January 2000
German Panel on Corporate Governance *
The Rules of the Code serve as general guidelines for Corporate Governance
for quoted German companies. Quoted companies are all enterprises whose
shares are officially listed on a German stock exchange or traded over-the-
counter. The Rules, their acceptance, implementation and respective adjust-
ments to the specifics of the individual Company shall be communicated in the
Annual Report.
Due to the various legal systems, institutional parameters and traditions, there
is presently no internationally accepted universal model for Corporate Govern-
ance. The parameters for the Code are provided by codified law and leading
cases, generally accepted national and international codes of good conduct and
market practice. They include the directly relevant provisions of company and
group law, in particular, the law governing stock corporations, financial ac-
counting, banking supervision and the capital market as well as the Company's
Memorandum and Articles of Association. From these derive the provisions,
some of them detailed, with regard to the responsibilities and duties of the gov-
erning bodies: Supervisory Board (§§ 95-116 German Stock Corporation Act),
Management Board (§§ 76-94 German Stock Corporation Act) and General
Meeting (§§ 118-147 German Stock Corporation Act) as well as the code of
conduct of the members of the governing bodies.
The essential points of the OECD Principles for Corporate Governance of May
1999 are covered as follows:
• full voting right for each ordinary share (§ 12 German Stock Corporation
• no impediments with regard to ownership or registration (§ 67 German
Stock Corporation Act)
• transferability of shares at any time (§ 68 German Stock Corporation Act)
• participation, proxy and exercise of voting rights at General Meetings (§
134 German Stock Corporation Act)
• election of members of the Supervisory Board (§ 101 German Stock Corpo-
ration Act)
• participation in company profits (§ 58 German Stock Corporation Act).
Until the enactment of the German Takeover Law, the voluntary Takeover Code
of the Capital Markets Expert Commission of the German Ministry of Finance
applies. This Code is accepted by the Company.
In the case of repurchase of own shares according to § 71, subparagraph 1,
No. 8 German Stock Corporation Act, the Company shall observe the principle
of equal treatment of all shareholders.
The Company shall adopt an accounting standard that is suitable for interna-
tional comparison purposes.
As the Management Board and Supervisory Board of German companies have the
decisive functions for Corporate Governance, the relevant points are dealt with in
detail below:
a) The Management Board will publish without delay any new facts arising
in the sphere of the Company's activities which are not yet publicly
known and, due to their impact on their financial position of the Com-
pany or its general course of business, are likely to impact significantly
on the price of the Company's listed securities (§ 15 German Securities
Trading Act).
As part of its regular communication efforts, the dates of major regular
publications (such as annual and quarterly reports, General Meetings)
shall be published in a 'Financial Calendar' (at least one year) in ad-
The information published by the company shall also be available in the
'Internet'. This is to include the invitation to General Meetings, their
agenda as well as shareholder initiatives and management comments
hereto as well as voting results of such meetings. If possible, all publi-
cations are provided in the English language.
b) The company shall pursue the principle of equal treatment of all share-
holders in the matter of information dissemination.
e) Should the business trend or risk exposure of the Group change sig-
nificantly against plan, the Management Board must immediately in-
form the Supervisory Board through its Chairman, who will call an ex-
traordinary Supervisory Board meeting if so indicated.
f) The Management Board shall list in the Notes to the Company Ac-
counts the corporations in which the Company holds a minimum of
10% of the share capital. Exempt from this are participations that are of
immaterial importance for the Company's asset, financial and profit
Equally, any existing mutual shareholdings and any shareholdings in
the Company which have been notified by third parties as well as the
owner(s) of such shareholdings must be reported in the Notes to the
h) In the Notes to the Company Accounts details with regard to the Man-
agement Board's interest in shares of the Company (including any ex-
isting option rights) and their changes in relation to the previous year
have to be published.
3.) Remuneration
The initial exercise of the rights arising from share option programmes
shall not be possible before two years since the grant. To document the
incentive character as well as to balance the surrender of the subscrip-
tion right by the shareholders, the exercise shall depend on achieving
or exceeding relevant and transparent benchmarks (e.g. the develop-
ment of an industry index).
h) The purchase and sale of Company shares, options or other share de-
rivatives by members of the Management Board and senior Group ex-
ecutives are subject to special rules. It is generally welcomed that the
Management Board and senior Group executives document their iden-
tification with the Company through a shareholder status.
1.) Composition
e) The Notes to the Company Accounts shall contain details of the share-
ownership (including existing option rights) of the Supervisory Board
members and their changes in relation to the previous year.
c) The members are bound to confidentiality with regard to all specific in-
formation and company secrets.
d) The Supervisory Board issues its own Standing Rules and stipulates
the information and reporting duties of the Management Board.
• that the mandated Auditor has not achieved during the last five
years with the Audit and advice of the Company (or with corpora-
tions where the Company is a shareholder with more than 20%)
more than 30% of his total revenue. This should also not be ex-
pected for the current fiscal year,
• that no auditor is employed in the Audit that has issued the audi-
tors' confirmation for the Annual Accounts or Group Accounts in
more than 6 instances in the 10 years preceding the audit,
All members of the Supervisory Board shall receive the Audit Reports
in good time before the pertinent Supervisory Board meetings (§ 170
German Stock Corporation Act). Audit related meetings shall be held in
the presence of the Auditors (§ 171 German Stock Corporation Act).
g) The Supervisory Board shall receive regularly (at least annually) a re-
port by the Management Board with regard to donations exceeding an
amount determined by the Supervisory Board.
The Supervisory Board shall establish in line with its Standing Rules vari-
ous committees to deal with complex business matters. With regard to the
composition of such committees, the Supervisory Board shall ensure the
requisite professional experience. Incorporation and duties of committees
are subject to the specific circumstances and the size of the Company. The
following committees could be instituted:
and, if applicable,
- the discussion of partial auditing results during the year (e.g. of the
internal control system),
c) All transactions between the Company, any Group company and Su-
pervisory Board members as well as associated persons or companies
must comply with normal industry standards. The transactions (except:
daily life transactions) and their terms must be approved in advance by
the Supervisory Board. They may not run counter to the interests of the
Company or any Group company.