Final Project Report On Training and Development

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Page 1
This is to certify that Ms./Mr. Khushbu Jogeshwer Shah has worked and duly
completed her/his project work for the degree of bachelor in commerce
(Accounting & Finance) under the faculty of commerce in the subject of Human
Resource and her/his project is entitled, “TAX EVASION AND ITS ECONOMIC
IMPLICATION” under my supervision. I further certify that the entire work has
been done by the learner under my guidance and that no part of it has been
submitted previously for any degree or diploma of any university. It is her/his own
work and facts reported by her/his personal finding and investigations.

Name & Signature of Guiding Teacher

Miss Shireen Jalgaonkar

Page 2

I the undersigned Miss. KHUSHBU JOGESHWER SHAH here by, declare that the work
embodied in this work embodies in the project work titled “ TRAINING AND
DEVLOPMENT ” , forms my own contribution to the research work carried out under the
guidance of MISS.SHIREEN JALGAONKAR is a result of my own research work and has
not been previously submitted to any other university for any other Degree / Diploma to this
or any other university.

Wherever reference has been made to previous works of other, it has been clearly indicated as
such and included in the bibliography.

I, here by further declare that all information of this document has been obtained and
presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct.

Name and Signature of learner

Certified by

Miss. Shireen jalgaonkar

Name and Signature of the Guiding Teacher

Page 3

To list who all have helped me in difficult because they are so numerous and depth is so

I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh dimensions
in the completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai for giving me chance to do this

I would like to thank my principal, Dr. Lata Menon for providing the necessary facilities
required for completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank our coordinators Mr. Sumeet Mhatre, for her moral support
and guidance.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide Miss. Shireen
Jalgaonkar whose guidance and care made the project successful.

I would like to thank my college library, for having provided various references books and
magazines related to my project.

Lastly, I would like to thank each any every person who directly or indirectly helped me in
the completion of the project especially my parents peers who supported me throughout my

Page 4

Sr. No. Contents Page No.

Chapter.1 Introduction 06

 Training and development

 Purpose of training
 Needs of training
 Importances of training
 Advantages of training
 Benefits of training
 Methods of training
 Theories of training and development
Chapter .2 Research methodology 31

 Needs for the study

 Objectives of the study
 Data collection
 Research desgin
Chapter. 3 Company profile 37

 History of visison plus private limited

 Organization strategy
Chapter .4 Data Analysis and Interpretation 40

Chapter .5 Finding ,suggestion & conclusion 55

 Findings
 Suggestion
 conclusion
Chapter .6 Annexure and bibliography 60

 annexure questionnaire

Page 5
Chapter – 1.


Human Resource Management is defined as the people who staff and manage organization. It
comprises of the functions and principles that are applied to retaining, training, developing, and
compensating the employees in organization. It is also applicable to non-business organizations,
such as education, healthcare, etc. Human Resource Management is defined as the set of
activities, programs, and functions that are designed to maximize both organizational as well as
employee effectiveness.
Scope of HRM without a doubt is vast. All the activities of employee, from the time of his entry
into an organization until he leaves, come under the horizon of HRM. The divisions included
in HRM are Recruitment, Payroll, Performance Management, Training and Development,
Retention, Industrial Relation, etc. Out of all these divisions, one such important division is
training and development.

Training could be designed either for improving present at work or for preparing a person for
assuming higher responsibilities in further which would call for additional knowledge and
superior skills. Training is different education particularly formal education. While education
is concerned mainly with enhancement of knowledge, training aims essentially at increasing
knowledge, stimulating attitude and imparting skills related to a specific job.

It is a continuous and life long process. Training provides an atmosphere of sharing and
synthesizing, with the help of the trainers, the information already available on the subject.
Training is a time bound activity program. Thus there is a separate specialized discipline of
trainers socializing in the field of human activity.


A business' most important asset is often its people. Training and developing them can be one
of the most important investments a business can make. The right training can ensure that your
business has the right skills to tackle the future. It can also help attract and retain good quality
staff, as well as increasing the job satisfaction of those presently with you - increasing the
chances that they will satisfy your customers.

Thus Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of employee. It is a universal

Page 6
truth that the human resources available in an organization have to be managed more efficiently
than the material resources comprising of machines and money.

Eloquently putting “Training is a systematic development of the knowledge, skills and

attitudes required by employees to perform adequately on a given task or job”.


“Training is the act of increasing the knowledge & skills of an employee for doing a
particular job”

 Flippo
It is a short term educational process & utilising a systematic & organised procedure by
which employees learn technical knowledge & skills for a definite purpose

Training improves knowledge skill, behaviour & attitude towards the requirements of the job
& organisation.

Features of Training:

The features of good training programs are as follows:-

a. Clear Purpose:

The objective of the programme should be clearly specified. The training should be result

b. Training Needs:

The training needs of employees should be clearly defined. The methods selected for
imparting training should be appropriate and effective.

c. Relevance:

The training programme and its contents must be relevant to the requirements of the job for
which it is intended.

d. Balance between Theory and Practice:

A good training programme should provide a balanced mix of theory and practice the
theoretical framework should be backed by practical application to provide all round training.

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e. Management Support:

Top management must actively support the training programme so that the training programme
may help the employees to yield better results. Once the employees get the support form
management support the perform there job more effectively.

Training Objectives:
1. To prepare the employee both new & old to meet the present as well as the changing
requirements of the job & the organisation.
2. To prevent obsolescence
3. To help the new entrants the basic knowledge & skills they need for an intelligent
performance of a definite job.
4. To prepare employees for higher level jobs.
5. To develop the potentialities of people for the next level job.
6. To ensure economical output of required quality.
7. To ensure smooth & efficient working of a department.
8. To assists employees to function more effectively in their present positions by exposing them
to the latest concepts, information & techniques & developing the skills they will need in their
particular fields.
9. To promote individual & collective morale, a sense of responsibility, co operative attitudes &
good relationships.

Purpose of Training:
One of the main purposes of training is to prevent industrial accidents. This is done by
creating safety consciousness among workers.

a. When the employees are trained it enables them to achieve the required level of
performance which in turns increases the productivity.

b. Training helps in increasing the knowledge and skills of employee

c. When the employees are trained it becomes easy for them to adapt themselves according to the
changes made in business.

d. Training reduces the cost of supervision. Trained employees needs less guidance which in turns
reduces the needs for supervision.

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Needs of Training:
1. To enable the new recruits to understand work:
A person who is taking up his job for the first time must become familiar with it. For example,
if a fresh graduate is appointed as a clerk in a bank, he must first of all gain knowledge of work
assigned to him.
2. To enable existing employees to update skill and knowledge:
Training is not something needed for the newly recruited staff alone. Even the existing
employees of a concern may require training. Such training enables them to update their skill
and knowledge.
3. To enable an employee who has been promoted to understand his responsibilities:
Training is essential for an employee who has just been promoted to a higher level job. With
an evaluation in his position in the organization, his responsibilities are also going to

4. To enable an employee to become versatile:

Sometimes an employee may have to gain knowledge of several related jobs. It will not be
enough if he is only good in the work he does presently.

Importance of Training:

1. Improvement in Skill and Knowledge:

Such training helps the employees to perform his job much better. This benefits the enterprise
as well.

2. Higher Production and Productivity:

If an enterprise has a team of well trained employees there will be rise in production as well as
increase in productivity. Productivity is the input- output ratio

3. Job Satisfaction:

Trained employees will be able to make better use of the making of their skill. This increases
their level of self-confidence and commitment to work. Such employees are bound to have
higher job satisfaction.

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4. Better use of Resources:

Trained employees will be able to make better use of materials and machines. This reduces the
rate of wastage and spoilage of materials and also breakage of tools and machines

5. Reduction in Accidents:

Trained employees are aware of safety precautions and so they are alert and cautious. This is
bound to bring down the number of accident in the works place.

6. Reduced Supervision:

Well trained employees do not need much supervision. They can do their work without having
to approach their superior often for guidance.

7. Reduction in Complaints:

‘Only bad workers blame their tools’. An employee who has acquired the necessary skill and
job knowledge would certainly love his job.

8. Adaptability:

Trained workers have the capacity to adapt themselves to any kind of situation. They are odd in
crisis management too. This indeed is beneficial for the organization.

9. Scope for Management by Exception:

With trained workers working under them, it becomes easy for the managers to get things done
by delegating authority. This enables the managers to concentrate more on important issues
confronting the organization.

10. Stability:

“The employees of today are going to be the managers of tomorrow”. The retirement of key
managers may not affect the stability of an organization if it has a team of trained, efficient and
committed employees who are ever ready to take over management.

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Advantages of Training:

1. Quick Learning: Training helps to reduce the learning time to reach the acceptable level of
performance. The employees need not learn by observing others & waste a long time, if the
formal training program exists in the organisation. The qualified trainers will help the new
employees to acquire the skills & knowledge to do particular jobs within a short span of time.
2. Higher Productivity: Training raises the skill of the employees in the performance of a
particular job. It helps to the existing employees to raise their level of performance on their
present job assignment.
3. Less Supervision: If the employees are given adequate training, the need of supervision is
lessened. Training does not eliminate the need of supervision but it reduces the need of detailed
& regular supervision.
4. Economical Operation: It helps to make a better & economical use of materials &equipment’s
wastage will be low. In addition the rate of accidents & damages to the machinery & equipment
will be kept to the minimum by the well trained employees.
5. Higher Morale: The objective of training program will mould employee’s attitude to achieve
support for organisational activities & obtain better cooperation& greater loyalty with the help
of training dissatisfaction complaints absenteeism & turnover can also be reduced among the
6. Better Management: Manager can make use of training to manage in a better way. To him
training the employees can assists in improving his planning, organising, directing &
7. Confidence: Training crates a feeling of confidence in the minds of workers. It gives safety &
security to them at a work place.
8. New Skills: Training develops skills which serve as a valuable personal asset of the workers.
9. Promotion: Training helps for the promotion of the employees in the organisation.

10. High Earnings: By improving skills training provides a chance of increasing job knowledge
& in turn earn more.

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Benefits of Training:
How training benefits the organization :

1. Leads to improve profitability and more positive attitudes towards profits

2. Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization .
3. Improve the morale of the workplace.
4. Helps people identify with organizationalgoals.
5. Helps create a better corporate image.
6. Improve the relationship between boss and subordinates.
7. Learn from the trainee.
8. Helps prepare guidelines for work.
9. Provide information for future needs in all areas of the organisation.
10. Organisation gets more effective in decision making and problem solving.

Benefits to the individual which in turn ultimately should benefits the


1. Helps the individual in making better decisions and effective problem solving.
2. Helps a person handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict.
3. Provides information for improving leadership knowledge, communication skills and
4. Increase job satisfaction and recognition.
5. Moves a person’s towards personal goals while improving interactive skills.
6. Satisfies personals needs of the trainer.
7. Develops a sense of growth in learning.
8. Helps a person develop speaking and listening skills, also writing skills when exercise is

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Training Design:

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Methods of Training:

1. On the Job Methods:

 It is also known as job instruction training

 It is most commonly used method
 Under this method, the individual is placed on a regular job & taught the skills
necessary to perform that job.
 This method is also called “learning by doing”
 In this method trainee learns under the guidance or supervision of the supervisor or

a. Job Rotation: Job rotation involves the transfer of trainees from one job to another and
sometimes from one branch to another. The trainee receives job knowledge & gains experience
from his supervisor. The trainee receives full duties and responsibilities of the rotated position.
It is more suitable for lower level executives.

b. Coaching: In coaching, the superior plays an active role in training the subordinate. The
superior may assign challenging task to the subordinate for the purpose of training.

The superior may assist and advice the subordinate to complete the assigned task. In this
case, the superior acts as a coach in training the subordinate.

A limitation of this method is that the trainee may not have the freedom or opportunity to
express his own ideas.

c. Job Instruction: This method is also known as training through step by step. Under this
method, the trainer explains to the trainee the way of doing the jobs, job knowledge & skills &
allows him to do the job. The trainer appraises the performance of the trainee, provides
feedback, information & corrects the trainer.

D. Committee Assignment: Under this method, a group of trainees are given & asked to solve
an actual organizational problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly. It develops the team

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2. Off the Job Method:

• Under this method the trainee learns outside the job and involves himself in full time learning.

• In this method of training, the trainees is separated from the job situation & his attention
is focused upon learning the material related to his future job performance.

• There is an opportunity for freedom of expression for the trainees.

a. Vestibule Training: In this method, actual work conditions are simulated in a class room.
Material, files, & equipment which are used in actual job performance are also used in training.
This type of training is commonly used for training personnel for clerical &semi-skilled jobs.
The duration of this training ranges from days to few weeks. Theory can be related to practice
in this method.
b. Role Playing: It is defined as a method of human interaction that involves realistic behavior
imaginary situation. This method of training involves action doing & practice, the participants
play the role of certain characters such as the production manager, mechanical engineer,
workers etc. this method is mostly used for developing inter personal interaction & relations.
c. Lecture Method: This is also called class room training. The special lectures can be given by
the top executive of the organization or by the specialist in a particular field. The person is
generally expert in the particular field. The trainees generally had the note books to note down
the important points said by the expert.
This method can also be used for the new entrant in the organization or to deliver the message
to large group in that case the cost per trainee is less.

d. Conference or Discussion: It is a method in training the clerical, professional & supervisory

personnel. This method involves a group of people who pose ideas, share facts, ideas, data &
draw conclusions all of which contribute to the improvement of job performance.
In this method it involves two way communications& hence feedback is provided the
participants feel free to speak in small groups.
e. Seminar and Workshops: Management employees can be trained with the help of seminars
and workshops. In seminars, trainees present their papers on work related developments.
The paper presentations are reviewed by experts. The experts may give their insights on the
topic presented by the trainee.In workshops there is a good interaction between the trainer and the
trainees. The trainer may present his views on certain developments and then initiate interactive
discussion. The trainees can get insights due to the views expressed by the trainer and other trainees.

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Systematic Approach to Training:

Training needs
Assessment Identify training

Select training
Implementation methods
Conduct training

• Compare training
outcomes against
Evaluation criteria

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Evaluation of a Training Programme:

Evaluation helps in controlling & correcting the training programme. It can be done in 5levels:

1. Reactions: Trainees reactions to the overall training – coverage of topics, method of

presentation, techniques used, doubts were clarified etc.
2. Learning: The trainer’s ability and the trainees abilities can be judged by the content that is
being learnt and how he applies it to the job.
3. Job behavior: Includes manner and extent to which the trainee has applied his learning to the
4. Organization: This evaluation measures the use of training, learning and change in job
behavior in the form of increased productivity, quality, morale, sales turnover and the like.
5. Ultimate value: Measures the ultimate results of training, its contributions towards
achievements of organization goals like growth, profitability etc.

Methods of Evaluation:

1. Questionnaire: A detailed questionnaire can be used to obtain opinions, reactions, and views
of trainees.
2. Tests: Standard tests can be conducted to check how much the trainees have learnt.
3. Interviews: One to one interview with trainees to know their reactions regarding training.
4. Human Resource Factors: Evaluation can be done based on employee satisfaction, which can
be determined by decrease in absenteeism, accidents, grievances, dismissals etc.

5. Studies: Comprehensive studies can be carried out eliciting the opinions and judgments of
trainers, superiors, colleagues etc.
6. Cost benefit Analysis: The cost of training (cost of hiring, tools to learn, training centers,
production stoppage etc) could be compared with its value (in terms of improved learning,
superior performance etc.)
7. Feedback: Identify gaps in the training programmer, correction measures needs to be taken for

Management development is all those activities and programmer when recognized and
controlled have substantial influence in changing the capacity of the individual to perform his
assignment better and ingoing so all likely to increase his potential for future assignments. Thus,
Page 17
management development is a combination of various training programmer, though some kind
of training is necessary, it is the overall development of the competency of managerial personal
in the light of the present requirement as well as the future requirement. Development an
activity designed to improve the performance of existing managers and to provide for a planned
growth of managers to meet future organizational requirements is management development.

Training Process Needs Assessment:

1. Organization Support
2. Organizational Analysis
3. Tasks and KSA Analysis
4. Person Analysis

Difference between Training and Development:

Training Development

1. 1 . Training refers to teaching specific skills Development is more general, aims to

&behavior provide knowledge & understanding

2. Training is meant for operatives Development is meant for managers

3. 3. Training improve specific skills relating Development improves total personality of

to a job an individual

4. Training is one shot deal It’s a continuous process

5. 5. Scope of training is to individual Scope is for entire work group or

employees organization

6. 6. Its due to initiative taken by This is due to result of internal motivation


7. 7. it seeks to meet current requirements of a It seeks to meet future requirements


8. Training is reactive process Development is proactive and future oriented


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Theories of Training and Development

1. Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model:

The Kirkpatrick evaluation model or theory was developed in 1959 by University of Wisconsin
professor emeritus Donald Kirkpatrick. It consists of four levels of evaluation: reaction of
participants; learning, or the knowledge and skills gained; behavior, or the ability to apply the
new skills; and results, or the organizational impact. Each level of evaluation builds upon and
adds precision to the previous level.

The reaction:

The reaction level measures how training participants react, including their level of
participation; ease and comfort of experience; and the level of effort required to make the most
of the learning. A reaction evaluation is inexpensive and simple to administer using interaction
with the participants, post-training surveys and online questionnaires. The evaluation can be
done immediately after the training ends. It is important that participants have a positive
reaction to the training sessions because a negative reaction leads to poor learning.

The learning:

Learning evaluations are usually conducted before and after a training program to assess the
impact the program has had on the learning process. Evaluations assess whether participants
have advanced in knowledge, skills and intellectual capacity as a result of the training. Learning
evaluation tools include self-assessment using online questionnaires and tests, and formal
assessment through interviews and observations. Learning evaluation is especially relevant for
technical training because technical skill level changes are usually more quantifiable.


Behavior evaluation assesses the extent to which training participants apply the learning in their
jobs. The evaluation is usually done over a period of time to determine if the participants use
the new skills and knowledge on the job, improve their performance and transfer the knowledge
to their peers. Tools include observations, questionnaires, tests and interviews. Behavior
evaluations take more time and effort than reaction and learning evaluations. It is important to
involve the line managers and immediate supervisors in the process because they are in the
best position to observe and assess participant behavior changes.

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Results evaluation determines the success of a training program in operational and strategic
terms, such as increased sales, reduced expenses, improved quality and reduced cases of
workplace injuries. However, it may not always be possible to correlate improved operational
performance with training. For example, improvements in product quality may be due to better
design tools and more qualified staff, not just a new quality training program. External factors,
such as changes in the economy and the competitive environment, may also influence
operational results.

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The Process of Training and Development:

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Methods of Training and Development in Vision Plus:

1. On the Job Methods:

 It is also known as job instruction training
 It is most commonly used method
 Under this method, the individual is placed on a regular job & taught the skills
necessary to perform that job.
 This method is also called “learning by doing”
 In this method trainee learns under the guidance or supervision of the supervisor or

A. Coaching: In coaching, the superior plays an active role in training the subordinate. The
superior may assign challenging task to the subordinate for the purpose of training.

The superior may assist and advice the subordinate to complete the assigned task. In this
case, the superior acts as a coach in training the subordinate.

A limitation of this method is that the trainee may not have the freedom or opportunity to
express his own ideas. This method of training motivate the employees in Vision Plus.

B. Job Instruction: This method is also known as training through step by step. Under this
method, the trainer explains to the trainee the way of doing the jobs, job knowledge & skills &
allows him to do the job. The trainer appraises the performance of the trainee, provides
feedback, information & corrects the trainer. This method of training motivate the employees
in Vision Plus.

C. Committee Assignment: Under this method, a group of trainees are given & asked to
solve an actual organizational problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly. It develops the
team work.

2. Off the Job Method:

• Under this method the trainee learns outside the job and involves himself in full time learning.

• In this method of training, the trainees is separated from the job situation & his attention
is focused upon learning the material related to his future job performance.

• There is an opportunity for freedom of expression for the trainees.

Page 22
a. Vestibule Training:

In this method, actual work conditions are simulated in a class room. Material, files, &
equipment which are used in actual job performance are also used in training. This type of
training is commonly used for training personnel for clerical &semi-skilled jobs. The duration
of this training ranges from days to few weeks. Theory can be related to practice in this method.

b. Role Playing:

It is defined as a method of human interaction that involves realistic behavior imaginary

situation. This method of training involves action doing & practice, the participants play the
role of certain characters such as the production manager, mechanical engineer, workers etc.
this method is mostly used for developing inter personal interaction & relations.

c. Lecture Method:

This is also called class room training. The special lectures can be given by the top executive
of the organization or by the specialist in a particular field. The person is generally expert in the
particular field. The trainees generally had the note books to note down the important points
said by the expert.

This method can also be used for the new entrant in the organization or to deliver the message
to large group in that case the cost per trainee is less. This method of training motivate the
employees in Vision Plus.

d. Conference or Discussion:

It is a method in training the clerical, professional & supervisory personnel. This method
involves a group of people who pose ideas, share facts, ideas, and data& draw conclusions all
of which contribute to the improvement of job performance. In this method it involves two way
communications& hence feedback is provided the participants feel free to speak in small
groups. This method of training motivate the employees in Vision Plus.

e. Professional skill training:

Here, training is given to Professional staff such as Accountants, Surveyors, Auditors, and
Architects etc. Organization provides this training to newly joined professionals to gain the
professional qualification and it is also given to the existing professional

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Chapter - 2 Research Methodology

Title of the Study:

A Study on Employees Training and Development at Vision Plus Private Limited

Need for the Study:

Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular
job. It utilizes a systematic and organized procedure by which employee learns technical
knowledge and skills. Training refers to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the
primary purpose of helping members of an organization.

Training is closely related with education and development but needs to be differentiated from
these terms. It is aimed at improving the behavior and performance of a person.

Training is a continuous and life long process. Training provides an atmosphere of sharing
synthesizing with the help of the trainers, the information already available on the subject.

Objectives of the Study:

1. To recognize the meaning, nature, scope and features of the training and development.
2. To know how the training and development program effects on the employee
3. To study the employees perception towards organisational training and development.
4. To study the methods used in training the employees.
5. To determine which kind of training and development programs are effective in
6. To study the effectiveness of training and development programs in vision plus.
7. To give the suggestion for the growth and perspective of the company.

Research Methodology:
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be
understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the
various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along

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with the logic behind them.

Methodology gives us the blueprint of activities to be carried out systematically in order to

complete the study successfully.

 Formulating the Research Problem

 Extensive Literature Review
 Developing the Objectives
 Preparing the Research Design including Sample Design
 Collecting the Data
 Analysis of Data
 Preparation of the Report or Presentation of Results, Formal write ups of
 Generalization and Interpretation and Conclusion

1. Questionnaire: A questionnaire was served to all the employees asking their opinion about the
effectives of training and development programs at Vision Plus Private Limited.

2. Personal Interview: A face-to-face talk is carried out with the employees where I asked several
employees about their feelings and opinions on various aspects of their jobs and organization.
3. Company Data and Reports: Certain reports from the HRD department provided the
information as to the total no of employees, schedule of training programs, number of persons
attending it and other such things, which indicated the employee performance on the job after
attending these training programs.
Data Collection:
To produce a reliable questionnaire both primary and secondary information was used.
Primary data is the first hand information; the questionnaire was prepared by me under the
guidance of the mentor wherein I used Likert five-point scale and closed ended questions for
measuring attitudes of the employees for my study.
The questionnaire comprised 20 questions which covered all the aspects of measuring
“the effectiveness of training and development”.

1. Primary Data:
An instrument is used to collect the required information from the employees and also interact
the employees personally.
Primary data helps us in making observation of employee’s behaviors, talk gestures which

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helped me in identifying the attitude of employees towards the training program and the
effectiveness of the training program in the organization.
Primary Data Sources:

a. Questionnaire
b. Observation
c. Interview
2. Secondary Data:
It was collected from the website of the company, and the company personnel, certain reports
from the HR department. The research also took the help of the books and journal.
Secondary Data:

a. Book
b. Periodicals or journals
c. Research thesis and dissertations
d. Footnotes
e. Encyclopedias
f. Websites/blogs
Both primary and secondary data served the purpose in measuring the effectiveness of training
and development at Vision Plus Private Limited. Both are equally essential for any type of
Research Design:

A research design is the assignment of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner
that aims to combine relevance to the search purpose formidable problem that follow the fact
defining the research is the preparation in this study the researcher has made use of the
descriptive research design this is used to determine some definitive purpose with the help of
structured questionnaire to further primary information to focus on the accurate description of
the variable present in the problem

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Chapter - 3 Company Profile

History of Vision Plus Private Limited:

Vision plus private limited is a company which has a various products and services which is
taken as agreement in different sectors like BPO and other services. Here BPO is one of the
products taken privately by the vision plus private limited to provide services .The main head
office is located in Delhi and sub branch is located in Bangalore and server is in Hyderabad,
here vision plus private has taken Broadband and Landline services ( BSNL) for a contract.
Before in 2010 the company was running with the Prepaid and Post-paid services (BSNL) of
GSM for 5 years from 2010-2014, in this period there were less than 180 employees working.
After that those service has been changed to the broadband and landline services in 2014 and it
has taken for the contract by vision plus private limited. In Bangalore the BSNL Broadband and
Landline services are given throughout south and east. This company is taken under five years
agreement every five years the contract changes for different service by this vision plus private
limited. At present In Bangalore there are more than 400 employees working under vision plus
private limited.

This process has started in the year 2014 in Bangalore .

Page 27
Organization Strategy: Vision and mission statements play an important role in strategy
development by providing vehicles to generate and screen strategic options. They also provide
organizational identity and understanding of business directions.


A vision is a dream or a picture to be achieved ultimately and to become the largest telecom
service provider in India. Created by consensus forms mental image of future to which people
can align. Describes something possible, not necessarily predictable provides direction and
focus pulls people, who hold it, towards it.


A mission is to provide world class state-of-art technology service to its customer on demand
competitive prices and world class telecom infrastructure in its area of operation and to
contribute to the growth of country’s economy. Does not state an outcome contains no time
limit or measurement. It provides basis for decisions on resource allocation and appropriate
objectives. It defines current and future business in terms of product, score, customer, reason,
and market price.


Results to be archived describe ideal states to be achieved at some unidentified future time.
Defined consistent with related directly to vision and mission. Guide everyday decisions and
actions. Do not necessarily deal with measurable results.

Work Culture:
Teamwork, leadership, motivation, etc. are the management principles followed at vision plus
private limited.

Page 28
Chapter – 4 Data Analysis and Interpretation

Data Analysis and Interpretation

1. Like to attend training program in an organization as a new joining .

Like to attend training program No. of Respondents Percentage

N= 100
Yes 99 99%
No 1 1%
100 100%

figure 1

Like to attend training program






Yes No


In Table 1 and Figure 1, 99%of the respondents agree that they like to attend training program
and 1% of the respondents does not like to attend training program for their necessary

(primary sources)

Page 29
2. Meaning of Training

No. of

Meaning of Training Respondents Percentage

N= 100
Learning 11 11%
Enhancement 2 2%
Sharing Information 5 5%
Knowledge and Skills 82 82%
100 100%

figure 2

Meaning of Training






10% 5%
Learning Enhancement Sharing Information Knowledge and Skills


In Table 2 and Figure 2, 82% of the respondents agree that training means it is knowledge and
skills, 11% of the respondents agree that training means learning, 5% of the respondents agree
that training for them is sharing information and 2 % of the respondents agree that training is
enhancement of their knowledge and skills necessary for their performance.

( primary sources )

Page 30
3. Training program is essential for both new employees and existing employees.

No. of
Training program is essential for both new
Respondents Percentage
employees and existing employees
N= 100
Yes 89 89%
No 11 11%
100 100%

Figure - 3

Training program is essential for both new employees and existing

Yes No


In Table 3 and Figure 3, 89%of the respondents agree that training program is essential for both
new employees and existing employee, 11% of the respondents does not agree with the

( primary sources )

Page 31
4.Training is well planned in your organization.

No. of
Training is well planned in your organization Respondents Percentage
N= 100
Yes 96 96%
No 4 4%
100 100%

Figure 4:

Training is well planned in your organization


100% 96%




Yes No


In Table 5 and Figure 5, 96%of the respondents agree that training is well planned in their
organization, 4% of the respondents does not agree that it is well planned.
( primary sources )

Page 32
5. Training programs are conducted in your organization oftenly

Training programs are conducted in your No. of Percentage

organization often Respondents
N= 100
Every month 73 73%
Quarterly 19 19%
Half yearly 6 6%
Once in a year 2 2%
100 100%

Figure 5

Training programs are conducted in your organization often






10% 6%
Every month Quarterly Half yearly Once in a year


In Table 6 and Figure 6, 73% of the respondents agree that every month training programs are
conducted in their organization, 19% of the respondents agree that quarterly required training
programs in their organisation. 6% of the respondents agreed that training is required half
yearly, and 2 % of the respondents agreed that once in a year they conduct training programs to
their employees.
( primary sources )

Page 33
6. Training program is compulsory for the employees to work better.

No. of
Training program is compulsory for the Respondents Percentage
employees to work better N= 100
Yes 99 99%
No 1 1%
100 100%

Figure 6

Training program is compulsory for the employees to work better






Yes No


In Table 7 and Figure 7, majority of the respondents agree that training program is
compulsory for the employees to work better.

( primary sources )

Page 34
7. Training is helpful in enhancing productivity and performance of employees.

Training is helpful in enhancing productivity and No. of

performance of employees Respondents Percentage
N= 100
Agree 64 64%
Strongly agree 33 33%
Neutral 2 2%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly disagree 1 1%
100 100%

Figure 7:

Training is helpful in enhancing productivity and performance of an






2% 0% 1%
Agree Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree


In Table 8 and Figure 8, 97% of the respondents agree that training is helpful in enhancing
productivity and performance of an employee, 2% of the respondents neutral in their opinion
and only 1% of the respondent disagree with the statement.
( primary sources )

Page 35
8. Method of training is used in your organization.

No. of
Method of training is used in your organization Respondents Percentage
N= 100
Coaching 65 65%
Job rotation 3 3%
Conference 17 17%
Role playing 5 5%
Others 10 10%
100 100%

Figure 8:

Method of training is used in your organization

70% 65%





20% 17%
10% 5%
Coaching Job rotation conference Role playing others


In Table 9 and Figure 9, 65% of the respondents agree that coaching is the method to use
training in the organisation. 17% of the respondent’s agree that they consider conference as
their training, 5% of the respondents agree that role playing is the method which they used for
training and rest 3% agree that job rotation is the method which they use to their employees in
the organisation.

( primary sources )

Page 36
9. Barriers to training and development in the organization

No. of
Barriers to training and development in the organization Respondents Percentage
N= 100
Lack of interest 48 48%
Non availability of skilled trainer 10 10%
Lack of time 1 1%
Finance problem 5 5%
others 36 36%
100 100%

Figure 9:

Barriers to training and development in the organization


50% 48%

40% 36%



Lack of interest Non availability of Lack of time Finance problem others
skilled trainer


In Table 10 and Figure 10, 48% of the respondents agree that lack of interest is the barrier for
training and development in their organization. 10% of the respondents agree that barrier may
be non availability of skilled labours. 5% of the respondents may agree that finance is the barrier
for training and development for their organisation and rest of the respondents says it is due to
some other factor.

Page 37
10. How long does it take to implement the trained process?

How long does it take to implement the trained No. of

process? Respondents Percentage
N= 100
Less than 1 month 20 20%
2-3 months 77 77%
4-5 months 3 3%
6 months 0 0%
100 100%

Figure 10:

How long does it take to implement the trained process


80% 77%




10% 3%
Less than 1 month 2-3 months 4-5 months 6 months


In Table 11 and Figure 11, 77% of the respondents agree that within 2-3 months they need to
implement training process, 20% of the respondents agree that they need minimum of one
month for implementing training. 3% of the respondents agree that they need 4 to 5 months to
implement training process in their organisation.

Page 38
11. Training is relevant to the needs of the organization.

No. of
Training is relevant to the needs of the organization
Respondents Percentage
N= 100
Yes 98 98%
No 2 2%
100 100%

Figure 11:

Training is relevant to needs of the organization






Yes No


In Table 12 and Figure 12, majority of the respondents agree that training is relevant to needs
of the organization.

( primary sources )

Page 39
12. Training helps to increase the motivation level of employees.

No. of
Training helps to increase the motivation level of Respondents Percentage
employees N= 100
Agree 30 30%
Strongly agree 68 68%
Neutral 1 1%
Disagree 0 0%
Strongly disagree 1 1%
100 100%

Figure 12:

Training helps to increase the motivation level of employees


70% 68%





1% 0% 1%
Agree Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree


In Table 14 and Figure 14, 68% of the respondents strongly agree that training helps to increase
motivational level of the employees. 30% of the respondents agree that it helps to improve
employee and employer relationship, 1% of the respondents neutral in their opinion and only
1% of the respondents strongly disagree that it does not help to improve employee and employer

Page 40
13. Training method focus on developing team work and leadership skills

No. of
Training method focus on developing team work and Respondents Percentage
leadership skills
N= 100
Agree 39 39%
Strongly agree 42 42%
Neutral 4 4%
Disagree 10 10%
Strongly Disagree 5 5%
100 100%

Figure 13:

Training method focus on developing team work and leadership skills

45% 42%





4% 5%

Agree Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree


In Table 16 and Figure 16, 81% of the respondents agree that training method focus on
developing team work and leadership skills, 15% of the respondents not agree with the

Page 41
14. Are you satisfied with the effectiveness of training program

No. of
Are you satisfied with the effectiveness of training Respondents Percentage
N= 100

Excellent 63 63%
Very good 28 28%
Average 8 8%
Poor 1 1%
100 100%

Figure 14

Are you satisfied with the effectiveness of training program




30% 28%


10% 8%
Excellent Very good Average Poor


In Table 19 and Figure 19, 63% of the respondents agree that effectiveness of training program
is excellent, 28% of the respondents agree that effectiveness of training program is very good,
8% of the respondents agree that it is average and 1 % of the responded agree that ispoor.

Page 42
Chapter – 5 Findings, Suggestions & Conclusion


1.99%of the respondents agree that they like to attend training program.
2.82% of the respondents agree that training means it is knowledge and skills.
3.Majority of the respondents agree that training program is essential for both new
employees and existing employee.

4.Majority of the respondents agree that training is well planned in their organization.
5.73% of the respondents agree that every month training programs are conducted in their
6.Majority of the respondents agree that training program is compulsory for the employees to
work better.
7.97% of the respondents agree that training is helpful in enhancing productivity and
performance of an employee.
8.65% of the respondents agree that coaching is the method to use training in the
9.48% of the respondents agree that lack of interest is the barrier for training and
development in their organization.
10. 77% of the respondents agree that within 2-3 months they need to implement training
process in their organization.
11. Majority of the respondents agree that training is relevant to needs of the organization.

12. 68% of the respondents strongly agree that training helps to increase motivational level of the
13. 63% of the respondents agree that effectiveness of training program is excellent.

14. 95% of the respondents agree that feedback can evaluate the effectiveness of training

Page 43
Findings from the Organisation:

a. The environment of the organisation must be very friendly which will help employees in
satisfaction of the work and others factors.
b. The organisation has many fresher’s from which they work very enthusiastically and
there can be more productivity.
c. The relationship between the superior and subordinate is very good and this will bring the
organisation and employees to work in a good environment.
d. Organisation provides employee opportunity to the people who are not properly educated or
highly qualified.
e. The organisation gives them proper training and improve them.

Page 44

1. Employees should decide and determine the training programs that they need so that they can
work more effectively and efficiently, employees should decide some of the training they would
like to undergo.
2. The HR department should conduct briefing and debriefing sessions for employees for training
as to give them an idea as to why this training is been conducted and what they have to learn in
the training program conducted and also after training completion they should take a feedback
as to how effective was the training so that the necessary improvements in training programs
can be considered and implemented.
3. Apart from on-job training programs the HR Department should conduct constant value
addition programs such as Time management, Stress management trainings, group dynamics,
grievance redressal; these will help to add value and is also essential in today’s business
4. Performance of every employee undergone training should be evaluated so as to get Improved
quality of training activities, Improve ability of the trainers to relate inputs to output know their
understanding about the training programme conducted
5. Training program should evaluate the abilities, competencies and potentials of the trainees for
a particular job or work skills.
6. It should aim to narrow down the gap between expected level of performance and the actual
level of performance.
7. It should provide new recruits or trainees a scientific pace for imbibing the knowledge and
skills required to discharge their duties and responsibilities meaningfully and purposefully.
8. The company should conduct training programs at regular intervals, which helps the employees
to enhance their knowledge for their current jobs.
9. The company should design the training program based on the current requirement, which
includes development of technical skills, personality development, time management, computer
knowledge etc.
10. The training session should be made more interactive and participative so that trainees and
trainer are in constant interaction

Page 45

HRM is nothing but managing the human resource, from the date of recruitment till the
retirement and each employee needs some training program to develop their skills and ability.
Today we are living in a competitive world in order to survive among other factors, it is the
employees who make the organisation reach their desired goal. Identification the training and
development needs in the employees which is very important in the organisation .it will help to
achieve individual goals has well has organisation goals it also help in productivity of the
present employees and also the standard of living of the employees and their family

When proper training and development is provided from the organisation to the employees, it
helps increase the employee’s interest towards the work and also the organisation, when training
and development is done by the organisation, it helps to recognize the present level of the
employees and what changes are needed to improve their skills, attitude knowledge, experience
and also it is able to recognize the negativity of the present problems in the programs which are
improving the profits, goodwill.

There are lot of problems which are faced by the organisation because of the lack of training
they can be like accidents, injuries fights, work environment, alcohol and harassment,
machineries can also be a major part of failure so training on all this teams is to be given
properly and the organisation should understand the problems of the employees. Training must
be given in factors which are mostly affected on the employees such has on-the-job programs.

According to the study conducted we can conclude that the overall satisfaction level of
employees in relation to the training programs is moderate.

The employees agree that the training programs help to increase productivity and achieve the
organizational goal.

The employees said that the training programs in the organization are well planned but they are
not satisfied with the duration of the training program and they are also not satisfied with the
evaluation process of training program, they are not evaluated periodically.

The training programs in the organization strongly focus on the technical and managerial
capabilities but these programs are not given adequate importance sometimes because of the
work pressure.

The employees do not take the training programs seriously, as there are no strict rules and

Page 46
regulations to attend the training programs.

The employees are not involved in determining the training need analysis. The training
programs are fixed by the top management.

The quality of the training programs is excellent but the employees are not making the best use
of it.

Therefore we can conclude that the training programs in the organization are excellent but they
have been not utilized properly by the employees as the training programs are not mad
compulsory to all the departments. There is a broader scope to develop and improve its training
programs in future in order to meet the requirements of the global market

Page 47
Chapter - 6 Annexure and Bibliography

Annexure Questionnaire

Questionnaire on Training and Development

Uma P. S pursuing my bachelor of business management (H.R) has undertaken a project study
on training and development in your esteemed organisation. I would be great full if you would
kindly make it convenient to spare your valuable time for filling up questionnaire enclosed.

I do undertake that the information collected through this questionnaire shall be kept
confidential and will be used for academic purpose only.

1. Do you like to attend the training program in an organization as new joining ?

a. Yes
b. No

2. What do you understand by training?

a. Learning
b. Enhancement
c. Sharing information
d. Knowledge and skills

3. Do you feel training program is essential for both new employees and existing employees.
a. Yes
b. No

4. Do you agree that organization considers training as a part of organizational strategy?

a. Agree
b. Strongly Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

Page 48
5. Do you agree that training is well planned in your organization?
a. Yes
b. No

6. How often the training programs are conducted in your organization?

a. Every month
b. Quarterly
c. Half yearly
d. Once in a year

7. Do you feel training program is compulsory for the employees to work better?
a. Yes
b. No

8. Do you agree that training is helpful in enhancing productivity and performance of an

a. Agree
b. Strongly Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

9. What method of training is used in your organization?

a. Coaching
b. Job Rotation
c. Conference
d. Role playing
e. Others

10. What are the barriers to training and development in your organization?
a. Lack of interest
b. Non availability of skilled trainer
c. Lack of time
d. Finance Problem
e. Others

11. How long does it take to implement the trained process?

a. Less than 1 Month
b. 2 - 3 Months
c. 4 - 5 Months
d. 6 Months

12. Whether training is relevant to the needs of the organization?

a. Yes
b. No

Page 49
13. Does training help to improve employee and employer relationship?
a. Agree
b. Strongly Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

14. Does training helps to increase the motivation level of employees?

a. Agree
b. Strongly Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

15. Training program enable the employees to be accountable and authoritative in making
a. Agree
b. Strongly Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

16. Does the training method focus on developing team work and leadership skills?
a. Agree
b. Strongly Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

17. Do you agree that instructor responses to trainees doubts?

a. Agree
b. Strongly Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

18. Employees who use their training are given preference for new assignments.
a. Agree
b. Strongly Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

Page 50
19. Are you satisfied with the effectiveness of training program?
a. Excellent
b. Very good
c. Average
d. Poor

20. Do you think that the feedback can evaluate the effectiveness of training program?
a. Yes
b. No

Page 51
References Books:
1. Training and Development – SubbaRao
2. Human Resource Personal Management – K. Ashwatappa
3. Human Resource Management - Gary Dessler


a. Nov 2004


Page 52

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