Biohorizon Catalog

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Prosthetic Solutions

product catalog
why choose
BioHorizons prosthetics?
Using authentic BioHorizons parts will ensure a precision fit connection between the prosthetic component
and implant, avoiding costly component failures that may occur from using third-party prosthetics. Authentic
BioHorizons parts are color-coded for easy identification to match the mating implant.

authentic connection
• lifetime warranty on all implants & prosthetics
• Spiralock® technology minimizes screw loosening
• precise mating geometries reduce prosthetic failures
• advanced design creates a better engineered connection
• color-coded prosthetic components match implant platforms


Look for this symbol from

labs who use authentic
BioHorizons parts.

Pantone 158C + white

on bright silver foil

Scan the code for more

information about
Authentic Connection
better prosthetics
BioHorizons prosthetics are engineered and manufactured to seat
precisely every time. The conical connection includes a small space
between the components to guarantee contact of the abutment and
implant around the entire perimeter of the prosthetic platform. This
design creates a biologic seal and achieves optimal stress transmission,
that protects the abutment screw from fracture and loosening.

Conical connection creates

a biologic seal around the

Laser-Lok ® perimeter of the implant's

prosthetic platform

Laser-Lok microchannels is a proprietary surface treatment developed from over 25 years of research initiated to create
the optimal implant surface. The establishment of a physical, connective tissue attachment to the Laser-Lok surface has
generated an entirely new area of research and development: Laser-Lok applied to abutments. Through this research,
the unique Laser-Lok surface has been shown to elicit a biologic response that includes the inhibition of epithelial
downgrowth and the attachment of connective tissue.1-9 Laser-Lok abutments can support peri-implant health around
implants without Laser-Lok. Multiple pre-clinical and clinical studies support both of these concepts.4-9

Standard Laser-Lok
abutment abutment
at 3 months at 3 months



implant collar

Comparative SEM images show the variation in tissue attachment Histology of a Laser-Lok abutment on an
strength on standard and Laser-Lok abutments when a tissue flap is RBT implant with a machined collar showing
incised vertically and manually lifted using forceps.5 exceptional bone growth at 3 months.5

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technique manual

interactive prosthetic
technique manual screw-retained crown using the PEEK temporary cylinder abutment
Use this technique for the fabrication of short term (30 days), screw-retained single or multiple unit temporary restorations. This abutment is
designed for chair-side restorations for developing optimal soft tissue contour and can be used when immediate load is indicated.

temporary resto
restora tions rations
component options
custom • PEEK temporary cylinder abutments
• .050” (1.25mm) hex driver cement-retained
• torque wrench crown using a
ted driver. PEEK temporary
it abutments using the dedica • direct coping screws abutment
for Multi-un
nit analog
nt or Multi-u
ning nit abutme
digital scan to be mount
ed directly on
the Multi-u
is designed
The Scan Body

1 Place the PEEK temporary cylinder abutment 4 Modify the abutme
parts: Scan Body
for Multi-U
nit Abutm
Make sure the implant prosthetic platform is free Remove the marked
te® plastic abutmen
Elos Accura of bone and soft tissue. Snap the PEEK temporary and place it on
IO 11B-A Driver the abutment t from the model
te® Scan Body cylinder abutment onto the implant using downward .050” (1.25mm prepping handle
Elos Accura ) hex driver and using an
C13845 pressure. the abutment hand tighten.
for vertical clearanc Modify

Note: Snap feature creates a friction fit which will retain using a carbide e and gingival
or acrylic bur. margins
the abutment without the use of an abutment screw.

Laboratory Note:
Replace the healing

compone nt options library

soft tissue collapse abutment immediately to prevent
over the implant.
BioHorizons 2 Mark the abutment
system with
• CAD/CAM te Scan body & Driver
Evaluate inter-occlusal dimensions, angulation, and
• Elos Accura
scanner tissue contour. Mark the abutment for the required
• Desktop
vertical reduction.
5 Seat the modifie
d plastic abutme
Verify the implant nt
Bodies and free of
residue. prosthetic platform
1 Secure Scan e is clean and
bone and soft
tissue. Irrigate is free of
seating surfac multi-unit connections connection of the internally-thread
Ensure the body on the Body Driver.
the implant and
dry. Place the
plastic abutmen
Seat the scan Scan t and abutmen modified
n with the using an .050” t screw onto the
hand tighte (1.25mm) hex
driver and hand
Take a radiogra tighten.
ph along the long
to ensure the
abutment is seated axis of the implant
implant. completely onto
The X-ray tube
3 Modify the abutment
implant prosthet
must be position
ed perpendicular
2 Digitize the ing to the
scanner nt Remove the marked plastic abutment and place it ic platform. to the
scan accord . Then, using the releva on the abutment prepping handle using an .050”
Conduct the ctions the
er’s instru by selecting (1.25mm) hex driver and hand tighten. Modify the
manufactur align the scan body
, abutment for vertical clearance and gingival margins
digital library top cutout.
the a using a carbide or acrylic bur.
middle of as a scan
body with
may be used te body. Blasting Important 6
The PXMUCC Accura e. Tighten the abutme
Note: ow to the
Elos the surfac Maintain at least 3mm of abutment height to avoid nt screw
iveness of
similar workfl reduce the reflect damaging the abutment screw. Tighten the abutmen
to t screws to 30
be required calibrated torque Ncm using a
wrench and an
Apply counter- .050” (1.25) hex
torque by grasping driver.
abutment clamp the abutment
L02015-42 REV A AUG 2018 customer care: using an
Page 1 of 4 888.246.8338 Note:
Tightening the
abutment screw
recommended to 30 Ncm is not
if the tempora
surgery. ry is placed at
the time of

L02015-017 REV
C AUG 2014
Page 2 of 4
L02015-048 customer care:
Page 1 of

The prosthetic technique manual provides fully illustrated step-by-step

instruction for the use of BioHorizons prosthetics. The manual is intended
to educate both clinicians and labs about the prosthetic options available.
It is separated into technique modules that are updated frequently to
describe the most current protocols used in implant dentistry.

The PDF versions of these modules are further

enhanced by new animated sequences of the
procedures providing multiple methods of
learning the content.

Scan the code to view our

Prosthetic Technique
Manual & Animations

This icon indicates a step-by-step

technique module is available.

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table of contents
Healing abutments 5

Temporary abutments 6-7

Impression components 8-11

Custom & CAD/CAM abutments 12-14

Multi-unit abutments 15-16

Multi-unit components 17-20

Esthetic & cementable abutments 21-22

OD Secure abutments & components 23-24

Locator abutments & components 25-26

Locator R-Tx abutments & components 27

Ball abutments & components 28-29

Prosthetic instrumentation 30-31

Prosthetic platform identification 32

Support materials & references 33

Ordering & warranty information 34

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Healing Abutments
Laser-Lok Healing Abutments
Narrow emergence Ø 3mm height 5mm height
3.5mm platform, Laser-Lok 4.0mm PYNHA3L PYNHA5L
4.5mm platform, Laser-Lok 5.0mm PGNHA3L PGNHA5L
Ø 5.7mm platform, Laser-Lok 6.0mm PBNHA3L PBNHA5L

Regular emergence Ø 3mm height 5mm height

height 3.0mm platform, Laser-Lok 3.5mm TP3HA3L TP3HA5L
3.5mm platform, Laser-Lok 4.5mm PYRHA3L PYRHA5L
4.5mm platform, Laser-Lok 5.5mm PGRHA3L PGRHA5L
5.7mm platform, Laser-Lok 6.5mm PBRHA3L PBRHA5L

Wide emergence Ø 3mm height 5mm height

3.0mm platform, Laser-Lok 4.0mm TP3WHA3L TP3WHA5L
3.5mm platform, Laser-Lok 6.0mm PYWHA3L PYWHA5L
4.5mm platform, Laser-Lok 7.0mm PGWHA3L PGWHA5L
Hand-tighten with the .050" (1.25mm) Hex Driver. Titanium alloy. Use Laser-Lok healing abutments when a
Laser-Lok abutment restoration is planned to inhibit epithelial downgrowth, establish a soft tissue seal and
protect the bone. Refer to the Prosthetic Technique Manual (L02015) for appropriate handling techniques.

Standard Healing Abutments

Narrow emergence Ø 1mm height 2mm height 3mm height 5mm height
Ø 3.0mm platform 3.0mm - TP3NHA2 TP3NHA3 TP3NHA5

3.5mm platform 4.0mm PYNHA1 PYNHA2 PYNHA3 PYNHA5
height 4.5mm platform 5.0mm PGNHA1 PGNHA2 PGNHA3 PGNHA5
5.7mm platform 6.0mm PBNHA1 PBNHA2 PBNHA3 PBNHA5

Regular emergence Ø 1mm height 2mm height 3mm height 5mm height
3.0mm platform 3.5mm - TP3HA2 TP3HA3 TP3HA5
3.5mm platform 4.5mm - PYRHA2 PYRHA3 PYRHA5
4.5mm platform 5.5mm - PGRHA2 PGRHA3 PGRHA5
5.7mm platform 6.5mm - PBRHA2 PBRHA3 PBRHA5

Wide emergence Ø 1mm height 2mm height 3mm height 5mm height
3.0mm platform 4.0mm - - TP3WHA3 TP3WHA5
3.0mm platform
5.0mm - - TP3EWHA3 TP3EWHA5
(extra wide)

Y = Yellow (3.5mm) platform 3.5mm platform 6.0mm - - PYWHA3 PYWHA5

G = Green (4.5mm) platform
4.5mm platform 7.0mm - - PGWHA3 PGWHA5
B = Blue (5.7mm) platform
N, R or W = Narrow, Regular or 5.7mm platform 8.0mm - - PBWHA3 PBWHA5
Wide emergence
1, 2, 3 or 5 = 1mm, 2mm, 3mm or Hand-tighten with the .050” (1.25mm) Hex Driver. Titanium alloy. The 3.5mm, 4.5mm and 5.7mm healing abutments are
5mm abutment height laser marked for easy intraoral identification of the prosthetic platform, emergence and height. 3.0mm healing abutments
L = Laser-Lok are not laser marked due to their small size.

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Temporary Abutments
Laser-Lok Easy Ti Abutments
hexed non-hexed

TP3ETHL TP3ETNL 3.0mm platform

PYETHL PYETNL 3.5mm platform

PGETHL PGETNL 4.5mm platform

9.5mm 9.5mm
PBETHL PBETNL 5.7mm platform

Use hexed for single-unit screw retained, long term temporary restorations that require
2mm 1.5mm superior esthetics (>30 days). Use non-hexed for multiple-unit, screw retained, long term
temporary restorations (>30 days). Packaged with an abutment screw (PXAS). Titanium
alloy for strength. TiN coated for esthetics. Final torque: 30Ncm. Refer to the Prosthetic
3.0 all other Technique Manual (L02015) for appropriate handling techniques.
platform platforms

L02015-037 Screw-retained crown using the Laser-Lok Easy Ti abutment

Easy Ti Temp Sleeves

TP3ETPS 3.0mm platform, PEEK (pack of 3)
PXETPS 3.5mm, 4.5mm & 5.7mm platform, PEEK (pack of 3)

Use for fabrication of cement- or screw-retained provisional restorations

(up to 30 days). Packaged in packs of three. PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone).
3.0 all other
platform platforms
L02015-039 Cement-retained crown using the Laser-Lok Easy Ti abutment and PEEK plastic sleeves

Titanium Temporary Abutments

hexed non-hexed

TP3TTH TP3TTN 3.0mm platform

PYTTH PYTTN 3.5mm platform

PGTTH PGTTN 4.5mm platform

PBTTH PBTTN 5.7mm platform

1.5mm 0.5mm Use hexed for single-unit, screw-retained, long term temporary restorations (>30 days).
Use non-hexed for multiple-unit, screw-retained, long term temporary restorations (>30 days).
Packaged with an abutment screw (PXAS). Titanium alloy. Final torque: 30Ncm.
3.0 all other
platform platforms
L02015-022 Screw-retained bridge using titanium temporary abutments

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Temporary Abutments

PEEK Temporary Abutments (Regular Emergence)

TP3TA 3.0mm platform
PYRTA 3.5mm platform

PGRTA 4.5mm platform

PBRTA 5.7mm platform

Use for fabrication of cement- or screw-retained provisional restorations (up to 30 days). A direct
coping screw (PXDCS, purchased separately) may be used to maintain screw access hole during
fabrication of screw-retained provisional prostheses. Packaged with an abutment screw (PXAS). PEEK
(PolyEtherEtherKetone). Final torque: 30Ncm.

L02015-017 Cement-retained crown using the PEEK temporary abutment

L02015-018 Screw-retained crown using the PEEK temporary abutment

Angled PEEK Temporary Abutments (Regular Emergence)
TP3RATA 3.0mm platform

PYRATA 3.5mm platform

PGRATA 4.5mm platform
Use for fabrication of cement-retained provisional restorations (up to 30 days). Packaged with
an abutment screw (PXAS). PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone). Final torque: 30Ncm.

PEEK Temporary Cylinder Abutments

hexed non-hexed

TP3PTC TP3PTCN 3.0mm platform

PYPTC PYPTCN 3.5mm platform

PGPTC PGPTCN 4.5mm platform

PBPTC PBPTCN 5.7mm platform

Use for fabrication of cement- or screw-retained provisional restorations (up to 30 days). A

direct coping screw (PXDCS, purchased separately) may be used to maintain screw access
3.0 all other hole during fabrication of screw-retained provisional prostheses. Packaged with an abutment
platform platforms screw (PXAS). PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone). Final torque: 30Ncm.

L02015-042 Screw-retained crown using the PEEK temporary cylinder abutment

L02015-043 Custom healing abutment using the iShell and Peek temporary abutment

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Impression Components
Indirect Scoop Copings (Closed Tray)
Narrow emergence
3.5mm platform PYNISC
4.5mm platform PGNISC
5.7mm platform PBNISC

Regular emergence
3.0mm platform TP3ISC
13mm 11mm
3.5mm platform PYRISC
4.5mm platform PGRISC
5.7mm platform PBRISC

Wide emergence
3.0mm platform TP3WISC
3.0 all other
platform platforms 3.5mm platform PYWISC
4.5mm platform PGWISC

Use to make a closed-tray, implant-level, hexed-timed impression.

Pre-assembled with a coping screw (PXSS). Titanium alloy. Hand-tighten.

L02015-007 Closed tray technique using the indirect transfer coping

L02015-008 Fabricating a custom impression coping using the closed tray technique

Direct Pick-up Copings (Open Tray)

Narrow emergence hexed non-hexed
3.5mm platform PYNDC PYNDCN
5mm 4.5mm platform PGNDC PGNDCN
5.7mm platform PBNDC PBNDCN

21mm 5mm Regular emergence

3.0mm platform TP3DC TP3DCN
16mm 3.0mm platform, long TP3DCL -
3.5mm platform PYRDC -
11mm 4.5mm platform PGRDC -
5.7mm platform PBRDC -

Wide emergence
3.5mm platform PYWDC -
4.5mm platform PGWDC -
TP3DCL all other Use to make an open-tray, implant-level impression. Packaged with the direct coping
platforms screw, shallow hex (PXDCSS). Non-hexed versions may also be used to fabricate
multiple-unit bars. Titanium alloy. Hand-tighten.

Note: TP3DCL is packaged with the direct coping screw, long (PXDCSL).

L02015-005 Open tray technique using the direct pick-up coping

L02015-006 Fabricating a custom impression coping using the open tray technique

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Impression Components

Snap Scan Bodies

8mm height 11mm height

TP3SSB8 TP3SSB11 3.0mm platform

PYSSB8 PYSSB11 3.5mm platform

PGSSB8 PGSSB11 4.5mm platform

PBSSB8 PBSSB11 5.7mm platform

Use for traditional impressions or intra-oral scanning.

PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone) and Titanium alloy.

Note: Prior to scanning, verify that the scan abutment is available in the
library of the design software that will be used to design the abutment.
Design libraries can be downloaded from

15mm height

TP3SSB 3.0mm platform

PYSSB 3.5mm platform

PGSSB 4.5mm platform

PBSSB 5.7mm platform

Use for table top or intra-oral scanning. PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone) and

Titanium Alloy.

Note: Prior to scanning, verify that the scan abutment is available in the
library of the design software that will be used to design the abutment.
Design libraries can be downloaded from

L02015-038 Custom (CAD/CAM) Prosthetics Overview

L02015-044 Snap Scan Bodies Technique

Snap Copings
Narrow Regular Wide
Emergence Emergence Emergence
- TP3RSC TP3WSC 3.0mm platform

PYNSC PYRSC PYWSC 3.5mm platform

PGNSC PGRSC PGWSC 4.5mm platform

PBNSC PBRSC - 5.7mm platform

Use to make a closed-tray, direct pick-up, implant-level impression.

PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone) and Titanium alloy.

L02015-034 Closed Tray Pick-up Technique Using the Snap Coping

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Impression Components

Titanium Scan Bodies

TP3TSB 3.0mm platform

PYTSB 3.5mm platform

PGTSB 4.5mm platform

PBTSB 5.7mm platform

Use for table top or intra-oral scanning. Packaged with an abutment screw (PXMUAS).
Titanium alloy. Final torque: 30Ncm.

Note: Prior to scanning, verify that the scan abutment is available in the library of the
design software that will be used to design the abutment. Design libraries can be
downloaded from

L02015-038 Custom (CAD/CAM) Prosthetics Overview

PEEK Scan Abutments

TP3PSA 3.0mm platform

PYPSA 3.5mm platform

PGPSA 4.5mm platform

PBPSA 5.7mm platform

Use for table top or intra-oral scanning. Packaged with an abutment screw (PXAS).
PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKEtone). Final torque: 30Ncm.

Note: Prior to scanning, verify that the scan abutment is available in the library of the
design software that will be used to design the abutment. Design libraries can be
downloaded from

Multi-unit Scan Bodies

PXMUTSB Titanium Scan Body, Multi-unit

Use to scan and make a digital model of multi-unit analogs at the abutment level.
Titanium alloy. Final Torque: 15Ncm.

IO 11B-A Elos Accurate Multi-unit Scan Body

Use to scan and make a digital model of multi-unit analogs at the abutment level.
Titanium alloy and PEEK. Hand tighten using C13485.

C13485 Elos Accurate Scan Body Driver

L02015-048 Elos MU Scan body technique

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Impression Components
Direct Coping Screw, Shallow Hex
PXDCSS Direct Coping Screw, Shallow Hex

Packaged with all Direct Pick-up Copings, except 3.0mm platform, hexed, long (TP3DCL). Short hex
depth for easy removal of impression material. May also be used to maintain the screw access
hole during fabrication of a screw-retained provisional prostheses. Titanium alloy. Utilizes the .050”
(1.25mm) Hex Driver. Hand-tighten or torque to 30Ncm depending on application.
Direct Coping Screw
PXDCS Direct Coping Screw

Includes a deeper hex that allows up to 7mm to be prepped without losing the hex engagement. May
also be used in place of an abutment screw (PXAS) when extra length is needed, or to maintain the screw
access hole during fabrication of a screw-retained provisional prostheses. Titanium alloy. Utilizes the .050”
(1.25mm) Hex Driver. Hand-tighten or torque to 30Ncm depending on application.
Direct Coping Screw, Long
PXDCSL Direct Coping Screw, Long

Packaged with 3.0mm platform, hexed, long (TP3DCL). PXDCSL has the same deep hex as the PXDCS and
is 5mm longer than the PXDCS and the PXDCSS. May also be used in place of an abutment screw (PXAS)
when extra length is needed, or to maintain the screw access hole during fabrication of a screw-retained
provisional prostheses. Titanium alloy. Utilizes the .050” (1.25mm) Hex Driver. Hand-tighten or torque to
30Ncm depending on application.

Ball-top Screw for Indirect (Closed Tray) Transfer

PXBT Ball-top Screw for Indirect Transfer

Use with the 3inOne Abutment to form an impression coping for closed-tray, hexed-timed transfers.
Titanium alloy. Utilizes the .050" (1.25mm) Hex Driver. Hand-tighten.

Abutment Screws
PXAS Abutment Screw

PXAS25 Abutment Screw (pack of 25)

Fits all implant prosthetic platforms. Low profile screw head. Packaged with all two-piece abutments,
except Hybrid and Angled Multi-unit abutments that are packaged with the PXMUAS. Titanium alloy.
Utilizes the .050” (1.25mm) Hex Driver. Final torque: 30Ncm.

Implant Analogs
single pack of 25

TP3IA TP3IA25 3.0mm platform

PYIA PYIA25 3.5mm platform

PGIA PGIA25 4.5mm platform

PBIA PBIA25 5.7mm platform

Use in the lab to represent the implant in the working cast or printed model. Not intended for use with
tissue-level implants. Titanium alloy.

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Custom & CAD/CAM Abutments
Laser-Lok Easy Ti Abutments
hexed non-hexed

TP3ETHL TP3ETNL 3.0mm platform

PYETHL PYETNL 3.5mm platform

PGETHL PGETNL 4.5mm platform

9.5mm 9.5mm
PBETHL PBETNL 5.7mm platform

Use hexed for single-unit screw retained, long term temporary restorations that require superior
2mm 1.5mm esthetics (>30 days). Use non-hexed for multiple-unit, screw retained, long term temporary
restorations (>30 days). Packaged with an abutment screw (PXAS). Titanium alloy for strength. TiN
coated for esthetics. Final torque: 30Ncm. Refer to the Prosthetic Technique Manual (L02015) for
3.0 all other appropriate handling techniques.
platform platforms

L02015-037 Screw-retained crown using the Laser-Lok Easy Ti abutment

Easy Ti Abutment Sleeves

TP3ETS Abutment Sleeve, 3.0mm (pack of 3)
PXETS Abutment Sleeve (pack of 3)

Use as a foundation to create a full contour wax-up for a lithium disilicate glass-ceramic pressed crown.
3.0 all other Packaged in packs of three. Acetal resin (Delrin® or Pomalux®) sleeve.
platform platforms

Custom Castable (UCLA) Abutments

hexed non-hexed

TP3CAH TP3CAN 3.0mm platform

PYCAH PYCAN 3.5mm platform
PGCAH PGCAN 4.5mm platform

PBCAH PBCAN 5.7mm platform

Use hexed abutments for single-unit, screw-retained or cement-retained, custom abutment

3.0 all other restorations. Use non-hexed abutments for multiple-unit, screw-retained restorations. Packaged
platform platforms with an abutment screw (PXAS) and polishing protector. Gold alloy base with acetal resin
(Delrin® or Pomalux®) sleeve. Color-coded by platform. Final torque: 30Ncm.
Now includes
polishing protector L02015-026 Screw-retained single crowns using custom-cast abutments
L02015-027 Screw-retained bridge using custom-cast abutments

Single-use Polishing Protector

TP3SUPP 3.0mm platform

PYSUPP 3.5mm platform

PGSUPP 4.5mm platform

PBSUPP 5.7mm platform

Use to protect the abutment connection during preparation of the abutment.

Abutment is secured using the standard abutment screw (PXAS).

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Custom & CAD/CAM Abutments
Hybrid Base Abutments
Notes hexed non-hexed 2mm collar

TP3HYB TP3HYBN TP3HYB2 3.0mm platform

Hybrid Base Abutments
packaged with PXMUAS
PYHYB PYHYBN PYHYB2 3.5mm platform
(light blue) abutment screw.
PGHYB PGHYBN PGHYB2 4.5mm platform
final version
provided by the lab PBHYB PBHYBN PBHYB2 5.7mm platform

Use hexed abutments for single-unit, screw-retained or cement-retained, CAD/

CAM hybrid zirconia restorations. Use non-hexed abutments for multiple unit,
4mm 4mm screw-retained CAD/CAM hybrid zirconia restorations. Abutments have an
1.5mm internal thread to capture the abutment screw. Packaged with an abutment screw
2mm (PXMUAS). Titanium alloy for strength. Final torque: 30Ncm.

0.5mm L02015-047 Hybrid Base Abutment Restorations

Hybrid Abutment Waxing Sleeves & Block-out Screw

PHYBWSS 3.0/3.5mm Waxing Sleeve, Small (pack of 3)
PHYBWSL 4.5/5.7mm Waxing Sleeve, Large (pack of 3)

Use as a foundation to create a full contour wax-up for a lithium disilicate glass-ceramic
pressed crown. Packaged in packs of three. Acetal resin (Delrin® or Pomalux®) sleeve.

PXMUASL Custom Block-out Screw


Laser-Lok Titanium Base Abutments
TP3TBL 3.0mm platform

PYTBL 3.5mm platform


Laser-Lok 1mm PGTBL 4.5mm platform

PBTBL 5.7mm platform

Use for anterior cases that require a durable, highly esthetic solution. For single-unit,
screw-retained or cement-retained, CAD/CAM hybrid zirconia restorations. When a
Laser-Lok component is used and temporarily removed, keep the component in sterile
5mm saline until reinserting into the site. Packaged with an abutment screw (PXAS). Titanium
alloy for strength. TiN coated for esthetics. Final torque: 30Ncm. Note: TP3TBL has a
Laser-Lok 1mm 3.0mm platform connection, but the margin flares to 3.5mm.

L02015-046 Laser-Lok Titanium Base Abutment

Laser-Lok Titanium Base Waxing Sleeves

PYTBWSI 3.0/3.5mm Waxing Sleeve, indexed (pack of 3)

8mm PGTBWSI 4.5mm Waxing Sleeve, indexed (pack of 3)

PBTBWSI 5.7mm Waxing Sleeve, indexed (pack of 3)

Use as a foundation to create a full contour wax-up for a lithium disilicate glass-
ceramic pressed crown. Packaged in packs of three. Acetal resin (Delrin® or
Pomalux®) sleeve.

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Custom & CAD/CAM Abutments
Precision Angled Drivers
PADM14 Precision Angled Driver, Manual, Long

PADH14 Precision Angled Driver, Handpiece, Long

PADS14† Precision Angled Driver, 4mm Square, Long

PADS19† Precision Angled Driver, 4mm Square, Extra Long

Use with PXPAS for angled screw access from 0° to 15°.

L02015-045 Precision Angled Screw & Driver Technique

Precision Angled Screw

PXPAS Precision Angled Screw

For use with the Hybrid Base Abutment and Precision Angled Driver. Titanium alloy.
Final torque: 30Ncm.

Note: Precision angled screw and driver are only compatible with the hybrid base
abutments in a digital work flow. Not compatible with Laser-Lok titanium base or 2mm
tall hybrid base abutments.

The Precision Angled Driver and Screw can be used with the
Hybrid Base abutment (hexed and non-hexed) to position
the screw channel at an angle up to 15°. Digital planning is
available for 3Shape and Exocad design software.

Download the digital library from


† Instrument o-rings & c-rings wear out over time. If an instrument is no longer held securely by its associated driver, order a replacement ring through Customer Care.

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Multi-unit Abutments

Laser-Lok Straight Multi-unit Abutments

2mm 3mm 4mm
collar collar collar
TP3MU2L TP3MU3L - 3.0mm platform
2.2mm PYMU2L PYMU3L PYMU4L 3.5mm platform

3mm PGMU2L PGMU3L PGMU4L 4.5mm platform

Laser-Lok Straight Multi-unit abutments may be used for multiple-unit restorations

including: screw-retained restorations at the abutment level, cast alloy bars for
overdentures and fixed/detachable (hybrid) restorations. When a Laser-Lok component is
used and temporarily removed, keep the removed Laser-Lok component in sterile saline
until reinserting into the site. Comes with a cover cap (PXMUCC). Titanium alloy. Final
torque: 30Ncm using a Multi-unit Hex Adapter.

L02015-003 Handling of Laser-Lok abutments

Straight Multi-unit Abutments

4.8mm 1mm 2mm 3mm 4mm 5mm
collar collar collar collar collar
2.2mm TP3MU1 TP3MU2 TP3MU3 - - 3.0mm platform

2mm PYMU1 PYMU2 PYMU3 PYMU4 PYMU5 3.5mm platform

PGMU1 PGMU2 PGMU3 PGMU4 PGMU5 4.5mm platform

PBMU1 PBMU2 PBMU3 - - 5.7mm platform

Straight Multi-unit abutments may be used for multiple-unit restorations including: screw-
retained restorations at the abutment level, cast alloy bars for overdentures and fixed/
detachable (hybrid) restorations. Comes with a cover cap (PXMUCC). Titanium alloy. Final torque:
30Ncm using a Multi-unit Hex Adapter.

L02015-028 Multi-unit abutment hybrid or fixed-detachable-screw-retained restoration

L02015-029 Multi-unit abutment bar overdenture - screw-retained restoration
L02015-031 Correcting a non-passive framework

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Multi-unit Abutments

17° Angled Multi-unit Abutments

2.5mm 3mm 4mm
m collar collar collar
4.8m 17°
TP3MU172 TP3MU173 - 3.0mm platform

PYMU172 PYMU173 PYMU174 3.5mm platform

3mm PGMU172 PGMU173 PGMU174 4.5mm platform

1.12mm PBMU172 PBMU173 - 5.7mm platform

17° Angled Multi-unit abutments may be used to angle-correct divergent

implants. Use for multiple-unit restorations including: screw-retained restorations
at the abutment level, cast alloy bars for overdentures and fixed/detachable
(hybrid) restorations. Comes with a cover cap (PXMUCC) and abutment screw
(PXMUAS). Titanium alloy. Final torque: 30Ncm. Conveniently deliver abutment
one-handed using an .050 hex or Unigrip™ driver or two-handed using an angled
Multi-unit carrier (MUCA).

30° Angled Multi-unit Abutments

3mm 4mm 5mm
mm collar collar collar
mm 30°
4.8 TP3MU303 TP3MU304 - 3.0mm platform
PYMU303 PYMU304 PYMU305 3.5mm platform

4mm PGMU303 PGMU304 PGMU305 4.5mm platform

1.88mm PBMU303 PBMU304 - 5.7mm platform

30° Angled Multi-unit abutments may be used to angle-correct divergent implants.

Use for multiple-unit restorations including: screw-retained restorations at the
abutment level, cast alloy bars for overdentures and fixed/detachable (hybrid)
restorations. Comes with a cover cap (PXMUCC) and abutment screw (PXMUAS).
Titanium alloy. Final torque: 30Ncm. Conveniently deliver abutment one-handed
using an .050 hex or Unigrip™ driver or two-handed using an angled Multi-unit
carrier (MUCA).

L02015-028 Multi-unit abutment hybrid or fixed-detachable-screw-retained restoration

L02015-029 Multi-unit abutment bar overdenture - screw-retained restoration
L02015-031 Correcting a non-passive framework

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Multi-unit Components

Multi-unit Copings
12mm PXMUTC Titanium

4.6mm PXMUTCS Titanium, Short

Use for fabricating acrylic temporary and final prostheses. May be trimmed for height.
5.3mm to 4.5mm to
top of screw top of screw PXMUTC packaged with prosthetic screw (PXMUPSR). PXMUTCS packaged with prosthetic
screw (PXMUPSS). Titanium alloy. Final torque: 15Ncm.

PXMUGC Gold Custom Castable

Use for fabricating metal-reinforced acrylic prostheses or bar overdentures. May be

trimmed for height. Packaged with prosthetic screw (PXMUPSR). Coping has a gold alloy
base with acetal resin (Delrin® or Pomalux®) sleeve. Final torque: 15Ncm.

5.3mm to
top of screw

PXMUPC Plastic Custom Castable

Use for fabricating metal-reinforced acrylic prostheses or bar overdentures. May be

trimmed for height. Packaged with prosthetic screw (PXMUPSR). Acetal resin (Delrin®
or Pomalux®). Final torque: 15Ncm.

5.3mm to
top of screw

PXMUPFC Passive Fit

Use for fabricating metal-reinforced acrylic prostheses or bar overdentures, cemented

12mm using the passive-fit technique. May be trimmed for height. Packaged with regular and long
prosthetic screws (PXMUPSR, PXMUPSL). Coping has a titanium alloy base with acetal resin
(Delrin® or Pomalux®) sleeve. Final torque: 15Ncm.

5.3mm to
top of screw

Multi-unit Coping Screws

PXMUPSR Prosthetic Screw, Multi-unit, Regular (pack of 5)

PXMUPSR25 Prosthetic Screw, Multi-unit, Regular (pack of 25)

PXMUPSL Prosthetic Screw, Multi-unit, Long (pack of 5)

PXMUPSS Prosthetic Screw, Multi-unit, Small (pack of 5)

PXMUPSS1 Prosthetic Screw, Multi-unit, Small

2.5mm 1.7mm For attaching copings to the Multi-unit abutments. Titanium alloy. Hand-tighten or
torque to 15Ncm with .050” (1.25mm) Hex Driver or Unigrip™ screw driver, depending on
application. Included with copings where indicated but can also be ordered separately.

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Multi-unit Components
Multi-unit Locators®
LMUTC-2 Locator Multi-unit Abutment w/ Ti Collar (2 pack)

LMUTC-10 Locator Multi-unit Abutment w/ Ti Collar (10 pack)

Use Male Processing Package for these collars (LMPP-2 or LMPP-10).

Abutment w/ Abutment w/
Ti Collar Delrin® Collar LMUDC-2 Locator Multi-unit Abutment w/ Delrin® Collar (2 pack)

LMUDC-10 Locator Multi-unit Abutment w/ Delrin® Collar (10 pack)

Use Locator Multi-unit Bar Processing Package listed below for these collars.

LMUBPP-2 Locator Multi-unit Bar Processing Package (2 pack)

LMUBPP-10 Locator Multi-unit Bar Processing Package (10 pack)

Locator attachments for multi-unit abutments have been designed as a free-standing option
(LMUTC) for the angled multi-unit posterior sites and for castable bar-splinted applications
(LMUDC). The Locator Multi-unit Bar Processing Package includes Denture Cap with Yellow Bar
Processing Male, Dual Retentive Replacement Males: Clear, Pink, Blue, and Block-Out Spacer.
Offered in 2 packs and 10 packs. For complete instructions, visit the Zest Anchors web site.

Multi-unit Impression Copings

PXMUDPC Direct Pick-up Coping, Multi-unit

Use to make a direct pick-up impression (open-tray) at the abutment level. Titanium alloy.
Hand tighten.

PXMUIC Indirect Transfer Coping, Multi-unit

Use to make an indirect transfer (closed-tray) impression at the abutment level. Titanium alloy.
Hand tighten.
L02015-010 Multi-unit abutment impression technique - direct open tray
L02015-011 Multi-unit abutment impression technique - closed tray
L02015-030 Verification jig fabrication
Direct Pick-up Indirect Transfer

Multi-unit Scan Bodies

PXMUTSB Titanium Scan Body, Multi-unit

Use to scan and make a digital model of multi-unit analogs at the abutment level.
Titanium alloy. Final Torque: 15Ncm.

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Multi-unit Components
Multi-unit Angled Abutment Screw & Abutment Carrier
PXMUAS Abutment Screw, Multi-unit

PXMUAS25 Abutment Screw, Multi-unit (pack of 25)

For angled Multi-unit abutments. Titanium alloy. Final torque: 30Ncm with .050” (1.25mm)
Hex Driver or Unigrip™ screw driver. Included with abutment but can also be ordered

24mm 26mm

PXMUAS MUCA Angled Multi-unit Abutment Carrier (pack of 3)

BCMUCA Angled Multi-unit Abutment Carrier, Flexible (pack of 2)

Use to deliver angled Multi-unit abutments to the surgical site. Titanium alloy
and PEEK.

Multi-unit Cover Caps

PXMUCC Cover Cap, Multi-unit

PXMUCCC Contoured Cover Cap, Multi-unit (pack of 2)

PXMUCC is packaged with all Multi-unit abutments. Titanium alloy and PEEK.
Hand-tighten with .050” (1.25mm) Hex Driver or Unigrip™ screw driver.

Multi-unit Abutment Replicas & Protective Analog

PXMUAR Abutment Replica, Multi-unit

PXMUAR25 Abutment Replica, Multi-unit (pack of 25)

Use at lab to represent the Multi-unit/Implant assembly in the working cast or printed
model. Not for use with implant-level impressions. Titanium alloy.

PXMUPA Protection Analog, Multi-unit (pack of 5)

Use to protect abutment-coping interface when polishing the metal framework.

Titanium alloy.

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Multi-unit Components
Multi-unit Try-in Abutments, Straight

TRYTP3MU 3.0mm platform

TRYPYMU 3.5mm platform

TRYPGMU 4.5mm platform

3mm TRYPBMU 5.7mm platform
Multi-unit Try-in Abutments may be used to measure tissue thickness and verify
proper prosthetic seating prior to final abutment seating.

Each Try-in is laser marked from 1mm to 5mm to correspond with the Straight
Straight Abutment Multi-unit Abutment collar heights and can also be used as a measuring tool for
Laser marking OD Secure, Locator, Locator R-Tx and Ball abutment systems. Try-in is carried to
the site by the handle and snaps into the implant.

Multi-unit Try-in Abutments, Angled

17° Angled 30° Angled

TRYTP3MU17 TRYTP3MU30 3.0mm platform

4mm 4mm
3mm 3mm TRYPYMU17 TRYPYMU30 3.5mm platform
TRYPGMU17 TRYPGMU30 4.5mm platform

TRYPBMU17 TRYPBMU30 5.7mm platform

Each Try-in is laser marked to correspond with the Angled Multi-unit Abutment collar
17° Angled 30° Angled
heights. Try-in is carried to the site by the handle and snaps into the implant.
Abutment Laser Abutment Laser
marking marking

Multi-unit Hex Adapters for Straight Abutments

PXMUHAM Manual Multi-unit Hex Adapter

Use to hand tighten straight Multi-unit abutments.

PXMUHAH Handpiece Multi-unit Hex Adapter

Use to torque straight Multi-unit abutments. Driven by latch-type handpiece. Do not

exceed 30Ncm.

PXMUHAR† 4mm Square Multi-unit Hex Adapter

Manual Handpiece 4mm Square Use to torque straight Multi-unit abutments. Driven by 4mm square drive handwrench,
ratchet, or torque wrench. Do not exceed 30Ncm.

Paralleling Pins
144-100 Straight Parallel Pin

144-200 20º Angled Parallel Pin

144-230 30º Angled Parallel Pin

Use parallel pins to assess implant angulation and estimate which angled
abutment is appropriate for the restoration.

† Instrument o-rings & c-rings wear out over time. If an instrument is no longer held securely by its associated driver, order a replacement ring through Customer Care.

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Esthetic & Cementable Abutments

Angled Esthetic Abutments

Laser-Lok standard
15° 15°
TP3AEAL TP3AEA 3.0mm platform

PYAEAL PYAEA 3.5mm platform

8mm 9mm
PGAEAL PGAEA 4.5mm platform
1mm Laser-Lok PBAEAL PBAEA 5.7mm platform

Use to create a cement-retained, single- or multiple-unit prostheses. When a

3.0 all other Laser-Lok component is used and temporarily removed, keep the component
platform platforms in sterile saline until reinserting into the site. Packaged with an abutment screw
(PXAS). Titanium alloy. TiN coated for esthetics. Final torque: 30Ncm.

Straight Esthetic Abutments

Laser-Lok standard

TP3SEAL TP3SEA 3.0mm platform

9mm PYSEAL PYSEA 3.5mm platform

PGSEAL PGSEA 4.5mm platform
2mm 3mm
1mm 1mm Laser-Lok
PBSEAL PBSEA 5.7mm platform

3.0 all other Use to fabricate cement-retained, single- or multiple-unit prostheses. When a
platform platforms Laser-Lok component is used and temporarily removed, keep the component
in sterile saline until reinserting into the site. Packaged with an abutment screw
(PXAS). Titanium alloy. TiN coated for esthetics. Final torque: 30Ncm.

L02015-023 Cement-retained single crowns using cementable abutments

L02015-025 Chairside modification of cement-retained abutments

Straight Esthetic Abutments (3mm buccal height)

Laser-Lok standard

TP3SEA3L TP3SEA3 3.0mm platform

TP3WSEA3L TP3WSEA3 3.0mm platform
(wide) (wide)
5mm 5mm
3mm 3mm
Laser-Lok PYSEA3L PYSEA3 3.5mm platform

PGSEA3L PGSEA3 4.5mm platform

3.0 all other
platform platforms PBSEA3L PBSEA3 5.7mm platform

Use to fabricate cement-retained, single- or multiple-unit prostheses when a deep

gingival sulcus is present. When a Laser-Lok component is used and temporarily
removed, keep the component in sterile saline until reinserting into the site.
Packaged with an abutment screw (PXAS). Titanium alloy. TiN coated for esthetics.
Final torque: 30Ncm.

L02015-023 Cement-retained single crowns using cementable abutments

L02015-025 Chairside modification of cement-retained abutments

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Esthetic & Cementable Abutments

3inOne Abutments (Regular Emergence)

PYREA 3.5mm platform

PGREA 4.5mm platform

PBREA 5.7mm platform
Use to fabricate cement-retained, single- or multiple-unit prostheses. Also used with a
Ball-top Screw for a closed-tray, hex-timed transfer. Packaged with an abutment screw
(PXAS). Titanium alloy. TiN coated for esthetics. Final torque: 30Ncm.

L02015-024 Cement-retained bridge using cementable abutments


Angled Abutments (Regular Emergence)

PYRAA 3.5mm platform

10mm PGRAA 4.5mm platform

PBRAA 5.7mm platform

Use to fabricate cement-retained, single- or multiple-unit prostheses. Packaged with an
abutment screw (PXAS). Titanium alloy. TiN coated for esthetics. Final torque: 30Ncm.

Narrow Emergence Abutments

TP3SA 3.0mm platform

10mm PYNEA 3.5mm platform


4.5mm PGNEA 4.5mm platform

PBNEA 5.7mm platform

3.0 all other Use to fabricate cement-retained, single- or multiple-unit prostheses. Packaged with
platform platforms an abutment screw (PXAS). Titanium alloy. Final torque: 30Ncm.


For cement-retained For screw-retained

restorations, maintain at restorations, maintain at least
least 4mm of chimney 3mm from the abutment
height from the margin for platform to avoid damaging
optimal cement retention. the abutment screw.

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The OD Secure abutment uses the industry’s lowest profile connection to attach dentures and partial
dentures to dental implants. The abutment is designed for easy delivery using an .050” hex driver and is
color-coded to ensure that the abutment matches the implant platform every time.

.050” hex driver

low profile design delivered and torqued
with an .050” (1.25mm)
total height of 2mm with
hex driver
insert and housing cap

wear-resistant coating
titanium nitride coating
for enhanced durability
and strength

color coding to easily
identify the proper
platform size

With cuff heights ranging from 0.5mm to 6mm, the OD Secure provides
attachment solutions for even the most challenging cases.


The housing cap that is included with each OD Secure abutment corrects up to 30°
of divergence. The new Xtend housing cap corrects up to 50° of divergence and is
compatible with the retention caps included in the OD Secure abutment kit.

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OD Secure Abutments & Components

OD Secure Abutment System

3.0mm 3.5mm 4.5mm 5.7mm
platform platform platform platform

TP3ODSK0 PYODSK0 PGODSK0 PBODSK0 0mm cuff height

TP3ODSK1 PYODSK1 PGODSK1 PBODSK1 1mm cuff height

TP3ODSK2 PYODSK2 PGODSK2 PBODSK2 2mm cuff height

TP3ODSK3 PYODSK3 PGODSK3 PBODSK3 3mm cuff height

TP3ODSK4 PYODSK4 PGODSK4 PBODSK4 4mm cuff height

2.5mm TP3ODSK5 PYODSK5 PGODSK5 PBODSK5 5mm cuff height

TP3ODSK6 PYODSK6 PGODSK6 PBODSK6 6mm cuff height

2mm The OD Secure comes packaged with the abutment, metal housing,
four retentive inserts, a lab processing insert and a protection disk.
Titanium alloy. TiN coated for esthetics. Final Torque: 30Ncm.

L02015-040 OD Secure impression technique

L02015-041 OD Secure chairside pick-up using existing denture

OD Secure Abutment Components

Xtend Housing Cap Housing Cap
2 pack 2 pack
Xtend Housing Cap assembled with Lab Processing New pink Housing Cap comes assembled
Insert and is used to correct up to 50° of divergence. with Lab Processing Insert.

Xtend Lab Processing Insert Retention Insert (pink)

4 pack Retention: 2.5lbs (Soft) 4 pack

Retention Insert (violet) Retention Insert (yellow)

Retention: 6lbs (Hard) 4 pack Retention: 1.5lbs (Extra Soft) 4 pack

Retention Insert (clear) Cap Assortment Kit

Retention: 4lbs (Medium) 4 pack 2 pack

Lab Processing Insert

4 pack

Block-out Spacer OD Secure Analog

4 pack 2 pack

Impression Coping Castable Male

2 pack 2 pack

ODSCT Cap Insert/Extractor Tool

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Locator Abutments & Components

Locator Abutments
3.0mm 3.5mm 4.5mm 5.7mm
platform platform platform platform

3.9mm - PYLA0 PGLA0 - 0mm cuff height

0 to 6mm
TP3LA1 PYLA1 PGLA1 PBLA1 1mm cuff height
cuff height

TP3LA2 PYLA2 PGLA2 PBLA2 2mm cuff height


TP3LA3 PYLA3 PGLA3 PBLA3 3mm cuff height


5.5mm TP3LA4 PYLA4 PGLA4 PBLA4 4mm cuff height

1.8mm TP3LA5 PYLA5 PGLA5 PBLA5 5mm cuff height

TP3LA6 PYLA6 PGLA6 PBLA6 6mm cuff height


Locator Implant Attachments are designed for use with overdentures or partial dentures retained in whole
or in part by dental implants in the mandible or maxilla. Order by cuff height to match the height of the
gingival tissue. The abutment will extend above the tissue by 1.8mm to allow the Locator Male to seat
completely. Order one Locator Male Processing Set for each Locator Abutment (sold in packs of 2 or 10).
Can also be used with tissue-level implants. Titanium alloy. Final torque: 30Ncm.

The Male Processing Package provides 3 choices of retention. The Replacement Males (clear, pink and blue)
are used to restore implants with up to 10° of divergence (20° between implants). The Extended Range
Replacement Males (green, orange and red) accommodate divergences from 10° and 20° (40° between
implants), and may be purchased separately.

L02015-013 Locator® abutment impression technique

L02015-032 Locator® abutment overdenture: chairside pickup using existing denture

Locator Components
LCT Core Tool

Multi-purpose tool serves as hand driver for seating Locator Abutments onto
the implants, seating tool for nylon male inserts and insert removal tool.
Note: now packaged with one Locator Abutment Holder Sleeve.

LAHS Locator Abutment Holder Sleeve (4 pack)

Use to retain and deliver the Locator Abutment using the driver portion of the Core Tool.

Locator core tool instructions

Locator abutment holder
For retaining and delivering
the Locator abutment
using the hand driver
portion of the core tool.
Male retention insert removal tool Male retention insert tool Hand driver
For removing the male retention For placing the male retention For hand tightening
inserts from the metal housing inserts into the metal housing the Locator abutment

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Locator Components

LMPP-2 Male Processing Package (2 pack)

Includes: (2) Denture Caps assembled with Black Processing Males;
(2) White Block-out Spacers; (2) Clear, (2) Pink and (2) Blue Nylon Males.

LMPP-10 Male Processing Package (10 pack)

Includes: (10) Denture Caps assembled with Black Processing Males; (10)
White Block-out Spacers; (10) Clear, (10) Pink and (10) Blue Nylon Males.

LMPPER-2 Male Processing Package, Extended Range (2 pack)

Includes: (2) Denture Caps assembled with Black Processing Males; (2) White
Block-out Spacers; (2) Green, (2) Orange and (2) Red Nylon Males.

LMPPER-10 Male Processing Package, Extended Range (10 pack)

Includes: (10) Denture Caps assembled with Black Processing Males; (10) White
Block-out Spacers; (10) Green, (10) Orange and (10) Red Nylon Males.

Extended Range Replacement Male (clear)

LRM-G Replacement Male (green)
Retention: 5lbs, 4 pack
Retention: 4lbs, 4 pack

Extended Range Replacement Male (pink)

LRM-O Replacement Male (orange)
Retention: 3lbs, 4 pack
Retention: 2lbs, 4 pack

Extended Range Replacement Male (blue)

LRM-R Replacement Male (red)
Retention: 1.5lb, 4 pack
Retention: 1lb, 4 pack

Extended Range Black Processing

LRM-Z Replacement Male (gray)
LBPRM Replacement Male
Retention: 0lb, 4 pack 4 pack

Female Analog 4mm Square Drive Tool (15mm length)

Use for 3.0, 3.5 and 4.5mm platforms Use with a torque wrench to
4 pack seat Locator Abutments.

Female Analog 5mm Square Drive Tool (21mm length)

Use for 5.7mm platform Use with a torque wrench to
4 pack seat Locator Abutments.

LIC Impression Coping LPP Parallel Post

4 pack 4 pack

LAMG Angle Measurement Guide

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Locator R-Tx Abutments & Components

Locator R-Tx is a better, simpler and stronger system that relies

on the same restorative techniques as the original Locator. Now
available with the housing cap, spacer and retentive inserts for a
convenient all-in-one package.

Locator R-Tx Abutments

3.0mm 3.5mm 4.5mm 5.7mm
platform platform platform platform

- PYLRTX0 PGLRTX0 - 0.5mm cuff height

TP3LRTX1 PYLRTX1 PGLRTX1 PBLRTX1 1mm cuff height

TP3LRTX2 PYLRTX2 PGLRTX2 PBLRTX2 2mm cuff height

TP3LRTX3 PYLRTX3 PGLRTX3 PBLRTX3 3mm cuff height

TP3LRTX4 PYLRTX4 PGLRTX4 PBLRTX4 4mm cuff height

TP3LRTX5 PYLRTX5 PGLRTX5 PBLRTX5 5mm cuff height

TP3LRTX6 PYLRTX6 PGLRTX6 PBLRTX6 6mm cuff height

Each Assembly includes: (1) Abutment, (1) Denture Attachment Housing with Black Processing
Insert, (4) Nylon Retention Inserts, and (1) Block-out Spacer. Titanium alloy. Final torque: 30Ncm.

Locator R-Tx Components

LRTX-GY Retention Insert (gray) LRTX-PM Processing Insert Replacement

Retention: Zero, 4 pack 4 pack

LRTX-B Retention Insert (blue) LRTX-PS Processing Spacer Replacement

Retention: Low, 4 pack 4 pack

LRTX-P Retention Insert (pink) LRTX-IC Impression Coping

Retention: Medium, 4 pack 4 pack

LRTX-C Retention Insert (clear) LRTX-A3 3.35mm Abutment Analog

Retention: High, 4 pack 4 pack

LRTX-BS Block-Out Spacer Replacement LRTX-A4 4mm Abutment Analog

20 pack 4 pack

LRTX-DC Denture Attachment Processing Assembly LRTX-A5 5mm Abutment Analog

4 pack 4 pack

Locator R-Tx
LRTX-TL Insertion/Removal Tool

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Ball Abutments & Components

Ball Abutments
1mm 3mm 5mm
collar collar collar
TP3BA1 TP3BA3 TP3BA5 3.0mm platform

collar PYBA1 PYBA3 PYBA5 3.5mm platform

PGBA1 PGBA3 PGBA5 4.5mm platform

PBBA1 PBBA3 - 5.7mm platform

Use for retention of tissue-supported overdentures. Ball Abutments may be used for
indirect transfer impressions. Ball Abutment Analogs on following page are used for
producing a working cast. Can also be used with tissue-level implants. Titanium alloy.
5.9mm Final torque: 30Ncm using an .050" (1.25mm) hex driver.
2.6mm L02015-014 Ball abutment impression technique
L02015-033 Ball abutment overdenture: chairside pickup using existing denture

Sizing comparison of O-ring

Attachment and Ball Attachment

O-ring Attachment Set

260-100 O-ring Attachment Set

Standard O-ring attachment for processing into denture. Includes: (1) O-ring
encapsulator, (2) Processing O-rings and (2) Clinical O-rings. Recommended for
relatively parallel implants (5° of divergence or 10° between implants).

O-ring Individual Components

260-300 O-ring Encapsulator

Female receptacle processed into denture. Titanium alloy. 2 per package.

260-220 Processing O-ring

Use for lab processing applications. Buna. 12 per package.

260-210 Clinical O-ring

Use for clinical applications. Silicone. 12 per package.

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Ball Abutment Components

Ball Attachment Set

BCAS Ball Attachment Set

Includes: (1) Titanium Housing, (3) Female Nylon Inserts - white (more retention), pink (less
retention), black (lab processing) and (1) Protective Disk (BCPD, protects tissue during
impression making or denture pick-up)

The Ball Attachment system offers several advantages over traditional O-ring attachments:
• Greater abutment angulation (14° of divergence or 28° between implants)
• 0.4mm of less mesial/distal/buccal/lingual space
• Four different levels of retention instead of one

Ball Abutment Components

Attachment Housings - Titanium Yellow Nylon Insert

For Resin pickup or Soldering Retention: 500-550g (Very elastic)
2 pack 2 pack

Pink Nylon Insert

Retention: 800-950g (Elastic)
2 pack
Black Nylon Insert
Lab Processing and Chair-side
Denture Pick-up. 2 pack White Nylon Insert
Retention: 1200-1300g (Slightly elastic)
2 pack

Green Nylon Insert Directional Rings

Retention: 350-400g (Extremely elastic) Use for obtaining parallelism
2 pack 0°, 7° and 14° rings. Set of 3

Insert Seating Tool Reamer

Use to seat nylon inserts in Use to adjust retention of
attachment housings. nylon inserts.

Ball Abutment Analogs

TP3BAA 3.0mm platform

PYGBAA 3.5/4.5mm platform

PBBAA 5.7mm platform

Use at lab to represent the Ball Abutment/Implant assembly in the working cast. Only use in
conjunction with Ball Abutments. Titanium alloy.

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Prosthetic Instrumentation
Prosthetic Kit
PROS3000 Enhanced Prosthetic Instrumentation Kit

• .050" (1.25mm) Manual Hex Driver • Hand Wrench
• .050" (1.25mm) Manual Hex Driver, Long • 4mm Square Drive Extender
• .050" (1.25mm) Handpiece Hex Driver • 4mm Square Multi-unit Hex Adapter
• .050" (1.25mm) Handpiece Hex Driver, Long • 12 Try-in Abutment Slots
• .050" (1.25mm) 4mm Square Hex Driver • 8 Optional Instrument Slots
• .050" (1.25mm) 4mm Square Hex Driver, Long • Space for Torque Wrenches & AS123 Hand Unit

Multi-unit Try-in Abutments, 300-100 and ATW are sold separately.

PROS2500 Prosthetic Instrumentation Tray (not shown)

Tray without instruments (included with PROS3000)

PROS1500 Prosthetic Tray, Small

300-100† AS123 Hand Unit

Provides improved vision and easy access to prosthetic components in posterior

regions of the mouth. Hand Wrench and Drivers are sold separately.

300-205† 4mm Square Extender 300-400† Hand Wrench

Includes PEEK C-ring for durable retention in Ratchet. Use on drive end of AS123 Hand Unit. Also fits
individual Hex Drivers/Adapters and Bone Taps.

Torque Wrenches
BIOTORQ BioHorizons Adjustable Torque Wrench
Adjustable torque wrench designed to attach to all 4mm drivers from BioHorizons. Supplied with
a dual direction mechanism that allows for insertion and removal functions. When the desired
torque is reached (a choice of 10Ncm to 30Ncm) the torque wrench snaps to avoid over torquing.

ATW ITL Precise Adjustable Torque Wrench

Place both implants and abutments with 9 distinct torque settings (15, 20, 25, 30, 35,
40, 45, 50 and 60Ncm). A simple twist of the handle locks in precision-engineered
torque values and guarantees accuracy and repeatability.

C12374 Elos Adjustable Torque Wrench

Lightweight titanium design is easy to use as an adjustable torque wrench or a
ratchet. Quickly disassembles for cleaning. No calibration required.

C8521 Elos Replacement Bit, 4mm Square Adapter

C8381 Elos Replacement Bit, Handpiece

AGYR-15500 Torque Control 15500

Ergonomic design is the ideal solution for access to screws placed in the posterior. The 7
predetermined torque values (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 32 and 35Ncm) make it a tool of extreme precision.

† Instrument o-rings & c-rings wear out over time. If an instrument is no longer held securely by its associated driver, order a replacement ring through Customer Care.

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Prosthetic Instrumentation
.050" (1.25mm) Hex Drivers
135-251 Manual Hex Driver, Short
135-351 Manual Hex Driver
135-451 Manual Hex Driver, Long

134-350 Handpiece Hex Driver

134-450 Handpiece Hex Driver, Long

300-350† 4mm Square Hex Driver

300-351† 4mm Square Hex Driver, Long
6.5m 8.5m 13.5m 6.5m 11.5m 6.25mm 12.5mm 19mm
300-354† 4mm Square Hex Driver, Extra Long
Manual Handpiece 4mm Square
For installation and removal of cover caps, prosthetic and
abutment screws.

Abutment Prepping Handles

TP3AH 3.0mm platform
PYGAH 3.5/4.5mm platform
PBAH 5.7mm platform

Use to comfortably hold abutments for chairside or laboratory preparation. Abutments are
secured to the handle with a standard abutment screw (PXAS). Comes in three sizes: 3.0,
3.5/4.5 and 5.7mm.

Laser-Lok Protective Sleeves

TP3TBLS 3.0mm platform
PYTBLS 3.5mm platform
PGTBLS 4.5mm platform
PBTBLS 5.7mm platform

Use to protect the Laser-Lok zone of Laser-Lok Titanium Base Abutments and Laser-Lok
Custom Ti Abutments from possible contamination and damage during lab processing.

Laser-Lok Tissue Groomer

TP3TG 3.0mm platform
PYTG 3.5mm platform
PGTG 4.5mm platform
PBTG 5.7mm platform

Use to lightly abrade soft tissue prior to placement of a Laser-Lok abutment, if a

Laser-Lok abutment has not been used before.

L02015-003 Handling of Laser-Lok abutments

Clean-out Tool
PXCT† Implant Clean-out Tap Tool

Use PXCT to re-thread internal connection implants where the internal threads have become damaged. Requires a
standard surgical Ratchet (130-000) or Hand Wrench (300-400) as a drive mechanism.

† Instrument o-rings & c-rings wear out over time. If an instrument is no longer held securely by its associated driver, order a replacement ring through Customer Care.

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Prosthetic Platform Identification
BioHorizons prosthetic components are color-coded to match BioHorizons implant prosthetic platforms. To ensure compatibility:
(1) determine the BioHorizons implant system from the patient’s record (e.g. Tapered, Tapered Plus, Tapered Tissue Level)
(2) verify that the prosthetic component is intended for that system
(3) match the restorative component color with the implant prosthetic platform.

Tapered Pro Implant System

prosthetic connection 3.0mm 3.5mm 3.5mm 4.5mm

body diameter 3.8mm 4.2mm 4.6mm 5.2mm

Tapered Internal Plus Implant System

prosthetic connection 3.0mm 3.5mm 4.5mm

body diameter 3.8mm 4.6mm 5.8mm

Tapered Internal Implant System

prosthetic connection 3.0mm 3.0mm 3.5mm 4.5mm 5.7mm

body diameter 3.0mm 3.4mm 3.8mm 4.6mm 5.8mm

Tapered Tissue Level Implant System

prosthetic connection 3.5mm 3.5mm 4.5mm 5.7mm

body diameter 3.0mm 3.8mm 4.6mm 5.8mm

Note: BioHorizons Internal prosthetic components are indicated for use with Zimmer Screw-Vent® and Tapered Screw-Vent® implant systems.

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Support Materials & References

L02015 Prosthetic Technique Manual (Interactive PDF)

ML0161 Tapered Family Prosthetic Reference

ML0206 Impression Technique Guide (PDF only)

L01021 TeethXpress Technique Guide

EP-TXMOD TeethXpress Patient Education Model

ML0103 Dental Implants - Patient Education Brochure, 50 pk

ML0131 Dental Implants - Patient Education Flipbook

ML0114 Overdenture Patient Education Brochure, 50 pk

ML0159 Connective Tissue Attachment to Laser - Microgrooved Abutments

ML0160 Reattachment of Connective Tissue Fibers to a Laser - Microgrooved Abutment Surface

SPMP14235 Electronic Dental Implant Patient Record (PDF only)

1. Human histologic evidence of a connective tissue attachment to a dental implant. M Nevins, ML Nevins, M Camelo, JL Boyesen, DM Kim.
International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry. Vol. 28, No. 2, 2008. R11005c

2. The effects of laser microtextured collars upon crestal bone levels of dental implants. S Weiner, J Simon, DS Ehrenberg, B Zweig, JL Ricci.
Implant Dentistry. Volume 17, Number 2, 2008. p. 217-228. R11010a

3. Influence of a microgrooved collar design on soft and hard tissue healing of immediate implantation in fresh extraction sites in dogs. SY
Shin, DH Han. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21, 2010; 804–814. R11018b

4. Maintaining inter-implant crestal bone height via a combined platform-switched, Laser-Lok® implant/abutment system: A proof-of-
principle canine study. M Nevins, ML Nevins, L Gobbato, HJ Lee, CW Wang, DM Kim. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. Volume 33, Number
3, 2013. R11035a

5. Histologic evidence of a connective tissue attachment to laser microgrooved abutments: A canine study. M Nevins, DM Kim, SH Jun, K
Guze, P Schupbach, ML Nevins. International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry. Vol. 30, No. 3, 2010. R11001a

6. Histologic evidence of connective tissue integration on laser microgrooved abutments in humans. NC Geurs, PJ Vassilopoulos, MS Reddy.
Clinical Advances in Periodontics. Vol. 1, No. 1, May 2011. R11019c

7. Connective tissue attachment to laser microgrooved abutments: A human histologic case report. M Nevins, M Camelo, ML Nevins, P
Schupbach, DM Kim. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. Volume 32, Number 4, 2012. p. 384-392. R11032c

8. Reattachment of the connective tissue fibers to the laser microgrooved abutment surface. M Nevins, M Camelo, ML Nevins, P Schupbach,
DM Kim. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. Volume 32, Number 4, 2012. e131-134. R11033c

9. The impact of dis-/reconnection of laser microgrooved and machined implant abutments on soft- and hard-tissue healing. Iglhaut G,
Becker K, Golubovic V, Schliephake H, Mihatovic I. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2013 Apr;24(4):391-7. R21001a

10. Heat production by 3 implant drill systems after repeated drilling and sterilization. Chacon GE, Bower DL, Larsen PE, McGlumphy EA,
Beck FM. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2006 Feb;64(2):265-9. R30003b

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Ordering & Warranty Information

Territory Manager:

cell phone:

email and/or fax:

BioHorizons Lifetime Warranty on Implants and Prosthetics for Clinicians: All BioHorizons implants and prosthetic components
include a Lifetime Warranty. BioHorizons implant or prosthetic components will be replaced if removal of that product is due to
failure (excluding normal wear to overdenture attachments).

Additional Warranties: BioHorizons warranties surgical drills, taps and other surgical and restorative instruments.

(1) Surgical Drills and Taps: Surgical drills and taps include a warranty period of ninety (90) days from the date of initial invoice.
Surgical instruments should be replaced when they become worn, dull, corroded or in any way compromised. Surgical drills should
be replaced after 12 to 20 osteotomies.10

(2) Instruments: The BioHorizons manufactured instrument warranty extends for a period of one (1) year from the date of initial
invoice. Instruments include drivers, implant site dilators and BioHorizons tools used in the placement or restoration of BioHorizons

Return Policy: Product returns require a Return Authorization Form, which may be acquired by contacting Customer Care. The
completed Return Authorization Form must be included with the returned product. For more information, please see the reverse
side of the invoice that was shipped with the product.

Disclaimer of Liability: BioHorizons products may only be used in conjunction with the associated original components and
instruments according to the Instructions for Use (IFU). Use of any non-BioHorizons products in conjunction with BioHorizons
products will void any warranty or any other obligation, expressed or implied.

Treatment planning and clinical application of BioHorizons products are the responsibility of each individual clinician. BioHorizons
strongly recommends completion of postgraduate dental implant education and adherence to the IFU that accompany each
product. BioHorizons is not responsible for incidental or consequential damages or liability relating to use of our products alone or
in combination with other products other than replacement or repair under our warranties.

Distributed Products: For information on the manufacturer’s warranty of distributed products, please refer to their product
packaging. Distributed products are subject to price change without notice.

Validity: Upon its release, this literature supersedes all previously published versions.

Availability: Not all products shown or described in this literature are available in all countries. BioHorizons continually strives to
improve its products and therefore reserves the right to improve, modify, change specifications or discontinue products at any time.

Any images depicted in this literature are not to scale, nor are all products depicted. Product descriptions have been modified for
presentation purposes. For complete product descriptions and additional information, visit

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Direct Offices
BioHorizons USA
888-246-8338 or 205-967-7880

BioHorizons Canada BioHorizons Spain BioHorizons UK

866-468-8338 +34 91 713 10 84 +44 (0)1344 752560

BioHorizons Chile BioHorizons Italy BioHorizons Mexico

+56 (2) 23619519 800-063-040 800-953-0498

For contact information in our 90 countries, visit

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BioHorizons®, Laser-Lok®, MinerOss®, AutoTac®, Mem-Lok®, TeethXpress®, IntraSpin®, L-PRF® and Xpression® are registered trademarks of BioHorizons.
Genate™ is a trademark of BioHorizons. Unigrip™ is a trademark of Nobel Biocare AB. Zimmer® Dental ScrewVent® and Tapered ScrewVent® are registered
trademarks of Zimmer, Inc. AlloDerm SELECTTM, AlloDerm SELECT GBRTM and NovoMatrixTM are trademarks of Allergan, an AbbVie company. Grafton® DBM is a
registered trademark of Medtronic, Inc. Cytoplast® is a registered trademark of Osteogenics Biomedical, Inc. Puros Dermis is a registered trademark of Zimmer
Biomet. Mucograft is a registered trademark of Ed. Geistlich Sogne Ag Fur Chemische Industrie. Symbios PerioDerm is a registered trademark of Dentsply Sirona.
Hu-Friedy® is a registered trademark of Hu-Friedy Mfg. Co., LLC. Spiralock® is a registered trademark of Spiralock Corporation. Pomalux® is a registered
trademark of Westlake Plastics Co. Locator® is a registered trademark of Zest Anchors, Inc. Delrin® is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and
Company. Bio-Gide® is a registered trademark of Edward Geistlich Sohne AG Fur Chemische Industrie. BioMend® is a registered trademark of Zimmer Biomet
Dental. Not all products shown or described in this literature are available in all countries. We are proud to be registered to ISO 13485:2016, the international
quality management system standard for medical devices, which supports and maintains our product licences with Health Canada and in other markets around
the globe. Original language is English. ©BioHorizons. All Rights Reserved.

*L02008* *REV L SEP 2022*

L02008 REV L SEP 2022

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