Psych 100 Reviewer
Psych 100 Reviewer
Psych 100 Reviewer
Example: The person’s body, his family, clothes, books, money. 4. MULTIPLE AND UNIFIED SELVES
MATERIAL SELF INVESMENT – These may come in different A. THE MULTIPLE SELF- suggests that there exists in the
forms like time, effort, money and experiences. individual different aspects of the self.
.B. UNIFIED SELF- is essentially connected to consciousness, COLLECTIVE SELF
awareness and agency. In the cultures of the East, the development of a
collective self is ingrained into the individual.
The family and the society control how the group
5. DONALD WOODS WINNICOTT (1896-1971) members should think, act and generally conduct
themselves in society.
English pediatrician and psychoanalyst who studied Collectivistic cultures give birth to individuals who
child development. develop collective selves. Such individuals establish
He looked into the significance of play in child strong bonds particularly with their families.
development; it is also through play where he
observed children/people as having true and false THE SELF IN CONFUCIAN THOUGHT
selves. CONFUCIUS grew up poor even though
he descended from a scholarly family.
TRUE AND FALSE SELVES Confucius’ family made sure that he
received proper education.
A. TRUE SELF- one in which the self is seen as creative,
Through scholarly study, he came to be
spontaneously experiencing each day of their lives,
known as ‘Master Kong’ and as ‘Great
appreciating being alive, real, integrated and
Sage and Teacher’ (Koller, 2007).
connected to the whole of existence.
B. FALSE SELF- may be manifested as a form of REN
defense. It is the mask that hides the true person Can be understood as human goodness.
for fear of the pain of rejection and failure. It is this which makes human beings
different from beasts.
6. ALBERT BANDURA (1925-PRESENT) Ren guides human actions and to go
against the ren means abandoning what
Is the proponent of the personality theory known as is truly human, for it is the ren that
the THE SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORY. makes life worth living ( Stangroom ,
Self as Proactive and Agentic 1984).
Human beings are affected by the interaction among a. Li (propriety)- in order to guide human actions, rules of
environmental events, behavior, and personal propriety should be followed. Such rules involve adherence to
factors (Feist & Feist, 2008). the rituals of the community.
FEATURES OF HUMAN AGENCY b. Xiao (filiality)- it is the virtue and reverence and respect for
family. Parents should be revered for the life they had given.
A. INTENTIONALITY - actions performed by the person Children show respect to their parents by exerting efforts to
intentionally or with full awareness of his behavior. take care of themselves.
B. FORETHOUGHT- the person’s anticipation of likely c. Yi (rightness)- it is the right way of behaving. It is
outcomes of his behavior. unconditional and absolute. Right is right and what is not right
is wrong; there are no gray areas.
C. SELF- REACTIVENESS - the process in which the person is
motivated and regulates his behavior as he observes his LESSON 5: THE SCIENTIFIC SELF
progress in achieving his goals.
D. SELF-REFLECTIVENESS - the person looking inward and
evaluating his motivations, values, life goals and other The union of the sperm and egg cells.
people’s effect on him. An important aspect of it is self efficacy The union of male sperm and female egg cell
(person’s belief that he is capable of behavior that will produce signals the beginning of human life. This results to
the desired positive results). fertilized egg called the “zygote” that contains
equal number of chromosomes from each parent.
Human fertilization begins with a woman’s
INDIVIDUALISTIC SELF menstrual cycle. This cycle prepares a woman’s
The development of an individualistic self begins body for fertilization.
after birth and is observed in the child –rearing It is at this point that an egg cell is released, or
practices of parents in the West. ovulated, into the Fallopian tube.
In the US, off-springs who reach the age of eighteen
FALLOPIAN TUBE- fertilization will take place.
years are expected to move out of the house,
support himself and make his own decisions. There are up to 150 million sperm in a single
Individual freedom and the ability to stand on his ejaculation.
own is expected. The sperm travel to the fallopian tube to meet the
Although a person is aware that he is not alone and egg.
that he exists with others in society, he sees himself The sperm have to complete within 12-48 hours of
as being capable of living his own life, making his the egg being ovulated, or else they will die.
own mistakes and learning from his experiences.
About 85% of the sperm are not properly The idea of particulate inheritance of genes can be
structured for travel. attributed to the Moravian monk Gregor Mendel
The UTERUS is also known as the WOMB and is who published his work on pea plants in 1865.
where the baby will develop after fertilization.
About 1000 sperm are left.
There are TWO FALLOPIAN TUBES, and only one contains egg. MECHANICS OF HEREDITY
The sperm that choose the correct Fallopian tube will finally HEREDITY is the transmission of genetic traits or
reach the egg. characteristics from parents up to the third line of
The CHROMOSOMES contain chemical packets
called “genes”. process begins from the moment of conception
In the process of reproduction, both the mother and Uterine blood flow.
father contribute equal number of chromosomes.
Normal individual has 23 pairs, a total of 46
chromosomes. biology affects behavior also through mechanism of
heredity regulated by genetic principles.
the nature vs. nurture controversy
A normal female has XX sex cells
A normal male has XY sex cells
it exist, but they can be categorized as either
XX sex cells from parents – Baby girl numerical or structural.
XY sex cells – Baby Boy it can occur as an accident when the egg or the
sperm is formed or during early developmental
stages of fetus.
There are common causes of birth defects that can it can have many different effects, depending on the
affect the brain and other parts of the body caused specific abnormality. (an extra copy of chromosome
by chromosomal abnormalities. 21 causes Down syndrome “trisomy 21”.
structural chromosomal abnormalities result from
These occur when part of chromosome is: breakage and incorrect rejoining chromosomal
switches in pairing with another