Tanaka 1996 Development and Fabrication of Cera
Tanaka 1996 Development and Fabrication of Cera
Tanaka 1996 Development and Fabrication of Cera
Kyocera has been developing various ceramic components for small sized engines under 500kW is 15 20% • which hinders
gas turbines, under the Ceramic Gas Turbine (CGT) Project funded their popularity. In order to improve the thermal efficiency, it is
by the Japanese Government. This project has set a turbine inlet necessary to increase the turbine inlet temperature (TIT). There
temperature (III) of I350 °C as a final target. are, however, some difficulties for increasing the TIT when metal
For 1350°C ITT, we have developed a new silicon nitride components are used. For example, it is difficult to apply the
material SN281, which has high stress rupture strength at elevated internal cooling systems because of the size limitation of
temperatures up to 1500 °C. This material has excellent oxidation components. For this reason, ceramic components have been
We have also developed improved sintering and inspection high thermal efficiency gas turbine engines.
technologies for the use of SN281 as engine components. We are Ceramic gas turbines (CM) have advantages such as the use of
able to fabricate rotors and nozzles of the gas generator turbine uncooled components, energy saving, low emissions and,
(GM) in good agreement with design geometry requirements, by neecOess to say, high thermal efficiency. A 300 kW class COT
optimizing sintering conditions. Small defects were also project, which is administered by the New Energy and Industrial
siccessfully detected by microfocus X-ray radiography. The Technology Development Organization (NED)) and sponsored
SN281 rotors have attained 120% of design rotating speed at by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), is
room temperature being carried out in Japan". The project deals with developments
of three fferent type engines. They are CGT301, 302 and 303.
The advantages for gas turbines include small size, light weight, Kyocera has been supplying various kinds of ceramic
high output power, mtdti-fuels capability, low emissions, low components for the last two programs. C. 02 is the
noise and low v i brati on. However its only shortcoming is its low development of ceramic components for the stationary type
which is conducted in cooperation with Kawasaki Heavy the characteristics of this material are given below.
ceramic components for the mobile type regenerative two - shaft ELEiLIRAL.SThala111
ceramic gas turbine for electric power generation, which is The flexural strengths were measured according to JIS R 1601
In 1995, engine tests at 1200 °C (midterm target of 111), were 861MPa at room temperature, 606MPa at 1400 °C and 546MPa at
successfully carried out in uncooled systems 3). All these ceramic 1500°C. The room temperature strength is about 40% higher than
components were made of SN252. This SN252 had been that of SN252. At high temperatures the flexural strength of
developed formerly as a high strength silicon nitride, with use up SN281 is much higher than that of STC52. The higher strength
to 1371 °C. For a final target of 1350 °C TIT, a new material with can be attributed to two reasons. One is the fine grain structure
high fast fracture strength and high stress rupture strength at of the matrix. The grain growth has been restrained as a result of
temperatures above 1350 °C is required. Oxidation resistance is controlling the a -4$ phase transformation of silicon
also important for the material, since a long duration time is nitrides). The other is a grain boundary phase with higher melting
necessary for the final COT engine. point as because of optimized sintering additive composition.
silicon nitride material, SN281. SN281 has been developed with 1 000
the aim of improving the heat resistance and oxidation resistance o_ 900
of the grain boundary phase. As a result of research and 700
cs) 600
development. SN281 has high strength at elevated temperatures 500
up to 1500°C and oxidation resistance equal to that of silicon .
carbide. In this paper, we will present characteristics of SN281,
THE CHARACTERISTICS OF SN281 Figure 2 shows the as-processed flexural strength. The strength
Two points are improved for 5N281; fine grain size structure and of SN281 is 657MPa at room temperature, 537MPa at 1400 °C and
oxide type grain boundary phase with a high melting point. For 470MPa at 1500 °C. The room temperature strength is about 40%
the SN281 we have achieved higher strength than SN252 up to higher than that of SN252. The reason for the high strength is
1500 °C. SN281 has better creep resistance than SN252. The considered to be low surface roughness which is caused by
fracture toughness of S1C81 is equal to or higher than that of restraint of Si02 decomposition during the sintering.
Ca. 900 1000
Nam nuts tint
X 800 700 811.1M1 MI 111.111 SIBIU
ma tairsinintani
.c 700
15) 600 amt. „ 500 Mi MIT 11111fi 1114
• 500
111 is Mill 'il
700 lliEfilarF lo-7
; below detection knit ;
11 • SN2S2 at 1400t
o SN281 at 1200t
0.0010 01 01 1 10 100 1000
o SN252 at 1200t
failure time (hr)
Figure 3. Stress rupture at 1200t resistance of SN281 is considered to be about 200 °C higher than
Figure 5 shows the creep rate of SN281 and SN252. The creep
rate at 1200 ° C of SN281 is lower than detection limit and creep EBACILIREMICENESS
deformation was hardly observed The creep rate at 1400 °C is Fracture toughness measured by the SEPH method is shown in
approximately the same as that of 5N252 at 1200 °C The heat Figure 6. It was measured according to JIS R 1607 at room
100 1000
exposure time (hr)
100hr is shown in Figure 7. The change of the weight gain at exposure to oxidation with noticeable oxidation weight gain. On
1500°C is shown as a function of time in Figure 8. The test
specimens were not subjected to heat treatment at all to 200
2 180
investigate the exact oxidation resistance of the material. SN281
19 160
10 j,t 140
8 120
o 1 111111-11•11=1•111-- 47,100
5 80
c 60
01 94281
13 40
a) as Nal
raras -a 20 -0- SN2S2
001 OMMinnn 0 I
• 514281 800 900 1000 100 1200 1300 1400 1500
the other hand the strength of SN281 increases after exposure to Apart from material characteristics, geometric precision is also
oxidation, at all temperatures. The healing effect of oxidation an important consideration in effectively utilizing ceramics as
may overcome strength degradation by grinding damage. gas turbine components. It is especially important to make the
sintered parts in accordance with design geometry requirements.
IDEWAXINGj desi gned and measured value is maximtzn 0.4mm for Sht252. On
Figure 10. Fabrication process for ceramic turbine (hi GOT nozzle assembly
rotors and nozzles The GUT nonde assembly of Ca 302 is shoat in Figure 13. It
has 21 nozzle segments and they are bound with SiC fiber 3).
Figure 14 shows the measured result of the nozzle geometry.
IMPROVFMFNT OF flFrIMFIRICAI PRPCISION TIC TO The difference between the designed and measured value is
SinthictlEadgiLaC maximum 0.3mm for SN252. On the other hand, the measured
GGT nozzle segment
—025--0.30 0.15
—.0.10 I 0.10
SN252 SN281
—measured value
----designed value 0.17
SN252 SN281
clifference of SN281 is maximum +0.15trun. The target tolerance
is -0.1 ^- +0.2mm and SN281 shows good agreement with designed
Figure 14. Measured results of GGT
nozzle blade geometry
—measured value
----designed value
Improvements in the precision of nondestructive inspection is components whose defects were detected by the microfocus X-ray
crucial to making high quality components. It is difficult for the radiography were eliminated before the proof testing.
conventional X-ray radiography to detect the defects of thick
components such as rotors. The detection limit is improved by a PROOF TEST OF rriT 10 , ROTOR
microfocus X-ray radiography. Figure 15 shows the X-ray film of Proof test of rotors made of SN281 were carried out to evaluate
the rotor by the microfocus X-ray radiography. The white speck the fabrication process. Figure 16 shows the maximum principal
is a pore that developed during molding. The size of the speck is stress distribution of the COT 302 rotor at a proof speed of
about 0.1nun and the thickness of the rotor is 25mm. The COT 91.200rpm. This figure was obtained using the finite element
method (FEM). The proof speed is defined as 120% of design
Photo Sonsor
speed. The maximum principal stress is 380MPa and high stress moment.
600 5) The SN281 rotors have attained proof speeds in excess of
In order to commercialize ceramic gas turbines, long term
0 400
P2 durability tests need to be completed and cost reduction steps need
to be taken.
Figure 19. Results of the cold spin test Industrial Technology Development Organization, Kawasaki
• SN281 Heavy Industries, Ltd., and Yanmar Diesel Engine Co., lid..
• 5N252
• 1200t CGT design rotating speed
o 1350t CGT design rotating speed REFERENCES
1) T. Mtaayarna, K Nagata, H. Abe, and H. Ogiyarna, 1995,
Figure 19 shows the proof test results of the car rotors Made of "Current Status of 300kW Industrial Gas Turbine R&D in Japan".
SN281. Four rotors attained the proof speed of 91,200rpra The ASME95-GT-445.
average burst speed of the rotors made of SN252 is below 2) M.Tatsuzawa, T.Taoka, T. Sakida, and S.Tanaka, 1995,
90,000rpm. The result shows the improvement of the material "Development of 300kW-Class Ceramic Gas Turbine (CGT301)
strength of SN281. Burst spin testing of the SN281 rotors is Engine System", ASME95-GT-201.
planned in the near future. 3) K Nisio, J. Fujioka, T. Tatsumi, and I. Talcehara, 1995,
"Development of 300kW Class Ceramic Gas Turbine (CG1302)",
The new silicon nitride material SN281 has been developed by 4) M. Murota, I. Ohhashi, Y. Ito, and S. Aralcawa 199$,
optimization of sintering collations and grain boundary phase. "Research and Development of 300kW CI ass Ceramic Gas Turbine
514281 has also been applied for ceramic gas turbine components. (Development of The Static Ceramic Components for CGT 303)",
Results are summarized as follows. ASME95-GT-200.
1) 5/C81 has exhibitedhigher flexural strength and stress rupture 5) K Tanaka, M. Sato, Ni Yoshida, and K Koga, "The Sintering
strength at elevated temperatures up to 1500 °C than 511252. Process andCharacteristics of Silicon Nitride" 8th Kouonzairyo-
2) SN281 has excellent oxidation resistance. Kisotouronkai (Japan), (1988)18-22.
3) Geometrical precision of gas turbine components made of 6) M. Sasaki, T. lzumi, S. Achiwa, and T. Rob, 1. of the Gas
SN281 is better than that of S11252. Turbine Society of Japan, 13 (1985)28-35.
4) The detection limit of thick components has been improved by 7)M. FE ei, J. of the Gas Turbine Society of Japan, 21 (1993) 56-
rnicrofocus X-ray radiography. 61.