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2022 - 2023 Credit : 2 IÉSEG - School of Management

Class code : 2223_SYL_MKT_1712 MKT

Level Year Semestre Campus Language of instruction

Master - S1 / S2 L/P English

It is strongly recommended to have a basic knowledge of marketing principles.
No prior experience in or knowledge of the cultural sector is required to succeed in this course.

Learning objectives
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- understand the unique issues and challenges for marketers surrounding arts and cultural industries, and understand
specificities of various sectors (performing arts, movie, video games, publishing, etc.),
- analyze markets for specific cultural offerings,
- know how to leverage the specificities of cultural markets and cultural consumption to create value for both consumers and
- be able to suggest innovative and creative solutions to market artistic and cultural products,
- develop efficient marketing strategies for cultural organizations,
- debate on important current issues for cultural organizations.

- 1.C Communicate effectively in English

- 3.B Propose creative solutions within an organization

- 4.C Convey powerful messages using contemporary presentation techniques

- 5.A Predict how business and economic cycles could affect organizational strategy

- 6.A Thoroughly examine a complex business situation

- 6.B Synthesize multifaceted information from various sources across different functional fields

Course description
This course is structured to provide students working knowledge of marketing for the arts, cultural industries and
entertainment. We will explore the specificity of cultural products and organizations. In particular, the course will focus on
marketing for visual and performing arts, movie, television, music, video games, and publishing. Please note that the course
will be restricted to artistic/cultural sectors and will not cover other creative industries (such as design, architecture, media,
food/gastronomy). Based on the main characteristics of a) current cultural markets, b) cultural consumption and c) cultural
product, we will explore how to develop and adapt an efficient marketing strategy for cultural organizations. We will also
debate on current challenges and issues for artistic organizations and cultural industries.

The 4 sessions will be:

1. The cultural product
2. The cultural consumer
3. How marketing strategy for cultural organization differs from traditional marketing approaches
4. Debates

Assessment / Feedback

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Rated element
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Group project

Written exam

Type of test

Nb of hours if
written exam

2nd session true

Coefficient 20.0 50.0 30.0

For each debate (in Session 4), two groups will be asked to prepare (at home) on the same topic but with a difference of
opinion. The topics will be established during the first session and will cover important and current practical issues in cultural
marketing (eg, fixed book price, movie subscription services, competition in streaming services, etc.). During the in-class
debate, each group will make points by developing the position presented. They must then respond to arguments presented
by the other side. It is essential to not just say that something is so, but to demonstrate why something is so: you need to
argue to be convincing (use examples, counter-examples, concepts, philosophical or ethical theories, etc.). Visual support
(images, videos, etc.) may be used, but only if they clearly serve and defend the arguments. Also, groups should consider
the presence of an audience (the other students and the professor), which is the object of persuasion. At the end of each
debate, the audience will vote for the most convincing team. An extra point will be attributed to the winning team. Readings
will be provided on IESEG Online but each group is expected to gather additional information on the topic.
It is important that you participate to these debates in an appropriate, respectful and professional manner. Healthy
disagreement and discussion are a central component of this evaluation, but must be done so on a professional and
constructive basis. Please let the other team debate; you will be subject to appropriate penalty for not giving the other side
the opportunity to properly respond to your arguments.
Although the debate will be graded as a group project, each group may decide to be represented by a minimum of two

Recommended reading
To keep up with the latest developments in cultural marketing, the requested readings will be posted on IESEG Online and
are subject to change. Class discussion is a crucial element in both the learning and enjoyment of the class. Requested
readings will be discussion starters in class. Please read them carefully.

Not mandatory readings:

Colbert, F. (ed.), (2012), Marketing Culture and the Arts, HEC Montreal Editions, Fourth Edition.
Kerrigan, F. (2010), Film Marketing, Elsevier, First Edition.
O’ Reilly, D. and Kerrigan, F. (ed.), Marketing the Arts: A Fresh Approach, Routledge, Second Edition.
Thompson, J.B. (2101), Merchants of Culture: The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century, Plume, Second Edition.

Work load

Type of course Number of hours

Face to face

Interactive courses 16.0

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Independent study

Personnal work 12.0

Collective project 14.0

Independent work

Reading reference manuals 8.0

Total 50.0

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