Indian Pharmaceutical Industry Overview & Way Forward
Indian Pharmaceutical Industry Overview & Way Forward
Indian Pharmaceutical Industry Overview & Way Forward
August 2023
Indian Pharma: Global Manufacturing Powerhouse
Global Trade
India has played a significant role in global healthcare
Lower per person disease burden Lower treatment costs of life-threatening Eradication of Polio by collaboration
in India (DALY, 1990-2016)3 diseases (Hep-C, Leukemia)1 between all stakeholders2
60% 37% 1 of 3
Global vaccine demand With access to affordable AIDS treatment in Pills taken in the US
Supplied by India5 Africa in 2009 through ARVs V/s 2% in 20036 are by Indian manufacturers4
1 Access to Costly New Hepatitis C Drugs: Medicine, Money, and Advocacy, Oxford Journals, Vol 61, Issue 12; Changing the cost of care for chronic myeloid leukaemia, PMC, October 2015; 2 Press Information Bureau, WHO;
3 Measured as Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) after adjusting for changes in population age structure; ICMR, Public Health Foundation and Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation; 4 IQVIA 2019;
5 Press Information Bureau; IDMA report; 6 African Business Magazine 2012;
7 Export Import Data Bank, Department of Commerce, PHARMEXCIL, IDMA report on “Journey towards Pharma 2020 & beyond”;
8 Indian life sciences: Vision 2030, FICCI June 2015, Growth estimated by IHS Market;
9 RBI Database on Indian Economy, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
The pharma industry has evolved over a period of time
Pre-1970s 1970 - 2005 2005 - 2020 2020 onwards
COVID-19 : Most unprecedented humanitarian crisis
❑ The Industry, Government and Regulators worked together and constantly adapted to meet the
challenging environment : Collaboration among all stakeholders across the world
India ensured an uninterrupted supply of medicines
❑ Industry stepped up to the plate to meet the challenges posed by COVID-19 with thrust on digitalisation
and collaboration
❑ High-level of engagement with the Government of India : Pharmaceuticals recognized as Essential Goods;
Permissions granted for ensuring continuity of Transport and Logistics
❑ Coordination with industry associations in India and with WHO, IGBA, AAM and others
<10 <10
Ensuring employee safety and wellbeing at facilities
Successful implementation of safety protocols across the industry has limited the spread of COVID-19
Integrated efforts to upgrade and share the best practices
Key initiatives by the Government of India
The global healthcare ecosystem is undergoing a paradigm shift
Opportunity in India: Robust healthcare ecosystem
❑ STEM Talent graduating every year: 110,000+ doctors (Current 1.4M + Doctors); 400,000+
pharmacy (Current 1.7M+ Pharmacists); 15,00,000+ engineers
❑ Conducive Policies: Regulatory Reforms with focus on quality, Self reliance in API, Thrust of
R&D through incentivizing innovation and industry-academia collaboration
❑ Global Lighthouse Network: Cipla and Dr Reddy’s plants declared by World Economic Forum
Way Forward: Building resilient & sustainable global supply chains
❑ Creating a global cooperative framework among nations with investments in critical areas,
technology exchange and procurement commitment:
o Digital health innovations and solutions to aid universal health coverage and improve
healthcare service delivery
Way Forward: Building resilient & sustainable global supply chains
❑ Augmenting digital infra: Tech-enabled platforms for disease profiling and better flow of goods
and services etc
❑ Strengthening supply chain & logistics infras: Integrating land, air, waterway, the maritime and
port facilities
❑ Establishing transparency in the supply chain: Balance between corporate risks and ESG
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