Design of Steel Structures Model 2 QP

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Time & Duration of

Date of Exam: /2/2018
Branch: CIVIL Year & Sem.: Max. Marks: 100
Subject code: CE 6603 Subject name: Design of steel structures

PART -A (10x2=20 Marks)

Answer All Questions
1. Define gauge line.
2. Define staggered pitch.
3. Define slenderness ratio.
4. Explain shear lag effect.
5. What is meant by built-up compression members?
6. Define single lacing & double lacing.
7. Write Short notes on Purlin.
8. What is web buckling and web crippling?
9. Explain about Crane gantry girders
10. Calculate the permissible deflection for a truss of 10 m span

PART-B (80 Marks)

1. (a) Identify the number of bolts required for a lap joint between two plates of size 100mm
x 16mm and 100mm x 12mm thick so as to transmit a factored load of 120 kN using a
single row of M20 bolts of grade 4.6 and grade 410 plates.
(b) A load of 150 kN is applied to a bracket plate at an eccentricity of 300 mm. sixteen
rivets of 20 mm nominal diameter are arranged in two rows with 8 rivets per row. The
two rows are 200 mm apart and the pitch is 80 mm. if the bracket plate is 12.5 mm thick,
investigate the safety of the connection. Given, s = 100 N/mm2,fb = 300 N/mm2 and ft =
150 N/mm2.

2. 2. (a) Design a tension member using 2 unequal angles of size 120mmx90mmx8mm with a
10mm thick gusset plate. The short leg is outstanding. The pull on the member of 250kN. (16)
(b) Illustrate lug angle with neat sketch and give its uses also.

3. i) Describe about laced column and also explain its design and specifications.
ii) Design a rolled steel beam section column to carry an axial load 1100 KN. The column
is 4 m long and adequately in position but not in direction at both ends.
4. i) A simply supported steel joist with a 4.0m effective span carries a udl of 40kN/mover its
span inclusive of self weight. The beam is laterally unsupported. Design a suitable section.
Take fy =250N/mm2.
ii) Explain the step by step procedure for design of vertical and horizontal stiffeners in a
plate girder.

5. i) Design a purlin for a roof truss having the following data: Span of the truss = 6.0m
,Spacing of truss = 3m c/c, Inclination of roof = 30o Spacing of Purlin = 2m c/c Wind
pressure = 1.5 kN/m2,Roof coverage= A.C Sheeting weighing 200 N/m2 , Provide a
channel section Purlin.
ii) Calculate the dead load, live load and wind load on a ‘Fink’ type truss for the following
data and mark the loads on the nodes of the truss.
Span = 12m , Pitch = ¼ of span
Height at eves level = 10m from the ground
Spacing of truss = 5m c/c.


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