Mathematics - UP-2 - IGCSE-2 - Pooja Sharma - 2024-25
Mathematics - UP-2 - IGCSE-2 - Pooja Sharma - 2024-25
Mathematics - UP-2 - IGCSE-2 - Pooja Sharma - 2024-25
Course part and topic NUMBERS Grade IGCSE-2 Dates May 2024
Transfer goals
List here one to three big, overarching, long-term goals for this unit. Transfer goals are the major goals that ask students to “transfer” or apply,
their knowledge, skills, and concepts at the end of the unit under new/different circumstances, and on their own without scaffolding from the
Factual Questions:
What are simultaneous linear equations, and how do you solve them?
How do you graph linear inequalities on a coordinate plane?
When is the quadratic formula used, and how does it work?
Conceptual Questions:
What geometric interpretations can be made from the solutions to linear inequalities in the plane?
What are the implications of factorizing quadratics with non-unit leading coefficients in algebraic problem-solving?
Debatable Questions:
Should simultaneous linear equations be solved using substitution or elimination, and why?
Are there situations where linear inequalities might provide a more accurate representation of a problem than equations?
Students will know the following content: Learning experiences and strategies/planning for self-
supporting learning:
Week: 1 & 2
14.1 Simultaneous linear equations
Socratic seminar
Starter Small group/pair work
With their books closed, ask students, ‘If x + y = 10, what is the value of Powerpoint lecture/notes
x?’ Assuming someone ventures a number, say 5, ask, ‘What is the value Individual presentations
of y when x = 5?’ Write down some of the pairs of solutions; make sure x
= 4 and y = 6 are included. Get students to realise that there are many Group presentations
(indeed, infinitely many) values for both x and y. Student lecture/leading
Ask the same of 2x + y = 14. Write down possible values of x and y; make
sure x = 4 and y = 6 are included. Point out that x = 4 and y = 6 satisfy Interdisciplinary learning
both of the equations at the same time, that is, simultaneously. Details:
Some students might appreciate being shown a quick sketch of the two Other/s:
graphs, showing that they intersect at the point (4, 6).
Now set up a simple problem like the example, but using two people they
might know, such as yourself and someone a lot older than you in your
establishment. Tell them that that person is twice as old as you and that Formative assessment:
when you add their age to yours you get 75 (or any multiple of 3). Then 1. Mix, match and solve (In this activity, students will
ask them to work out how old you are. Expect them to do quite a bit of match worded problems to the formulae that can be
trial and improvement techniques until they obtain the answer. Then go used to solve them, and then work out how to
over how to derive the simultaneous equations, making sure that they manipulate each formula so they can substitute given
define the variables before doing anything else. values and solve each problem.)
Step 5: Solve this linear equation, using the methods of the previous Differentiation:
Step 6: Substitute both values into both of the original equations to check Affirm identity—build self-esteem
that they are correct. Value prior knowledge
It is essential to get students into good habits in solving these equations, as
Scaffold learning
there are so many ways to make errors.
Emphasise the need to label equations and write down the operations Extend learning
performed on each one as part of their working. This helps students to Details:
keep track of their work and identify any mistakes.
Next, work through the solution of simultaneous equations by the
substitution method. Students who need more support can leave this out
but it is essential for students who need more of a challenge, as they will
need the skill later when solving pairs of simultaneous equations where
one is linear and one is non-linear.
Write on the board: x < 5. Ask students to show this on a number line.
Make sure there is an open circle above 5 and the arrow points to the left.
Then ask: What can you say about 2x?
They should say that 2x < 10
Ask how it is different if we write x ⩽ 5. Students should say that in this
case the circle on the diagram is filled in. They should also say that 2x ⩽
Main lesson activity
Ask students if they can give the values of x that are true for x + 3 > 7.
They should be able to see that x can be any number bigger than 4
Now show students how to solve this inequality:
Students should recognise this as being the same basic method as solving
an equation. Say that the methods are the same, but that the equals sign is
replaced with an inequality sign.
It is unlikely
that all students these correctly so it will be worth
will complete
spending time explaining brackets. As there are many different types of
calculators, it may help to pair students with the same calculators to work
together. It will help students who need more support if they are paired with
students who need more of a challenge.
= (5) 1
Evaluate both answers, making sure students know that in the two
solutions: x = –2 or –3.
Compare this to the answer obtained from factorisation (x + 2)(x + 3) = 0.
Obviously, they are the same and this would not be a typical quadratic
formula example.
Now write 2x2 – 7x – 3 = 0 and repeat the process to get: x =
(7) (7)2 4(2)(3)
7 73
Evaluate this as x = , giving x = 3.89 or –0.39.
Point out the very important fact that the denominator divides the whole
top line and not just the square root.
You may wish to explain that modern calculators will evaluate this without
the intermediate step. Students who need more of a challenge should be able
to use this method. However, encourage students who need more support to
do the calculation in steps and to be careful with minus signs.
Students who need more support can complete the questions in pairs,
if necessary. Provide support as necessary.
Students’ answers should agree with those from the calculators ( 11 , 19 ,
15 40
3 9
, ).
20 10
Ask half the class to do the following calculations on their
the other half to use
the rules:
5 1 3 3
8 6 4 10
Now swap groups so the previous half using calculators are now using the
rules and vice versa.
Ask students to work out the following.
5 3 8 2
9 10 9 3
Compare answers, which should not agree, although some students may
have cancelled their answers.
Explainthat the rules always work, but that they may not give the answer
in its simplest form.
Write x2 – 9 on the board and ask students if they recognise it. They may
need prompting, but this is the difference of two squares. Remind students
that this can be factorised to (x – 3)(x + 3). Repeat with 4a2 – 25 and other
examples if necessary.
Week: 3 & 4
22.2 Using and transforming formulae
Tell students that you want them to rearrange each of these formulas to make
x the subject.
Ask them to work in pairs to discuss these problems and then discuss the
answers as a class. Students often give the same answer for both of these
problems, i.e. x = y2 – 1, but it is only correct for b.
Main lesson activity
Finally ask for a sketch of 𝑦 = 𝑥or look at it on graphic software. There is
a discontinuity where x = 0 because it is not defined for that value.
Main lesson activity
Say you want to look in more detail at the function f(𝑥) = √𝑥 − 2
Ask students to give you some values of the function without using a
calculator. For example,
f(6) = √6 − 2 = 2 and f(102) = √100 = 10
Establish that x can be 2 or greater than 2 but it cannot be less that 2.
We say that the domain of the function is {𝑥: 𝑥 ⩾ 2}. The domain is the
set of all the values that the variable x can take.
What can we say about the
values of f(𝑥)? It can be any
non-negative number. We say
that the range of the function is
{𝑦: 𝑦 ⩾ 0}
Tell students to look at the graph
of 𝑦 = √𝑥 − 2in section 21.2.
This shows the domain and range
of the function on the x-axis and
y-axis respectively.
Use a graph plotter to show a
graph of 𝑦 = 𝑥+5 or sketch a
copy (right).
If shows that x can be any value
except −5 , and that y can be any
value except 0.
The domain of f( 𝑥) = 𝑥+5 is
{𝑥: 𝑥 ≠ −5}and the range is {𝑦: 𝑦 ≠ 0}
Now look at Example 1 in section 21.2
Here, the domain of the function f(𝑥) = 𝑥(𝑥 − 4) is given as
{𝑥: 0 ⩽ 𝑥 ⩽ 6}
The graph shows that the lowest value of y on the graph is
−4 and the largest value is 12 and it can take any value in between those
This means that the range of f(𝑥)is {𝑦: −4 ⩽ 𝑦 ⩽ 12}
Thinking: Students need to critically analyze problem statements, identify relevant information, and apply appropriate problem-solving
strategies to reach solutions. For example, when solving simultaneous linear equations, students must engage in critical thinking to determine the
most efficient method of elimination or substitution. Similarly, when transforming formulas or setting up equations from word problems,
students need to think logically and strategically to manipulate expressions and solve for unknowns.
Communication: Students may engage in peer discussions, present their problem-solving approaches, and justify their mathematical processes
and conclusions.
Research: Students will conduct research to explore alternative methods for solving equations or inequalities, examine real-world applications
of mathematical functions, or investigate historical developments in algebraic techniques.
List and attach (if applicable) any resources used in this unit
Proof Sorter - Quadratic Equation (
Mix, match and solve (activity sheet)