Kelompok 4
Kelompok 4
Kelompok 4
1. Introduction
Electronic supplementary material is available
The direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) would
online at offer an attractive alternative to the current industrial
c.4982846. means of production, the anthraquinone oxidation (AO)
process and potentially allow decentralized production.
2020 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
Accounting for more than 95% of global H2 O2 production the AO process is highly optimized.
However, there are concerns regarding the requirement for continuous replacement of the
anthraquinone, H2 -carrier, as a result of its over hydrogenation and high energy requirements
2. Experimental
(a) Catalyst preparation
Bimetallic 5% PdNi/TiO2 catalysts have been prepared on a wt% basis by a conventional wet-
impregnation procedure, based on methodology previously reported in the literature [18]. The
procedure to produce 0.5%Pd–4.5%Ni/TiO2 (1 g) is outlined as follows. Aqueous solutions of
Pd(NO3 )2 (0.833 ml, 6 mg ml−1 , Johnson Matthey) and NiCl2 (5 ml, 9 mg ml−1 , Sigma Aldrich)
were combined with H2 O (HPLC grade), in a 50 ml round bottom flask, so that total volume
was fixed to 16 ml. The resulting mixture was heated to 80°C in a thermostatically controlled
oil bath with stirring (1000 r.p.m.). Upon reaching 80°C TiO2 (0.95 g, Degussa, P25) was added,
the resulting slurry was then stirred continuously until a thick paste was formed. The paste was
dried (110°C, 16 h) and the resulting solid material was ground prior to calcination (500°C, 3 h,
20°C min−1 , static air). This was followed by reduction (200°C, 2 h, 20°C min−1 , 5% H2 /Ar) and
re-calcination (400°C, 3 h, 20°C min−1 , static air).
(c) Gas replacement experiments for the direct synthesis of H2 O2 in a batch reactor
An identical procedure to that outlined above for the direct synthesis of H2 O2 is followed for a
reaction time of 0.5 h. After this, stirring is stopped and the reactant gas mixture is vented prior to
replacement with the standard pressures of 5% H2 /CO2 (29 bar) and 25% O2 /CO2 (11 bar). The
reaction is then stirred (1200 r.p.m.) for a further 0.5 h. To collect a series of data points, as in the
case of figure 2, it should be noted that individual experiments are carried out and the reactant
mixture is not sampled online.
(f) Characterization
Metal leaching from supported catalyst was quantified using microwave plasma atomic emission
spectroscopy (MP-AES) via analysis of filtered post reaction solutions, using an Agilent 4100
MP-AES. The concentration responses of Ni and Pd were calibrated using commercial reference
standards (Agilent); in all cases r2 > 0.999.
150 3
100 2
50 1
0 0
Figure 1. Catalytic activity of 5%PdNi/TiO2 toward H2 O2 synthesis (squares) and its subsequent degradation (triangles) as
a function of Pd content, under batch conditions. H2 O2 direct synthesis reaction conditions: catalyst (0.01 g), H2 O (8.5 g),
5% H2 /CO2 (29 bar), 25% O2 /CO2 (11 bar), 0.5 h, 20°C, 1200 r.p.m. H2 O2 degradation reaction conditions: catalyst (0.01 g), H2 O2
(50 wt%, 0.68 g), H2 O (7.82 g), 5% H2 /CO2 (420 psi), 0.5 h, 20°C, 1200 r.p.m. (Online version in colour.)
the observed concentration of H2 O2 increasing to a maximum of 312 ppm for the 0.75%Pd–
4.25%Ni/TiO2 catalyst before plateauing as the composition was varied to 1%Pd–4%Ni/TiO2
after 30 min of reaction. Interestingly no activity towards H2 O2 degradation, via decomposition
or hydrogenation pathways, was observed for the 0.75%Pd–4.25%Ni/TiO2 catalyst or those
materials with lower Pd loadings, despite their ability to produce H2 O2 . Increasing Pd content
beyond 15% of total metal loading (0.75 wt.%Pd content), does not result in further rise in
H2 O2 concentration, whereas we observe the development of catalytic activity towards H2 O2
degradation (6%) for the 1%Pd–4%Ni/TiO2 catalyst. By comparison we have recently reported
[26] that the well-studied 2.5%Au–2.5%Pd/TiO2 catalyst [29,30] prepared via a conventional wet-
impregnation methodology offers significantly greater rates of H2 O2 degradation (25%), under
identical reaction conditions indicating the beneficial effects of alloying Pd with Ni. It should be
noted that, despite the significantly greater activity of the supported AuPd catalyst towards H2 O2
degradation the concentration of H2 O2 generated (476 ppm) [26] is only slightly greater than that
observed for the 0.75%Pd–4.25%Ni/TiO2 catalyst.
With the requirement for Ni to be present in order to inhibit H2 O2 degradation pathways
clear (electronic supplementary material, table S.1), we next evaluated the efficacy of the 0.5%Pd–
4.5%Ni/TiO2 catalyst over multiple sequential H2 O2 synthesis tests under batch conditions
(figure 2). Initially, over a standard 0.5 h experiment, H2 O2 concentrations comparable to
that reported for the well-studied 0.5%Au–0.5%Pd/TiO2 catalyst are achieved, under identical
reaction conditions [25]. After carrying out five consecutive reactions, where the reactor is
depressurized prior to the introduction of reactant gases at standard pressures, the H2 O2
concentration increased in a linear manner to a value of 552 ppm, with no loss in H2 O2 selectivity
(97%) over sequential synthesis reactions. The high selectivity of the 0.5%Pd–4.5%Ni/TiO2
catalyst is particularly noteworthy given the relatively unfavourable conditions used in this study,
namely the use of ambient temperatures and a water only reaction medium.
Typically the evaluation of catalytic performance towards H2 O2 synthesis has focussed on the
use of high pressure, batch reactors [31,32]. However, the use of such reactors inherently results
in high contact times between the catalyst and synthesized H2 O2 , often leading to increased
degradation via hydrogenation and decomposition pathways. Alternatively a range of membrane
[33,34], fixed bed [35], trickle bed [36–39] and microreactors [40,41] have been used in the direct
synthesis of H2 O2 . Indeed we have previously reported the efficacy of a 0.5%Au–0.5%Pd/TiO2
100 6
selectivity (%)
300 40
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
sequential reaction number
Figure 2. Sequential H2 O2 synthesis reactions over the 0.5%Pd–4.5%Ni/TiO2 catalyst, under batch conditions. H2 O2
concentration (bar), selectivity towards H2 O2 (cross). Note: individual reactions are run for 0.5 h and reactant gases are replaced
at 0.5 h intervals. H2 O2 direct synthesis reaction conditions: catalyst (0.01 g), H2 O (8.5 g), 5% H2 /CO2 (29 bar), 25% O2 /CO2 (11 bar),
0.5 h, 20°C, 1200 r.p.m. (Online version in colour.)
catalyst, towards H2 O2 synthesis using a fixed bed reactor, with selectivities of 80% reached when
using optimized reaction conditions [29]. However, it should be noted that when using reaction
conditions similar to those used within this work (water only as solvent and ambient temperature)
the 0.5%Au–0.5%Pd/TiO2 catalyst only displayed a selectivity towards H2 O2 of approximately
20%, with a H2 O2 concentration of 190 ppm produced. With the commercial production of H2 O2
in a continuous mode likely to be favoured, in particular for applications requiring relatively
dilute H2 O2 concentrations, due to minimization of H2 O2 degradation we next investigated the
role of key reaction conditions on the formation of H2 O2 over the 0.5%Pd–4.5%Ni/TiO2 catalyst
in a fixed bed flow reactor.
The effect of varying catalyst mass from 0.05 to 0.25 g was first investigated (figure 3), with
H2 O2 concentration increasing in a linear manner with catalyst content, up to a catalyst mass of
0.1 g, beyond which H2 O2 concentration continues to increase but nonlinearly, in a similar fashion
to H2 conversion (electronic supplementary material, table S.2). This in part may be related to a
slight rise in activity towards the degradation of H2 O2 , as indicated by the marginal decrease
in H2 O2 selectivity at larger catalyst masses. Which in turn results from increased contact time
between reactant gases and the catalyst. Indeed, the relationship between H2 O2 degradation
activity and H2 O2 concentration is well known [18]. However, it is suggested that the observed
differences in catalytic selectivity are not significant. It is possible, given the relatively high flow
rates used within this study, that the plateau observed in H2 O2 concentration can be related to
limitations associated with reactant gas diffusion to the catalyst. Alternatively, it is also possible
that as the liquid and gas flow rates were held constant during these experiments and in turn
residence time across the catalyst bed is modified (electronic supplementary material, table S.2)
that in fact H2 O2 synthesis and degradation rates are equivalent, resulting in a plateauing of
observable H2 O2 concentration. Regardless, selectivity towards H2 O2 is seen to remain high,
exceeding 85%.
The effect of total reaction pressure was next investigated (figure 4), while maintaining all
other reaction conditions. As expected, an enhancement in H2 O2 concentration was observed
with increasing pressure. These results show that pressure had no effect on catalytic selectivity,
which remains constant at 85%. This is in keeping with our previous observations into supported
AuPd nanoparticles, under both flow [27] and batch [30] regimes, where both H2 O2 synthesis and
degradation pathways increase proportionally with pressure. The first order dependence of H2 O2
100 100 7
40 40
20 20
0 0
Figure 3. Effect of catalyst mass on catalytic activity towards H2 O2 synthesis, under flow conditions. H2 O2 concentration as ppm
(squares), selectivity towards H2 O2 (cross). Reaction conditions: 20°C, H2 O liquid flow rate, 1 ml min−1 , 30 bar total pressure,
5% H2 /CO2 (175 ml min−1 ), 25% O2 /CO2 (35 ml min−1 ). (Online version in colour.)
100 100
H2O2 concentration (ppm)
80 80
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
total pressure (bar)
Figure 4. Effect of pressure on catalytic activity towards H2 O2 synthesis, under flow conditions. H2 O2 concentration as ppm
(squares), selectivity towards H2 O2 (cross). Reaction conditions: 20°C, catalyst mass (0.25 g) H2 O liquid flow rate, 1 ml min−1 ,
5% H2 /CO2 (175 ml min−1 ), 25% O2 /CO2 (35 ml min−1 ). (Online version in colour.)
formation with respect to H2 partial pressure suggests that H2 O2 concentration scales linearly
with increasing H2 pressure. However, we observe a slight divergence away from this correlation,
with similar observations previously reported by Izumi et al. [41], at pressures comparable to that
studied within this work (see electronic supplementary material, table S.3). In this case, we ascribe
the nonlinear relationship between reactant gas pressure and H2 O2 concentration to diffusion
issues associated with inefficient reactor dynamics and catalyst packing. Indeed, it can be seen
(electronic supplementary material, figure S.2) that when using a lower catalyst mass (0.1 g) the
relationship between reactant gas pressure and H2 O2 concentration is close to linear.
The effect of solvent flow rate was next investigated while maintaining all other reaction
conditions (figure 5). Perhaps unsurprisingly, due to effects of dilution, we observe a decrease
in H2 O2 concentration with increasing flow rate. However, calculation of the moles of H2 O2
produced revealed that this metric increased with solvent flow, with a maximum (0.004 mmol)
observed at 3 ml min−1 solvent flow. Increasing flow rate beyond 3 ml min−1 resulted in no further
160 0.0045
140 0.0040
H2O2 concentration
2 2
20 0.0005
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
solvent flow (ml min–1)
Figure 5. Effect of solvent flow rate on catalytic activity towards H2 O2 synthesis, under flow conditions. H2 O2 concentration
as ppm (squares), H2 O2 concentration as mmolH2 O2 mlmin−1 (triangles). Reaction conditions: 20°C, catalyst mass (0.25 g) H2 O,
30 bar total pressure, 5% H2 /CO2 (175 ml min−1 ), 25% O2 /CO2 (35 ml min−1 ). (Online version in colour.)
100 100
H2O2 concentration (ppm)
80 80
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
time (h)
Figure 6. Catalytic activity of the 0.5%Pd–4.5%Ni/TiO2 catalyst over 10 h onstream. H2 O2 concentration as ppm (squares),
selectivity towards H2 O2 (cross). Reaction conditions: 20°C, catalyst mass (0.25 g) H2 O liquid flow rate, 1 ml min−1 , 30 bar total
pressure, 5% H2 /CO2 (175 ml min−1 ), 25% O2 /CO2 (35 ml min−1 ). (Online version in colour.)
increase in H2 O2 concentration, with similar results observed regardless of total catalyst mass
used (electronic supplementary material, figure S.3). This is ascribed to mass transfer limitations,
where greater solvent flow rates and shorter residence times inhibit diffusion of reagent gases to
catalytically active sites, with similar conclusions previously made by Biasi et al. [42,43]. As more
solvent is passed through the catalyst bed the residence time of H2 O2 is reduced through dilution
of the solution. With the extent of H2 O2 degradation proportional to residence time, increasing
solvent flow rates will also result in a decrease in the rate of these subsequent reactions, leading
to increased selectivity. Indeed, we have previously reported, using similar reaction conditions,
that with increasing solvent flow rates H2 conversion remains constant, while selectivity towards
H2 O2 increases significantly.
Finally with the requirement to re-use a catalyst successfully at the heart of green chemistry
and the activity of homogeneous species towards H2 O2 synthesis well known [44], we next
investigated catalytic activity of the 0.5%Pd–4.5%Ni/TiO2 catalyst towards H2 O2 synthesis for
extended periods of time, under flow conditions (figure 6). Over 10 h on-stream, we observe
no loss in either activity, with 80 ppm H2 O2 produced consistently, or selectivity towards H2 O2 ,
indicative of the high stability of the catalyst. Furthermore, analysis of the post reaction effluent
4. Conclusion
With a focus on reaction conditions considered unfavourable to H2 O2 formation, we have
evaluated the efficacy of supported PdNi catalysts exposed to a successive calcination–reduction–
calcination heat treatment towards the direct synthesis of H2 O2 . Catalytic activity in both a stirred
autoclave reactor and using flow conditions is found to be stable, with a selectivity towards H2 O2
exceeding 95% and 85% in batch and flow regimes, respectively. We consider that these catalysts
represent a promising basis for further exploration of the direct synthesis of H2 O2 under realistic
industrial conditions.
Data accessibility. Information on the data underpinning the results presented here, including how to access
them, can be found at
Authors’ contributions. All authors provided substantial contributions to the conception and design, or acquisition
of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, drafting the article or revising it critically for important
intellectual content and final approval of the version to be published.
Competing interests. The authors declare no competing interests.
Funding. D.A.C. and R.U. wish to acknowledge the Selden Research Limited for financial support. J.K.E,
G.S., G.J.H. and R.J.L. gratefully acknowledge the Cardiff University for financial support, in addition
S.J.F. acknowledges the financial support and the award of a Prize Research Fellowship from the from the
University of Bath.
Acknowledgments. The authors wish to acknowledge the Selden Research Limited for useful discussion
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