Spam Traps Cheat Sheet 1
Spam Traps Cheat Sheet 1
Spam Traps Cheat Sheet 1
Both security providers and data management companies typically operate a large number of traps as a so-
called ‘Spam Trap Network’, sometimes also referred to as a ‘sensor network’.
Types of Spam Traps
1. Typo 2. Pristine
A Typo trap is an email address that is hosted on Pristine Traps are email addresses that have
a domain that looks like a real mailbox provider, never had real active mailboxes associated with
like like “”. them. They are published and embedded into
websites so that poor list acquisition processes
Typo traps usually end up on your list when a or spammy senders can be easily identified.These
real person tries to sign up for your mailings but traps are considered the most serious since
makes a mistake when entering in their email they are indicative of very bad list acquisition
address. These addresses signal that you should practices, as there is no legitimate way that a
work to simplify and optimize your sign up flow. pristine could have entered a list.
We don’t see these as pristine hits since they are
most likely caused by human error, which leads us Classifying Typo traps, which are easily explained
into the next type. by human error, as Pristine traps make networks
that confuse the two materially less useful than
those that approach it strictly and qualify Typo
3. Recycled
Traps separately.
Sources of Traps
Microsoft reports spam trap hits on their own
trap network as part of their SNDS service (Smart
Network Data Services). SNDS gives you the
data you need to understand and improve your
reputation at We incorporate those
SNDS hits into our comprehensive views within
our Spam Trap Monitor feature in Inbox Tracker.
Recommendations for Resolving Spam Trap Issues