CEN-204 - MTE Question Paper
CEN-204 - MTE Question Paper
CEN-204 - MTE Question Paper
1. Write the name of the place where you are living at present. Which four components of
the hydrologic cycle are of paramount interest for this place. Explain with the help of a
neat and labelled diagram of the hydrologic cycle.
15 marks
2. How the knowledge of hydrology helps in better and sustainable water management ?
Write at least 4 points. 08 marks
3. Write six data from hydrology and related fields that are required for following studies:
07 marks
a. M1 and M2 batches: construction and operation of water supply system for a city.
b. M3 and M4 batches: construction of flood control system for an area.
c. M5 and M6 batches: construction of water supply system for an agriculture area.
d. M5 and M6 batches: design and construction of a hydropower generation project.
4. Write the practically used water balance equation for a large catchment for a water year
and for one day and explain the difference ? 10 marks
5. A catchment has eight rain gauge stations. The average annual rainfall at the stations is
given in table below. Find required number of rain gauges in the catchment if accuracy
of 5% is needed in rainfall estimation and comment on the answer. Std. Dev. of given
rainfall data is 87.57.
Station P Q R S T U V W
650 745 740 704 679 792 520 601
If the average annual rainfall at station V is 570 mm (Std Dev 75.57), what will be the
required number of rain gauges? Why the required number of rain gauges has
increased/ decreased? 15 marks
6. Write very short notes on: a) cloud formation, b) Kostiakov infiltration model, and c)
Hargreaves-Samani method for estimation of ET.
15 marks
7. Rainfall at a constant intensity of 0.6 cm/hr occurs on a clayey soil which has an initial
uniform water content = 0.3. Use the following soil properties: 𝜃s = 0.60, Ks = 0.06 cm
/h, and average suction at wetting front = 21 cm. Predict time of surface ponding, t p by
using the Green and Ampt method? What will be time of surface ponding if the hydraulic
conductivity is doubled? Comment on the two answers.
15 marks
… Contd
8. To measure discharge, river cross-section width was divided into 6 segments of 2.0 m
width each. Average depths and velocities for segments are given in the table below.
Compute discharge in river. If some data looks doubtful, explain why it is doubtful,
correct it using your hydrologic judgement, and use corrected data.
15 marks