Focused Use Cases

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School of Computing

Course Cast
Focused Use Cases

Version 2.0
Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

Revision History
Date Version Description Author
11-14-07 1.0 Focused Use Cases, Use Case Diagram, XXXXXX
Activity Diagrams
12-5-07 2.0 Update XXXXXX

Confidential School of Computing, 2024 Page 2

Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

Table of Contents
UC1 4

UC2 7

UC3 11

UC4 14

UC5 17

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Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

Use Case Number:

Use Case Name: Maintain Planned Course Work
Actor (s): Student, Advisor
Maturity: Focused
Summary: Students, or an Advisor aiding a student, will create and maintain their student
preferences for future semesters.

Basic Course of Events: Actor Action System Response

1. Perform {Login Authentication}

2. System displays welcome page with

main features for actor to choose from.
3. The use case begins when the
Student actor selects to maintain
planned coursework. A1.

4. The system displays the student’s

program of study and also returns any
previously planned course preferences.

5. The Student and Advisor actors

select the future courses, term, day and
time. (Repeat as many times as
necessary.) A2

6. The Actor selects to save the

information. A3, A4

7. The system validates the planned

coursework entered by the Actor.

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Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

{Validate Planned Courses}

8. The system updates the students
planned coursework in the database
and informs the actor that the
information was updated successfully.
The use case ends.

Alternative Paths: A1.

Actor Action System Response
1. The Advisor actor enters the
student’s UNFID for the appropriate
2. The system validates that the
3. The Advisor actor selects to
maintain planned coursework.
Return to step 4 of the Basic Course of
A2. An actor has the ability to review catalog information for a particular course
when selected.

A3. The actor has the ability to “Cancel” changes to return the information to the
previously saved version. Returns to step 8 of Basic Course of Events.

A4. The actor has the ability to “Reset” information which removes all planned
coursework for a student. Returns to step 8 of Basic Course of Events.

Exception Paths: E1. At {Validate Planned Courses} if errors (prerequisites not met, more than
six courses selected for a term, planning a course that the student has already
passed), the system indicates the courses where there are errors.
Returns to Basic Flow Step 4.

E2. If the system cannot find the UNFID in stored data, the system informs the
user that their UNFID cannot be found and the actor is returned to step 1 of
Alternate Path 1 (A1).
Extension Points: Validate Planned Courses
Review of the planned courses compares against courses the student has already
taken, currently registered for or future planned courses to verify that the student
has met the necessary prerequisites or the prerequisite is planned. (See Business
Rule 2.1) E1
Triggers: Actor wishes to input student preferences for future semesters.
Assumptions: The Advisor will not make any changes without first consulting the Student.
Preconditions: None.

Post Conditions: The updated student preferences are saved to stored data.

Reference: Business Rules 2.1, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 2.10

Author(s): XXXXX

Date: 11-14-07

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Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

Activity Diagram: Next Page

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Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

Use Case Number:

Use Case Name: Generate Course Offerings
Actor (s): Advisor, Administration Representative
Maturity: Focused
Summary: Administration will generate a course offering for a future semester based
off of student preferences.

Basic Course of Events: Actor Action System Response

1. Perform {Login Authentication}

2. System displays welcome page

with main features for actor to
choose from.
3. The Advisor or Administration
Representative actor selects to
generate a course offering.

4. The system requests the

semester and year for which the
course offering will be generated.

5. The actor inputs the semester and

year for which the course offering
will be generated.

6. The system validates the

entered semester and year.
E1, E2

7. The system calculates the

course offering for the selected
semester based on student

Confidential School of Computing, 2024 Page 7

Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

The calculation assigns weights

to: number of students who have
planned a course, the seniority of
the student, differentiation
between major requirements
versus elective requirements, and
whether the course is used in
multiple tracks.

8. Based on the calculations and

the students’ day and time
preferences, the system displays
this course offering along with its
course information.

9. The system generates the

student preferences statistics for
the parameters selected by the
actor. It will include: course
information, subtotals of time and
day, and totals.

10. The actor views the generated

course offering.

Alternative Paths: A1. From this point the actor can select to print the generated course
offering. After that is completed the actor is returned to the same point in
the flow of events.
Exception Paths: E1. If the actor enters the semester in an incorrect format the system
prompts the user and requests another semester. Control returns to step 4
of the Basic Course of Events.

E2. If the actor enters a semester that has already occurred, the system
prompts the user and requests another semester. Control returns to step 4
of the Basic Course of Events.
Extension Points: None

Triggers: Actor wishes to generate a course offering.

Assumptions: Student preferences have been entered into the system.

Preconditions: The actor possesses the correct authority level.

Post Conditions: A course offering will be generated.

Reference: Business Rules: 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.10

Author(s): XXXXX

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Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

Date: 11-14-07

Activity Diagram:

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Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

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Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

Use Case Number:

Use Case Name: Generate Statistics Report
Actor (s): Advisor, Administration Representative
Maturity: Focused
Summary: Advisors or an Administration Representative will generate a Statistics
Report based on student preferences.

Basic Course of Events: Actor Action System Response

1. Perform {Login Authentication}.
2. System displays welcome
page with main features for actor
to choose from.
3. The Advisor or Administration
Representative actor selects to
generate Statistics Report.

4. The system directs them to

enter parameters. Parameters
are: Semester, Year, Time and/or

5. The user enters the parameters.

6. The system generates the
student preferences statistics
based on information stored in
the database for the parameters
selected by the actor. It will
include: course information,
subtotals of time, day or both,
and totals.

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Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

6. The actor views the administrative

report. The use case ends here.

Alternative Paths: A1. From this point the actor can select to print the generated Statistics
Report. The use case ends here.
Exception Paths: None

Extension Points: None

Triggers: The actor wishes to generate Statistics Report.

Assumptions: Student preferences have been entered into the system.

Preconditions: None

Post Conditions: A Statistics Report will be generated.

Reference: Business Rules None

Author(s): XXXXXX

Date: 11-14-07

Activity Diagram:

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Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

Confidential School of Computing, 2024 Page 13

Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

Use Case Number:

Use Case Name: Generate Student Report
Actor (s): Student, Advisor
Maturity: Focused
Summary: Actors will be able to generate a report summarizing student course
history and future student preferences.
Basic Course of Events: Actor Action System Response
1. Perform {Login Authentication}

2. System displays welcome

page with main features for actor
to choose from.

3. The Student actor selects to

generate the student report consisting
of specific student information and
the student’s course preferences.

4. The system displays a

summary of the student
information and future student

5. The use case ends at this point.


Alternative Paths: A1.

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Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

Actor Action System Response

1. The Advisor actor enters the
student’s UNFID for the
appropriate student.
2. The system validates that the
3. The Advisor actor selects to
generate the student report
consisting of specific student
information and the student’s
course preferences.
Return to step 4 of the Basic
Course of Events.

The actor can print the summary report. The use case ends at this point.

Exception Paths: E1. The system is unable to retrieve and display the student’s
information. The error is displayed to the user.

E2. If the system cannot find the UNFID in stored data, the system
informs the user that their UNFID cannot be found and the actor is
returned to step 1 of Alternate Path 1 (A1).

Extension Points: None

Triggers: The actor wishes to generate student report.

Assumptions: Student preferences have been entered into the system.

Preconditions: None

Post Conditions: A student report may be generated.

Reference: Business Rules: None

Reference: Risks None

Author(s): XXXXXX

Date: 11-14-07

Activity Diagram:

Confidential School of Computing, 2024 Page 15

Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

Generate Student
Report Activity
Diagram Perform login

Is user an


Enter user id System prompts user for another ID

Is UNF ID valid?

Is report able to
be generated? Error is displayed
to the user.


displays a summary of the student information

and future student preferences.

Report is
printed Print report?


Confidential School of Computing, 2024 Page 16

Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

(from Use Case Model)

Login Authentication
(from Use Case Model)
(from Use Case Model)

(from Use Case Model)

Use Case Number:

Use Case Name: Login Authentication
Actor (s): Student, Advisor, Administration Representative
Maturity: Focused
Summary: All actors will log in to Course Cast. Features are available to the actor
according to User Type i.e. Student, Advisor, Administration

Basic Course of Events: Actor Action System Response

1. The actor types their UNFID

and their Password.

2. The system will retrieve the

actor’s name and User Type from
the database for the supplied
UNFID and Password thus
beginning a Session.
E1, E2

3. Feature availability reflects the

user type.

Students have access to:

Student Information
Course Planning
Log Off

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Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

Advisor features:

Student Information
Course Planning
Course Offerings
Log Off

Administration Representative
Course Offerings
Log Off

4. The system redirects the actor to

the Home page.

Alternative Paths: None

Exception Paths: E1. If the system cannot find the UNFID in the database, the system
informs the user that their UNFID cannot be found and the actor is
returned to the beginning of the course of events. As in other UNF
systems, there is no limit to the number of times a user may attempt to
log in to Course Cast.

E2. If the system finds the UNFID in the database but the actor
supplied Password does not match the Password in the database for the
UNFID, the system informs the user that their Password is incorrect
and the actor is returned to the beginning of the course of events. As in
other UNF systems, there is no limit to the number of times a user may
attempt to log in to Course Cast.

Extension Points: None

Triggers: The actor is visiting the website but has not yet begun a Session.

The actor’s Session has timed out as a result of inactivity.

The actor has ended a Session by selecting Log Off.

Assumptions: None

Preconditions: The actor is visiting Course Cast but does not have an active Session.
Therefore the actor has been redirected to the Log On page.

Post Conditions: The actor has an active Session.

The actor is visiting the Home page.

The actor has the appropriate features available.

Reference: Business Rules 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10

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Course Cast Version: 2.0
Use Cases Date: 12-5-07

Author(s): XXXXXX
Date: 11-14-07
Activity Diagram:

Activity Diagram The actor types their UserID
and their Password.
The system prompts user
for another UserID

The system prompts user

UserID Found?
No for another Password


Correct? No

Is Administration Representative?

Is Advisor?
No No

Yes Yes

Show Features: Student Information, Course Show Features: Course Offerings, Statistics, Show Features: Student Information,
Planning, Course Offerings, Statistics, Log Off1 Log Off Course Planning, Log Off

Redirect to the
Home page

Confidential School of Computing, 2024 Page 19

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