Blue Eyes Technology

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Article in Biometric Technology Today · May 2023


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2 authors, including:

Manoj Meena
Indian Institute of Information Technology Kota


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Gaurav Kumar,Manoj Meena
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Indian Institute of Information Technology,Kota,Rajasthan,India,

Abstract-Could a computer be with human-like perceptual and sensory

developed to interact with humans in the abilities, allowing them to gather information
same way that we interact with each other? about the user and interact through facial and
Imagine walking into your computer room speech recognition. The machines can even
one morning, switching on your computer understand the user's emotions and physical or
and being greeted with a message such as emotional states. Researchers are adding
"Good morning, friend. You appear to be in a capabilities to computers to allow them to
bad mood today." The computer could then interact like humans, recognize human
open your mailbox, show you some emails presence, talk, listen, and guess their feelings.
and attempt to cheer you up. This may seem These capabilities are built into small systems
like fiction, but it could soon become reality for each function. The term "BLUE EYES" comes
with the development of "BLUE EYES" from the use of Bluetooth technology for
technology. wireless communication and the importance of
eye movement in gathering interesting and
The fundamental concept behind this
useful information.
technology is to imbue computers with
human-like perceptual abilities, allowing
them to work together with humans as
intimate partners. Humans possess II.NEED OF BLUE EYES TECHNOLOGY
perceptual abilities that enable us to Human errors can cause catastrophes
understand each other's emotions, such as and ecological disasters as monitoring systems
analyzing facial expressions to determine only focus on the state of processes, neglecting
someone's emotional state. Incorporating the role of humans. The Blue Eyes system
these abilities into computers would enable monitors the operator's conscious brain
them to work alongside humans as intimate involvement and physiological condition, such
partners. The goal of "BLUE EYES" technology as weariness, to prevent human errors and
is to create computational machines with their consequences. This technology reduces
perceptual and sensory abilities similar to production costs, operator fatigue, and
those of humans. This paper examines the prevents dangerous incidents while suggesting
concept of Blue Eyes technology. better courses of action during daily activities.


In a world where humans interact with The "BLUE EYES" technology offers a
computers, computers are being developed technical solution for monitoring and recording
with extraordinary perceptual abilities to work
the physiological parameters of an operator.
together with humans as intimate partners. Saccadic activity, which measures visual
BLUE EYES technology aims to create machines attention, and head acceleration are two
important parameters that the system can 24C16 I2C EEPROM (on a removable ID card),
monitor, particularly in complex industrial MC145483 13-bit PCM codec, Jazz Multisensor
environments where exposure to toxic interface, Beeper and LED indicators, 6 AA
substances is a risk. By taking lethysmographic batteries, and a voltage level monitor.
signal from the forehead skin surface, the
2)CSU(Central system unit):The second
system can also calculate the operator's heart
component of the wireless connection is the
rate and blood oxygenation, which are crucial
Central System Unit hardware, which includes
indicators of cardiac, circulatory, and
a Bluetooth module (ROK101008-based) and a
pulmonary system health. When any abnormal
PCM codec for transmitting voice data. The
or undesirable values are detected, user-
system is connected to a PC via parallel, serial,
defined alarms are triggered to alert the
and USB cables, and standard mini-jack sockets
relevant parties. To provide a comprehensive
provide access to audio data. For programming
overview of an operator's work, the system
operator ID cards, a simple programming
records the operator's voice, physiological
device has been developed, which is connected
parameters, and a general view of the
to a PC via serial and PS/2 ports. The
operating room. The system consists of a
programming device is equipped with an Atmel
mobile measuring device and a central
89C2051 microcontroller that manages UART
analytical system that is integrated with a
transmission and I2C EEPROM programming.
Bluetooth module to facilitate wireless
communication between the sensors worn by
the operator and the central unit. Each
operator is assigned an ID card, and
corresponding user profiles on the central unit
allow for personalized data collection using a
single mobile device .

A. Hardware
1)DAU(Data acquisition unit) :The mobile
component of the Blue Eyes system is the Data
Acquisition Unit, which retrieves the
physiological data from the sensor and
Figure 1:System Overview
transmits it to the central system for
processing. The device is responsible for B. Software
managing wireless Bluetooth connections,
which includes establishing, authenticating, The Blue Eyes software monitors
and terminating connections. Operator operators' physiological conditions and triggers
authorization is provided by personal ID cards alarms when necessary. It performs real-time
and PIN codes, and communication with the buffering and analysis of data and consists of
operator is achieved using a simple 5-key several modules, including the system core
keyboard, a small LCD display, and a beeper. In which facilitates data flow between other
exceptional situations, the device utilizes these modules. The system core uses thread-safe
components to notify the operator. A standard queues to enable high scalability and easy
mini-jack plug headset is used to transfer voice addition of new processing modules.
data, which is connected to the DAU. The Data
Acquisition Unit comprises several hardware
modules such as Atmel 89C52 microcontroller
(system core), Bluetooth module (based on
ROK101008), HD44780 small LCD display,
create new modules, C4.5 decision
tree induction algorithm is used.

3) Visualization Module: The Visualization

Module offers supervisors a graphical user
interface to monitor the physiological
condition of each working operator. It also
provides a preview of selected video sources
and related audio streams. The module
Figure 2:Software analysis diagram
instantly alerts the supervisor of incoming
1)Connection manager: The management of alarm messages. It can be set to offline mode,
wireless communication between the mobile allowing access to all data from the database.
Data Acquisition Units and the central system By reviewing recorded physiological
is overseen by the Connection Manager. Its parameters, alarms, video, and audio data, the
functions include: supervisor can reconstruct the selected
operator's work shift. The module presents the
• handling communication with the CSU physiological data using a custom-built set of
hardware GUI controls, including a pie chart that displays
• scanning for new devices within range the percentage of time the operator spent
• establishing Bluetooth connections acquiring visual information and a VU-meter
• authenticating connections that shows the present value of a parameter
• buffering incoming data time series and a history of selected
• sending notifications when necessary. parameters' values.


2)Data analysis module:The module TECHNOLOGY/ TYPES OF EMOTIONAL
responsible for analyzing the raw sensor data SENSORS
to determine the operator's physiological
condition is the Data Analysis module. It runs
separately and supervises each working A. For Hand(Emotion Mouse, Sentic
operator. The module consists of multiple Mouse):
smaller analyzers that extract various types of
1) Emotion Mouse :The Emotion
information. Each analyzer registers as a data
Mouse is a device capable of
consumer at the relevant Operator Manager or
measuring heart rate, temperature,
another analyzer and acts as a producer by
galvanic skin response, and minute
providing the analysis results. The essential
bodily movements. These
analyzers include:
physiological data are then correlated
• Saccade detector: tracks eye with six emotional states, namely
movements to assess the operator's happiness, surprise, anger, fear,
visual attention level. sadness, and disgust.

• Pulse rate analyzer: computes the 2) Sentic Mouse: The Sentic Mouse
operator's pulse rate using the blood is a computer mouse that has been
oxygenation signal. modified to include a directional
pressure sensor for the recognition of
• Custom analyzers: identify behaviors emotional valence (i.e.
other than the built-in system ones. To liking/attraction disliking/avoidance) .
B. For eyes(Expression glasses): used in the pattern matching process
to find the best fit.
The Eye Expression Glasses are
wearable devices that allow viewers to
visualize the confusion and interest
D. Manual and gaze input cascaded
levels of the wearer. Other recent
developments in related technology (MAGIC)
include attempts to learn the needs of The present study investigates
users by tracking their interaction with a novel approach to utilizing eye gaze
computers, in order to determine their for computer input, namely the MAGIC
current interests. pointing technique. Traditionally, gaze
tracking has been proposed as an
C. For Voice(AI speech recognition)
alternative or potentially superior
Artificial intelligence (AI) method for computer input. The
involves studying human thought MAGIC pointing technique aims to
processes and representing them via achieve the following goals:
machines, such as computers or
• Reduce manual stress and fatigue:
robots. AI aims to make machines
by eliminating the need for long-
smarter and more useful by enabling
distance cursor movements
them to perform intelligent tasks that
controlled manually across the
are typically performed by humans.
Compared to natural intelligence, AI is
less expensive. • Attain a practical accuracy level:
Speech recognition technology allows MAGIC pointing techniques enable
users to communicate with computers the hand to complete the pointing
through a microphone. The system task, making them as accurate as
uses filters to improve recognition any other manual input
accuracy, with switched capacitor techniques, in contrast to
digital filters being commonly used traditional pure gaze pointing
due to their smaller size and cost- whose accuracy is limited by the
effectiveness. An ADC then translates nature of eye movement.
the analogue signal into digital word, • Offer a more natural mental model
which is stored in RAM for further for the user: the user is not
processing by the CPU. The speech required to be aware of the role of
frequency range varies depending on the eye gaze. From the user's
the type of communication, with perspective, pointing remains a
normal speech having a range of 200 manual task, with a cursor
Hz to 7 kHz and telephone calls being conveniently appearing where it
limited to 300 Hz to 3.3 kHz. As spoken needs to be.
words are processed, they are
converted into binary templates and • Increase speed: with reduced need
stored in memory for future for large magnitude pointing
comparisons. Due to variations in operations compared to pure
amplitude, pitch, frequency, and time manual cursor control, MAGIC
gap, there is never a perfect match pointing may be faster than pure
between the template and input word. manual pointing.
Therefore, statistical techniques are
• Improve subjective speed and radiologist can focus on interpreting
ease-of-use: since the manual the images rather than writing the
pointing amplitude is smaller, the text.
user may perceive the MAGIC
• In industries such as airline and hotel
pointing system to operate faster
reservations, voice recognition
and more pleasantly than pure
technology can be used to make the
manual control, even if it operates
process more efficient. Users can
at the same speed or more slowly.
simply state their needs to make
E. Simple user interest tracker (suitor): reservations, cancel reservations, or
inquire about schedules.
If computers had the perceptual and
sensory abilities of living beings, they could • Speech recognition technology can
have been much more powerful. However, to also prevent dangerous incidents from
achieve a more intimate relationship between occurring.
humans and computers, a revolutionary
• This technology has helped reduce
approach called Simple User Interest Tracker
ecological consequences, financial
(SUITOR) has been developed. SUITOR can
loss, and threats to human life.
assist internet users by observing the
webpages they browse and fetching relevant • The Blue Eyes system is a technical
information to their desktop or handheld means for monitoring and recording
device. By tracking the user's eye movements the physiological condition of human
on the computer screen, SUITOR can accurately operators. Its key features include
determine their topic of interest. The success visual attention monitoring through
of SUITOR depends on how closely it can eye motility analysis, physiological
connect with the user. condition monitoring such as pulse
rate and blood oxygenation, operator
position detection (standing or lying),
wireless data acquisition using
• The speech recognition system has the Bluetooth technology, and real-time
advantage of enabling users to user-defined alarm triggering. It
perform multiple tasks simultaneously. records physiological data, operator
This allows the user to focus on visual voice, and an overall view of the
observation and manual operations control room.
while maintaining control of
• The Blue Eyes system analyzes eye
machinery through voice input
motility to monitor the operator's
commands. An example of this is in
visual attention.
military operations where weapons
can be controlled by voice commands, • Pulse rate and blood oxygenation are
providing pilots with a reliable way to examples of physiological conditions
communicate with computers without that can be monitored by the Blue Eyes
the need to use their hands. system.

• Speech recognition technology is also • The Blue Eyes system can detect
useful for radiologists who need to whether the operator is standing or
analyze large amounts of medical lying down.
images. By dictating their conclusions
to a speech recognition system
connected to a word processor, the
• Bluetooth technology allows for emotions and respond accordingly. In the
wireless data acquisition in the Blue future, it may be possible for computers to
Eyes system. interact with humans using Blue Eyes
technology, which could lead to increased
• The Blue Eyes system can trigger real- efficiency and free up time for creativity and
time user-defined alarms. innovation.
• The Blue Eyes system records VII.CONCLUSION:
physiological data, operator voice, and
an overall view of the control room to In the 1990s, there were significant
provide a comprehensive picture of advancements in interface design aimed at
the operator's condition. improving interactions between humans and
machines. BLUE EYES technology is a user-
VI.FUTURE SCOPE: friendly way of simplifying computing devices.
Researchers at IBM are developing technology The goal now is to improve the hardware
that tracks eye movement and uses it to control without the need for bulky modules to gather
a cursor on a computer screen. The technology user information. In the future, this
is called MAGIC, or Manual Acquisition with technology may become commonplace in
Gaze-Initiated Cursor, and allows users to households, potentially making people lazier
select objects on the screen by clicking the and even being integrated into handheld
mouse when their eyes focus on the desired mobile devices. However, this is simply a
object. IBM researchers are also working on technological prediction.
emotion technology, which can detect a user's

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