Structural Design of Steel

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Time : 1.30 hours Maximum : 60 marks

Subject code: AR3602 REG NO:

Answer all questions.

IS : 800 -2007 code is permitted

Missing data may suitably be assumed.

PART A – (6X2=12 marks)

1. What are physical and mechanical properties of steel.

2. Write notes on TMT,TOR and HYSD
3. State four different types of bolted joints used for connecting steel plate.
4. Define strength of bolt, strength of bolted joint and efficiency of a bolted joint?
5. How do you find design strength of tension member.
6. With neat sketch explain different failures in bolted connection.

PART B – (16X3=48 marks)

11 (a)(i) A single bolted double cover butt joint is used to connect two plates 10mm thick as shown in
fig. Assuming the bolts of 16mm diameter at 60mm pitch, calculate the efficiency of the joint. Use
410 Mpa plates and 4.6 grade bolts. (8)+(8)

11 (a)(ii)Calculate the efficiency of a zig zag double bolted lap joint as shown in fig. Assume Fe410
grade plate and grade 4.6 bolts of diameter 16mm, and 10 mm thick main plates and cover plates.


11 (b)(i) Two flats (Fe410 grade steel). Each 210mmx8mm are to be joined using 16mm diameter, 4.6
grade bolt, to for a lap joint. The joint is supposed to transfer load of 300kN. Design the joint and
determine suitable pitch and edge distance for the bolt. (8)

11(b)(ii) Design a butt joint to connect two plates 250x10mm(Fe410) using M16 bolts. Arrange the
bolts to give maximum efficiency. (8)
12 (a)(i)Determine strength of the fillet weld as shown in fig. (6)

12 (a)(ii) An 150mmx115mmx12mm two angle section is to be connected to a 12mm thick gusset

plate at site. Design the fillet weld to carry a load equal to the strength of the member. (10)


12(b)(i)Design lap joint to connect two plates of size 200mmx10mm and 150mmx8mm using fillet
weld to carry to carry 600kN load when welding done on three side. (8)

12(b)(ii)An ISMC 250 is used to transmit a factored force of 750 kN. The channel section is connected
to a gusset plate 10mm thick. Design a fillet weld if the overlap is limited to 300mm.use slot weld if
required. (8)

13(a)(i) A single unequal angle 100x75x6mm is connected to a 10mm thick gusset plates at the ends
with 20mm diameter bolts to transfer tension as shown in figure. Determine the design tensile
strength of the angel assuming that the yield and the ultimate stress of steel used are 250Mpa and
410Mpa if the gusset plate is connect to the 100mm leg. (8)

13(a)(i) 13(a)(ii)

13(a)(ii) Determine the tensile strength of a roof truss diagonal 100x75x6mm (if =250Mpa)
connected to the gusset plate by 4mm weld as shown in fig (8)


13(b)(i)Design a single angle to carry a tensile load of 450kN using 20mm diameter bolts. Assume
that the length of the member is 3m. (8)

13(b)(ii)Design tension plate to carry tensile load of 750KN using welded joint. (8)

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