Regional ISP Business that provides internet access in cities and towns nationwide.
Look for information Uses of internet
School works, jobs, and
home purposes
Send and receive electronic
Video teleconferencing
Buy and sell products
Social networking
Watch and post videos
Take college courses
Financial transactions
Cloud computing Offers scalable and flexible computing resources over the internet,
enabling businesses to store and process data efficiently without the
need for physical infrastructure.
Mobile Computing and Provide users with access to software and services on-the-go through
Applications smartphones and tablets, enhancing productivity and connectivity in
everyday life.
Big Data Analysis Involves examining large datasets to uncover patterns, correlations,
and insights, driving informed decision-making and innovation across
various sectors
Automation Uses technology to perform tasks without human intervention,
improving efficiency, accuracy, and speed in processes across
Artificial intelligence A program that sense, reason, act, and adapt
Machine learning Algorithms whose performance improve as they are exposed to more
data over time.
Deep learning Subset of machine learning in which multilayered neutral networks
learn from vast amounts of data.
AI and ML allow you to extract value from piles of data, deliver business insights,
automate tasks, ensure safety operations, and enhance system
ML also allows non-technical people to make better use of the
5G networks have been key for increasing speeds, increasing capacity and reducing
latency. The next wave of networks will involve 5G networks that
stand alone.
Blockchain a distributed ledger technology that records and tracks transactions
and assets in the corporate. It promotes transparency and
accountability in online transactions and asset ownership.