New Product Marketing
New Product Marketing
New Product Marketing
6.C Combine different skills and management disciplines in support of interdisciplinary responsibilities / 7.A Demonstrate an
expertise on key concepts, techniques and trends in their professional field / 7.C Effectively apply in-depth specialized
knowledge to take advantage of contemportary opportunities in their professional field
Description du cours
Assessment / Feedback
Element noté 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nombre heure si
examen écrit
2nd session
Lecture recommandée
IESEG has prepared a compendium of the in-class cases bundled and distributed to each student. Please be sure to bring
this package to class every day.
Crawford, M & Di Benedetto, A. (2014), New Products Management, 11th. Edition, McGraw-Hill. This books
Product Management, Lehmann, D. R. & Winer, R. S., (2005), Product Management, 4th. Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin, New
York. This book presents a more analytical and quantitative approach to product management and portfolio in general.
Rodriguez, Carlos M. (2016), Product Design and Innovation: Analytics for Decision Making, Createspace Publishers, 2016,
ISBN-13: 978-1523202836. Available through Amazon worldwide. This book guides the reader from ideation to concept,
prototyping, and other aspects of product design.
Charge de travail
Face to face
Lecture 16.0
Independent study
Total 40.0