Animal Tissues 2023
Animal Tissues 2023
Animal Tissues 2023
Main References:
(1) Biology by Campbell and Reece
(2) Integrated Principles of Zoology
by Hickman et al.
ANIMALS : Form and Function
A. Animal Cell Types and Tissues
B. Animal Systems and Processes
1. Support and Protection
2. Movement
3. Digestion and Nutrition
4. Gas Exchange
5. Transport/Circulation
6. Excretion and Osmoregulation
7. Regulatory Mechanisms
What is their difference?
ANIMALS : Form and Function
1. Epithelial Tissue
2. Connective Tissue
3. Muscular Tissue
4. Nervous Tissue
What do you
know about
1. Epithelial Tissue
1. Hyaline cartilage
2. Elastic cartilage
3. Fibrocartilage
1. Hyaline cartilage
– bluish white, translucent, and homogenous. This
is the most common type of cartilage and is
found in several locations, including the ends of
long bones (articular cartilage), the nose, the
trachea, and the costal cartilages (connecting
ribs to the sternum). Hyaline cartilage provides
a smooth surface for joint movement, absorbs
shock, and supports respiratory structures.
2. Elastic cartilage
Elastic cartilage contains a higher proportion of
elastic fibers in its matrix, making it more flexible
than hyaline cartilage. It is found in structures
that require both support and flexibility, such as
the external ear (pinna), the epiglottis (a flap-like
structure in the throat), and the auditory tubes.
3. Fibrocartilage
– Fibrocartilage has a dense network of collagen
fibers in its matrix, making it the strongest type of
cartilage. It is found in areas that require both
support and resistance to compression, such as the
intervertebral discs of the spine, the menisci in the
knee joints, and certain ligaments and tendon
Try and
differentiate the
three types of
Major types of connective tissues in
E. Bone
Bone is a dense and hard connective tissue that
makes up the skeletal system in vertebrate animals,
including humans. It serves as the structural
framework of the body, providing support,
protection for vital organs, and enabling movement
through its articulation with muscles. Bone is a
dynamic tissue that undergoes constant remodeling
throughout a person's life.
Major types of connective tissues in
E. Bone (How it is made)
– Osteoblasts are cells that deposit a matrix of
– then, calcium, magnesium, and phosphate ions
combine and harden within the matrix into the
mineral hydroxyapatite
– the combination of hard mineral and flexible
collagen makes bone harder than cartilage without
being brittle
F. Blood
– Vital bodily fluid that circulates throughout the
human body, delivering essential substances and
performing critical functions necessary for life.
Composed of:
1. Plasma (55%)
matrix consisting of water, salts, and a variety
of dissolved proteins
2. Formed elements (45%)
erythrocytes, leukocytes and cell fragments
called platelets (Thrombocytes)
Plasma (55 %)
1. water (90% of plasma) 3. gases (O2, CO2, N)
2. dissolved solids
a. proteins
–. fibrinogen (synthesized by the liver)
–. albumin (synthesized by the liver)
–. globulin for cells (glucose, fats and fat-like
substances, amino acids, salts)
c. cell products (enzyme, hormones, antibodies)
1. skeletal muscle
• has cylindrical and striated cells (alternating light
3. cardiac muscle
• has cylindrical but branching striated cells, each with a
single nucleus
• Involuntary
Occurs only in the wall of the heart
functions in the pumping of blood
4. Nervous Tissue