Uts 7 2017
Uts 7 2017
Uts 7 2017
We are
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris D. They are
Kelas : VII (Tujuh) 8. ...... thirty five students in my classroom.
Nama : A. There are
_________________________________ B. There is
I. Choose the right answer by crossing the C. That is
letter a, b, c or d! D. This is
1. Mrs. Nuris always ... to her school. 9. My mother has two....
A. driving her car A. baby
B. is driving her car B. babys
C. drive her car C. babyes
D. drives her car D. Babies
2. (+) She reads a magazine everyday. 10. There are pencil, pen, eraser and
(-) ................................................... sharpener in the ....
A. She doesn't read a magazine A. pencil case
everyday. B. kitchen
B. Does she read a magazine everyday? C. toilet
C. She don't read a magazine everyday. D. Book
D. She didn't read a magazine everyday. 11. The students are sitting on the ....
3. I have a lot of.... A. table
A. moneys B. flag
B. monies C. chair
C. a money D. Pen
D. Money 12. The students borrow the books in the ....
4. I have ... orange in my bag. A. toilet
A. a B. library
B. an C. canteen
C. some D. school yard
D. any 13. There are tomato and chili trees in
5. There are three ... in the classroom. the .....
A. box A. kitchen
B. boxs B. bathroom
C. boxes C. dining room
D. Boxies D. garden
6. There are five students in the classroom. 14. This is a thing in the pencil case. It is
.......... Dania, Vida, Rani, Jihan and made of wood. It is used to write. It is
Firya. a ....
A. She is A. eraser
B. He is B. Pen
C. I am C. pencil
D. They are D. book
7. Mr. Anwar is a pilot. My name is Dewi. I live in a small
....... a kind man. house. It has five rooms. There are two
A. She is bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen.
B. He is
Indeed, it is a small house, but I like living C. She helps her mother
in here for wasting my spare time. D. She plays online games
When the door is open, I can see the 20. I am thirsty, give me some … please.
living room. It is so small with only three A.Food
chairs and a table. I prefer reading a novel B. fruit
in this room. C. water
My bedroom is in the left side of the D. rice
living room. In this room, there is a night
table lamp next to the bed, a television, a II. ESSAY. Complete the sentences below!
radio and a computer. When being bored of 1. Ratu _______ a poem in front of the
reading, I usually play online games, chat class (read)
with my friends via facebook. 2. We ________ a headmaster in the
Next to my bedroom is my mother's master’s office. (meet)
room. In the right side of the living room is 3. Tyo ________ volleyball in the
a kitchen. In the kitchen, I have everything volleyball court. (play)
I need when I get hungry. It is very 4. Alia and Naya __________ orange juice
pleasure when my mother cooks. The smell in the canteen. (buy)
fills my whole house. I love my house very 5. Dika and Andri __________ to the
much. teacher’s room. (go)
15. What does the text talk about?
A. Dewi's house
B. Dewi's room
C. Dewi's bedroom
D. Dewi's living room
16. Where is her bedroom?
A. It's in the right side of the kitchen.
B. It's in the right side of living room
C. It's in the left side of the kitchen
D. It's in the left side of living room
17. Where does she read a novel?
She reads a novel in the ....
A. kitchen
B. bathroom
C. bedroom
D. living room
18. How many rooms are there in the
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
19. What does she do when she feels bored?
A. She plays with her friends
B. She cooks in the kitchen