Workforce JF ISR

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Joining Documents

Joining Forms, Documents and Signed Copy of the Appointment Letter

1. All the Joining forms, Documents and the Signed copy of the appointment letter shall have
to be a hard copy/physical copy
2. The Joining documents must reach us before the salary payout, and the form must be fully
completed, in all respects. This is important for the salary payout of the associate
3. The appointment letter is emailed to you or the associate directly, hence a signed copy of
the appointment letter issued by workforce shall have to be attached and couriered to us.
4. Workforce does not issue any payment by cash or bearer cheque, all the salaries will be
only paid through bank transfers
5. The attached list of documents must accompany the Joining form, for the form to be
complete and for the associate set up and salary payment process. Incomplete forms
make it difficult for the associate setup to be completed.
6. Courier the Joining form, Documents and the Signed Appointment Letter to the below
mentioned address

List of Documents
Required to be Submitted along with the Joining Form as hard copies, and all these Documents
are essential

1. AADHAAR Card of the Associate and his dependent family

2. PAN Card of the Associate
3. Bank Cheque Leaf Canceled of the Associate and the Nominee
4. 5 Photographs
5. Updated Resume
6. Signed Copy of the Workforce appointment Letter
7. Reliving Letter of the Previous Company
8. Accepted Resignation Letter of the Previous Company
9. Passport Copy – if available
10. Education Proofs
11. ESIC – Pechan Card
12. UAN Card

Date of Birth: (DD/MM/YYYY)

Address as per AADHAAR

Present Address:

Email ID:

Mobile Number & Residence Phone Number:

PAN Number:

PEHCHAN CARD No.________________________ Enclose a Copy of the Pehchan Card

Please Fill this Form if you don’t have a PEHCHAN Card and Not Covered Under the ESIC Scheme.


Father’s Name

Marital Status

Spouse’s Name


Date of Birth

Disability Status

Present Address


Family Details

Name of the Relationship Date of Birth Weather State of District of

Family Members with the Residing Residence Residence
Employee with the

Nomination Details

Name of the Nominee Relationship with the Percentage Address of the

Employee Nominee
Form is available free of cost

A/C. Group No.



Declaration and Nomination Form under the employees’ Provident Funds (EPF) and
Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS)

(Paragraph 33 & 61(1) of the Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme, 1952 & Paragraph 18 of the
Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995)

Name(In Block Letters): Date Of Joining in EPF ’52 :

Father’s/Husband Name : Date Of Joining in E.P.F.

‘71/E.P.S. ‘95

Date Of Birth : Permanent Address :

Sex : Temporary Address :

Marital Status : Account No. :


I hereby nominate the person(s) cancel the nomination made by me previously and
nominate the person(s), mentioned below to receive the amount standing to my
credit in the Employees’ Provident Fund, in the event of my death.

Name of Address Nominee’s Date Total amount If the

the relationship of of share of nominee
Nominee with the Birth accumulations is a minor,
in Provident Name &
/ member
Fund to relationship
Be paid to & address
each of the
nominee. guardian
who may
receive the
during the
minority of
1 2 3 4 5 6

1. * Certified that I have no family as defined in Para. 2(g) of the Employees’

Provident Fund Scheme, 1952 and should I acquire a family hereafter, the
above nomination should be deemed as cancelled.
2. * Certified that may father / mother is/are dependent upon me.

Signature or Thumb impression of the subscriber

* Strike out whichever is not applicable

PART-B (EPS) (Para 18)

I hereby furnish below particulars of the members of my family who would be eligible
to receive widow /children Pension in the event of my death.

Sr. Name & Address of the Family Member Date Of Relationship

No Birth with
Name Address
1 2 3 4 5

1. ** Certified that I have no family as defined in Para 2(vii) of the Employees’

Pension Scheme, 1995 and should I acquire a family hereafter I shall furnish
particulars thereon in the above form.

I hereby nominate the following person for receiving the monthly widow
pension admissible under Para 16-2(a) (i) & (ii) in the event of my death
without leaving any eligible family member for receiving pension.

Name and Address of the Nominee Date Of Birth Relationship

with member

Date: Signature or Thumb impression of the subscriber

** Strike out whichever is not applicable

Certified that the above declaration has been signed / thumb impressed
before me by Shri / Smt. / Kum.
employed in my establishment after he/she has read the entries / entries have been
read over to him/her by me and got confirmed by him/her.

Place: Signature of the employer or other authorized

Officers of the establishment

Dated: Designation
Name & Address of Factory / Establishment and
Rubber Stamp thereof.
New Form No.-11 - Declaration Form
(To be retained by tile employer for future reference)
Employees' Provident Fund�, Scheme, 1952 (Paragraph 34 & 57) &
Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995 (Paragraph 24)
(Declaration by a person taking up employment in any establishment on which EPF Scheme, 1952 and /or EPS, 1995 ls applicable)
·--- -------
! 1. Name of the r1ember

2. Father's Name Spouse's Name
(Please tick whichever is applicable)
3, Date of Birth: ( DD I MM/ YYYY)
__, .

4 Gender: (Male/Female/Transgender)
5 Marital Status (Married/Unmarried/Widow/Widower/Divorce :!)
: (a) Email ID:
(b) Mobile No.:
7 Whether earlic�r a member of Employees' Provident Fund Sch eme, Yes/ No
1952 ·- ------
_ ,

8 Whether earlier a member of Employees' Pension Scheme, Yes/ No

Previous employment details: [if Yes to 7 AND/OR 8 , tboveJ
a) Universal Acc:otnt Number:
b) Previous PF Account Number:
9 ·-· .

c) Date of eKit from previous employment: (DD/MM/YYYY)

d) Scheme Certificate No. (if issued)
·-----·---· •-----

e) Pension Payment Order (PPO) No. (if issued)

a) International Worker: Yes/ No

b) If yes, state country cf origin (India/Name of other cour ·try)

10 ---·-
c) Passport "lo. !

d) Validity of' passport [(DD/MM/YYYY) to (DD/MM/YYYY)]

·----·· · -

KYC Details: (attach self attested copies of following KYCs)

11 l a) Bank Account l\lo. & IFS Code
b) AADHAR Numb,:r
c) Permanent Account Number (PAN), if available
1) Certified tha: the particulars are true to the best of my knowledge.
2) I authorize E:PFO to use my Aadhar for veriflcation/authenticalion/eKYC purpose for service delivery.
3) Kindly transfer U1e funds and service details, if applicable, from the previous PF account as declared above to the present P.F. Account.
(The transfer would be possible only if the identified KYC detail approved by previous employer has been verified by present employer
using his Di11ital SitJnature Certificate)
4) In case of changes in above details, the sar1e will be intimate,j to employer at the earliest.

Place: Signature of Member
A. The member Mr,/Ms./Mrs. .... ....... has joined on ..................... .. and has been allotted PF Number

8. In case the person was earlier not a member of EPF Scheme, 1952 and EPS, 1995:
(Post allotm,ent of UAN) The UAN allotted for the member is .......................... .
• Please Tick the Appropriate Option:
Tr1e KYC details of the above member in the 1JAN database
riave not been uploaded
r Have been uploaded but not approved
l Have been uploaded and approved with DSC
C. In case the person was earlier a member of EPF Scheme, 1952 and EPS, 1995:
• The a'::>ove PF Account number/UAN of the memlJer as mentioned in (A) above has been tagged with his/her LIAN/Previous
Member ID as declared by member.
• Please Tick the AppropriatE! Option:-
l h e KYC details of the above memter in the UAN database have been approved with Digital Signature Certificate and
t1·ansfer request has been generated or portal.
JJ.s the DSC of establishment are not registered with EPFO, the member has been informed to file physical claim (Form-
13) for transfer of funds from his previous establishment.

Date: Signature of E11ployer with Seal of Establishment

FORM - 1


(See rule 3)

1. Name of person making nomination 5. Marital Status:

(in block Letters)

2. Father’s/Husband’s name 6. Address:



3. Date of Birth

4. Sex

I hereby nominate the person(s) cancel the nomination made by me previously and nominate the
person(s) mentioned below to receive any amount due to me from the employer; in the event to my death.

Name of the Nominee’s Date of Total amount of If the nominee is

nominee/nominees relationship Birth share of minor, name,
with the accumulations relationship and
member Incredit to be address of the
paid to each guardian who may
nominee receive the
amount during the
minority of
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Bank Transfer Form:


The Payroll Manager,


I ___________________________________ Request you to credit my salary and expenses

in the Below Mentioned Account as per the details. I also would like to state that this
account is my personal account and I shall be solely responsible for any charges, charged
by the Bank and shall always keep Workforce Staffing Private Limited fully indemnified
against any charges, and will also keep you informed if I am changing my Bank Account and
till such information is acknowledged by you, You shall Credit my Salary in the Below
mentioned Bank account.

Name as per Bank Records:

Account no:
IFSC Code:
Bank Name:
Bank Branch:

Attached: Cancelled Cheque

Employee's Signature:

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