Forms Merged (1)
Forms Merged (1)
Forms Merged (1)
I have no objection in sharing my personal information and documents, including but not
limited to Government issued ID such as Aadhaar, Voter ID, PAN card, DL, Name, Gender,
Date of Birth, Addresses, Mobile number, Email, Education record(s) and Employment
record(s) with OnGrid (Handy Online Solutions Private Limited) for the purpose of
information and document collection and management, and background checks and
verifications, including but not limited to verification of ID, Address, Employment, Education,
Police/Court record checks, reference checks, etc., in order to avail employment, benefits
and/or services.
Mobile Number:
Location / City:
Note to employer / service provider / organization: The organization using OnGrid may take the consent of
the individual by the above mentioned paragraphs in another onboarding document, such as an
appointment letter. As per Government regulations, it is important that the individual (candidate /
employee / service seeker) provides wilful consent and authorization. The organization should store a
copy of the signed document for audit requirements.
I hereby nominate the person(s)/cancel the nomination made by me previously and nominate the person(s) mentioned below
to receive the amount standing to my credit in the Employees Provident Fund, in the event of my death.
If the nominee is minor
Name of the Address Nominee’s Date Total amount or share of name and address of the
Nominee (s) relationship with of accumulations in guardian who may receive
the member Birth Provident Funds to be the amount during the
paid to each nominee minority of the nominee
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 *Certified that I have no family as defined in para 2 (g) of the Employees Provident Fund Scheme 1952 and should I
acquire a family hereafter the above nomination should be deemed as cancelled.
Para 18
I hereby furnish below particulars of the members of my family who would be eligible to receive Widow/Children Pension in the
event of my premature death in service.
Sr. No Name & Address of the Family Member Age Relationship with the member
I hereby nominate the following person for receiving the monthly widow pension (admissible under para 16 2 (a) (i) & (ii) in the
event of my death without leaving any eligible family member for receiving pension.
Certified that the above declaration and nomination has been signed / thumb impressed before me by Shri / Smt./
Miss employed in my establishment after he/she
has read the entries / the entries have been read over to him/her by me and got confirmed by him/her.
Place :
Name & address of the Factory /Establishment
Date :
Form F - Nomination -
Nom in at ion
Nom in e e (S)
\\Sanjeevm\FILES\Winword\FORMS\files2001\GRATUITY\FORM ’F’(Nomination).doc/abc
State m e n t
1. Na m e of em ployee in fu ll
2. Sex.
3. Religion .
4. Wh eth er u n m a rried/ m a rried/ widow/ widower.
5. Depa r tm en t / Bra n ch / Section wh ere em ployed.
6. Pos t h eld with Ticket or Serial No., if a n y.
7. Da te of a ppoin tm en t .
8. Perm a n en t a ddress .
Da te of th e em ployee
Declaration by w itnes s es
1. 1.
2. 2.
Pla ce
Da te
Sign a tu re of th e em ployer/
Officer a u th orized
Design a t ion
Da te Na m e a n d a ddres s of th e
Es ta blish m en t or ru bber s ta m
p th ereof.
Da te Sign a tu re of th e em ployee
\\Sanjeevm\FILES\Winword\FORMS\files2001\GRATUITY\FORM ’F’(Nomination).doc/abc
\\Sanjeevm\FILES\Winword\FORMS\files2001\GRATUITY\FORM ’F’(Nomination).doc/abc
Form11 EPF
PF Passbook Sample
Member Passbook
vkbZMh@uke lnL;
| Member ID/Name
vkbZMh@uke | DOB
tUe frfFk | UAN
;w , u
bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2020-2021 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2020-2021 ]
Date of EPF EPS Pension
/Wage Particulars Credit / Wages Deposit Withdra
Month Wages wal Contribu
Withdra tion
wal deZpkjh fu;ksDrk deZpkjh fu;ksDrk
vU'knku vU'knku vU'knku vU'knku
/ / /Employee /
Employee Employer Share Employer
Share Share Share
MAR- Cont. for Due-Month 042020 0 0 0
APR-2020 Cont. for Due-Month 052020 0 0 0
Closing Balance 0 0 0
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.
9 Page 1 of 3
Member Passbook
vkbZMh@uke lnL;
| Member ID/Name
vkbZMh@uke | DOB
tUe frfFk | UAN
;w , u
bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2021-2022 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2021-2022 ]
osru ekg fooj.k / Particulars tek bZih, bZih,l tek / Deposit isU'ku
fudklh /
/ Wage fudklh Q osru / Withdrawal
Month fnukaWd osru / EPS / Pension
/ Date deZpkjh fu;ksDrk deZpkjh fu;ksDrk Contribu
EPF Wages
of Wages vU'knku vU'knku vU'knku vU'knku tion
/ / /Employee /
Credit / Employee Employer Share Employer
Withdra Share Share Share
Opening Balance 0 0 0
Closing Balance 0 0 0
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.
9 Page 2 of 3
Member Passbook
vkbZMh@uke lnL;
| Member ID/Name
vkbZMh@uke | DOB
tUe frfFk | UAN
;w , u
bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2022-2023 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2022-2023 ]
osru ekg fooj.k / Particulars tek bZih, bZih,l tek / Deposit isU'ku
fudklh /
/ Wage fudklh Q osru / Withdrawal
Month fnukaWd osru / EPS / Pension
/ Date deZpkjh fu;ksDrk deZpkjh fu;ksDrk Contribu
EPF Wages
of Wages vU'knku vU'knku vU'knku vU'knku tion
/ / /Employee /
Credit / Employee Employer Share Employer
Withdra Share Share Share
Opening Balance 0 0 0
Opening Balance 0 0 0
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.
9 Page 3 of 3
Sales Training
Sales Training Addendum
Dear Trainee,
Welcome to Vedantu!
We are thrilled for you to be part of the Vedantu family. Sales Training Program. This program
begins a day after your date of joining and will help you get familiarized with the Vedantu offerings.
Program Construct
❖ Classroom Training
❖ Incubation Period
Classroom Training
❖ This phase of training will cover the theoretical part of our sales process with a major
focus on Vedantu offerings and the differentiators
❖ It is mandatory to clear the certification after the classroom training to move to the
incubation phase as per the defined benchmark
❖ Certification will be a written/viva based assessment of the learnings in the Classroom training
Incubation Period
❖ Incubation period is on the job training of the sales agent which would help trainees
gain understanding on all the metrics and live calls
❖ It is mandatory to clear the assessment after the incubation period as per the
defined benchmark to finally move to the sales floor
❖ Incubation period is succeeded by a final assessment for trainees to go live on the
sales floor
❖ Certification will be a combination of written/viva/mock demo based assessment of
the learnings from the complete sales training process
Social & Professional Conduct during Training
1. English is a mandatory language for all new joiners and the training program will
be conducted in English only
2. Trainees should login before 11:00 am strictly and adhere to the training timings across
the program
3. Trainees must be punctual, disciplined and proactive during the sessions
4. As part of the training program, the working week for trainees will be from Monday to
Saturday, with Sunday as a week off. However, the working week will change once
you move to the sales floor
5. Trainees are not allowed to avail leaves during the training period.Failing to
comply by the same will lead to the end of training program for the trainee, which
may also lead to termination of the employment
6. The basic requirement to be part of Vedantu is to have a working laptop and broadband
connection with prerequisite configuration at all times.Failing to comply by the same will
lead to the end of training program for the trainee, which may also lead to termination of the
7. Trainees should be comfortable with video conversation with their camera switched-
on at all times.
8. Trainees are required to conduct professionally at all times while working with Vedantu.If
found cheating during the assessment, strict actions will be taken and the same can lead
to termination of the employment
9. Vedantu condemns all kinds of malpractices to achieve sales, any sale achieved through
unfair means will lead to termination of the employee’s contract at any point of time
during their career journey with us
10. The employees will be bound by all the rules,regulations and policies of Vedantu