AUMUND Clinker Storage Systems

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Clinker Storage
CONTENT Clinker Storage
2 Clinker Storage Systems Systems
3 Circular Storage Hall without
Central Column The AUMUND Group
Equipment for the Cement
4 Cylindrical Concrete or Steel Silos Industry is being applied world-
wide in more than 10,000 plants.
6 Covered Stockpile with Central
Column Design, implementation and
modernisation of clinker storage
7 Covered Stockpile with MOLEX® installations, customised as per
requirement, achieve maximum
8 Storage Hall with Earth Cone customer benefit.

9 Clinker Discharge • Adapted to the customer`s

specific requirements, all
Dust Suppression transport processes are
constantly optimised based
10 Conversions and Refurbishments on innovations and the latest
technical know-how.
11 AUMUND Services Circular storage hall 150,000 t
• Combining economic and
ecological aspects including
future demands, balanced
solutions are considered.

• High safety standards in

all functions and under all
conditions have been proven
world-wide in technology,
quality and reliability.

To receive an optimum overall

conveying and storage
layout, early involvement of Circular storage hall 60,000 t
AUMUND´s experienced layout
engineers is recommended.

Circular storage hall 2 x 75,000 t

Circular Storage Hall
without Central Column
Storing capacity from 50,000 to 250,000 t

These circular storage halls consist of a

pretensioned reinforced concrete cylinder with
a diameter of 40 to 80 m and a height from
10 to 25 m. A cone-shaped roof structure is
arranged above the concrete cylinder. The roof
is a self-supporting steel frame covered with
trapezoidal plates. Special sealing elements at
the joints of the trapezoidal plates make the
roof structure dust-tight. For compensation of
thermal stresses, the roof structure is arranged
on special sliding bearings which are installed
in the upper edge of the concrete cylinder.

The roof structure supports the headhouse

with the drive station of the pan conveyor and
the filter systems for dedusting of the storage
hall. The diameter and height of the headhouse
are determined to suit the dimensions of these
systems. For all circular storage hall diameters,
the main dimensions of the roof structure
and headhouse are standardised. The storing
capacity of these circular storage halls ranges
from 50,000 to 250,000 t. Larger capacities can
also be realized. Due to the reduced system
height and the large diameter, it is also possible
to build these circular storage halls on soils
with a low bearing capacity. A minimum of
Circular storage hall without central column approx. 500 kN/m2 is required.

The material is discharged to two to four

D H h Storing capacity Discharge
m m m t m3 rate % discharge tunnels, depending on the storage
15 14.1 34,900 23,250 80 hall diameter. A discharge rate of approx. 85%
40 20 14.1 44,300 29,500 84
15 15.8 45,500 30,300 76 is achieved.
45 20 15.8 57,400 38,800 80
25 15.8 69,300 46,200 84
15 18.7 57,800 38,500 81 During the loading process, the clinker
50 20 18.7 72,500 48,300 84
25 18.7 87,200 58,200 87
segregates and forms cones according to the
15 20.5 71,900 47,900 79 particle size. A homogenous clinker mixture
55 20 20.5 89,700 59,800 82
25 20.5 108,000 71,700 85
is, however, an essential condition for the
15 22.1 88,000 58,700 81 performance of cement mills. Therefore, it is
60 20 22.1 109,000 72,800 84
25 22.1 130,000 86,900 87
recommended to systematically shift the silo
15 25.0 106,000 70,700 83 discharge gates in order to blend the different
65 20 25.0 131,000 87,300 86 particle sizes in the silo. In addition, regular
25 25.0 156,000 104,000 89
shifting of the discharge openings ensures
Circular storage hall with concrete cylinder and steel roof without central column that the stored clinker level in the silo lowers
Preferred sizes uniformly, thus avoiding early discharge of
For total residue discharge, additional evacuation equipment is required.
fresh clinker.
Storing capacity in t with a bulk density of 1.5 t/m3.

2 x 60,000 t silo

Cylindrical Concrete or Steel Silos

Storing capacity from 30,000 to 60,000 t

These silos are made of reinforced With clinker cooler problems, steel framed structure with
concrete or prefabricated special extremely high clinker tempe­ratures trapezoidal cladding – a design
steel. Due to the comparatively small exceeding 400 °C must be expected. standard which is also applied for
basis, a high discharge rate of For these high temperatures, clinker the large circular storage halls
approx. 75 % is reached by means of silos are preferably made of steel; without a central column.
one discharging conveyor only. This otherwise the choice of steel or
implies that the complete material concrete depends on econo­mical For automatic silo operation, a
stored in the silo can be extracted to aspects. In certain regions steel reliable level control system is of
a large extent by gravity discharge, plate silos can be produced at more primary importance. A proven
without using mobile evacuation favourable prices. solution is the combination of an
systems. electro-mechanical silo pilot system
In general, the storing capacity of to measure the material level in the
After several years, a total residue these silos ranges from 30,000 to silo. Several rope probes monitor the
discharge of the silos should be 60,000 t. The largest cylindrical maximum filling level and several
effected, as the material particles concrete silo designed by AUMUND rod probes arranged in the area of
Iying on the floor tend to consolidate has a diameter of 45 m and offers a the loading chute activate the
and form a steep cone. Therefore, it storing capacity of 80,000 t. In view emergency shutdown of the
is recommended to equip all silos of the chosen diameter, the roof had conveyor lines.
with lockable entrance doors. to be designed as a self-supporting

80,000 t silo with steel roof

Silo group for different clinker types Clinker silos in series

D H h Storing capacity Discharge Cylindrical silos

m m m approx. t m3 rate % made of concrete
15.00 18.20 5.10 5,000 3,330 78 or steel with one
17.50 19.80 5.90 7,500 5,000 77 discharge tunnel
20.00 20.00 6.80 10,000 6,660 74
22.50 23.60 7.60 15,000 10,000 75
25.00 25.30 8.40 20,000 13,330 75
27.50 26.00 9.30 25,000 16,660 73
28.75 28.60 9.70 30,000 20,000 74
30.00 30.60 10.10 35,000 23,330 75 Storing capacity
31.50 31.70 10.60 40,000 26,660 75 in t with a bulk
33.00 32.40 11.10 45,000 30,000 74 density of 1.5 t/m3.
34.00 33.90 11.50 50,000 33,330 75
35.00 35.20 11.80 55,000 36,660 75
Steel silos, 30,000 t each 36.00 36.30 12.10 60,000 40,000 75

Circular storage hall with
internal silo and earth cone

Oval storage hall with internal silos

Covered Stockpile with

Covered stockpile with MOLEX®
Central Column
Storing capacity from A special storing facility with a The two central columns with a
50,000 to 190,000 t capacity of 230,000 t could be diameter of 12 m provide a storing
created by combining two storage capacity of 4,500 t special clinker
The salient features of the covered halls. An essential condition for this each. The storage hall is equipped
stockpile with a central column are project was the load distribution on with three discharge tunnels,
the low system height and the large a surface of 90 m x 126 m. Due to ensuring a discharge rate of approx.
diameter. The roof structure covers the bad soil with a relatively bad 60 %.
the material’s angle of repose and specific soil bearing capacity, special
only a low, circular retaining wall is measures were required in order to The large roof surface of this storage
required. avoid damage from differential hall offers another advantage: the
settlement. The bridge structure was cooling effect on the stored clinker.
The central column is provided with thus supported on special bearings
slot-shaped outlet openings and the roof fitted with a jacking
(stockpile) and supports the simple system for repeated adjustment.
roof structure, consisting of the steel
frame and the trapezoidal cladding.
The platform above the central
column is designed to receive the
conveyor bridge with conveying
equipment and the filter system.
Covered stockpile with
A discharge rate of 40 % to 60 % is three discharge tunnels
reached by installing one to three
D H Storing capacity
discharge tunnels. For total residue m m t m3 Covered stockpile with
three discharge tunnels
discharge, mobile evacuation 70 26.6 51,200 34,100
80 30.0 75,300 50,200
systems will be required. 90 33.3 106,100 70,700
100 36.7 144,200 96,100
110 40.1 190,500 127,000
The standard storage diameters
Discharge rate approx. 60 %. For total Covered stockpile
range from 70 to 110 m. Storing residue discharge, auxiliary equipment. with mole
capacities of 50,000 to 190,000 t can Preferred sizes
70 26.6 48,300 32,200
thus be reached. 80 30.0 71,700 47,800
90 33.3 101,600 67,700
100 36.7 138,800 92,500 In case of irregular filling, a reduced output factor of 0.9 will
110 40.1 184,200 122,800 have to be considered.
Discharge rate 100 % Storing capacity in t, with a bulk density of 1.5 t/m3.

MOLEX® with central column MOLEX® without central column

Covered Stockpile with MOLEX®

Total and automatic residue discharge The opposite sketches explain the working principle of
the total residue discharge system. The clinker is first
The actual live capacity secured with gravity discharge discharged by gravity through the central discharge and
only amounts to a maximum of 85 %, presuming an additional openings in the reclaim tunnel. A level sensor
optimum geometry of the storage facility. The discharge installed in the central hopper monitors the lack of
rate of covered stockpiles, although equipped with clinker and activates the scraper chain of the MOLEX®.
several reclaim tunnels, is even less. When the scraper blades have cleared the clinker piled
against the bridge truss, the travel units for radial
Total and automatic residue discharge of this storage movement of the MOLEX® are started.
type is achieved with the automatic discharge system
MOLEX® and just one discharge tunnel. The power absorbed at the scraper chain drive controls
the radial travel movement of the MOLEX® and allows
The MOLEX® mainly consists of a scraper chain installed clearing the stock without manual intervention being
in a bridge structure either turning around the central required.
column or, if the stock is built without a central column,
on a support base above the central discharge. The A further positive aspect complementing the automatic
scraper chain drags the clinker which cannot be residue discharge is the blending of coarse and fine-
discharged by gravity to the central discharge hopper. grained clinker particles obtained when operating the
PLC controlled drive systems drive the radial movement storage with the MOLEX®, thus allowing the grinding
of the bridge truss and the scraper chain. mill to be fed with an almost consistent mixture.

Covered stockpile with Covered stockpile with

MOLEX® and central MOLEX® without central
column column

Working range of the Storing capacity depending

Internal ring with thrust Scraper chain drive MOLEX® on the storage diameter
bearings and travel unit

Clinker storage hall with earth cone

Storage Hall with Earth Cone

Essential increase of storing capacity

The storing capacity of longitudinal and circular clinker

storage halls can be essentially increased by the installation
of an earth cone. In addition, the discharge rate is
considerably improved by this measure. The earth cone is Circular storage hall with internal silo and earth cone
usually provided with an inclination of 40° to 45°. Untreated
surfaces simply blasted out of the rock did not prove to be
reliable in practice. Despite a low groundwater level, it has to
be considered that surface water may penetrate into the
earth cone through fissures and gaps. Therefore, the surface
of the cone has to be covered with a concrete or steel shell.
It is also recommended to install a drainage system in order
to ensure that water accumulations can flow off.
Circular storage hall with earth cone and without
For the roof and headhouse, a steel frame with trapezoidal central column
cladding is preferred, as for circular storage halls without a
D H h T Storing capacity Circular storage hall
central column. m m m m t m3 with concrete cylinder,
15 14.1 13.8 45,350 30,200 earth cone and steel
roof without central
40 20 14.1 13.8 54,750 36,500
Clinker discharge from the earth cone is effected through 15 15.8 15.9 60,400 40,300

central discharge openings. For safety reasons, at least three 45 20 15.8 15.9 72,350 48,250
25 15.8 15.9 84,300 56,200
silo discharge devices should be provided. These clinker 15 18.7 18.0 78,300 52,200
storage halls can also be equipped with a central column, 50 20 18.7 18.0 93,050 62,050
which is then used for storing special clinker. A rotating feed 25 18.7 18.0 107,800 71,850
15 20.5 20.1 99,300 66,200
chute is required for feeding the central tower as well as for 55 20 20.5 20.1 117,100 78,100
the symmetrical feeding of the main storage hall. 25 20.5 20.1 134,900 89,950
Discharge rate
15 22.1 22.2 123,500 82,350
approx. 95 %
60 20 22.1 22.2 144,700 96,500
25 22.1 22.2 165,900 110,600 Preferred sizes
15 25.0 24.3 151,250 100,850
65 20 25.0 24.3 176,150 117,400 Storing capacity at a bulk
25 25.0 24.3 201,000 134,000 weight of 1.5 t/m3.

Silo discharge by remote control – discharge capacity 750 t/h

Clinker Discharge
Minimising dust generation the adjustable discharge cross
without the use of dust filters section and the pan conveyor
speed. Frequency controlled drive
To reclaim the clinker, discharge units allow adapting the conveying
systems which can be operated capacity to operational
Silo discharge according to the without the use of dust filters, are requirements.
principle of gravity the preferred equipment for all
kinds of clinker storage facilities. Deep-Drawn Pan Conveyors are the
ideal equipment to combine with
The gravity discharge gate, the gravity discharge system. With
combined with a pan conveyor an optimum plant planning the
reclaiming the clinker at low speed Deep-Drawn Pan Conveyor allows
minimises dust generation.The for direct feeding of the mill
conveying capacity is defined by hoppers in the grinding section.
Plant planning – Clinker silo with
proportional addition of low-burnt
clinker and truck loading

Dust Suppression
In order to avoid dust emissions About 12,000 m3/h are required for
from the clinker storage hall, small cylindrical silos and up to
negative pressure needs to be 60,000 m3/h or more for large-sized
created in the feeding area. For this circular storage halls.
purpose, the filter system must be
Filter and blower Headhouse with designed for an operating Vent hopper and compact filter
arrangement conveyor drive temperature of 100 °C. The air systems proved to be a space
station and filter
volume required depends on the sparing solution. A favourable load
storage diameter and the clinker distribution is achieved if two filters
temperature, which essentially are served by one blower.
influences the buoyant forces.

Installation of new bucket strand

Conversions and Refurbishments

• Upgrading of existing plant components
• Targeting increased efficiency
• Higher output
• Improved availability

With our expert team of engineers planning selective

modernisation measures, we pay special attention to
the upgrading of existing plant components, targeting
increased efficiency, higher output rates and improved

Upgrading of your materials handling and storage

equipment to state-of-the-art technology is achieved
through a tailor-made refurbishment process under
optimum utilisation of time and budget.

Most of the existing components are re-used in the

refurbishment process to save cost.

Engineered conversions and refurbishments for

increased efficiency and output are performed on
AUMUND equipment as well as on the equipment
of other manufacturers.

Pre-assembly of chain strands

AUMUND Services AUMUND Group
Customer Proximity around the World Spanning the Globe
At AUMUND, service does not end at the
sale of the equipment. It’s the beginning of a The AUMUND Group offers efficient solutions for conveying
long-term partnership. AUMUND offers you a and storage of bulk materials. A particular strength is the
full range of services – from commissioning to technologically mature and extremely reliable machinery for
the delivery of quality spare and wear parts to handling all kinds of bulk materials, even hot, abrasive or
customized preventive maintenance programs sticky. More than 22,000 installations worldwide substantiate
and equipment upgrading. The benefits for the excellent reputation and market position of the Group.
you: Maximum equipment efficiency at lower The AUMUND Group is active in more than 150 countries
operating cost. with 19 locations all over the world and a global network
of almost 80 representatives.
Spare and Wear Parts
A comprehensive range of genuine spare The AUMUND Group
parts is available for our entire product range Sales & Services worldwide
from stocks in Germany, Hong Kong/China,
Brazil, the USA and Saudi Arabia. Our product AUMUND Fördertechnik GmbH / Germany
specialists provide assistance and respond AUMUND Fördertechnik GmbH
instantly. Branch Office Dubai / U.A.E
AUMUND Fördertechnik GmbH
Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Branch Office St. Petersburg / Russia
PREMAS 4.0 AUMUND Fördertechnik GmbH
Knowing beforehand that service will be Branch Office Wrozlaw / Poland
needed allows you to schedule downtime and
save money with timely repairs. Repairs or AUMUND S.A.R.L. / France
retrofits can be accurately anticipated allowing AUMUND Machinery Trading (Beijing) Co. Ltd / China
for the downtime to be at the most convenient AUMUND Asia (Hong Kong) Ltd / China
times and at the lowest possible cost. AUMUND Corporation / USA
AUMUND Ltda / Brazil
Retrofits & Modernisation AUMUND Engineering Private Ltd / India
Aged and worn equipment? Capacity increase
needed? Too high operating cost? AUMUND AUMUND Group Field Service GmbH / Germany
“just as new” retrofits are economical and
tailor-made solutions for improving your SCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH / Germany
existing equipment at reasonable cost. SCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH

Branch Office Moscow / Russia
Errection & Commissioning
Today, presence “on the spot” is an absolute SAMSON Materials Handling Ltd / UK
“must”. Therefore, the AUMUND Group SAMSON Materials Handling Ltd
Field Service engineers are available on
Branch Office Bristol / UK
all continents to guarantee immediate and
competent support. PREMAS Preventive Maintenance Service AG /

TILEMANN Chains & Components GmbH / Germany

The AUMUND Group operates Service Centres and

Warehousing for spare parts in Germany, the USA, Brazil,
Hong Kong/China and Saudi Arabia. Almost 60 dedicated
Supervisors tend to clients’ needs across the globe and
a specialized Team provides PREMAS ® Preventive
Maintenance Service and PREMAS 4.0 Predictive Mainte-
nance Service including inspections and consulting.

AUMUND Foerdertechnik GmbH
AUMUND headquarters in Rheinberg, Germany

GB Technical data subject to change without notice A-GB-10/19-MA. © 2019 by AUMUND Holding B.V. All rights reserved.

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