Chapter 5 - Glossary

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attachment A file attached to an e-mail message

Bcc line Guide word in an e-mail message that stands for "blind carbon
copy"; sends a copy of the message without the addressee's
blanket copies Copies of an e-mail message sent unnecessarily to a large
number of recipients
blog A Web site with journal entries usually written by one person
with comments added by others
blogrolling Providing links to other sites or blogs on the Web that you find
valuable and that are related to your business or industry; a
way to attract repeat visitors to your blog
Cc line Guide word in an e-mail message that stands for "carbon
copy" or "courtesy copy"; where you type the address of
anyone who is to receive a copy of the message
cloud computing Storing and accessing information and software applications in
remote network clusters, or "clouds"
e-mail Messages transmitted through computers and networks; an
essential means of communication within organization as well
as with customers and suppliers
electronic Messages sent electronically, including e-mail, instant
messages messages, text messages and messages exchanged through
podcasts, blogs, and wikis
forwarding Sending an e-mail message you received to a third party
frontloading Revealing the main idea immediately
guide words The "To, From, Date," and "Subject" lines in an e-mail
instant messaging A communication tool that allows you to use the Internet to
(IM) communicate in real time in private chat rooms with one or
more individuals
interoffice A paper-based internal communication channel used primarily
memorandum to convey confidential information, emphasize ideas, deliver
lengthy documents, or lend importance to a message
malware Malicious software designed to disrupt the operation of a
network or computer
metadata Information tags or keywords
netiquette Rules of etiquette for polite interaction on the Internet
Printed messages including business letters and memos
phishing The fraudulent use of email to persuade recipients to disclose
personal information
podcasts A digital media file that is distributed over the Internet and
downloaded on portable media players, personal computers,
and other devices
RSS Stands for "really simply syndication"; allows the distribution
of current information published in podcasts, blogs, video
files, and news items
shouting Writing an entire e-mail message in all caps
signature block The closing portion of an e-mail message that contains the
sender's name and contact information
SMS Stands for "short message service"; a service supplied by cell
phone service providers that allows texting
social Tool that helps users search, organize, manage, and store
bookmarking bookmarks on the Web with the help of metadata
social networking Using Web sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter that
enable business to connect with customers and employees,
share company news, and exchange ideas
spam Unsolicited advertisements sent by fax or e-mail
spim Spam (unsolicited advertisements) sent via instant messaging
subject line Probably the most important part of an e-mail message or
memo; summarizes the central idea and provides quick
identification for reading or filing
text A communication tool use to exchange brief messages in real
messaging/texting time, usually delivered by smartphone
thread A sequence of messages sent via e-mail or posted to a
discussion board covering a topic of discussion
top-of-screen test Tests what a reader will see first when an e-mail message is
virus A self-replicating computer program that is secretly introduced
into a system in order to corrupt it or destroy data
VPN Stands for "virtual private network"; offers secure access to
company information from any location in the world that
offers Internet access
Web 2.0 A dynamic, interactive environment on the Web where users
can create content, review products, and edit and share
wiki Web site that enables multiple users to collaboratively create
and edit pages

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