Structural Design of Spillway Training Walls and Divide Walls - Criteria

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IS 12720:1993

( Reaffirmed 1999 )


( First Revision )

UDC 626’83’034‘94 : 624’04

0 BIS 1994


NEW DELHI 110002

May 1993
Price Group 3
Spillways Including Energy Dissipators Sectional Committee, RVD 10


This Indian Standard ( First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the
draft finalized by the Spillways
_ ..
Energy Dissipators Sectional Committee had been
approved by River Valley l_)lvtston COU~CII.

The provision of downstream training wall is made to guide the flow from the spillway into the
downstream channel and to retain the draft earth envelope in some cases. Upstream training walls
are sometimes provided to retain earth dam faces where wrap around is not provided or partially
provided and to guide the flow tnwards the spillway. The structural design of the training walls
and divide walls therefore assumes importance.

Divide walls are provided to separate bays having different type of energy dissipation arrangement
or to separate bays having the same type of energy dissipation arrangement but with different
parameters/levels, etc, kept from geological/other considerations or to allow for unsymmetrical
operation of spillway gates in order to minimize cross/return flows, eddies, etc. Also divide walls
are provided to separate out the power house, silt excluders, etc, located adjacent to the spillway.
Sometimes low or submerged divide walls are also provided to effect economy.

Walls of approach channels, spillway glacis and energy dissipators may be masonry/concrete
gravity, reinforced concrete cantilever or relatively thin concrete anchored walls/lining placed
against steep rock surfaces anchored to the rock by steel dowel bars grouted into drill holes in the
rock. Where the strata above foundation at the ends/sides of the spillway consists of earth or
poor rock, the walls should be masonry/concrete gravity walls. Where suitable rock is available
from the general ground level, the side walls may be in the form of a thin concrete lining.
Sometimes combination of gravity section and concrete lining walls are used. In some special
cases where the channels or stilling basins are narrow, it may be economical to design the walls
and the channel or basin floor as an integral reinforced concrete U-frame.

This standard was first published in 1989. This revision has been undertaken to incorporate the
latest practices being followed in the field. The important change effected in this rebision are as

a) Modifications in design loading conditions, computation of forces and stability criteria,

b) Reference to IS 11772 : 1986 ‘Guidelines for design of drainage arrangements of energy
dissipators and training walls of spillways’ has been given for drainage arrangement of
training and divide walls,
c) Formula for estimation of hydro-dynamic pressure has been changed to SI units,
d) Reference to IS 456 : 1978 ‘Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (third
revisiorr)' has been given for design of stem and base slab of divide walls, and
e) The cr,rnputat ion of stresses and design of anchorages based on one of the method has been
covered in A special publication SP 5.5 : 1993 ‘Design aid for anchorages for spillway piers,
training walls and divide walls’.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard, is complied with,
the final value, observed or calculated expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded
off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding of numerical values ( revised)'. l-he number
of signifcant places rctallled in the rounded of value should be the same as that of the specified
value in this standard.
IS 12720: 1993

Indian Standard
(First Revision )
1 SCOPE concrete of required thickness is laid parallel to this
slope. The concrete should be anchored adcyuatcly
This standard lays down the criteria for structural
into the rock by dowel bars grouted in holes drilled
design of upstream and downstream training walls
into the rock. A careful investigation of the rock
and divide walls.
should be made before designing the anchorage
system. The anchorage and the concrete should be
able to withstand the probable hydrostatic head in the
2.1 The following Indian Standards arc necessary rock or residual hydrostatic head if adequate- drain
adjuncts to this standard: holes are provided therein (see Fig. 1 ).

IS No. Title 3.1.3 Combination of Grmity nnd Anclrorcd Wtrlls

456 : 197X Code of practice for plain and III cases where parlly ovcrburdrn and partly rock
reinforced concrete ( third fares are met with, the section of the wall should bc
revision ) a concrete anchored wall in the lower rock faces
1893 : 1984 Criteria for carthquakc resistant portion and gravity wall above in the over burden
design of structures ( fmr~h portion. This type ofcombinatiolt would Ix>~c~or~mttic~;~l
revision ) in such cases ( see Fig. 2 ).
6512: 1984 Criteria for design of solid gravity
dams ( fir.vtrevision ) 3.1.4 Cflnti:L’l~crlCormterfort Wtrlls
7365 : 1985 Criteria for hydraulic design of
bucket type energy dissipators Cantilcvcr/counterfort walls may also be provided as
( first rcGsion ) training walls depending upon the height of the \vall.
11722 : lOH6 Guidelines for dcsigu of drainage
arrangements of energy dissipators 3.2 Divide Walls
and training walls of spillways The divide walls are normally provided in lint with the
crest piers so as to have nlininlum disiurbancc in the
Ilow.Asfaraspossiblc,thcwallsshould beconstructcd
3.1 ‘I’rilining Walls in reinforced cen~nt concrctr so that src,!ion is thin
and offers minimum ot>strurtion to the I’low. The
3.1 .l Grfwity W(llls divide wall riced 1101be takcu too high but nl;ly bc kept
slightly above the nlaximunl tail wale: Icvcl in the
Gravity walls for spillway approach channel and
energy dissipator when clcnr SC]XlriltiOll O!‘lhc flows is
cncrgy dissipators generally have backfill or dam
required. Sometimes submerged walls arc :!lso provided
embankment fill against thr hack side. For approach
which provide R clear scparatirm 01 flows at lowrr
walls not retaining a dam embankment, previous backfill
discharges aud would hr submrrgcd al higher
with drainage may he economical and dcsirablc to
discharges. Howcvcr, thecxicnt ofsuhmcr~c’t~cc ol’thc
rcducc loading under empty or drawdowu conditions,
wall should bc dccidcd by carrying out the model
but the draiuagc system should not crcatc a short
studies. The Icngth of the divide wall should normally
seepage palh to the downstreaul side of the coulrol
t)c kept up to the downhtrcam end of the. cncrgy
section. The top width of the training wall should IN:
dissipator or as may be required haqed on thr n~odrl
kept 1.5 111,nlininlunl with the arrangcruetrt of’ steps
and railings to SC~VCas walkway during inspection.
I:or thr dowmstrcanI walls of spillway glacis alld
cncrgy disbipatorb, 1‘1-cc drainage backfill with
lougitudinal pc~forated pipe drains at the base 011
backfill xidc ofthc wall are ad\~antageous to rcducc the
lmssurc ou llic wall, if sllitahlc outfall is ;ivailablc in 4 L)ESI(;N Ol~‘I‘RAINIIV(; WAI.I,S
the downstream.
4.1 l’orces
The following forces should bc conridcrrd III tt~(,
For ronrrete anchored walls the rock ib cxravatcd to
design of training wail+,:
a stable slope, nor~nally 01’0.5 (H) to 1 (V) orotherwise
depending upon the geology of ~hr site and then a) Dead load;

IS 12720: 1993





@ 100 DRAIN




Rcscrvoir and tail waler pressure and hydro- 4.2 Design Loading Conditions
dynamic toad due IO flow, wherever atq~licabtc;
4.2.1 Inall cases loadings sctccted Ihrdesign ol’watts
Uptilt pressure; for spillway apt>roach rhanncl and cncrgy
EMhquakr force; dissitmtors should include the IIWSI scvcrc load
combinations anticipated. Typical loading conditions
Earth tmssurc; a11d
lo bc used fhr the upstrcanl and 0~ downstrcanl
Live load or surcharge due to carIhmoviIlg lllils<)tl~ or concrrtc training walls have been dcsctibcd
machinery and other equitmcnt. in 4.2.2 and 4.2.3. The design loading conditions Ihr
111r anchored walls have been dcscribcd in
Hydraulic model studies are gcmralty necrssary lhr
EARTH EMBANKMENT- cstinialing ltie total waler tmssurc due lo sl;ilic~ and
hydro-dynamic loads (tmxsurc lluc.luations and/or
ccldrit’ugal aclion, elc) and lhrir associaltd l’rcqucnc-its
w the training walls and divide watts.


4.2.1.I The anchored walls should bc dcsigncd for lhc
FILTER/APPR0PHIATt suddcll drawdowu condition considering (a) w;tIcr
S’A,(;i;ERED- prcssurc on rock side corrrstmtldi~~g to Illil~illlul~l
Iaitwatrr clcvation, atld (1,) water ut> IO nlilliutunl Iilit
waler Icvcl on river side, unlcx\ the rock behind ihc
wall is driiilizd by an adcquiilc syhkm ol’dr;lili hole
cxlcnding dccpcr 11lilll anchorage xysletll iri which
----- c:ISt’ il Imp bc dcsigicd considcrilig ]XtrliilI drain;igC
ANCHORED WALL/ CffCCt and ~IllClI~~~ilgCS providrd (or batarlccd tjrcssurc.
( SW Fig. I ). The ti~undalion Icvct, 111;rlis, hollo~~l 01‘
Itlc iiIl~~tlOtX~t] Walk. should Ix tmn*idcsd 111’IO I tic Ic\flcl
oblained f101n rhc criteria given in IS 7.1~5 : IvXS ot
I~scd ot1 tuodcl studic~.
1S 12720 : 1993 Severe loading condition forces which may be far in excess of the normal hydraulic
loading. These hydro-dynamic forces exerted on training wall
Loading as in above but with earthquake effect. would have considerably wide band of frequency. It should he
ensured that the natural frequency of training wall is not in the
neighbourhood of the predominant frequency of the force Sudden dra wdown condition exerted to avoid resonance ( see 5.3.2 ).

a) Earthfill/embankme~~t submerged up to the 2 Passive pressures from the submerged backfill may be
full reservoir level. considered in this condition which may, however, he limited to
the hydrostatic and hydro-dynamic loads.
b) Minimum drawdown level on the reservoir
side, and 4.3 Computation of Forces
c) Corresponding full uplift pressure.
4.3.1 Dead Load Spillway functioning loading condition
The dead load to bc considered comprises of the
a) Water in the reservoir up to maximum water weight of the masonry and/or concrete plus the weight
level, of the backfill. For the preliminary design the unit
weight of concrete and masonry may be taken as
b) The backfill submerged up to the same level,
23.50 kN/m3 and 22.55 kN/nI respectively. The
weight of backfill should be according to type of the
c) Corresponding full uplift pressure. backfill resting over the wall slopes and the conditions
of the backfill such as moist, saturated or submerged
4.2.3 Downstream Training Wall depending upon water level on backfill side. The
unit weight of water should be taken as 9.81 kN/m3 Normal loading condition ( see IS 6512 : 1984 ).

a) No water on the river side, 4.3.2 Reservoir and Tail Water Pressure and Hydro
b) The backfill submerged up to 50 percent and Dynamic Load Due to Flow Wherever Applicable
33 percent of maximum tailwaler elevation in
cast of earth backfill and the rubble backfill Reservoir and tailwater load
rcsprctivcly (drains effective), and
Forthe upstream trainingwall 1ineardistributionof the
c) Full uplift varying uniformly from correspond- static water pressure acting normal to the face of wall
ing water head in the backfill side to zero on should be considered. For the downstream training
the river side. wall, the larger of the hydrostatic and the hydro-
dynamic loads, including centrifugal force whcrc Severe loading condition applicable, should be considcrcd.
Loading as in but with earthquake effect. Water pressure in still water Sudden drawdown condition (wherever The intensity of prcssurc in still or slowly moving
applicable) water varies dircctiy with the depth. This pressure is
a>Backfill submerged up to maximum tailwater expressed as:
level, p=vh
b) Water up to minimum tail water level on river
side (drains clogged), and The total horizontal force on a unit Jcngth of a vertical
wall will be:
cl Full uplift varying unil’ormly from head
maximum tailwater in the backfill side to P = l/2 v h2, and
minimum tail water on the river side.
the moment will bc: Spillway fiutctionhg loading condition
M = l/o v h’
a) Backfill submerged up to maximum ~ailwater
Icvcl, whcrc

b) The hydrostatic and hydro-dynamic loads due 1’ = unit wright of water in kN/m’, and
to the flow in the energy dissipator. In cast of
11 = depth ol‘walcr in ni.
flip buckets, the hydrostatic load should also
include centrifugal force in addition to depth
of water ‘d,‘, and
c> Full uplift varying unil‘urmly litrm head
(maximum tailwatcr) in the backfill to the In a stream flowing down a steeply inclined slope,
depth (cl,) OII 111rriver side. lhc prcssurc pattern is modified from 111~ SI;II;~.
condition. VJ‘hcwater which is supportrd on ;I spillway
slope has a ntgJigiblc shcaring value. Thrreforc, ttlc
I Due lo intcnsc turbulcncr ol Ilow in Ihc energy dissipator, !hr Jloor supports only the normal ‘component of the
ensuing lurhulencr and surges may produce hydra-dynamic weight of Ihr watrr and this Jlroduccs the prcssurcs

IS 12720: 1993

on the floor and on the side walls. The over- hydrostaticpressureatthesectiollunderconsideration.

turning force at the floor and on the base of the side The total horizontal force on the unit length of the wall
wall for a unit length measured along the glacis is due to centrifugal pressure will be:
expressed as:
F = l/2 Y hZ cos ci P = If2 PC d,

and the overturning moment as: and moment

M = l/6 v h’ cos ci
MP = l/6 PC d,2
where Hydro-dynamic forces
v = unit weight of water,
h = depth of water normal to the floor, and The hydro-dynamic forces to bc considered arc given
in 5.3.2.
u = floor angle with horizontal in degree.
4.3.3 Uplift Pressure
However, for calculaling reinforcement steel in
vertical direction, the bending moment per unit The uplift pressure should be assumed to act ovrr
horizontal leng$h should be taken as M/cos2 u and 100 percent of the base area. The uplift should bc
shear force per unit horizontal length as F/cos u. assumed to vary uniformly along the base width of the
wall. It may be safe to assume that uplift pressures arc Water pressure in IZ @kctrd strrenm
not affected by an earthquake.
If a flowing stream is deflected by a curving vane,
such as a vertical curve in a 17ip bucket at the bottom 4.3.4 Earthquake Forces
of a spillway, the water pressure is increased by
centrifugal force. This increase in pressure may be The earthquake forces should be considered iti
evaluats by: accordance with IS 1893 : 1984.

v d, VZa 4.3.5 Earth Pressrtrc

PC =
gr The earth pressure should be considered in
where accordance with IS 1893 : 1984.

PC = increase in pressure, 4.4 Stability Criteria for I +streani and hwnstream

Training Walls
v = unit weight of water,
d, = depth of flow entering bucket, 4.4.1 The maximum foundation pressure should not
exceed fhe safe bearing capacity of Ihe foundation
v, = actual velocity of flow enlcring bucket, rock.
r = radius of bucket, and
4.4.2 The compressive strength ofconcrcie/nlast,t~rl~
g = acceleration ddc to gravity. should he in accordance with IS 6512 : IV84.

The maximum and minimum ocntril’ugal prcbsurc ina 4.4.3 No tensile stress should bc permilted in thl,
bucket occur at the lowest and highrht points of the normal loading condition. Nonlinal lensilr strcssc:,
buc.kct rrspcctivcly. The approximate bucket pressure may, howcvcr, be permitted in other loading condi!ion:,
and thr maximum side wall pressures arc obtained by and Olrir permissible values should IIOI cxc~d ~hc,
adding Ihr computed centrifugal Pressure to Ihc values given in Table 1.
IS 12720 : 1993

4.44 Criteria for Design Against Sliding 5.3.2 Estimntion of Hydro-Dynamic Pressures

The factor of safety against sliding may be calculated For estimation of hydro-dynamic pressures on account
according to IS 6512 : 1984 on the basis of partial of turbulence and surges, model studies are essential.
factor of safety in respect of friction (F$) and partial However, till these forces arc ascertained from model
factor of safety in respect of cohesion (Fc) as given tests criteria given below may be followed for estimation
below. The factor of safety against sliding should not of the forces for preliminary design in case a stilling
be less than 1.0. basin arrangement is provided:

Loading condition F$ Fc Assume depth of water on mc side of wall

equivalent to maximum depth (H) occurring
Normal 1.5 3.6 after the hydraulic jump has taken place;
Severe 1.2 2.4 b) Assume a rectangular water pressure
Sudden drawdown 1.0 1.2 distribution due to water load on the llow side
of the wall;
Spillway functioning 1.0 1.2
c>Assume no water load on the other side, if it
4.4.5 The reinforcement for cantilevrr/cQunt~o~ walls can be dewatered for inspection of suitable
should he designed according to IS 456 : 1978. coffer dam, etc;

5 L)ESIGN OP IIIVIL)E WALLS 4 Assunlc Wcstcr guards’ Parabola to further

account for the hydro-dynamic effects ot
surges using an acceleration factor of 0.15 g
5.1 I;orces
( see Fig. 3 ). In a seismic arca, earthquake
loads may govern over surge loads; and
The following forces should be considcrcd in the
design of divide walls:
e) Proportionthedivide wallsuch that the natural
Dead Load, period of vibration of the wall is lrss Ihan
0.2 s.
Water prcssurc including hydro-dynamic
Uplift pressure, and

Earthquake I’OKT.

5.2 Design I,wding Conditions

5.2.1 The divide walls should 1~ designed for the

following loading ~orlditions. H = height al‘thc wall ill III,

b = ha~cwidthot’thc gravity wall or thickncs\ U,l.s~rlrlni,lric.crl spillwry qwwlion co~~tlilion
ol’thc raiililcvcr Will1 in ItI, and

a> The hydrostatic end hydra-dymmic loads due

F = f;lc-tor which ih il J‘u1ictioii IIf g~c.~liictry.
to the unsynmlctric flow iu the cncrgy
dissipator. In 111~ casr UP llip buck& Ihr
hydrohIaIic load should alw include ~entrilbpal
li)rcc in xdditio11 to depth crl’watcr, and

tJ) Corrcspondilig full uplift. 5.4 Stability (‘riteria for I)ivicle Wall

a 1 W;itcr Ll[) 10 illiiliillunl tilil waler I<~\‘CI011 0llC

The divide hall should tx doignrd IO withstand th
ovcrlurning nioiiicnts for the: condilioiis K:i\fcrl it1 5.2
131 No water on the other sidtt assunlins it to t)c Tht I11;IsillluIlI li,ud;lIiotl prcssurc should Ilot (“ICX*C(
dcwatrred, the saf<’ bcarirlg c.;lpa(,iIy (11’IIIC I’rltllldiltiol1 rc1c.h.

c> Corrcspolidiiig full iiplili, and

d) Ei~rthqt1;~kc I’orccs.

5.3.1 The dead loild, ul)lil’I prcscurc and carthquakc

forces should hc c;llculaIcd as givca in 4.3.
IS 12720 : 1993



unit weight of waler in kN/nl’.

carlhquakr toundalion Glmtinn period ins.

horixmal accelerafion cocllicicn~ (lo be taken as 0.15 for &sign calculatiou),

lolai horimutal walrr pressure with a rectangular distribufion in kN/ln.

additional waler prcssurc in kN/nl, and

Factor in kN/m’.

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The use of the Standard Mark is govern-4 by the provisions of the Bureau of hdian
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products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced
to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection,
testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the
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and attending to connected matters in the country.


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Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no
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