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Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.


Advances in the slurry reactor technology of the

anthraquinone process for H2O2 production

Hongbo Li1, Bo Zheng1, Zhiyong Pan1, Baoning Zong (✉)1, Minghua Qiao2
1 Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Sinopec, Beijing 100083, China
2 Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China

© Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017

Abstract This paper overviews the development of the peroxide include H2O2 for propylene oxide (HPPO),
anthraquinone auto-oxidation (AO) process for the pro- textile (bleaching of cotton and wool fabrics), food (aseptic
duction of hydrogen peroxide in China and abroad. The packaging of milk and fruit juice) and aquaculture
characteristics and differences between the fixed-bed and (antiparasite for salmon farming), mining (detoxification
fluidized-bed reactors for the AO process are presented. of cyanide tailings, enhanced recovery of metal), water and
The detailed comparison indicates that the production of wastewater treatment (advanced oxidation processes),
hydrogen peroxide with the fluidized-bed reactor has many semiconductors (cleaning silicon wafers in the manufac-
advantages, such as lower operation cost and catalyst ture of printed circuit boards), chemical industry (reactant),
consumption, less anthraquinone degradation, higher and pulp and paper (bleaching wood pulp) [2].
catalyst utilization efficiency, and higher hydrogenation The consumption of hydrogen peroxide (based on 100%
efficiency. The key characters of the production technology H2O2) in China has boosted from 0.25 million tons per
of hydrogen peroxide based on the fluidized-bed reactor year in 2000 to 1.15 million tons per year in 2009. The
developed by the Research Institute of Petroleum Proces- annual growth percentage of the consumption in this
sing, Sinopec are also disclosed. It is apparent that decade is approximately 20% [3]. The domestic capacity
substituting the fluidized-bed reactor for the fixed-bed (based on 100% H2O2) had reached 3.07 million tons per
reactor is a major direction of breakthrough for the year in 2016, which accounted for half of the global
production technology of hydrogen peroxide in China. capacity of hydrogen peroxide. It is estimated that the rapid
growth of the capacity will continue, eventually feeding
Keywords anthraquinone process, fixed-bed reactor, back into higher production scales, system integration and
slurry-bed reactor, hydrogen peroxide optimization, and lower production costs.
Several commercial processes have been developed for
the production of hydrogen peroxide, such as the
1 Introduction anthraquinone auto-oxidation (AO), primary and second-
ary alcohol oxidation [4,5], and electrochemical process
Hydrogen peroxide is widely used in almost all industrial [6]. New synthesis processes for hydrogen peroxide are
areas, particularly in chemical industry and environmental still being explored, e.g., the direct synthesis from
protection. Hydrogen peroxide is a versatile oxidant with a hydrogen and oxygen in the presence of a catalyst [7–
high oxidation potential and effectiveness in a wide range 11], photocatalytic reactions over semiconductor oxides
of pH. Owing to the high active oxygen content (47.1% [12], and synthesis from CO/O2/H2O mixtures in the
w/w), hydrogen peroxide is a more efficient oxidant than presence of metal complexes [13]. However, these
other ones [1]. The demand of hydrogen peroxide is processes are plagued by high explosion risk and/or low
growing dramatically due to its “green” character: the only concentration of the resulting hydrogen peroxide. Owing
byproduct from it is water. It has played an important role to the mild reaction temperatures, lower production costs
in the environmentally friendly processes in chemical and energy consumption, and larger production scales, the
industry. Currently, the main markets for hydrogen AO process has supplanted all its commercial competitors.
The share of the AO process in the production of H2O2 is
Received April 28, 2017; accepted July 29, 2017 above 95% in the world and above 99% in domestic.
The first commercial AO process (one ton H2O2 per day)
2 Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.

Fig. 1 The production routes of the AO process

was developed by IG Farbenindustrie in Germany in the peroxide usually contains trace organic impurities, which
1940s. All the plants based on the AO process follow the require to be further purified [16]. Therefore, it is still
original concept composed of four major steps: hydro- highly desirable to improve the efficiency of the AO
genation, oxidation, hydrogen peroxide extraction, and process.
treatment of the working solution. The working solution In this paper, we reviews the progresses on the research
refers to the organic solution dissolving anthraquinone and development of the AO process in China and abroad.
during the AO process. A simplified production route of The main focus is the characteristics and differences of the
this process is showed in Fig. 1. hydrogenation reactors for the AO process. The trend for
In general, 2-alkylanthraquinone (AQ; usually, 2- the further development of the AO process in China is also
ethylantraquinone) dissolved in a mixture of organic suggested.
solvents (including nonpolar and polar solvents) is first
catalytically hydrogenated to the corresponding anthrahy-
droquinone (AHQ) over a Pd/Al2O3 catalyst at temperature 2 The development of the AO process in
of 40–70 °C and under H2 pressure of 4 atm. The resulting China
solution of AHQ is sent to an oxidation reactor, where
AHQ is oxidized with air to the original AQ and an In China, the research on the technology to produce
equimolar hydrogen peroxide is simultaneously produced hydrogen peroxide via the AO process developed by IG
with a concentration of 0.6–1.8 wt-% [14,15]. The Farbenindustrie in Germany can be traced back to the year
produced hydrogen peroxide is extracted by demineralized of 1958. Due to the limitation of the research conditions, a
water in an extraction column to produce a hydrogen batchwise operation was adopted and did not afford
peroxide solution of usually 27.5% by weight. The mixture satisfactory results. Another bench test was carried out and
of organic solvent and AQ is recycled. Hydrogen peroxide succeeded in 1961. The parameters such as the tempera-
is subsequently purified and concentrated through distilla- ture, pressure, residence time, operation method, analytical
tion (with steam, the peroxide does not form a azeotropic method, and catalyst preparation method were investi-
mixture with water and can be completely separated by gated. However, the road from the bench test to a large-
distillation) to different commercial grades, typically up to scale implementation is long. A pilot plant with a scale of
70%. The concentrated hydrogen peroxide is stabilized 7 tons per year was established in 1964. It took three years
against decomposition by adding stabilizers and then to obtain the satisfactory result in the pilot test. The first
pumped into product storage tanks. plant with an industrial scale of 300 tons per year was
The AO process has advantages such as the very high established in Beijing in 1971. Then, another eight similar
yield of hydrogen peroxide per cycle and remarkable factories had been set up since 1976, indicating the success
economic benefits. However, it still has some drawbacks. of this technology in industrial application in China. The
Both the working solution and hydrogenation catalyst need largest unit located in Zunyi could produce 2000 tons
to be regenerated because of side reactions in the H2O2 per year [3].
hydrogenation step. Furthermore, the produced hydrogen The technology used in the above plants is regarded as
Hongbo Li et al. Advances in the slurry reactor technology 3

the first generation technology of hydrogen peroxide Although the second generation technology for hydro-
production in China, and is characterized by the Raney gen peroxide production has been widely used, the large
Ni catalyst and the slurry stirring tank reactor used in the volume of the units hinders the further expansion of the
AQ hydrogenation. Although this technology is the earliest capacity. The AQ hydrogenation efficiency in domestic
one studied, and several demonstration plants have been plants is 6–7 g/L, whereas it is usually≥10 g/L abroad. To
established with the capacities of several thousand tons per enhance the hydrogenation efficiency, both the activity and
year, it was displaced due to its obvious drawbacks listed in selectivity of the catalyst should be improved. The
Table 1 [17] and the difficulty in scaling up. catalytic performance are affected by the properties of
The substitution technology, which is regarded as the the support (surface area, pore structure and physical
second generation technology, is also based on the AO strength) and the dispersion of the active component.
process. A schematic diagram of the second generation AO LRICI focused on the development of a suitable Al2O3
process is illustrated in Fig. 2 [18], and a comparison of the support and a proper method to impregnate palladium on
first generation technology with the second generation the support [17]. Compared with other catalysts, the newly
technology is shown in Table 1. For the second generation developed palladium catalyst had several distinct advan-
technology, a fixed-bed reactor (trickle-bed reactor) and tages: 50%–60% higher in productivity, 20%–30% lower
the Pd/Al2O3 catalyst are selected, which renders a larger in bulk density, 10%–20% less in palladium content, and
production scale, higher selectivity, improved system 15%–20% smaller in diameter. For a similar selectivity, its
safety, and lower production cost. Liming Research hydrogenation activity was about 30%–40% higher. The
Institute of Chemical Industry of China (LRICI) has been consumption of this catalyst was only half of that of the
engaged in developing the AO process for over 30 years. previous one. Such significant improvements made this Pd/
The first unit using the fixed-bed reactor and the Pd/Al2O3 Al2O3 hydrogenation catalyst highly competitive in the
catalyst was established in the 1990s. Then over 40 plants industrialization of the AO process.
have been constructed and successfully started up in Process intensification by optimizing engineering design
domestic and abroad with the capacities ranging from is another way to improve the production efficiency of the
several thousand tons per year to over 40000 tons per year unit. The hydrogen peroxide unit of Sinopec with the
[19]. capacity of 120000 tons per year (27.5%, mass fraction)
Table 1 Highlights of the characteristics of the hydrogenation steps in the first generation technology and second generation technology for the
production of hydrogen peroxide via the AO process
Item First generation technology Second generation technology
Reactor Slurry stirring tank reactor Trickle-bed reactor
Catalyst Raney Ni leached from 30‒50 mesh of Ni-Al alloy; easy to 0.30.02% Pd/Al2O3; 3 mm in diameter extrudate
prepare; self-ignition
Hydrogenation activity ≥9 g H2O2/L of working solution 6–7 g H2O2/L of working solution
Selectivity Acceptable High
Filtration Inside back-washable primary filters; outside safety filter Safety filter
Structure Complicated; carefully designed mechanical stirrer and seal Simple; gas and liquid distributors

Fig. 2 Block diagram of the AO process for the production of hydrogen peroxide
4 Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.

has several problems such as low product concentration of FRIPP, cooperating with Hunan Xing Peng Chemical
hydrogen peroxide, high residual content of hydrogen Technology Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Chemical Industry
peroxide in the extraction raffinate, and high alkali Co., Ltd. [3], developed a new technology for the
consumption. Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum production of hydrogen peroxide via the AO process on
and Petrochemicals (FRIPP), Sinopec, focused on opti- a fixed-bed reactor. The merits of this technology include
mizing the key units and internals in the steps of the implementation of a vacuum dehydration system in the
hydrogenation, oxidation, extraction, and alkali treatment step of alkali working solution treatment and the adoption
[20]. After the optimization, the product mass fraction of of a Pd-based catalyst with high activity and selectivity.
hydrogen peroxide increased from the range of 20%–23% Moreover, AAQ was used and its influence on the working
to more than 27.5%, the residual content of hydrogen solution was investigated. Process intensifications, such as
peroxide in the extraction raffinate decreased to less than the feeding of hydrogen in stages to the hydrogenation
0.15 g/L from higher than 0.30 g/L, and the alkali reactor and optimization of the internals in the oxidation
consumption decreased to 3.4 t/h from 4.0 t/h. Both the reactor and extraction column, were also studied. Based on
economic benefit of the enterprise and the unit operation this technology, a plant was built in Guangxi with a
safety were improved after the optimization. Researchers production capacity of 40000 tons per year for 40% H2O2.
also focused on enhancing interphase mass transfer in the Calibration results in 72 h on stream showed that the mass
hydrogenation and oxidation reactors to make the contact solubility of AAQ in the working solution was 180 g/L.
between the reactant and the surface of catalyst more The efficiency of hydrogenation was 10 g/L. The
homogeneous. A gas distributor was recommended to concentration of hydrogen peroxide without being con-
install in the hydrogenation and oxidation reactors as centrated was 42%. And the residual content of hydrogen
reported in the patents, CN102009960A [21] and peroxide in the extraction raffinate was 0.14 g/L. The
CN102009961A [22]. The gas distributor should be concentration of hydrogen peroxide before being concen-
composed of a microporous membrane or sieve plate so trated was 7% higher than those of other plants. The
that the microbubbles with dimensions of 10 to 1000 µm amount of catalyst was reduced to 1/3. And the investment
could be produced. Compared with a conventional reactor, of the catalyst was only half that of the existing plants. Due
the dispersion in these reactors is more homogeneous. As a to the higher solubility of AAQ in the working solution,
result, the hydrogenation and oxidation reactions are more higher extraction efficiency, shorter oxidation time, and
effective and the cost is more economical. However, these lower energy consumption, the cost per ton production
technologies have not been industrialized yet. (based on 27.5% H2O2) is reduced by 50 Yuan. At the same
Conventionally, AQ is dissolved in a mixture of C9-C10 flow rate of the working solution, detailed comparisons
aromatics (AR) and trioctylphosphate (TOP) as the between this plant and other plants in China indicated that
working solution. It is known that the components of the the capacity of the new plant was increased by 30%.
solvent and solute system affect noticeably the perfor-
mance (viscosity, density, partition coefficient of hydrogen
peroxide) of the working solution, the hydrogenation 3 The AO process developed abroad
activity of the Pd catalyst, and the extraction process. To
increase the solubility of AQ, some researchers have The hydrogenation of AQ is the key step to affect the yield
evaluated the performance of different solvent systems. of hydrogen peroxide and the consumption of AQ [28].
For example, researchers at LRICI substituted tetrabutyl Because the fixed-bed reactor is simple in structure and
urea (TBU) for TOP, and found that TBU is better than easy to operate, it is widely used in the production of
TOP because it could increase the hydrogen peroxide hydrogen peroxide via the AO process in China. However,
throughput and content in the extract and decrease the the fixed-bed reactor suffers from high pressure drop, low
hydrogen peroxide content in the extraction raffinate [23]. catalyst utilization, and insufficient heat removal. For
Other solvent systems have been also studied, such as the example, the catalyst dimension should be in the range of 1
conventional solvent (AR + TOP) with addition of and 3 mm on the fixed-bed reactor, so the influence of
2-methylcyclohexyl acetate (2-MCHA) or 2,6-dimethyl- internal mass and heat transfer resistances are not
4-heptanol (DIBC) [24,25], and a mixed solvent of 1,3,5- negligible, leading to a decrease in the utilization of
trimethylbenzene (TMB) and DIBC [26,27]. The results catalyst and the formation of hot spot. Furthermore, the
indicated that both the solubility of AQ and hydrogenation degradation of the active anthraquinones tends to occur.
efficiency increased in these systems. Another way is to That is why in a fixed-bed reactor with an anthraquinone
discover new solutes. Jia et al. have tried to use solubility of 120 g/L, the efficiency of hydrogenation is
2-amylanthraquinone (AAQ) instead of 2-ethylanthraqui- controlled at 5–8 g/L, through the theoretical value is as
none (EAQ) as the solvent, and found that the solubility of high as 17 g/L.
AAQ was 2–3 times greater than that of EAQ in a mixed It is an appropriate substitution to employ a slurry
solvent of AAQ, TMB and DIBC as the work solution. So bubble column (fluidized bed) as the hydrogenation
it was benefit to select AAQ as the new solute [27]. reactor. In this reactor, catalyst powders with diameters
Hongbo Li et al. Advances in the slurry reactor technology 5

of 20 to 300 µm are selected. As a result, the influence of hydrogenation is carried out with hydrogen or a hydrogen
internal mass transfer resistance is minimized, and optimal containing gas and palladium black suspended in the
activity and selectivity can be achieved. Heat transfer is working solution at a temperature up to 100 °C and a
significantly enhanced in the fluidized-bed reactor, which pressure up to 15 bar absolute in this reactor. The mixture
allows for a nearly isothermal operation. Even though the of the product stream and catalyst must be rigorously
catalyst fraction is lower than that in the fixed-bed reactor, separated with the aid of a filter system. The efficiency of
the hydrogenation efficiency in the fluidized-bed reactor is hydrogenation was reported as 12 g/L.
higher on account of the higher catalyst productivity. Other BASF introduced a special bubble column or a special
advantages of the fluidized-bed reactor over the fixed-bed multi-tube reactor with an internal fitting having openings
reactor are the lower catalyst consumption per ton of or channels [30]. The fitting should be the packings having
hydrogen peroxide and the easiness in on-line removal/ a hydraulic diameter significantly smaller than that of the
addition of catalyst, which prolongs operating period of the comparable internal fittings in the field of distillation or
reactor. extraction technology. Compared with conventional reac-
DuPont, Solvay, Akzo Nobel, MGC, FMC, Total, tors for suspension hydrogenation of AQ, mass transfer
Degussa, and BASF have developed the technology was greatly enhanced and higher space-time yields were
using the fluidized-bed reactor and palladium catalyst for obtained in this reactor. However, this reactor still has
the production of hydrogen peroxide for several decades. some shortcomings, such as a more significant loss of the
Degussa employs a meandering tube system as the reaction working solution and a shorter lifetime of the catalyst.
space, in which the hydrogenation is carried out in a loop The detailed comparisons of the technological para-
reactor made of tubes with the same nominal diameter; meters of the main companies in domestic and abroad and
these tubes are arranged either vertically or horizontally the consumption of the processes using the fluidized- or
and connected by curving tubes (tube elbows) [29]. The fixed-bed reactor are summarized in Tables 2 and 3,
flow velocities in the tubes are greater than 3 m/s. Catalytic respectively [31]. The separation of the powdered catalyst

Table 2 The comparison of the technological parameters of main companies

Item Domestic companies FMC MGC Solvay Degussa Arkema
Working solution Solvent 1 AR AR AR AR AR AR
Solvent 2 TOP TOP TOP
Solvent 3 TBU TBU 2-MCHA
Solubility of AQ /(g∙L–1) 125–140 160–180 250–300 160–180 160–180 160–180
Pd mass fraction /% 0.3 0.3 1–2 1–2 1–2 1–2
Hydrogenation Reactor Fixed bed Fixed bed Fluidized bed Fluidized bed Fluidized bed Fluidized bed
Hydrogenation efficiency/
(g∙L–1) 7–8 10–12 15–18 12–15 11–15 11–14

Extraction H2O2 /% 27.5–35 27.5–35 45–48 43–46 40–45 40–45

Table 3 The consumption of the processes using the fluidized- or fixed-bed reactor
Item Fluidized-bed reactor Fixed-bed reactor (China) Fixed-bed reactor
(a foreign company) (China) optimized
Main material EAQ /(kg∙tH2O2–1) 0.7 1.8 1.1
AR /(kg∙tH2O2–1) 0.8 10.9 9
TOP /(kg∙tH2O2–1) 0.8 (TBU) 1.3 0.54
H2 /(Nm3∙tH2O2–1) 720 737 720
H3PO4/(kg∙tH2O2 ) 0.6 0.9 0.8
Al2O3 /(kg∙tH2O2–1) 3.5 12.8 9
Pd-based catalyst /(kg∙tH2O2–1) 0.02 (Pd 2%) 0.4 (Pd 0.3%) 0.252 (Pd 0.3%)
Utilities Cooling water /(t∙tH2O2–1) 228
Electricity /(kWh∙tH2O2–1) 700 742
Steam /(t∙tH2O2–1) 1.6
Capacity/(t∙a–1) 30000 22000 30000
6 Front. Chem. Sci. Eng.

from the liquid product and the scale-up of this reactor are maximum of 14.3 g/L being detected. The efficiency of
major technical challenges for industrial application. oxidation was 10–12 g/L. And the residual content of
However, as far as the higher efficiency of hydrogenation, hydrogen peroxide in the extraction raffinate was less than
better quality of the product, lower production costs, and 0.3 g/L. In the case of catalyst leakage, hydrogen peroxide
less AQ degradation are concerned, the production of will be sharply decomposed in oxidation reactor, which is
hydrogen peroxide with the fluidized-bed reactor has prone to the production accident. Hence, detailed tests
become the trend of the AO process. focusing on the hydrogenation system, especially on the
back-washable filtration system and the mechanical
strength of the powder catalyst had been carried out. The
4 The technology using the fluidized-bed turbidity of the hydrogenated working solution was
reactor developed by Sinopec checked. It was demonstrated that the filtration system
and the mechanical strength of the catalyst were reliable.
Although the technology of hydrogen peroxide production The unit ran stably with a high selectivity, and the
based on the fluidized-bed reactor has been widely used degradation of the active anthraquinones remained at a low
abroad for more than 30 years, the domestic companies level. Thus, the consumption of the regeneration agent in
have not succeeded in developing their own technology the treatment step of the working solution could be
yet. Several domestic plants adopting the fluidized-bed reduced, leading to a lower operation cost. Another
reactor process have been or will be established, but all the advantage was that the new working solution employed
technologies are introduced from companies abroad. For AAQ mixed with EAQ as the solutes, which could cut
example, the largest plant located in Jilin with a capacity of down the cost in expanding the capacity of the current
230000 tons per year (based on 100% H2O2) was designed units.
by Evonik. Another two joint ventures located in Shanghai
and Jiangsu were set up by Total and MGC, respectively.
In China, a pilot test with the slurry bubble column as
the hydrogenation reactor was firstly conducted by LRICI
in 1997 [32]. A Pd/Al2O3-SiO2 powder catalyst and the
outside back-washable primary filters were used. It was
successfully operated with average hydrogenation effi-
ciency of above 9 g/L for more than one year, but further
research on its application in an industrial scale was not
Sinopec has developed its proprietary technologies of
the integrated HPPO process and caprolactam production
process, in which hydrogen peroxide is used as the oxidant.
The commercialization and expansion of these processes
stimulate a large growth in the proportion of hydrogen
peroxide used in chemical syntheses. The current hydrogen
peroxide plants all use a fixed bed as the hydrogenation
reactor. Due to the difficulties in scaling up, the largest
capacity of the unit with the fixed-bed reactor is only
75000 tons per year (based on 100% H2O2), whereas the
capacity of the largest unit with the fluidized-bed reactor is
330000 tons per year (based on 100% H2O2). The fact that
the capacity cannot match the demand of hydrogen Fig. 3 Pilot plant of hydrogen peroxide production in Shijiazhuang
peroxide in a continuously expanding market prompted
Sinopec to develop its own production technology using Encouraged by the results of the pilot test, Sinopec is
the fluidized-bed reactor. planning to set up a plant with a capacity of 20000 tons per
RIPP has been engaged in developing the AQ hydro- year (based on 100% H2O2) in Yueyang this year using the
genation catalyst for several years [33–38]. Based on these fluidized-bed reactor.
endeavors, a reactor of pilot scale was established by RIPP The current slurry-bed reactor usually contains outside
in Shijiazhuang in 2013 (Fig. 3). A series of new primary filters, a back-washable system and a recycle gas
technologies, such as the slurry bubble column, a pressurization system, leading to the complication of the
powdered Pd-based catalyst, new outside back-washable process. RIPP cooperating with Hebei Topun Petrochem-
primary filters, and a mixed work solution of EAQ and ical Engineering Co. Ltd developed a slurry stirring tank
AAQ, had been applied in the pilot test. On this pilot plant, integrating with inside primary filter as the hydrogenation
the efficiency of hydrogenation was 12–13 g/L, with a reactor [39]. The hydrogenated AQ working solution and
Hongbo Li et al. Advances in the slurry reactor technology 7

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