Mubashir Hussain
Mubashir Hussain
Mubashir Hussain
Since mid-1800s the population of world has been increased by six folds, the world output rose
by sixty fold and international trade grew upto140 fold. “This virtuous circle of deepening
integration and expanding growth is what we now refer as “globalization” (Madisson, 2008).
Though, there is no consensus over the definition of globalization. However, in economics
perspective globalization is a process in which the commodity market, labor market and
capital market of an economy is integrated into the world economy. The history of globaliza-
tion may be traced back more prominently at least over the past 200 years. In early 1800s the
international monetary system “Gold Standard” backed by British pound sterling joined forces
with industrial revolution. This phase of globalization is referred as “first age of globalization”
in which migration, communication, technology and capital flow were moving across the
nations. But earlier to this; there was an age of “steam-power” in which advancement in steam
ship, steam railways engine industry and navigation led to explore new sea route to America,
1 - PhD Scholar at Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology, Karachi.
2 - Associate Professor at Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology, Karachi.
The first phase of globalization was interrupted by World War-1, Great Depression and World
War-II. The recovery from the World War-II brought extensive development in the field of
science and technical innovation that speeded up the process of globalization. The main driver
of globalization in the context of technical innovation; are rapid inventions in transportation
and communication. Another important driver is revolutionary innovations in the field of
information and communication technology. These innovations have reduced considerably the
cost of communication and transportation for international trade, WTO, (2013).
The recent phase of globalization has brought significant improvement in output, international
trade and wellbeing of societies around the world. According to World Trade Report, 2013
during the period of 1950-73, the world GDP grew 3 percent and merchandize trade increased
by 8 percent per annum in real terms. Hence, the period from 1950 to 1973 is known as
“golden age”. Moreover, during the period 1950 to 2007 world’s merchandize growth rose by
6.2 percent. Table-1 provides the percentage share of world export of world GDP over the
period of 1870 to 1998 which indicates that integrated world economy increased the world’s
trade massively.
According to the WTO’s world trade report, 2008, Globalization brought considerable chang-
es in economic growth, international trade and development and has reduced poverty around
the world. As it is clear from (Table-2 and Figure-2) that the current wave of globalization
emerging economies like BRICS i.e. Brazil, Russia, India China and South Africa have experi-
enced massive increase in their growth rate and trade than developed and less developed
nations. However, the world trade is distributed unevenly among the nations of the world.
During the period of 1980 to 2011 the “Gini coefficient” has not been improved which implies
that inequality is increasing among the nations and societies WTO, (2013). In such a
perspective, there are countries especially less developed who have lagged behind in the race
of globalization and their trade performance is poor in the international arena. Pakistan is
among one of those countries whose exports percentage to GDP is declining persistently more
108 July-Dec 2017 Volume 15 Number 2 JISR-MSSE
prominently from 2003. Since 2003, the percentage to GDP is suffering from downturn
because of energy crises and war against terrorism in Pakistan. On the other hand, since from
same point of time the percentage of exports to GDP of its two neighboring countries, India
and Bangladesh who share fairly similar socioeconomic, cultural and historical linkage; India
and Bangladesh is improving extensively which is depicted in Figure-3.
GDP growth (left scale) Merchandise trade volume growth (left scale) Elasticity (right scale)
Figure-3 Exports percentage to GDP (1988-2016) for Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.
F = α ( m1 × m2 ) / r 2 (1)
Tinbergen, (1962) and Ravenstein, (1885), were the pioneer to use gravity equation in interna-
tional trade. The gravity model of trade in log linear form is written as:
Equation (2) represents that economic size (GDPs) of trading partners which have positive and
geographical distance between them has negative impact on bilateral trade flows of trading
At this initial stage gravity model lacked appropriate theoretical foundations but afterwards
economist began to work on it and applied several theories from the literature of international
trade in gravity model of trade. The remarkable contribution of economist provided the strong
many theoretical foundations to the literature of gravity model. In this journey Anderson,
(1979) was first who tried to provide theoretical foundations to gravity model on the basis of
product differentiation by the place of origin so called “Armington Assumption” in the context
of constant elasticity substitution (CES). Armington, (1969), pointed to consider the goods for
their different kinds e.g. merchandise goods, chemical goods, petroleum and wooden products
etc. but also differentiated homogeneous goods on the basis of different place of production.
As the same kind of goods produced at two different places makes them imperfect substitute
due to different cost of production and cost of trade.
Another contribution by Helpman and Krugman, (1989), on the basis of monopolistic compe-
tition and differentiated products in accordance with increasing returns to scale. Deardorff,
(1998) explained gravity model on the grounds of “Heckchier-Ohlin Theorem” of internati
onal trade theory on the assuptions of “frictionless trade and trade with impediments”, Sarah,
(2012). Eaton and Kortum, (2002), proved gravity model envelopes the Recardian theory of
“Comperative Advantage”. This theory states that in two commodity two nations assumption
even if a country is less efficient (having absolute disadvantage) in production in both
commodities than other tarde partner, there are still basis for mutual beneficial trade. The
theory in opportunity cost terms states that “the cost of a commodity is the amount of a second
commodity that must be given up to release just enough resources to produce one additional
unit of first commodity”, Salvatore, (1998). Therfore, Eaton and Kortum, (2002) provided that
heterogenirty of production between trade partners are the basis of “Comperative Advantage”.
This theory states that in two commodity two nations assumption even if a country is less
efficient (having absolute disadvantage) in production of both commodities than other country
there are still basis for mutual beneficial trade.
On the demand side, consumer preferences are assumed to be homothetic, identical across
countries, is and given by a CES-utility function for country j:
1−σ 1−σ
⎧⎪ ⎫σ
⎨∑ ai
⎬ (3)
⎪⎩ 0i ⎭
Teachers Where σ >1 is the elasticity of substitution among different varieties, i.e. goods from
different countries, αi > 0 is the CES preference parameter, which will remain treated as an
exogenous taste parameter and cij denotes consumption of varieties from country i in country
j. Consumers maximize equation (3) subject to the following standard budget constraint:
ij ij = Ej (4)
Equation (4), show that expenditures Ej in country j are equal to total spending on varieties of
goods from which it imports the goods at delivered prices pij = pi . tij which are defined
conveniently as a function of factory-gate prices in the country of origin, pi, marked up by
bilateral trade costs, tij ≥ 1 , between trading partners i and j.
It is Inversely related to the (delivered) prices of varieties from origin i to destination j, pij = pi tij.
This is a direct reflection of the law of demand, which depends not only on factory-gate price
pi but also on bilateral trade cost between partners i and j. The ideal combination that favors
bilateral trade is an efficient producer, characterized by low factory-gate price, and low
bilateral trade cost between countries “Directly related to the CES price aggregator ”. This
relationship reflects the substitution effects across varieties from different countries. All else
equal, the relatively more expensive the rest of the varieties in the world are, the more
consumers in country j will substitute away from them and toward the goods from country i.
contingent on the elasticity of substitution when factory-gate prices or the aggregate CES
prices (Or in the combination of those as a relative price) change. All else equal, a higher
elasticity of substitution will magnify the trade diversion effects from the more expensive
commodities to the cheaper ones.
The final step in the derivation of the structural gravity model is to impose market clearance
for goods from each origin:
⎛ aipitij ⎞ (7)
Yi = ∑ ⎜ ⎟ Ej
j ⎝ Pj ⎠
Equation (7) states that, at delivered prices (because part of the shipments melt “en route”), the
value of output in country i, , should be equal to the total expenditure of this country’s
variety in all countries in the world, including i itself. To see this intuition more clearly, note
that the right-hand side expression in equation (7) can be replaced with the sum of all bilateral
shipments from i as defined in equation (5), so that Yi ≡ Σ j X ij ∀ j .
Defining Y ≡ ΣiYi and dividing equation (7) by Y, the terms can be rearranged to obtain:
( aipi )
1−σ Y
= 1−σ (8)
⎛ ⎞ Ej
t ij
∑ ⎜⎝ Pj ⎟⎠ Y
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Following (Anderson and van Wincoop, 2003), the term in the denominator of equation (8)
can be defined as: ∏ j1−σ = ∑( tij
Pj ) Ej Y , and be substituted into equation (8):
( aipi )
= Y (9)
∏ i1−σ
Recent developments in gravity model are inspired by the work of (McCallum, 1995), who
provided empirical findings that “Canadian provinces trade more than 20 times as much
among each other than Canadian provinces and U.S. states do”. This outcome is referred as
“trade puzzle”. (Anderson and van Wincoop, 2003), based on his earlier work (Anderson,
1979) having assumptions that goods are differenciated from the place of origin, consumers
preferences are homothetic, identical across countries, and approximated by a CES utility
function provided the following systm of structural gravity model:
Xij = Yi ,tEj ,t ⎜⎜ tij ,t ⎟⎟
⎛ ⎞
Yt ⎝ Pj ,t ∏ i ,t ⎠
⎛ tij , t ⎞ Ej , t
∏1−σ = ∑ ⎜ ⎟
j ⎝ Pj , t ⎠ Yt
1−σ ⎛ tij , t ⎞ Yi , t
P j, t = ∑ ⎜ ⎟
i ⎝ ∏ i, t ⎠ Yt
Log-linear Equation (1) and expanding it with an additive error term, obtains the follow-
ing estimating gravity equation:
Specification (1-11) is the most popular version of the empirical gravity equation, and it has
been used routinely in the trade literature to study the effects of various determinants of
bilateral trade. Hundreds of papers have used the gravity equation to study the effects of
geography, demographics, RTAs, tariffs, exports subsidies, embargoes, trade sanctions, the
Panda, etal. ( 2016),With the obective of coparision of trade flow determinants between India
and China used the data from 2004 to 2013 for penal data anaylysis and found that both coun-
try’s trade flows more with neigboring countires. In the case of China common language and
high per capita income are determining factor of its trade and geographical distance is having
negative and significant impact as theory suggests. Whereas in the case of India higher GDP
level and low per capita income. Moreover when analyzing for pre and post financial crisis of
2007-08, common colony beacame a determining factor of India.
Caporale and Sova, (2015), analayze the trade flow of China with its major trading partners in
Asia. North America and Europe. The annual data from 1992 to 2012 was used for analysis
empolying a recent econometric technique “the fixed effect vector decomposition” (FEVD)
proposed by Plumper and Troeger, (2007). The econometric outcome suggest that economic
size and geographical distance are consistent with theory and FDI and WTO have positive
impact on its trade. Whereas, the dummy variable for finanacial crises for the years 2007-008
is impacting negatively on its bilateral trade.
Wang, (2016) using data ranging from 2000 to 2013 analyzed balance panel on PPML estima-
tion method through the gravity model covering 80 countries for the trade vegetable oil and
empirical findings reveal that incomes of importer countries have statistically positive impact
on trade of vegetable oil and geographical distance having statistically negative coefficient.
Rehman, (2003), investigated for determining factors trade for Bangladesh with 35 trading
partners through panel data analysis found that economic size, PCI differential and openness
have positive and significant impact on its trade and multilateral resistance factors also
influence Bangladesh’s trade positively.
Tripathi, S and Leitao, N. C. (2013), using data ranging from 1998 to 2012 applied Tobit and
GMM panel data technique for analysis of gravity model in the case of India and its main
trading partners. The econometric results suggest that higher GDPs have positive impact and
noteably geographical distance has also positive impact on bilateral trade of India. The
positive coefficient of distance is not consistent with basic gravity model. Moreover, cultural
proximity and political globalization have positive and significant impact on indian trade.
Rasoulinezhad, (2017) to investigate the specification of china’s external trade with its 13
major trading partners from OPEC member countries, used the annual data ranging from 1998
to 2014 and employed three panel data estimations with fixed effects, random effects and fully
modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS). The findings of the study reveal that gravity model
Hussain, (2017), used Pakistan and its 15 major trading partners’ data for the period 2003 to
2013 to augmented gravity model and estimated it with PPML-Estimator technique of panel
data. Empirical findings provide that GDP and PCI have positive significant impact on
Pakistan’s export flow and geographical distance is statistically negative impact. Furthermore,
the contiguity is statistically positive but the common official language is negative against the
expected sign. More significantly, the study first time introduces information flow index (IFI)
in the gravity model which is used as a proxy for overall globalization index to capture the
impact of globalization on exports flow and finding reveal that IFI has statistically positive
impact on exports and is reduces negative value of distance.
Model Specification: Model (1) to determine the variables that explain export
Considering literature review of gravity model and taking into account the socio-economic
conditions of four countries which are understudy. The following models have been selected
for empirical estimation:
Model for PPML estimation with multilateral resistance term: as proposed by Piermartini and
Yotov, (2016).
lnX ijt = β0+ β1 ln ( DISTij ) + β2ln(Yi ) +β3ln ( E j ) +β4 (CNTG ) + β5 ( LANG ) +β6 (CLNY ) + β7 ( RTA) +uij + ηt + ε ijt (1)
Variables used in the models (1) are discussed as under:
Xijt, is export flow of countries i (exporters), China, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh directed
to their 15 major trade partners j (importers) for the time t. The data of exports of these coun-
tries has been taken from UNCOMTRADE database.
DISTij, is geographical distance from capitals the capital of an exporting nation i to the
capitals of its export destination j in kilometers. This data has been taken from the CEPII gravi-
ty dataset.
Ej, is the expenditure (GDP in current US dollar) of importing countries j which represents the
economic size and demand capacity of an importing nation. The data is also taken from (WDI,
CNTG, is a dummy variable for contiguity implies border connections between trade partners
i and j. Its value is 1 if trade partners share common borders and 0 otherwise.
LANG is a dummy variable for common official language used in trading partners in i and j.
Its value is 1 if trade partners share common official language and 0 otherwise.
RTA, is a dummy variable if the trade partners i and j are co-signatory of regional trade
agreements and its value is 1 if trade partners share common borders and 0 otherwise.
CLNY, is a dummy variable for being a common colony. Its value is 1 if trade partners share
common characteristic of being common colony, and 0 otherwise.
The data for dummy variables in the model of this study i.e. contiguity, common official
language that is spoken in trade partners, common colony and RTAs has been taken from the
CEPII gravity dataset.
lnX ijt = β0+ β1ln ( DISTij ) + β2ln(Yi ) +β3ln ( E j ) +β4 ( EGI ) + β5 ( PGI ) +β6 ( SGI ) + β7 ( IFI ) + β8 (GI ) +ε ijt (2)
DISTij, is geographical distance in kilometers between exporter nation’s capital to the capital
of their trading partners.
Ej, is the expenditure (GDP in current US dollar) of importing countries j which represents the
economic size and demand capacity of an importing nation. The data is also taken from (WDI,
Globalization, 2016 and finally the data for gross domestic products (GDP) of four exporting
countries understudy and their 15 major trading partners has taken from the World
Development Index (WDI), of World Bank database.
Estimation Technique
This study employs relatively advance econometric estimation technique PPML-Estimator for
panel data analysis of the model which has developed by Santos and Silvana, (2006, 2011b.).
This technique is having estimation superirity over traditional approaches of panel data
techniques like OLS etc. First it mangaes usefully large number of zeros which is a problem in
trade data and addresses the issue of heteroskedasity appropriatly.
Baldwin and Taglioni, (2006) explained the importance of multilateral resistence terms (MRs)
which are theoritical construct and if not contolling the MRs in the estimation; they referred as
to commit as “Gold Medal Mistake”. Therefore, to control multilateral resistance terms
( Pj ,t andΠ i ,t ) properly, this study uses exporter time and importer time fixed effects Feenstra,
(2004). Furthermore, the trade policy variables like RTA and tariff are endogenous which may
cause the estimates unreliable, in this regard as proposed by Agnosteva, etal. (2014) a variable
of pair-fixed effects has been used in the estimation of gravity model.
Cheng and Wall (2005), noted that “fixed-effects estimation applied to data pooled over
consecutive years, is sometimes criticized on the grounds that dependent and independent
variables cannot fully adjust in a single year’s time”. In this connection researchers have
proposed to use the data with 3-years to 5-years interval rather taking the data with consecutive
years. Therefore, this study takes the data for three year interval in order to capture the
adjustment in policy changes in trade regimes.
The values in parenthesis represent with three steric*** that it is significant at 1% level, with two steric**
significant at 5% level of significant and one steric* indicate that it is significant at 10% level of signifi-
The variable information flow index (IFI) has negative and high significant impact in the case
of India and Bangladesh. Whereas, in the case of China and Pakistan information flow
(through internet, print and electronic media) is highly positive and significant similar results
were found by Hussain, (2017).
The values in parenthesis represent with three steric*** that it is significant at 1% level, with two steric**
significant at 5% level of significant and one steric* indicate that it is significant at 10% level of signifi-
Overall globalization index is positive and significant in the case of India, China, Bangladesh
and Pakistan. Which implies that globalization process overall is an export determining factor
for all these four countries.
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Princeton University Press.
ii) Restrictions (50%) Hidden Import Barriers (22%) Mean Tariff Rate (28%) Taxes on
International Trade (percent of current revenue) (26%) Capital Account Restrictions
ii) Data on Information Flows (36%) Internet Users (per 1000 people) (37%) Television
(per 1000 people) (39%) Trade in Newspapers (percent of GDP) (25%)
iii) Data on Cultural Proximity (32%) Number of McDonald's Restaurants (per capita) (47%)
Number of Ikea (per capita) (47%) Trade in books (percent of GDP) (6%)