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United International Journal for Research & Technology

Volume 04, Issue 05, 2023 | Open Access | ISSN: 2582-6832

Employability of Senior High School Graduates of

Technical Vocational Track Under Home Economics
Daphne Ann Ramirez Burac1 and Fely Ante Habla2
Sorsogon State College, Philippines

Abstract— The main purpose of this study is to determine the profile of the Senior High School Graduates along age,
sex, civil status, national competency qualifications, family income and parent’s employment status; the employability of
the Senior High School graduate of Technical Vocational livelihood under Home Economics Strand along interpersonal
skills, personal skills, skills competencies, workplace competencies and communication skills; lastly, descriptive
correlation method was used to determine the significant relationship between profile of the Senior High School Graduates
and their employability. This study is composed of 52 respondents from S.Y. 2018-2020 graduates determined by total
enumeration. The data collected were statistically treated using weighted mean, frequency count, percentage, and chi-

Keywords— employability, K12 curriculum, senior high school, technical vocational and livelihood, home economics.

through the implementation of the K-to 12 Senior High

I. INTRODUCTION School (SHS), including Technical Vocational
The emerging Educational System across the Globe is Livelihood Track Home Economics Strand offering
evidenced by the evolving educational reforms in many different qualifications. The researcher, as a DepEd
countries. According to Gundala (2016), a School Regular Employee, TESDA Certified Trainer with
Principal in the United States, many research findings National Training Certificate Level I and specialized
on the education systems around the world enumerate subject teacher of SHS/TVL-HE Strand traced the
several countries that lead conversations on good employability of batch 2018-2020 graduates. Since the
education systems like Finland, South Korea, Japan, respondents were the first graduates of Senior High
School in Gate National High School. The result of the
was prompted to push for the implementation of the K
learning experiences on SHS TVL Program were
to 12 program which entails the institutionalization of
kindergarten and the addition of two more years of high
school in the basic education cycle due to the continuous
deterioration of the quality of education in the Based form the findings, the following conclusions are
Philippines. The proposal has provoked a fiery debate drawn;
on whether it could lead to improvements or just
aggravate the current status of education in the country. 1. Majority of the Senior high school graduates belong
The establishment of Republic Act No. 10533, adding to 20 to 24 years age group, females, single, with
Grades 11 and 12 as the senior high school stage of the Bread and Pastry Production NC II, belong to
13-year enhanced basic education system aims to cope family income of P5,000.00 and below and with
up and adapt to the 21st century learning. DepEd Order parents working on to seasonal jobs.
No. 021 s. 2019 or the Policy Guideline on the K12 2. Interpersonal, Personal and Communication Skills,
Basis Education Program (2019) states that the K to 12 Work and Skills Competencies and Skills are highly
Program aimed to help students find the three possible employable.
exits while DepEd Order (DO) no. 30 series 2017 3. There is a significant relationship between all
provide students the opportunity to be familiar with the profiles of the Senior High School Graduates and
work environment and enable them to utilize their their employability along interpersonal skills,
competencies in areas of specialization in these personal skills, skills competencies, work
environments. competencies and communication competencies.
4. A Proposed action plan was developed to increase
In local setting, Gate National High School aimed to the employability of SHS/TVL Graduates.
ensure attainment of workplace ready individuals

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United International Journal for Research & Technology
Volume 04, Issue 05, 2023 | Open Access | ISSN: 2582-6832

III. ACKNOWLEDGMENT grateful for his selfless love, understanding and

The researcher extends her sincerest gratitude and patience. Undeniably, this work would not be completed
appreciation to the following persons who in one way or with ease, without his presence.
another helped made this endeavor possible. Their
support in varied ways contributed to the completion of Furthermore, sincere appreciation to the Trece Maria’s
this task. loving daughters, Danie, TJ, Zia, for inspiring the
researcher to pursue this study. Also to her mother,
Words of appreciation to Dr. Helen R. Lara, president of brothers and sister for their unconditional love, prayers,
Sorsogon State University, for the administrative inspiration and generous support.
support and supervisory to the school of graduate
studies. Likewise, to Dr. Gerry A. Carretero, dean of the Above all, heartfelt gratitude to the Almighty God, with
School of Graduate Studies, for his professional the blessed Mother Mary’s intercession for the gift of
guidance and inspiring assistance to the students of the life, love, strength, knowledge, wisdom, and blessings
masteral programs. bestowed upon the researcher. This humble work is
offered to HIS glory.
The researcher is also thankful to Dr. Noel G.
Benavides, Chairman of the panel of evaluator. His REFERENCES
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researcher’s loving husband, Erwin. She is forever

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