G 10 Module 6

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1. San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

School Year 2021-2022

Second Quarter
Most Essential Learning Competencies:

Objectives: The students should be able to:

1. identify the claims of fact, value, and policy in speaking and
2. make statements using different types of claims; and
3. write a persuasive paragraph about an issue using different types
of claim.


Briefly answer the question.

How do you convince someone to take your side, to agree with you,
to believe in you as you deliver your speech?

Activity No. 1
Read each sentence and analyze as you answer the questions that follow.
1. The Philippines is in the far east.
2. Global warming reveals that the earth is in a state of near extinction.
3. Women are generally more sociable than men.
4. Children are naturally curious about things around them.
5. In order to be a good public speaker, watch and imitate speakers from
the media world.
As you analyze the sentences, choose the sentence that best applies to
each of the following questions. These five questions use the verb assert.
The word “assert” is synonymous with emphasize, stress, support, and

On the space provided, write the number of the sentence found in

Activity 1 to answer the questions below.
1. Which sentence/s assert/s the ideas that something is good or bad? ___
2. Which sentences/ assert/s the idea that something is more or less
desirable? ___
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1. San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

3. Which sentence/s assert/s that something is not true. ___

4. Which sentence/s assert/s that one courses of action is better than the
other? ___
5. Which sentence/s assert/s that something is true. ___

Analyze the sentence further as you answer these two questions.

1. How are the sentences similar?

2. How are they different?


Lesson Proper
Three Major Types of Claims
Do you know that you can convince other people by using claims of fact,
value, or policy? You will learn about these claims and use them in this module.
Activity No. 2
Direction: Answer the question found after each kind of claim.

Claims of Fact assert that something is true or not true. A claim of fact is
not a fact. It only claims to be a fact.
It has the following characteristic:
a. argues about a measurable topic (fact)
b. describes how things were in the past, how things are in the present time,
and how they will be in the future

When you make a claim of fact, you must show arguments or pieces of
evidence which will support your claim. Your goal is to show that the claim is
probably true or at least more likely true than false. For example:
In our male-dominated world, females are frequently discriminated against.
Question: Which of the sentences in Activity 1 are claims of fact? _____

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1. San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

Claims of Value assert that something is good or bad, more or less

desirable. A claim of value is also assertive, but it asserts something different
from a claim of fact. It has the following characteristics:
a. argues about something that is moral, aesthetic, or philosophical
b. considers the merits or advantages of something and this based on a
relative judgment
c. can be used to argue the value or importance of varied topics like
lifestyles, films, students, or civic organizations.

Why is value claim arguable? Can you agree or disagree with the value
claim? Yes, because people think differently. They may disagree even on the basis
of the claim or on the criteria used to evaluate something (e.g. politics, live
entertainment, civic issues).
How then will you defend a value claim?
a. You have to suggest a set of criteria for consideration or basis or reasons
for making a decision or a judgment.
b. You need to defend that the set of criteria is logical or legitimate.
c. You have to show how the criteria justify the claim.
e.g. Manila offers more job opportunities than Cebu city.
Question: Go back to Activity No. 1 on page 1 and identify which of the 5
sentences are claims of value? ______

Claims of Policy assert that one course of action is superior to another. Like
claim of fact or the claim of value, the claim of policy is also assertive, but it
asserts something different from both claim of fact and claim of value. It has the
following characteristics:
a. assert what a reader should do and what course of action a reader should
b. argues about an actionable topic, which means the topic is convertible to
c. convinces the reader about the merits of one course of action as opposed
to other courses of action
How then will you defend a policy claim?
a. You must accept that people and organizations may not be certain about
what is the best way to act, or to do things, but still, they must act.
b. You have to state that if we have the knowledge or data at the present time,
it is best to act in the manner which you propose or claim, rather than in
some other way.
e.g. For you to be a good writer, enroll in writing workshops
handled by seasoned writers.
Question: Go back to Activity No. 1 on page 1 and identify which of the
5 sentences are claims of policy? ______
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1. San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

Seat Work
Direction: On the space provided before each number, write P if the
statement is a claim of policy; V if it is a claim of value; and F if it is a
claim of fact.

_____1. Smoking marijuana is less harmful to one’s health than smoking

_____2. The information about medical condition that led to current
marijuana legislation in some countries is outdated.
_____3. The presence and availability of wildlife enrich human life.

_____4. It is unfair to force taxpayers to contribute to a school system that

does not serve them.
_____5. Public school performance in the Philippines had deteriorated over
the past 10 years.
_____6. There should be a concrete plan of action in case of fire and
_____7. The percentage of casualties gets higher when there is no
preparation for events like storm surge and tsunamis.
_____8. Plagues and disasters are brought about by our backsliding faith to
our Creator.
_____9. Japan is one country to be emulated when it concerns in dealing
with both man-made and natural calamities.
_____10. It is proper that we cooperate with the government so as to ensure
greater safety among us when faced with disasters.
_____11. “Fire Prevention Month” should not only be observed during
but instead make a year-round campaign.
_____12. We must encourage every school in the entire nation to a fire and
earthquake drills to ensure the welfare of the learners.
_____18. Climate change is inevitable because of haphazard use of
resources. _____19. The more we become uncaring of our environment, the more
suffer the fate of hopelessness bounding to the end of this planet.
_____20. Religion affects our way of dealing with nature that in the end
retaliates with our backwardness.

Seat Work
Direction: Write your 2 examples of claim of fact, value, and policy for
the topics given.

1. CLAIM OF FACT (TV programs)

a. _____________________________________________________________________
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1. San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

b. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. CLAIM OF POLICY (Use of Marijuana for Health or Medical Purposes)
a. _____________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________

3. CLAIM OF VALUE (Cosmetic Surgery)

a. ____________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________
Activity No. 3
A. Below is a student’s model paragraph. Study it and the question that follow.

Cell Phone Use: Beneficial or Disastrous?

Mobile phones ubiquitous; even children carry cell phones. Though cell
phones are now a necessity in most people’s lives, we have heard that
such use exposes men to a dosage of radiation which mobiles emit and it
is said that this is harmful to the user, and it can cause severe brain
But mobile phones are helpful and useful especially during emergency.
But cell phones also are associated with crimes. Parents should think
carefully before purchasing a mobile phone for their child. Schools also
have policies related to the use of the cell phone.

1. What is the main idea?


2. What is the purpose of the writer?

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1. San Jose, Occidental Mindoro


3. Does the text show one side or more than one sided of the issue?
Copy the lines that support your answer.
B. Evaluate the preceding text in terms of the set of criteria below. Use the
following rating scale:


CRITERIA 0 1 2 3 4 5
Clarity Of
of the Tone
Total Score

How can you improve the paragraph?

C. Create a Draft
You will write a persuasive paragraph about your stand on the issue
described in the text: Cell Phone: Beneficial or Disastrous?

1. Write the thesis of your persuasive paragraph.

2. Write the main points of your persuasive paragraph. Enumerate
the points of both sides.

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1. San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

3. Use any of the claim of fact, value, and policy which you may find
appropriate. Write your statements of claim in the box below.


4. Write in a separate sheet/s of pad paper the first draft of your

persuasive paragraph using the different claims you have listed
and the positive and negative effects of using cell phones that you
have itemize and attach it in your module.
5. Reread, check, and revise your work. Use the set of criteria given in
Activity 4, letter B.

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1. San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

6. Write your FINAL PARAGRAPH in a bond paper. It could be hand

written or type-written. Be sure you have written your name in
your work and securely attach it in your module. (Cut along the
perforation line the criteria written below and mount it at the back
of your final paragraph. It is the rubric of your work.)
CRITERIA 0 1 2 3 4 5
Use of
Different Types
of Claims
Clarity of
Objectivity of
the Tone
Total Score
Activity No. 5
Direction: Read the text that follow. Underline ONCE the
statement/s with claim of value; TWICE with claim of fact; and THRICE with
claims of policy.
Ladies, gentlemen, there has recently been a debate as to whether social
networking sites do more harm than good.
Personally, I believe social networking sites are harmful and do have
consequences. I have solid evidence to support my statement and so I would like
to start with a true story concerning Facebook – a popular social networking site.
Not too long ago, a girl in her teens made a friend on Facebook – a chat buddy.
This other unidentified friend didn’t give any personal details and one day this girl
and friend met up at the mall. The girl was never seen again. This is a serious
matter because let’s say this happened to all girls – it would be chaos. Another
story is that of a suicide because a person couldn’t meet up with another person
on another social networking site. People – is our nation known for its numerous
social networks which invade privacy and prevent outdoor activity and exercise?
Are our students to spend time chatting online instead of studying for future
careers which make this country great?
The opposition argues that social networking sites give people their own space
and that these blog sites represent fun and socialisation. Well, would we not prefer
our children to go outside and socialise and meet friends that they know where
they live and they know their gender? Did people in the 60s need social networking
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1. San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

sites? In the olden days we didn’t express a need for an online high tech chatting
system. Social networking sites prevent youths from spending time with their
parents and their siblings. Another issue about social networking sites is what if
your child comes across discrimination or cyber bullying? This only adds to
depression. If we are to be a happy nation, we should restrict these sites to people
above the age of sixteen. This is a fairly easy alternative which I am sure the
majority of you would vote for.
Overall, the benefits are few and the drawbacks are many – social networking
sites are the center of misconduct, less studying and unsafe blogs. Do we want our
youths to have their eyes glued to computer screens or their ears plugged to
headphones? We must restrict social networking sites to 16s or above! Get your
children outside socializing and inside studying!

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