Premium CH 14 Firms in Competitive Markets
Premium CH 14 Firms in Competitive Markets
Premium CH 14 Firms in Competitive Markets
Eight Edition
Firms in
Competitive Markets
Premium PowerPoint Slides by:
Eastern Illinois University
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Introduction: A Scenario
Three years after graduating, you run your
own business. You must decide how much to
produce, what price to charge, how many
workers to hire, etc.
• What factors should affect these decisions?
– Your costs (studied in preceding chapter)
– How much competition you face
We begin by studying the behavior of firms in
perfectly competitive markets.
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0 $10 n/a
1 $10 $10
2 $10
3 $10
4 $10 $40
5 $10 $50
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Q P TR = P x Q AR = MR =
Q ∆Q
0 $10 $0 n/a
1 $10 $10 $10
Notice that $10
2 $10 $20 $10
MR = P $10
3 $10 $30 $10
4 $10 $40 $10
5 $10 $50 $10
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Profit Maximization
• What Q maximizes a firm’s profit?
– Think at the margin
– If Q increases by one unit
• Revenue rises by MR, cost rises by MC
• Compare marginal revenue with marginal
– If MR > MC: increase Q to raise profit
– If MR < MC: decrease Q to raise profit
– Maximize profit for Q where MR = MC
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At Q1, MC = MR.
Changing Q
would lower profit. Qa Q1 Qb
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Total profit
= (P – ATC) x Q
= $4 x 50 Q
= $200 50
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Determine this
firm’s total loss, A competitive firm
assuming Costs, P
AVC < $3. MC
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A competitive firm
Costs, P
Total loss MC
= (ATC – P) x Q
= $2 x 30 ATC
= $60
loss loss per unit = $2
P = $3 MR
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P2 P2
P1 P1
10 20 30 (firm) (market)
10,000 20,000 30,000
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min. supply
(firm) (market)
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Profit ATC B
P2 P2
A C long-run
P1 P1 supply
(firm) Q1 Q2 Q3 (market)
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• A competitive firm is a price taker
– Its revenue is proportional to the amount of
output it produces.
– P = MR = AR
– The firm’s marginal-cost curve is its supply
• Short run: a firm cannot recover its FC
– Shut down temporarily if P < AVC
• Long run: the firm can recover both FC and VC
– Exit if P < ATC
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• In a market with free entry and exit, profit is
driven to zero in the long run.
– All firms produce at efficient scale, P = min ATC
– The number of firms adjusts to satisfy the
quantity demanded at this price.
• Changes in demand have different effects over
different time horizons.
– Short run, an increase in demand raises prices
and leads to profits (a decrease in demand
lowers prices and leads to losses).
– Long run: zero-profit equilibrium
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A Long-run
P1 P1
Demand, D1
0 Q1 Quantity 0 Quantity
(market) (firm)
The market starts in a long-run equilibrium, shown as point A in panel (a). In this equilibrium,
each firm makes zero profit, and the price equals the minimum average total cost.
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0 Q1 Q2 Quantity 0 Quantity
(market) (firm)
Panel (b) shows what happens in the short run when demand rises from D1 to D2. The
equilibrium goes from point A to point B, price rises from P1 to P2, and the quantity sold in the
market rises from Q1 to Q2. Because price now exceeds average total cost, each firm now makes
a profit, which over time encourages new firms to enter the market.
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A C Long-run
P1 P1
0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Quantity 0 Quantity
(market) (firm)
This entry shifts the short-run supply curve to the right from S1 to S2, as shown in panel (c). In
the new long-run equilibrium, point C, price has returned to P1 but the quantity sold has
increased to Q3. Profits are again zero, and price is back to the minimum of average total cost,
but the market has more firms to satisfy the greater demand.
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