Daily Lesson Log of M9Al-Ia-B-1 Grade Level Learning Area Quarter I. Objectives

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DAILY LESSON LOG of M9AL-Ia- b-1 ( Week One- Day 5)


Teacher Ms. Annalyn P. Cortes Learning Area Mathematics
Quarter 1st DLP NO:
Date and Time
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations,
A. Content Standards
inequalities and functions, and rational algebraic equations.
The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
situations, formulate real-life problems involving quadratic equations, inequalities
B. Performance Standards
and functions, and rational algebraic equations and solve them using a variety of
Solve quadratic equation equations by factoring (M9AL-Ia- b-1)
C. Learning Competencies / 1. Identify the roots of a quadratic equation by factoring
Objectives 2. Solve the quadratic equations by factoring
3. Show patience and accuracy in solving quadratic equations by factoring
II. CONTENT Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 24 – 27
2. Learner’s Materials pages 27 – 33
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
Other Learning
The teacher facilitates the checking of student’s assignment about solving quadratic
equation by extracting square roots.
1. 3 t 2=12 3. x 2= 5. ( s – 4)2 – 81=0
x 2 – 7=0 2
A. Review previous lesson 2. 4. x =150
or presenting the new
lesson Answers:
1) t=± 4 4) x=± 10 √ 15
2) x=√ 7 5) s=13∧s=5
3) x=±
B. Establishing a purpose The teacher introduces to the students another method in solving quadratic
for the lesson equations when extracting square roots cannot be applied.
A. Using a meta strips, The teacher asks the factors of the following polynomials.
1. 4 x+2 3. 4 x+20 x 2 5. s2 +8 s+12
2. 2 xy – 18 y 4. 5 t – 10 t 2

B. The teacher asks the following questions to the students:

1. How did you factor each polynomial?
2. What factoring technique did you use to come up with the factors of each
polynomial? Explain how you used this technique.
C. Presenting examples/
3. How would you know if the factors you got are correct ones?
instances of the new
4. Which polynomials did you find difficult?
1) 2(2 x+ 1) 3) 4 x( 1+5 x ) 5) ( s+6 )( s+2 )
2 ¿ 2 y (x−9) 4) 5 t( 1−2 t)

B. The responses of the students may vary. The teacher must be able to process
their responses accordingly.
A. Discussing new The teacher shows the following polynomials, let the students to give the answers
concepts and practicing of the following questions:
x +7=0 x – 4=0(x +7)( x−4)=0
1. How would you compare the three equations?
2. What value(s) of x would make each equation true?
new skills #1
3. How would you know if the value of x that you got satisfies each
4. Compare the solutions of the given equation. What statement you can
A. The teacher presents the procedures in solving the quadratic equations by
a. Transform the quadratic equation into standard form if necessary.
b. Factor the quadratic expression.
c. Apply the zero product property by setting each factor of the quadratic
expression equal to zero.

B. The teacher presents examples that illustrates solving quadratic equations by

B. Discussing new Examples:
concepts and practicing 1) Find the solutions of x 2+ 9 x=−8 by factoring.
new skills #2 2) Solve 9 x 2−4=−8 by factoring.
3) Find the solutions of t 2+12 t+ 36=0

1) x=−8 andx=−1
−2 2
2) x=∧x=
3 3
3) t=−6∧t=−6

The teacher advises the students to be with their respective groups. Each group is
tasked to solve a problem. Presentation of the group output will be done
immediately after solving.
Group 1: Find the solution of x 2+ 7 x =0
Group 2: Find the solution of 6 s2 +18 s=0
Group 3: Find the solution of x 2−10 x+ 25=0
Group 4: Find the solution of x 2−14=5 x
C. Developing mastery Group 5: Find the solution of 4 s 2+ 9=12 s
(leads to formative
assessment 3)
1) x ( x +7 )=0 ---- x=0 ; x=−7
2) 6 s ( s +3 )=0 ---- s=0 ; s=−3
3) ( x +5 ) ( x −5 )=0 ---- x=−5 ; x=5
4) ( x−7 )( x +2 )=0 ---- x=7 ; x−2
5) (2 s−3)2 ---- s=
The teacher presents an application in solving quadratic equations by factoring.
D. Finding practical A school stage has perimeter 62ft and area 234 ft². Find the dimensions of the
applications of school stage.
concepts and skills in
daily living Answer:
l=18 ft ; w=13 ft
The teacher ask the following questions to the class:
How will you find the factors of a polynomial given a:
E. Making generalizations
a) common monomials
and abstractions about
b) difference of two squares
the lesson
c) perfect square trinomial

F. Evaluating Learning The teacher gives a formative assessment.

Solve each of the following quadratic equations by factoring.
1. 4 x2 +7 x=0
2. 81−4 x 2=0
3. x 2+ 4 x=21
The teacher instructs the students to answer the Activity 5: What Must Be My
Length and Width? in page 32 in the Learner’s Materials. Let the students to
accomplish this task using a 1 whole sized paper.
G. Additional activities or
1. length = 17 units; width = 9 units
2. length = 19 units; width = 12 units



A. No. of learners who earned

80% of the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers

Prepared by:

Tipolo National High School

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