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Tutorial 02 - Precipitation

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Civil Engineering Department

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

CEN-204: Engineering Hydrology

Tutorial 02: Precipitation
Dated: Jan 27, 2024
Due in the week beginning: Feb. 12, 2024

Max marks: 100 (10 marks for each question). Please submit neatly hand-written
Q2.1: What do you understand by spatial and temporal variability in rainfall? Explain
by using information pertaining to India.
Q2.2: Briefly describe lifting mechanisms of air and how clouds are formed ?
Q2.3: A catchment has seven rain gauge stations. The average annual rainfalls at the
stations are given in table below. Find required number of rain gauges if maximum
permissible error is 5% is needed in rainfall estimation.

Station A B C D E F G

Rainfall (mm) 650 765 792 828 738 696 580

If rainfall at station G is 530 mm, what will be the required number of rain gauges ?
Why the required number of rainguages has changed ?
Q2.4: Briefly describe the functioning tipping bucket raingauge with the help of a neat
labelled diagram.
Q2.5: Five rain gauge stations A, B, C, D and E are located in a square shaped
hypothetical basin of side 29 km as shown in the figure below. Station A is at the center
of the basin. Compute the mean areal rainfall over the basin by using Thiessen
polygon method if the rainfall at stations A, B, C, D and E are 95 cm, 85 cm, 110cm,
120cm and 100cm, respectively.
Q2.6: Describe the isohyetal method of computing average rainfall using a neat
Q2.7: A catchment has five rain gauge stations, A, B, C, D, E and F. The normal
monthly rainfall for August at these stations is known. The observed rainfall values at
stations B, C, D, E and F for a storm event are given below. Find the missing rainfall
for station A.

Station Coordinate X Coordinate Y Normal Rainfall Event Rainfall

(km) (km) for August (mm) (mm)

A 15 15 325 ?

B 7.5 5 306 28

C 5 15 301 35

D 12 21 390 41

E 24 13 366 33

F 19 6 284 23

Q2.8: What is a weather radar and how it is used to measure precipitation? Also list
its advantages and dis-advantages.
Q2.9: Briefly explain, with the help of diagrams, how snow fall is measured ?
Q2.10: Write a short note on TRMM and GPM.

Self-study assignment
S2.1: Study about cloudburst events and the threats arising due to these.
S2.2: Gather information about the weather radar network in India. What are the gaps
in the existing network keeping in view the requirements from disaster management
perspective? Compare the weather radar network in India with the network in a
developed country.

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