
Accumulates Self-Worth and Net-Worth
Loves: Design, Style, Luxury, Money, Pleasure, Relationships, Beauty, Fine Art, Fashion, Decorations, Harmony, Song,
Fantasy, Enchantment

Imaginative, Poetic, Sensitive, Idealistic, Compassionate, Spiritual, Visual, Boundless, Imaginal, Believing
Inspired By: Fantasy, Symbols, Infinity, Mythology, Non-Dualism, Dreams, Intangibles, Metaphors, Mysticism, Visions,
Ecstasy,The Transcendent, The Invisible, Art, Music, Archetypes, Lateral Thinking, Negative Capability, Emergence,
Holding Paradox, Possibilities, Altered States

Communicator, Translator, Mediator, Synthesiser, Advertiser, Conceptual, Critical, Versatile, Adaptable, Agile,
Trickster, Mercurial, Quick-Thinking
Connects with: Ideas, Metaphors, Information, Multiple Perspectives, Puzzles, Juggling, Multitasking, Wit, Details,
Logic, Intelligence, Making Connections, Creating Narratives, Clever Articulation

Intuitive Disruptor, Eccentric Inventor, Liberator, Rebel, Provocateur, Maverick, Unique, Has Epiphanies, ‘Eureka!’
Thrives on: The Zeitgeist, Freedom, The Future, Disruptive Technologies, Revolution, Uniqueness, Structural
Collapse, Surprise, Revelation, Flashes of Insight, Emerging Ideas, Brilliance

Magician, Healer, Regenerator, Change Agent, Deep, Powerful, Psychological, Magnetic, Intense, Inexorable
Honours: Renovation, Roots, Research, Transitions, Upheaval, Total Change, Power, Deconstruction, Transformation,
Secrets, Death and Rebirth, Break down to Break Through, The Underworld, Mystery, Hidden Gold

Champion, Spearhead, Amazon, Defender, Troubleshooter, Brave, Fierce, Passionate, Forceful, Decisive, Fearless,
Surgical, Leads from the Front
Drives: Competition, Challenge, Action, Direction, Tactics, Risk Taking, Seed Planting, Making Things Happen,
Adrenaline, Competitive Advantage

Enthusiast, Adventurer, Teacher, Optimist, Wide-Ranging, Striding, Honest, Philosophical, Expansive, Jovial, Multi-
Cultural, Can-Do Attitude
Seeks: Progress, Knowledge, Truth, Nature, Justice, Joy, Hope, Abundance, Ascendance, Oneness, Success, Big

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Archetypes at WorkTM Programme Handout
© 2017 Hillman & Olivier 2
Self-Assessment Instructions

A r c he t y p e s
at wo r k
Read list of Leadership Gifts

Mark each one with:


I am doing some or all of this on my best days – i.e. it contributes to purposeful work
for me

I can do this and am competent at most of it – but it does not ‘ light me up’
(at the moment)

I am not accessing much or any of this in my work at present

 N.B. Not all of the words on the list have to fit for it to be a ’favourite’ - look for a
‘centre of gravity’ that feels right

Go back through each archetype and refine down until you have selected

My current Top 3

My current Bottom 2

The rest (in the middle)

Look at each list in your Top 3 and select one or two words for each that you are most
proud of - write on the next page

Look at words that describe your current Bottom 2 and identify one or two words for each
that you would like to have access to

If time allows, find a colleague and share your assessment so far

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© 2017 Hillman & Olivier 3
A r c he t y p e s
se lf es
- s
a m
sse nt
Top 3 Archetypes - closest to my Core Key words I am most proud of

Bottom 2 Archetypes - currently Key words I would like to have access to

least used

Contender Charlie
Archetypes at WorkTM Programme Handout
© 2017 Hillman & Olivier 4
Archetypal Shadows
Too Much

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Tra n sfor m er
N u rt u rer

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R e l a ti o n



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Contender Charlie
Archetypes at WorkTM Programme Handout
© 2017 Hillman & Olivier 5
Archetypal Shadows
Too Little

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D rea ed Disco
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m er Story

Contender Charlie
Archetypes at WorkTM Programme Handout
© 2017 Hillman & Olivier 6
Leadership Shadows

Too Much: Egotistic, Self-Centred, Narcissistic, Grandiose, Overpowering, Childish, Selfish, Ridiculing, Proud,
Arrogant, Ostentatious, Haughty, Putting Others Down, Compulsively Centre Stage, “They can’t do it without me”
Too Little: Apathetic, Weak, Uncentred, Dull, Dispirited, Unassuming, Lethargic, Lifeless, Low Energy, Abdicating,
No Vision, Repressed Ambition, Low Self-Esteem, “Who am I to make a difference?”

Too Much: Narrow-Minded, Closed, Unyielding, Inflexible, Inert, Depressive, Pessimistic, Overcontrolling, Stagnant,
Leaden, Rule-Bound, Risk-Averse, Rank-Focused, “Don’t reinvent the wheel,” “Don’t rock the boat”
Too Little: Unrealistic, Impractical, Unstructured, Disorganised, Undisciplined, Scattered, Procrastinating, Always
Late, Never Completes, Misses Deadlines, “I’ll get to it eventually”

Too Much: Compulsive Caretaker, Overshares, Oversensitive, Smothering, Overprotective, Food Addict,
Unnecessarily Repetitive, Excessively Emotive or Emotional, ‘Over-Feeds,’ “They will always need my help,” “They
can’t do it for themselves”
Too Little: Unfeeling, Insensitive, Lonely, Isolated, Numb, Undernourished, Unable to Slow Down, Lack of Self-Care,
Emotionally Absent, Missing Instincts, “Feelings are overrated,” “I don’t ask for help”

Too Much: Materialistic, Superficial, Backstabbing, Greedy, Gossipy, Ostentatious, Jealous, Flaunting, Sleazy, Gaudy,
Fake, Money Obsessed, Overly Flirtatious, “I can sell anything to anyone,” “Nobody can resist me”
Too Little: Styleless, Money-Phobic, Unaffectionate, Charmless, Unfriendly, Dispassionate, Frosty, Few Social
Graces, No Eye for Beauty, Unresponsive, “I can’t sell,” “I’m not desirable”

Too Much: Unrealistic, Vague, Confused, Escapist, ‘Lost,’ Gullible, Indecisive, Ungrounded, Naïve, Uncertain,
Unbounded, Fantastical, ‘Head in the clouds,’ ‘Pie in the sky,’ ‘Castles in the air,’ “So many dreams, so little time”
Too Little: Unimaginative, Dry, Disillusioned, Dense, Dispassionate, Nonbeliever, Limited Mindset, Unable to
Visualise, No ‘Inner Music’, Can’t Imagine Competing Views of the Future, “If I can’t measure it, it’s not real”

Too Much: Scattered, Unpredictable, Hyperactive, Heady, Fickle, Sly, Speedy, Busybody, Tells Tall Tales, Deceitful,
Peddling Misinformation, TMI (Too Much Information), Creates ‘Fake News’, Never Grows Up, Addicted to
Communication and/or Social Media, “You can’t have too many ideas”
Too Little: Uncritical, Confused, Uninformed, Ignorant, Inflexible, Outwitted, Single-Minded, Lacks Mental
Confidence, Feels Less Intelligent, Literal, Slow to Catch On, ‘Out of the Loop,’ “Wait, I don’t get it!”

Too Much: Detached, Intellectual Arrogance, The Eternal Revolutionary, Misfit Genius, Overly Opinionated,
Emotionally Absent, Uncaring, Robotic, Overly Eccentric, Contrary, Technology Obsessed, “I just don’t fit in!”
Too Little: No Ideas, Conformist, Boring, Repressive, Change Resistant, Afraid of The Unexpected, Lacking
Creativity, Technophobic, Not Curious, Living in The Past, “There’s nothing wrong with the old way!”

Too Much: Manipulative, Relentless, Obsessive, Totalitarian, Change Addict, Power-Hungry, Pop Psychologist,
Fascinated by Death, Compulsive Navel-Gazing, Conspiracy Theorist, Paranoid, Self-Destructive, Vindictive,
Sadistic, “To be alive is to suffer”
Too Little: Shallow, Change-Resistant, Uninitiated, Naïve, Simplistic, Gullible, Avoidant, Pain-Averse, Afraid of Death,
‘Takes Things at Face Value,’ Unable to ‘See Through,’ “Don’t open a can of worms”

Too Much: Bully, Impatient, Aggressive, Intimidating, Furious, Raging, Destructive, Vicious, Explosive, Reactive,
Winning at All Costs, Sore Loser, Looking for a Fight, Too Quick to Act, Pre-Emptive Strike, “Fire, Ready, Aim!”
Too Little: Victim, Pushover, Weakling, Indirect, Quiet, Hesitant, Submissive, Undefended, Cowardly, ‘Limp,’ Fearful,
Too Nice, Risk-Averse, Low Energy, Playing It Safe, “I’m keeping my head down”

Too Much: Restless, Tactless, Greedy, Overbearing, Zealous, Preaching, Inflated, Obnoxious, Boasting, Too Big, Too
Loud, Overlooking Details, Oblivious to Other’s Pace, “Grow or die!” “My truth is right!” “Bigger is better”
Too Little: Pessimistic, Inhibited, Hopeless, Constricted, Joyless, Cynical, Naïve, Narrow-Minded, Unfulfilled
Potential, Missing The Big Picture, Stay-At-Home ‘Local Yokel’, “I’m only safe with what I know”

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Archetypes at WorkTM Programme Handout
© 2017 Hillman & Olivier 7
t y p e s a t Wo r k
Shadow Instructions

Using the previous page ‘Leadership Shadows’

Mark the Archetypes

that correspond with your Top 3

B that correspond with your Bottom 2

For your Top 3 (marked A), look through the words under ‘Too Much’ and self-assess which
words are closest to you on a ‘Bad Day’

For Bottom 2 (marked B), look through the words under ‘Too Little’ and identify which
words represent the current cost to your leadership of NOT having access to this archetype

Write these words below

Archetype Shadow Self-Assessment

Shadow of Too Much Key words I recognise as true

Top 3 Archetypes on a ‘bad day’

Shadow of Too Little Key words of the cost to me

Bottom 2 Archetypes of NOT using these

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Archetypes at WorkTM Programme Handout
© 2017 Hillman & Olivier 8
Appendix A
Activating the Archetypes

Think of the Archetype you wish to activate as a personal research project; a new skill
to be learnt and/or a new ‘character’ to be ‘rehearsed’. Engaging in activities and ways
of being related to the Archetype is the simplest first step. All of these will be helped
by finding a personal mentor who embodies the positive potential of the Archetype
and by reading biographies of others who exhibit these. Below are a few ideas to get
you started:


Practise speaking to the ‘Why’ in meetings / hold the Vision

Work on defining your ‘sense of purpose’
Describe in one sentence who you are ‘at the core’
Take an acting class or join an amateur theatre company
Express your creativity – anyway you choose
Act as though you were a sovereign being and let everything you say have royal gravitas
Find a time to play – with children or by yourself!
Take on a board membership / Non-Executive Director / School governor
Take a self-esteem class
Speak from your heart
Find a place in your life where you can truly ‘shine’
Be generous – give something to someone you care about


Engage in future planning

Hire a strategy coach and/or read books on strategy
Develop a personal strategy and follow it through
Be on time and acknowledge others who are
Learn to play Strategy games - chess/bridge
Build something for your house or garden
Find an elder to learn from
Mentor someone much younger than you
Learn to work with figures or numbers – accounting, Sudoku etc
Discover the difference between talent and mastery
Practise minimalism by clearing clutter
Toil harder than those around you and watch it pay off


Find an appropriate time to share feelings with friends and co-workers

Initiate a ‘cooking circle’ among co-workers or friends
Plant a garden or some indoor plants and tend to these
Develop a meditation / contemplation practice to ‘hold those in need’
Take on a home-improvement project to give your inner Nurturer a nicer place
Do something for the homeless
Spend quiet time with family
Relax / Get a regular relaxing massage or aromatherapy
Put yourself in or near water
Taking a slow hot bath
Care for children and vulnerable people and get close to them
Listen to slow, relaxing music

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Archetypes at WorkTM Programme Handout
© 2017 Hillman & Olivier 9

Make a place at work that has beautiful things and art in it

Find a way to express yourself Artistically – Painting, Dancing, Singing,
Create a social forum to build relationship, at home, at work or in community
Make time to look at and appreciate beautiful things
Read Rumi and love poetry, then write some yourself
Dress beautifully and get advice from a stylish dresser
Shop for beautiful things
Visit places of beauty and write down how you feel to be there
Find a place in your home and make it beautiful
Explore your passions – what do you yearn for?
Respect your money and give some away to someone or something you love
Visit an Art museum and take a tour with an expert


Create a space at work for imagination and dreams

Develop a meditation practice
Study books about other worlds, belief systems
Develop your intuition
Write a dreamy poem about a difficult work situation
Unplug your phone and daydream
Keep a dream journal and find a dream analyst
Engage in active imagination
Take photographs of strange objects, clouds, mists and fog
Read (or write) some fantasy fiction
Learn about spiritual leaders that interest you
Paint with water colours


Create a space at work to synthesise different projects, products, ideas, methods etc
Call a meeting to debate ideas vigorously
Join a debating society and practise quick communication
Make more time in meetings to tell the story of where you/we are and where you/we are going
Practise writing – e mails, letters; short stories, essays, blogs etc
Join a book club and read different books
Take an improvisation class
Practise multi-tasking – more than you normally find comfortable
Play word games, Charades, Scrabble, Trivia, crosswords, Sudoku etc
Learn to juggle and/or other circus tricks and games
Play practical jokes, learn magic tricks to surprise children
Learn a new language and practise speaking in a different accent


Hold a work meeting in an unexpected way and/or place

Create spaces for brainstorming more regularly
Open a problem you have to a network of colleagues to contribute to
Find someone very different from you at work to learn from or with
Listen to and/or play Jazz music
Get connected to some new IT you have been avoiding
Devote more time to your unusual or eccentric talents
Research something that is at the ‘cutting edge’ of science
Do something unfamiliar that would feel like a risk
Keep an ‘Insight Journal’ for crazy ideas and lightbulb moments
Give time to being the unique individual you are, don’t worry what others think
Connect with young people who are dedicated to a new world

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Archetypes at WorkTM Programme Handout
© 2017 Hillman & Olivier 10

Find a change project to get engaged with

Find a Life Coach or a therapist
Read psychology and books about transformations
Journal about times of ‘death and rebirth’ in your life
Work with a recycling project – start at home
Go through old stuff and have a clear out
Be a detective and discover how your organisation transformed itself in the past
Be an archaeologist into your family roots - or the roots of your organisation
Explore parts of your business that operate on the lowest level – physically and metaphorically
Go antique hunting – look for treasures others do not see
Restore an old car or an old piece of furniture
Write down things you want to let go of – then burn it and bury the ashes
Do some extended research into a subject that has depth


Engage in competitive or extreme sports

Exercise fiercely in a gym, particularly aerobics
Practise martial arts – karate, Aikido, Judo, Tai Chi
Set yourself challenging physical tasks
Hit a punch bag, learn archery, fencing or spear fishing
Set yourself goals and targets and hit them
Get a personal trainer
Take up running
Drive a fast car, ride a motorcycle or race a bike
Learn how to debate without destroying your opponent
When you must fight, do it well and fairly (and above the belt)
Strive to be the best and first at something


Create a project or form a team to increase ‘Justice’ in the workplace

Walk and spend time in nature – hiking, camping, mountaineering
Read a philosophy book
Think and talk about the meaning of life
Find something new to learn – take a class
Teach something you know to others
Get involved in a social justice project
Write a passionate letter to support a local project
Consciously experiment with being more optimistic and enthusiastic in conversations
Travel to an exotic place
Make time and space to have some fun!
Learn some good jokes and find an appropriate place to share them

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Archetypes at WorkTM Programme Handout
© 2017 Hillman & Olivier 11

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