Snowflake Overview
How to use the Snowflake UI & ecosystem
2.Introduction to Cloud
What is Cloud
Different Cloud Vendors
Advantages of Cloud over On-Premise
5.Introduction to Snowflake
File formats
Internal and external storage
Internal and external stage
Copy into usage
Snowflake internal storage
Accessing Cloud storage data into Snowflake (GCP, AZURE and AWS)
Data unloading
8. SnowPipe
Accessing Snowpipe
PUT and GET commands
Bulk loading from cloud storage
Continuous loading
Variant Datatype
File format options
Creating stages
Loading JSON semi-structured data into SF tables
Accessing JSON with select statement
Creating Tasks
Accessing procedures with tasks
Scheduling as per time with Different time zones
Automate loading process Daily and Weekly
12. Secure Data sharing
13. Cloning