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Loknete Hon.

Hanmantrao Patil Charitable Trust’s

MSBTE- 0991

(Year: 2023-24)

Micro Project
Object oriented programming using c++ (22316)

Title of the Project: Cricket Score Management Applications

Branch: Computer Technology (CM3I)

Members of the Group:

1. Deshmukh Ritesh Rajkumar Roll No.2161

2. Dange Mohammadabbas Imtiyaz Roll No. 2162

3. Godse Sanika Hemant Roll No. 2163

4. Shaikh Shahista Umar Roll No. 2164

5. Rade Prathamesh Vikas Roll No. 2165

6. Shaikh Sabiya Younus Roll No. 2165


Progress Report / Weekly Report

Title of the Project: Cricket Score Management Applications

Course: OOP(22316) Program: Computer Technology (CM3I)

Sign of
Week Duration
Date Work / Activity Performed the
No in Hrs.






Teacher Evaluation Sheet for Micro Project

Course Title and Code: Object oriented programming using c++ (22316)

Title of the Project: - Cricket Score Management Applications

Group No: 13

COs addressed by the Micro Project:

CO a: Develop programs using C++-Programming Language methodology.

CO b:

CO c: -

CO d: -

CO e: -

CO f: -


Marks Marks obtained

for by the Total
Roll No. Name Of Student Group individual Marks
Work based on viva (10)
(06) (04)
2161 Deshmukh Ritesh Rajkumar
2162 Dange Mohammadabbas Imtiyaz
2163 Godse Sanika Hemant
2164 Shaikh Shahista Umar
2165 Shaikh Sabiya Younus
2166 Patil Sanika Dinkar

Name and designation of Faculty Member: Mr. D.R.Pawar

Lecturer (Computer Technology Department)
Loknete Hon. HanmantraoPatil Charitable Trust’s
Adarsh Institute of Technology & Research Centre Vita,

This is to certify that he micro project report entitled

“Cricket Score Management Applications”

Submitted by

Sr. No. Name of Student Roll No.

01 Deshmukh Ritesh Rajkumar 2161
02 Dange Mohammadabbas Imtiyaz 2162
03 Godse Sanika Hemant 2163
04 Shaikh Shahista Umar 2164
05 Shaikh Sabiya Younus 2165
06 Patil Sanika Dinkar 2166

For Third Semester of Diploma in Computer Technology of course for academic year 2023-24
Object oriented programming using c++ (22316) as per MSBTE, Mumbai curriculum of ‘I’

(Computer Technology)


Project Guide H.O.D. Principal

Mr. D.R.Pawar Mr.A.A.Vankudre Dr.P.S.Patil

I express my sincere gratitude to Mr. D.R.Pawar Department of Computer Technology, for his/her
stimulating guidance, continuous encouragement and supervision throughout the course of present

I would like to place on record my deep sense of gratitude to Prof.A.A.Vankudre HOD-

Department of Computer Technology, for his generous guidance, help and useful suggestions.

I am extremely thankful to Principal Dr.P.S.Patil for this motivation and providing me

infrastructural facilities to work in, without which this work would not have been possible.

I would like to express my gratitude to all my colleagues for their support, co-operation and
fruitful discussions on diverse seminar topics and technical help.

Name of Student Sign

1. Deshmukh Ritesh rajkumar
2. Dange Mohammadabbas Imtiyaz
3. Godse Sanika Hemant
4. Shaikh Shahista Umar
5. Shaikh Sabiya Younus
6. Patil Sanika Dinkar

Sr. No. Content Page No.

1.0 Rationale

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

3.0 Literature Review

4.0 Actual Methodology Followed

5.0 Actual Resources Used

6.0 Outputs of the Micro Project

7.0 Skill Developed / learning out of this Micro Project

8.0 Applications of this Micro Project

9.0 Area of Future Improvement

PART A - Micro-Project Proposal

Title of Micro-Project: Cricket Score Management Applications

1.0 Brief Introduction

The project cricket scorecard developed in C++ is used to provide user with an update of the
cricket even when The user is not watching the mach. The user can use this website anytime,
anywhere to see the teams, matches,Player’s squad, runs scored by each player and can also view
the reviews and commentary. This gives original Experience of watching the match by the
user.Software or website developed must be built from user’s point of view. It must be able to
fulfil all the Drawbacks that user’s face in existing system. Our system fulfils and satisfies the user
also it gives the Experience of watching the match by adding the commentary in the website. The
website is maintained by Admin where he/she updates the score without any delay. Adding teams,
matches, players and score of each Player is the responsibilities of admin. User can just register
with their basic details and login to the website to View the team details and scores of individual.
The system overcomes all the drawbacks and maintains.

2.0 Aim of the Micro-Project

Cricket Score Management Applications.

3.0 Intended Course Outcomes

Develop programs using C++-Programming Language methodology.

5.0 Proposed Methodology

1) Knowing the basics of the topic.

2) Decide aim of the project and collect the data.

3) Prepare project proposal.

4) Search Literature reviews.

5) Analysis of data.

6) Discussion over preparing and correction in booklet and report.

7) Converting the content of project in report writing.

8) Checking and correction in report writing.

9) Rechecking and finalizing report writing.

10) Final submission and oral presentation of micro project.

6.0 Resources Required

Name of Resource/ Material Specifications Quantiy

1 Laptop/PC Hp intel core i3 1

2 Dev c++ 1

3 Books Object oriented programming 1

using c++
Google links www.tutorialspoints.com

7.0 Action Plan

Planned Name of
Sr. Planned
Details of activity Finish Responsible Team
No. start date
date Members

1 Project Proposal All Members

2 Data Collection & Analysis All Members

3 Preparation of Prototype/ Model All Members

4 Preparation of Report All Members

5 Presentation & Submission All Members

PART B - Micro- Project Proposal

Title of Micro-Project: Cricket Score Management Applications

1.0 Rationale:
Cricket score management application very simple project showing the implementation of class along
with the object of C++ language. This project is very simple to understand, and it will help you learn
how to create class and object in C++ project. Here, the user can perform tasks like install cricket
score information, show score information.The Cricket Score Sheet project is a straightforward C
programming application. It uses file management to store data such as runs, wickets, overs and extras
among others. The program can display runs, wickets, batsman and bowler names, overs, bonuses,
bowlers’ economy, batsman’s strike rate and other statistic

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

 Strong proficiency in C++, with fair knowledge of the language specification.

 Good understanding of memory management in nongarbage collected environments
 Understanding of dynamic polymorphism and C++ specification such as friend classes.

3.0 Literature Reviw

The existing system is used software saves all the team and team members games format system
Manually. Manage the activities like manual decision making, processing, announcement, scoring
data and Handling players & team information are very tough process. Moreover which will make lot
of confusions and Risks to make further process. This leads to wrong decision making in the event.
The existing system is to Manually alerts the system to customer and maintains the player details, and
status are in records. It will be more Difficult to maintain and gathering information about specific
records. It will take more time.As there is lot of data work involved, skilled staffs are used. So it
becomes dependable for the Management on these people. The reports are not verified to the highest
extend to avoid any miscommunication And misfortune of the center.The existing system of watching
cricket is generally on the television. Most matches are not scheduled On holidays and this will allow
people access to the.matchregardless of their location. Some sites do exist that
Display text commentary but they are very impersonalThe proposed system “Cricket Score
management System”.
4.0 Actual Methodology Followed:

Member 1): Name: Dange Mohammadabbas Imtiyaz.

Work: Finalize the group & project

Member 2): Name: Godse Sanika Hemant.

Work: Search information regarding project subject.

Member 3): Name: Shaikh Shahista Umar.

Work: Collect information and discuss with group members about proposal.

Prepare proposal and submit to the guide.

Member 4): Name: Shaikh Sabiya Younus.

Work: Analyze and finalize the information of the project report.

Member 5): Name: Patil Sanika Dinkar.

Work: Write project report

Member 6): Name: Deshmukh Ritesh Rajkumar.

Work: Prepare rough sketch and final chart

5.0 Actual Resources Used

Name of Resource/ Material Specifications Quantity

1 Laptop Hp intel core i3 1

2 Software Dev c++ 1

3 Books Object oriented 1

programming using c++
Google links www.tutorialspoints.com
6.0 Source Code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class CricketScoreboard {
CricketScoreboard(const std::string& team1, const std::string& team2) : team1(team1), team2(team2),
team1_runs(0), team1_wickets(0), team2_runs(0), team2_wickets(0) {}

void addRuns(int team, int runs) {

if (team == 1) {
team1_runs += runs;
else if (team == 2) {
team2_runs += runs;

void addWicket(int team) {

if (team == 1) {
else if (team == 2) {

void displayScore() {
std::cout << "----- Current Scoreboard -----\n";
std::cout << team1 << ": " << team1_runs << "/" << team1_wickets << "\n";
std::cout << team2 << ": " << team2_runs << "/" << team2_wickets << "\n";
std::cout << "-----------------------------\n";

std::string team1;
std::string team2;
int team1_runs;
int team1_wickets;
int team2_runs;
int team2_wickets;
int main() {
std::string team1_name, team2_name;
std::cout << "Enter the name of Team 1: ";
std::cin >> team1_name;
std::cout << "Enter the name of Team 2: ";
std::cin >> team2_name;
CricketScoreboard scoreboard(team1_name, team2_name);

while (true) {
std::cout << "\nOptions:\n";
std::cout << "1. Add runs\n";
std::cout << "2. Add wicket\n";
std::cout << "3. Display score\n";
std::cout << "4. Quit\n";

int choice;
std::cout << "Enter your choice: ";
std::cin >> choice;

if (choice == 1) {
int team, runs;
std::cout << "Enter team (1 or 2): ";
std::cin >> team;
std::cout << "Enter runs scored: ";
std::cin >> runs;
scoreboard.addRuns(team, runs);
else if (choice == 2) {
int team;
std::cout << "Enter team (1 or 2): ";
std::cin >> team;
else if (choice == 3) {
else if (choice == 4) {
std::cout << "Thank you for using the Cricket Score Management Application!" << std::endl;

else {
std::cout << "Invalid choice. Please try again." << std::endl;

return 0;
7.0 Outputs of the Micro-Project:

----- Current Scoreboard -----

Team 1: 50/2
Team 2: 75/1


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