Q3-M6 - Claim of Policy

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Region XI Grade Level 11


DAILY 03/14/2024
LESSON Teaching
G 11 8:30-9:30 am
PLAN Dates and Quarter

A. Content Standard
The learner understands the relationship of a written text and the context in which it was

B. Performance
Standard The learner writes a 1000-word critique of a selected text on the basis of its claim/s, context, and properties
as a written material.

C. Learning
Competencies / EN11/12RWS-IIIij-6.2
Objectives Identifies claims explicitly or implicitly made in a written text (Claim of Policy)
Write the LC code for
each At the end of the 60-minute lesson, the learners will be able to:
a) identify claim of policy in a written text;
b) distinguish a claim of policy in a written text; and
c) value the importance giving a solution to a certain issues.

II. CONTENT Claim of Policy

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Reading and Writing Skills – Senior High School
Quarter 3 – Module 6: Claim of Policy
First Edition, 2020
4. Additional
Materials from
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
Multimedia presentation, Activity sheets, Instructional Materials.
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting
(Preliminaries: Prayer/Greetings/Checking of Attendance/Setting of Class Rules)
the new lesson
 The learner will share to the class about the previous lesson.
B. Establishing a The learners will analyze the picture below and complete the statement.
purpose for the
lesson Direction: Share your insights about the portrait to complete the statements below.
C. Presenting
of the new lesson

1. _______________________ should be __________________________________.

2. __________________ should not ______________________________________.

Introducing the lesson title and learning objectives.

D. Discussing new The learner will identify the statement provided.

concepts and
practicing new skills Direction: Read and identify the claim of policy found in the essay excerpts below.
(EXPLORE) Instead of focusing on the dangers and consequences of teenage pregnancy,
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Discussion of the topic with learner’s participation.
WQ (EXPLAIN) Claim is a statement that is not considered accepted by all. It may be unverified or
controversial to a certain degree. It is usually related to one side of the issue. It is also
called a position.

Claims of Policy
- A type of claim that argues certain action should exist, or that something should or
should not be done in order to solve a problem.
- We can easily recognize a claim of policy because it has a specific class of verbs
known as the modal verbs. These modal verbs convey a sense of obligation and
necessity. These are should, must, need, ought to, got to, and have to.

Characteristics of Claim of policy include:

 advocates courses of action that should be undertaken (a solution)
 convincing audience that a problem exists
 usually interrelated to other type of claim (fact and value)
 modal verbs are implied in the claim
 procedural

Guide questions in constructing a claim of policy:

 What should we do?
 How should we act?
 How can we solve this problem?
 What course of action should we pursue?

3. Finding practical The learner will have a group activity and they will participate.
applications of
concepts and skills in Message Relay!
daily living  The learners will be divided into 5 groups.
(ELABORATE)  The first person in the line for each group will read the statement and the relay of
the message (statement) will begin. The last person in the line of each group will
be the one to come forward and tell the correct answer.

1. Tik Tok should undergo censorship, privacy and child safety.

2. Cell phones pull students away from learning.
3. Wearing of school uniform must be strictly implemented
4. Chat GPT is not 100% accurate.
5. We need to study to get higher score for the exam.

4. Making The learners will have a review of the lesson by answering these following questions.
generalizations and
abstractions about 1. What is a claim of policy?
the lesson 2. How did you recognize/know that the statement are claims of policy?
3. What are the importance of giving or suggesting a claim of policy a solution to a certain

5. Evaluating learning The learners will answer the assessment.

Directions: Identify which of the statements is a claim of policy. Draw a happy face if the
(EVALUATE) statement is a claim of policy and mark X if it’s not.
_______1. Honesty is the best policy.
_______2. The punishment given was unjust.
_______3. City’s Board of Education must initiate financial rewards to top performing
students not just in high school but also in the elementary grade.
_______4. GSW is the best team in NBA.
_______5. An improved drainage system would solve the flooding.
_______6. Keeping animals locked away in zoos, no matter how nice they are, is unethical
and harmful.
_______7. You should try a new perfume.
_______8. Better internet Act is the key to maximize internet connectivity speed in the
_______9. Prioritizing studies will lead you to success.
_______10. Abusive partners ought to face five to eight years of imprisonment.
_______11. Students' cell phones should be collected by office personnel
when they enter school.
_______12. Imposing harsh prison sentences and fines for non-violent crimes is wrong.
_______13. Providing students with devices that they can use in the classroom is better
than allowing them to use their cell phones in class.
_______14. Going to the gym makes a person fit and active.
_______15. Either close or open, it will not solve the problem.
6. Additional activities
for application or Since we already discussed the types of claim, one by one. Now, write two claims (fact and
remediation value) about the issue shown in the illustration.
1. Claim of Fact: _______________________________________________________
2. Claim of Value: _______________________________________________________

Now, based on the claims you have written (fact and values) write a claim implying an urge
of action about the issue. Combine the two claims to support your third claim.
3. _______________________________________________________

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Pre-Service Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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