Applied Track Subject
Course Description:
In this introductory business course, students learn the basics of planning
and launching their own successful business. Whether they want to start their own
money-making business or create a non-profit to help others, this course helps
students develop the core skills they need to be successful. They learn how to come
up with new business ideas, attract investors, market their business, and manage
Content Standard:
1. The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts, underlying principles,
and processes of developing a business plan.
2. The learner demonstrates understanding of environment and market in one’s
Performance Standard:
1. The learner independently or with his/her classmates presents an acceptable
detailed business plan.
2. The learner independently creates a business vicinity map reflective of
potential market in one’s locality/town.
must include: the business name, logo, slogan, address, email address, phone
number, name of owners.
Logos come in two basic forms:
• abstract symbols, or
• logotypes, a stylized rendition of your company's name
***You can also use a combination of both. Alan Siegel, chairman of
Siegel+Gale, a design firm specializing in corporate identity, warns that
promoting an abstract symbol can prove very costly for a small business on a
budget. In addition, he says, such logos are harder to remember. "A logotype
or word mark is much easier to recall," says Siegel. "If you use an abstract
symbol, always use it in connection with your business name."
• Taglines should be simple and concise.
Generally a tagline should be less than 5 short words, however, 3 is
even better.
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• Taglines must be descriptive.
A tagline is most effective when it describes the target audience’s
interaction with the product or organization it represents.
• Taglines should point back to the company identity.
Taglines should not only point back to the company identity, but
they should only be used if they reinforce it.
• The tagline must also be evocative and in tune with Social Psychology.
A company tagline invites the target audience into participation
with the company identification.
The executive summary is probably the most critical part of the business
plan format. Many business plan readers will read the executive summary
and then decide whether to proceed further or discard the plan.
The executive summary should be written last, once all the other sections
are complete. It should not exceed two pages and should eloquently
summarize the most important aspects of the plan.
Key elements that should be included in the executive summary are:
• Business concept: A description of the business, its products, and the
market it will serve. You need to describe what will be sold, to whom
and how it has a competitive advantage.
• Financial features: The summary should highlight the important
financial points like sales, profits, cash flows and return on investment.
• Financial requirements: You need to be clear about the capital needed
to start and expand the business, as well as how the capital will be used.
• Current business position: Provide an overview of the company, its
legal form of operation, when it was formed, the principal owners and
key personnel.
Vision Statement
• An inspirational description of what an organization would like to
achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term future.
• It is intended to serve as a clear guide for choosing current and future
courses of action.
• Objectives must be more specific than Vision and Mission Statement.
• They should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and
Time-bound/Time Frame).
• The goals for your business need to be specific so they can be broken down
into precise steps you need to take.
• For example, the goal of being a successful salesperson is very general and
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doesn't really clarify what you're hoping to achieve. However, saying
• Your goals should be measurable, which typically involves breaking them
down into smaller, quantifiable increments.
• To be the top salesperson in your office, previous history may tell you that
you'll have to earn $60,000 in commissions for the year. To accomplish
this, you must average $5,000 in commissions per month while factoring
in allowances for illness and vacation time.
• To be attainable, a goal should require you to push yourself to achieve it,
but it shouldn't be so hard to attain that it is virtually impossible.
• If your goal will require you to work 80 hours per week to achieve it,
there's a good chance that you'll burn out long before you reach it while
also possibly harming your health and family life. On the other hand,
working 50 hours a week may be demanding but doable.
• Be realistic about your goals.
• If your goal is to earn $60,000 in annual commissions but your previous
high was $30,000, you'll need to take a close look at your current work
habits and prospecting methods. If you're not willing to change how you
operate, reaching your goal may be highly unrealistic.
• A time frame will keep you focused on your goal as well as help to motivate
you. If your goal is to open a new business, setting a firm deadline for a date
six months from now can force you to begin to take the necessary actions,
such as finding a building, arranging for financing, obtaining permits and
hiring employees.
1.1 Trends in the Industry - Describe the forces affecting the industry in
which you will operate. These forces are covered by discussing barriers to
entry, suppliers, customers, substitute products, and competition. Answering
the following questions will enable you to cover the critical issues in discussing
the industry:
TARGETING When you have multiple, distinct market segments, you typically
need to customize marketing campaigns that appeal to each. As you go through
the STP process, you select which segment to target with your upcoming
campaign. Using the cell phone example, you might decide to launch a new
campaign to promote advanced mobile features, media, apps and texting tools
to younger, tech-savvy audiences. For this campaign, you would develop
messages and use media tailored to that market. It involves the process of
evaluating each segments attractiveness and selecting one or more segments
to enter. It aims to determine the set of buyers with common needs and
POSITIONING Positioning is how you align your brand or products in the
target market. The goal is to offer something that is bigger, better or more
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valuable than your competitors to a particular market segment. For example,
Apple attempts to position itself as an innovative, cutting-edge technology
provider to discerning tech buyers who want top-quality solutions. Your
positioning serves as your big-picture guide in building your marketing
campaign. Positioning is arranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive,
and desirable place relative to competing products in the mind of the
Source: https://slideplayer.com/slide/7950330
1.3 SWOT Analysis - is a simple but useful framework for analyzing your
organization's strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats
that you face. It helps you focus on your strengths, minimize threats, and take
the greatest possible advantage of opportunities available to you.
Strengths – Internal capabilities that may help a company reach its
Weaknesses – Internal limitations that may interfere with a company’s
ability to achieve its objectives.
Opportunities – External factors that the company may be able to
exploit to its advantage.
Threats – Current and emerging external factors that may challenge the
company’s performance.
The strengths of the business may include The weaknesses of the business may include
the following: the following:
• Qualified working force • Autocratic form of leadership
• Complete and new physical facilities • Demoralized employees
• Democratic leadership style • Poor and dilapidated equipment and
• Motivated workers machineries
• Valuable intangible assets • Unskilled workers
• Poor technological structures
2.1 Strategies A standard business plan format covers strategy and your
business model. You need to describe to readers how the business will
compete in the chosen markets. Your positioning strategy will be affected by a
number of variables related to the motivations and requirements of your
target market as well as what your primary competitors are doing.
• Before you position your product or service, you will need to know how your
competitors are positioning themselves, the specific attributes your product
has that your competitors do not and the needs your product fills for your
• Once you have these questions answered in the research stages, you can
develop a positioning strategy and illustrate it in your business plan. The
positioning statement does not have to be long or elaborate, as long as it
points out exactly how you want customers and your competition to
perceive your product.
• This requires a description and explanation of the strategic choices that
you have made as a business, including:
The focus of the business: broad mass market or specific niche?
How the business will succeed in the market? How will you create a
unique and valuable position, involving a different set of activities?
Cuenca Institute, Inc. - Senior High School 19 Entrepreneurship
What is unique about the business? How is the offering different from
that of competitors?
What is the value for the customers? Describe the value proposition
for the customer.
3.1 Ownership - This part of the paper simply describes the type of business
and includes the name of the owners.
3.2 Organizational Chart - An organization structure/chart is a system made
up of tasks to be accomplished, work movements from one work level to other
work levels in the system, reporting relationships and communication
passageways that unite the work of different individual persons and groups.
The marketing mix is one of the most famous marketing terms. The
marketing mix is the tactical or operational part of a marketing plan. The
marketing mix is also called the 4Ps and the 7Ps. The 4Ps are price, place,
product and promotion. The services marketing mix is also called the 7Ps and
includes the addition of process, people and physical evidence/ packaging.
4.1 PRODUCT— A product according to Kotler and Armstrong (2010) is
“anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or
consumption that might satisfy a need or want.” They further added that
product is more than just tangible objects, but also include service
(intangible). Similarly, Kotler and Keller (2009) defined product as “anything
that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need” they pointed out that
it includes physical goods, services, experiences, events, places, persons,
properties, organizations, information and ideas.
In order to actively explore the nature of a product further, let’s consider it as
three different products – the CORE product, the ACTUAL product, and finally
the AUGMENTED product.
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• The CORE product is NOT the tangible physical product. You can’t touch it.
That’s because the core product is the BENEFIT of the product that makes it
valuable to you. (e.g. convenience, speed)
• The ACTUAL product is the tangible, physical product. You can get some
use out of it. (e.g. the car vehicle)
• The AUGMENTED product is the non-physical part of the product. It usually
consists of lots of added value, for which you may or may not pay a premium.
(e.g. warranty, the customer service support offered by the car’s
manufacturer and any after-sales service)
4.2. PRICE
• Price is the amount the consumer must exchange to
receive the offering. (Solomon et al; 2009).
• The company’s goal in terms of price is really to reduce
costs through improving manufacturing and efficiency, and
most importantly the marketer needs to increase the
perceived value of the benefits of its products and services
to the buyer or consumer.
• There are many ways to price a product.
1. Mark-up Pricing –is a pricing strategy that allows the
seller a fixed mark-up every time the product is sold.
2. Target Return Pricing - is a pricing method that allows
a product manufacturer to recover a certain portion of
his/her investment per year
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3. Odd Pricing or Psychological Pricing - is a pricing
method premised on the theory that consumers will
perceive products with odd price endings as lower in
price than they actually are.
4. Loss Leader Pricing - A pricing strategy frequently used
by supermarkets. Is based on the practice of housewives
using only a few selected essential
products, e.g., sugar, coffee, eggs, laundry detergents, and some canned
good products, as their sole basis for price comparison.
5. Price Lining - A pricing strategy designed to simplify a consumer’s buying
decision. Involves reducing the number of price points on merchandise to
as little as possible, in extreme cases to only one price point.
6. Prestige Pricing - A pricing strategy that disregards the unit cost of a
product or service; instead, it capitalizes on the high value perception or
positive brand reputation of a product or service. It charges a price much
higher than its unit cost. This is a pricing strategy implemented by some
fragrance and skin care products. Using prestige pricing, it would be
unusual for a fragrance brand to have a unit cost of PhP1,300 and a selling
price of PhP3,500.
7. Marginal Pricing - It is where a business organization prices its products
at a range below its unit cost but higher that its unit variable cost.
8. Predatory Pricing - A pricing strategy where the firm prices its products
lower than unit variable cost, initially resulting in short-term losses.
Objective: to price a new or persistent competitor out of the market. After
its purpose is achieved, the product’s original selling price is restored and
short-term losses recovered.
9. Going Rate Pricing - A pricing strategy where the firm prices its products
at the same level as or very close to its competitors’ prices. It effectively
maintains the product’s price competitiveness in its market. The danger of
going rate pricing is that it may result in price wars, with each company
trying to out-price another, to the detriment of all industry participants.
• Place includes company activities that make the product available to target
consumers. (Kotler and Armstrong; 2010).
• Place is also known as channel distribution, or intermediary. It is the
mechanism through which goods and/or services are moved from the
manufacturer/ service provider to the user or consumer.
• Promotion includes all of the activities
marketers undertake to inform consumers
about their products and to encourage
potential customers to buy these products.
(Solomon et al; 2009).
• Promotion includes all of the tools available to the marketer for marketing
Types of media and techniques used in advertising
Magazine, and Television
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TECHNIQUES—Cinema, Billboards, Websites,
Social Networking Sites, Directory advertising,
Product placement, E-mail advertising, Transit
advertising, Online ads, Direct response
advertising, Point-of-Purchase, and Signs,
Posters, and Leaflets.
• All human actors who play a part in service delivery and thus influence the
buyers’ perceptions; namely, the firm’s personnel, the customer, and other
customers in the service environment. (Zeithaml et al; 2008).
• People are the most important element of any service or experience.
Services tend to be produced and
consumed at the same moment,
and aspects of the customer
experience are altered to meet
the individual needs of the person
consuming it.
Management is the art of getting things done with and through other
people. It is imperative for an entrepreneur to know about how to keep the
business running with the least effort (Edralin 2019). Production is an activity
that converts materials into useful forms. Operations Management is how
organizations produce or deliver the goods and services that provide the
reason for their existence (YGOAL 2016).
The 4M’s of operations cover the input portions. These 4 M’s are
composed of Manpower, Method, Machine and Materials. These four domains
are also applicable to business opportunities since it is in essence-tied to
manufacturing as well.
Method refers to the system and step by step process in the business.
The process or technique of converting raw materials to finished products.
Operations proper implements and runs the factory or service shop that
converts the input into output (Morato 2017). Wrong methods can jeopardize
the operations because it may not be able to attain the results. The selection of
the method of production is dependent on some factors:
• Product to produce
• Mode of production
• Manufacturing equipment to use, and
• Required skills to do the work.
It essential that an entity starts with the preparation of sales budget.
Important assumption in preparing a sales budget would be the firm’s sales
forecast. A sales forecast is a prediction of the firm’s sales over a specific period
based on external and internal information.
January February March Total
Forecasted Sales (In Units) 910 910 910 2,730
Selling Price Per Unit (Php) 40 40 40 40
Total Sales (Php) 36,400 36,400 36,400 109,200
January February March Total
Expected sales in units 1,560 1,560 1,560 4,680
Product to be manufactured (in units) 1,560 1,560 1,560 4,680
Multiplied by cost per unit (Php) 30.95 30.95 30.95 30.95
Estimated total manufacturing cost
48,282 48,282 48,282 144,846
• It sets out road maps intended to guide, coordinate, and control actions
undertaken by the firm in order to achieve its objectives
• Through financial planning, managers are able to set a clear direction of where
they would want the business to be within a given span of time
• It provides quantitative measures that would aid businesses towards assessing the
viability of their goals and objectives.
Sources of Funds
The common source of funds of small business is their savings, this is where the
capital contribution will come from. Other sources are loan from Banks and Lending
FOR THE YEARS 2021-2023
2021 2022 2023
Permit and Licenses Php 5,295 Php 4,295 Php 4,295
Rent Expenses Php 27,000 Php 36,000 Php 36,000
Utilities Expenses Php 22,500 Php 30,000 Php 30,000
Supplies Expenses Php 14,000 Php 14,000 Php 14,000
Advertising Expenses Php 1,200 Php 1,200 Php 1,200
TOTAL Php 69,995 Php 85,495 Php 85,495