PF Eng
PF Eng
PF Eng
The Employees' Provident Fund Scheme or EPF, introduced in India in 1952, is a retirement benefit
scheme where, both the employer and the employee, contribute a certain sum every month till the
employee is working. 12% of your basic salary is contributed towards PF every month
Incase name in Aadhar and Bank account are same and only if name in PF portal needs to be changed,
please contact your agency supervisor – Name: XXXX and Contact number: YYYY.
If one of the document is matching with PF portal and only either Aadhar / Bank account name is wrong,
you can choose to correct the one document which is not matching with others.
Physical Application
You can visit the PF office and submit the form with the employer’s attestation to the respective
jurisdictional EPFO office.
Online Application
Transfer of PF:
Please also ensure that you transfer the PF from your previous employer. Refer annexure 5 for more
detailed steps. You can also contact your agency supervisor – Name: XXXX and Contact number:
EPFO will contact you by SMS once your cell phone number is linked to your UAN. This number may also
be modified online in a few simple steps:
To access your EPF account via the UAN, you may not have your old phone number or have forgotten
your password. In the event that you have forgotten your password, please follow the steps below to
update both your cell phone number and your password
5) STEP 1 – Login to A to Z and Select the More Option in the bottom right corner.
Step 2- Select “Tools And Resources” and again “Resources” and then “ALLSEC”.
Step 3 – Login to Allsec and then Select “More ” on the top left corner and select “ Employee
Documents” in that select “Payslips”
Step 4 – Click on “Download” and your payslip will downloaded and saved in your mobile device. You
can view UAN in payslip as below
5) Transfer of PF:
1. Open the below link to go EPFO Login page.
Link -
2. Enter the UAN Number, Password and Captcha in the initial screen.
3. In the below screen, click on “Online Services” and select the option “ONE MEMBER – ONE EPF
4. In the below screen, select “Present Employer” and enter the “UAN Number”.
After that click the “Get Details” button.
5. Select your previous companies from the “Select Establishment” drop down box.
6. Select the Previous company from which you want to transfer the PF balance. Then Click the
“Check Box” just above the “Get OTP” button and Click the “Get OTP” button
Enter the OTP received in your mobile number in the “Enter OTP” box and click on “Submit” button.
7. Transfer Claim will be completed. In the below screen, “Form 13” can be downloaded and
“Transfer status” can be checked.