00251900DAST66717 - EXCO (Rev. B)
00251900DAST66717 - EXCO (Rev. B)
00251900DAST66717 - EXCO (Rev. B)
Order N. 210/2011/NR/ZU
Superseded by N.
Plant Area Plant
Method Statement for Civil works - PPG Unit
00 -
Software: Microsoft Word 97-2003 File N° 00251900DAST66717_EXCO01_35.doc
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1. Objective ........................................................................................................................................ 4
5. Civil works...................................................................................................................................... 6
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This document specifies methods and procedure to execute the work safely and in
accordance with construction drawing and adhering to applicable specifications with
consideration to local rules and regulations.
The scope of this document is confined to civil construction activities which are listed
under Section 5. These include material, machineries, instruments, workforce,
temporary activities & materials, mobilization and demobilization of the team & stuff
assigned to complete all related activities. All the activities to be performed in
accordance with relevant international codes & standards or recognized good
engineering practice.
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5.1 Demolition
- Debris from demolishing works shall be loaded and disposed off from the site
and deposited to identified disposal area.
• Removing pipes.
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- If the pipe is long, cutting shall be required to length can be loaded into
disposing trucks.
- After cutting, cut pieces shall be lifted and loaded to truck / trailer using
lifting tools and gears of appropriate type & condition.
• Site clearing shall include taking down or grubbing up and immediate removal
from the site all surface obstructions and unsuitable materials such as
contaminated soil, organic material, debris & rubble within the areas according
to site layout / released construction drawings.
• Items to be removed from site shall be identified prior to any removal and
approved by company.
• Loader or bulldozer shall be used to take down trees, walls, columns and posts.
Then big pieces shall be broken to smaller pieces, so that they can be loaded to
dump trucks and disposed off to identified disposal area.
• Any long pieces like pipes must be cut to small pieces before loading and
removing from the site.
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• As the work progresses, remove all materials resulting from clearing and
grubbing operations except those materials specified for reuse or as otherwise
specified by Company/Contractor.
• Fill and compact all depressions and holes made below the sub-grade or slopped
surfaces as a result of grubbing operations according to approved specification.
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• By using Total Station survey instrument, outward offset line shall be plotted on
the ground as reference.
• Peg shall be fixed at the corners of the excavation areas and intermediates of
long line.
• Layout, Alignment & size of the excavation pit will be marked on the ground as
per drawing by considering necessary working space.
• Diagonal of the footing will be verified before starting of excavation.
• It will be taken care that excavation starts after finalizing the place for disposal.
• Excavation will be done mechanically by using excavator or backhoe.
• Manual excavation may be needed for fine alteration.
• Depth of excavation will be checked frequently by using level instrument with
values given in the construction drawing.
• For deep excavation, adequate side slope / benching will be considered for
• After reaching required depth, the ground shall be compacted to achieve
minimum 95% of maximum dry density obtained following ASTM D1557.
5.5 Filling/Backfilling
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• Proper grade of concrete for PCC will be selected and ensured as per drawing &
• Mix proportion shall be as per mix design report.
• Transporting the concrete shall be by transit mixer of appropriate condition.
• The place in which the concrete will be poured to be inspected (formworks, level
& location) and accepted prior to concrete pouring.
• PCC mixture shall be laid on the surface at required thickness.
• Compaction of the concrete shall be done by using sufficient number of concrete
• Finishing will be carried out at required level.
• Surface shall be troweled using clean tools.
• Curing shall be done for a minimum period of 03 days.
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I. Cement:
1. Cement will be used of approved quality and that it is not older than 90 days.
2. Loose Cement will be stored in a completely waterproof & air tight cement
silos having sufficient storage capacity.
3. Cement bags will be stored in a water proof container.
4. In case cement bags will required to be stored in open as a temporary
requirement, they will be stacked on a dry elevated platform made of wooden
planks or railway sleepers resting on a brick or concrete blocks about 150 mm
above the ground. The number of bags must be just sufficient for day's
5. Entire stack will be covered by polythene sheet, with an adequate lapping. This
procedure will be adopted throughout (during wet and dry seasons).
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III. Water:
1. Construction water suitable for concrete production will be made available at
2. Batching of materials will be carried out by weight and as per approved design
4. Exact measured quantity of water will be added to the batch as per w/c ratio.
2. When mixer machine is used, checking for rpm of mixer, hardened material
inside the drum, number of blades, working of discharge chute and hopper,
levelling, rising, emptying and release of hopper will be done.
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1. Fixing the position of construction joint if necessary will be carried out before
starting of placing concrete.
2. Sequence of concreting is to be identified and finalised well before placing
the concrete.
3. Placement of concrete in its final position if necessary will be done using
concrete pump with boom placer & will be carried out before initial setting
4. Segregation of materials will be avoided by adopting maximum free
discharging height less than 1.5m.
5. Care will be taken while placing to avoid displacement of inserts, pockets,
6. Lying of concrete in suitable layers ( 300mm thick) will be carried out
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1. Suitable type of vibrator (dia 40mm / 60mm) i.e. Immersion, surface or form
vibrators will be used for compaction.
2. Over-vibration and bleeding will be avoided.
3. Inserting of Immersion vibrator minimum 100mm away from the shuttering
face vertically to the full depth; no dragging, withdrawing vertically and
slowly. Needle should not touch the reinforcement.
4. Enough spare vibrators and needles will be kept at site.
5. Vibrators not to be used for pushing the poured concrete.
6. Vibrator needle to be used at maximum interval of 10 times the diameter of
the vibrator.
7. Vibrator needle should reach ˷100mm inside previous concrete layer.
1. Finishing will be carried out after a little stiffening of concrete has occurred
with suitable tools.
2. In case of preceding concrete surface being old, chipping must be done with
10-15mm depth and should be thoroughly cleaned using air or water jets
before placing the subsequent layer of concrete.
surface i.e. covering the exposed surface with sheets of plastic or other
impervious materials, applying membrane-forming compounds etc.
2. The curing period will be for minimum 7 days.
3. The uses of curing compounds is foreseen in the area having difficulty in
access and on vertical surfaces.
Cover blocks of various thicknesses will be cast, cured and kept ready as per the
requirement of the structural drawings well in advance. Proper mould and
approved mortar mix for casting will be used.
5.8 Formwork
• Rigid and closely fitted Formwork with sufficient strength to support green
concrete will be used.
• Suitable form release agent will be applied after proper cleaning of formwork,
before placing reinforcement.
• Proper check for line, level and plumb will be ensured before starting concreting
• Shuttering will be checked in stage wise. i.e. as per the approved shuttering
a) 1st - beam bottom - alignment and level and rigidity of staging to take the
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• Special care will be taken to check column caps supports at junction of beams.
• Pockets, inserts will be carefully placed and check before placing concrete. Fixing
of pockets and inserts should be rigid to avoid displacement during concreting.
• Extra supports at joints of wall plates beam bottom will be provided. Proper care
will be taken to prevent bleeding.
• After de-shuttering all the materials will be properly cleaned and stacked for
next repetition.
• In case plywood is used as formwork, new plywood shall be used for all exposed
concrete surfaces.
5.9 Reinforcement
• It will be ensured that reinforcement bars are clean i.e. free from grease, oil,
paint, rust, dust or any other objectionable foreign material.
• It will be ensured that all the reinforcement rods are thoroughly cleaned before
fabrication. Pitted and defective rods shall be marked, isolated then disposed
from site.
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• It will be ensured that the vertical distance between the successive layers of bars
in beams or other members are maintained by providing mild steel spacers at
required interval.
• Sufficient nos. of tying point, chairs etc. will be provided to ensure the position
of reinforcement as per construction drawing; during placing and compaction of
concrete. Bracing bar could be fixed to prevent sway cases.
• Proper placement of cover blocks embedded inserts and cut outs if any will be
• It will be ensured that the lap joints of bars are staggered according to ACI 318.
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5.10.1 Handling:
c) The stacks shall be clear of standing water and are to be protected from splashing
by mud or contamination by other materials.
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5.10.2 Scaffold:
Safe and adequate scaffolding and other equipment for mixing and handling of
mortar and block units shall be furnished erected and maintained as long as
necessary and remove when no longer required.
5.10.3 Mortar:
a) Standard proportion of mortar mix for the joint of blocks shall be cement : sand
= 1:3, or as specified in specification & construction drawings. OPC cement shall
be used in mortars.
c) Mortar will be used within one hour from mixing. In no case mortar shall be used
after the initial set has taken place. Reconstitution of mortar will not be
permitted. The addition of extra water to mortar following initial mixing shall not
be permitted.
5.10.4 Laying:
a) Blocks shall be laid on a full bed of mortar with joints filled with mortar to a
consistent thickness of not more than 10mm. Walls shall be constructed up
uniformly with no part more than 1000mm higher than any other part. Work
shall be plumbed and levelled at each course.
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b) Vertical joints shall be staggered. Mortar shall be flushed with a trowel tool for
all joints.
c) All hollow block shall be laid cells vertical and with full mortar coverage on all top
and side faces, horizontally and vertically.
d) Faces of walls shall be kept clean and free from mortar droppings and splashes.
e) Blocks / Bricks shall be laid in true dimensions and plumb and straight. While
laying dimensions and squareness shall be according to detailed construction
f) In hot dry weather, absorbent blocks shall be wetted before laying. Blockwork
shall be protected from the effects of hot sunlight and drying winds until the
mortar has sufficiently matured.
g) No half blocks or bats shall be used except where necessary for bonding. Cutting
of blocks shall be kept to a minimum.
i) The blocks will be placed in the running Bond with head joints located at the
centre of the blockwork in alternative course below. Thus the blocks will be laid
in complete section up to a control joint or it will be left in stepped joints clean
and ready for fresh mortar when works continues.
j) Exposed blockwork shall be finished with an approved joint profile. Joints which
are not visible on the finished work shall be struck off as the work proceeds.
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k) Where blockwork is to be plastered, joints are to be struck off and left rough to
provide a key.
l) Where necessary, all surfaces to receive a damp proof course shall be flushed up
with mortar to form an even surface. Damp proof courses shall be kept flush
with the outer surface of the wall and not set back to allow for pointing.
m) Openings in masonry for doors, windows, air conditioning units, ventilators and
fans etc, shall be properly marked out and built in as the work proceeds with
approved anchors. The fittings shall be propped and strutted where required.
n) All blockwork shall be true to line and level. On completion, the work shall be
cleaned down and mortar droppings and other marks removed. Stained, chipped
or any other defects of materials or workmanship shall be made good.
o) Maximum height of block masonry wall construction in one day shall be limited
to 1500mm.
a) It will be ensured that type of plaster, number of coats, thickness required and
cement mortar proportion are as per specifications.
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e) Holes provided for scaffolding while executing brickwork will be plugged or double
scaffolding will be used.
f) Level marking will be done in advance. Supervise line, level and plumb from time
to time before plaster starts setting.
g) It will be ensured that all the necessary tools required for execution of work is
available with the mason.
h) It will be ensured that gaps around door and window frames be filled properly.
i) While executing final coat of sand faced plaster or aggregate plaster due care will
be taken as to where the joints are to be provided at the end of day's work.
5.12 Painting :
a) All paints, undercoats and primers shall be according to applicable specification &
colour code document.
c) No painting shall take place on wet surfaces & on external surface whilst it is
raining or is likely to rain or in sandstorms.
d) The plastered surface will be thoroughly cleaned with a brush to remove dust, dirt,
grease, mortar dropping and other foreign matter and sand.
e) New plaster surface will be allowed to dry completely before applying first coat.
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f) All unnecessary nails, hooks etc. will be removed. Pitting in plaster will be made
good with plaster again.
g) Any depression or plaster popping shall be filled and rubbed down flush. Similarly
high spots shall be rubbed down
h) A coat of paint will be applied over the patches. The surface shall be allowed to dry
thoroughly before the regular paint is applied. The surface affected by moulds,
moss, fungi, algae lichens, efflorescence etc. shall be treated before painting.
i) A priming coat of of approved manufacture will be applied over the plaster surface
in case of new work.
j) The primer will be applied with a brush or roller on the clean, dry and smooth
surface. Horizontal strokes will be given first and vertical strokes will be applied
immediately afterwards. This entire operation will constitute one coat.
a) Prior to work, finished floor level shall be marked on wall and floors.
b) If the area is large, it can be divided to zones which shall be concreted alternatively
for better control.
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a) Tiles sizes & thickness shall be as per drawing of individual area or otherwise as
specified in the project specification otherwise.
c) The SUBCONTRACTOR shall supply a sample of the tiles and skirting of the actual
colour/type to be used to CONTRACTOR for approval.
e) Before commencing the work, all personnel at site must be equipped with
minimum and suitable safety tools and equipment.
f) Clearance shall be obtained from MEP team before commencing the work. And all
concealed works get completed and tested before starting the tile work.
g) In wet areas, if water proofing is required, clearance must be obtained that water
proofing is complete and accepted.
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h) The area to be tiled shall be cleaned and all traces of grease, oil, loose particles
etc. must be removed.
i) To ensure rows of tiles are truly horizontal, a level line shall be established to
position the starting course.
k) Mortar shall be used within 1 hour of mixing. And shall not be used after initial
set has taken place.
l) Laying shall be done by pressing the tiles onto bedding with twisting/sliding
action required to obtain the required finished bed thickness. Tamping using
rubber mallet can be used to obtain required adhesion and level. For wet areas,
laying with slope lines shall be formed towards specified floor drain.
m) Tiles shall be neatly cut, grind rough on exposed edges around pipes & other
obstructions. And make provision for floor drain if any.
n) Tiles shall be laid with required spacing and spacers shall be used to align both
ways joints.
o) Excessive mortar shall be removed with damp cloth before material has set
p) Skirting shall be laid in such a way that all joints shall match joint of floor tiles.
q) Tiles shall be laid in such a way that cut pieces are minimised to the extent
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r) Tiles laying arrangement shall consider the shape of the area to be tiled, so that
both squareness shall match to maximum possible.
s) It is very important to make sure that back surface of the tiles are fully supported
by mortar and no gap underneath is permitted. However, joint shall be grouted
with cement mortar in such a way to ensure gap all gaps near the edges are filled.
u) The completed tile floor should be kept free of traffic for at least 24 hours. If
traffic is not avoidable, board walkaway shall be used for traffic to avoid potential
damage to freshly laid tiles and help keep the area clean.
w) Join sealing for mechanical resistant tiles to be done with epoxy mortar.
b) Following approved plan, setting out for raised floor pedestals (legs) shall be done
prior to installation to avoid overlapping of services.
d) Fixing the pedestals using anchor fasteners or any other method recommended
by the manufacturer.
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e) Adjust pedestal height to the design level with consideration for raised floor tiles
f) Install raised floor tiles starting from one side to be the opposite side of the room
h) Tiles can be cut or drilled at site for wire opening & grommet fixing.
c) Examine the area to be fitted with vinyl tiles/sheet and ensures that it is clear of
d) Examine the area to check the flatness whether any area need to be rectified or
e) Before commencing the work, all personnel at site must be equipped with
minimum and suitable safety tools and equipment.
f) Scrape and sweep clean the floor before any floor preparation takes place.
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j) Fixing shall start from one line for single area then it can be continued in one or
more directions.
k) Apply rolling to the vinyl to ensure good contact and any excess adhesive is push
out. Immediately spread excess adhesive on the floor or to be removed by dry
b) Sufficient and suitable lifting tools and gears shall be in place before starting the
f) Ensure all anchor bolts on which steel structure to be fixed are clean.
g) All top nuts and washers of all anchor bolts must be removed.
h) Bottom nuts and washers of all anchor bolts to be adjusted to required level.
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Revision Index Sheet of
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Alstom Middle East, FZE.
eni Iraq b.v.
B EX-CO 01
ZBR/90/W/-------CD/MS/005 00251900DAST66717 002519-MS_Civil-SAS-AP-002
j) If the structure comes in parts, it is important to make first piece fixed in correct
position with adequate verticality and firmly tightened with anchor bolts top nuts
and washers and firm sufficient bracing.
k) The above shall be repeated for subsequent similar and most bottom pieces.
l) After completing bottom parts, other connection members shall be cat welded /
m) Overall dimension of the whole structure shall be checked before final welding, so
any adjustment shall be considered if required.
n) If all dimensions are ensured, all welding to be completed and all bolts shall be
firmly tightened.
o) Grouting of the base will be carried out after erection is complete and accepted
a) Road work shall start after all surveying is finalized and setting out is completed.
b) Excavation to form subgrade level (formation level) and compact the ground to
achieve 95% of MDD (modified) when tested according to ASTM.
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Alstom Middle East, FZE.
eni Iraq b.v.
B EX-CO 01
ZBR/90/W/-------CD/MS/005 00251900DAST66717 002519-MS_Civil-SAS-AP-002
b) Laboratory tests for the physical characteristics of the mixtures, to be carried out by
the SUBCONTRACTOR before the commencement of the works and submitted to
the CONTRACTOR for approval, shall be those specified in ASTM D1242, including in
particular, but not limited to, the following:
- grain size analysis in accordance with ASTM C117 and ASTM C136,
- liquid limit and plasticity index in accordance with ASTM D4318,
- tests for the determination of modified maximum dry density and
optimum water content in accordance with ASTM D1557.
c) The thickness of the each compacted layer shall not exceed 200 mm.
e) The operations shall be performed when the weather conditions (rain, snow, frost,
etc.) are not such as to damage the works.
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Alstom Middle East, FZE.
eni Iraq b.v.
B EX-CO 01
ZBR/90/W/-------CD/MS/005 00251900DAST66717 002519-MS_Civil-SAS-AP-002
b) Laboratory tests shall be similar to those mentioned for sub-base layer (item 5.15.2
b) above).
a) Prior to laying Binder course, single coat of prime coat shall be sprayed over
granular surface using self-propelled sprayer equipped with self-heating
arrangement, pump, compressor and spraying bars with nozzle shaving constant
volume or pressure system complete.
b) Following the application of prime coat, the surface shall be allowed to cure for a
period of at least 24 hours.
a) Immediately before applying binder course, the existing surface (upon which the
mixture is to be placed) shall be thoroughly cleaned from all loose, dirt and other
foreign materials.
b) For Binder course, the mixture compositions specified in ASTM D3515 are a basis
for the study of the final job mix. Mix design for binder course shall be carried out &
submitted for approval.
c) The SUBCONTRACTOR shall make trial tests on samples prepared with the various
components in order to define the job mix suitable for the traffic, the climatic
conditions and the density of the aggregates used.
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Alstom Middle East, FZE.
eni Iraq b.v.
B EX-CO 01
ZBR/90/W/-------CD/MS/005 00251900DAST66717 002519-MS_Civil-SAS-AP-002
d) These tests shall be carried out by approved 3rd party laboratory in accordance with
the standards set out in ASTM D3515 and shall be submitted to the CONTRACTOR
for approval before the commencement of the works. The following information
shall be provided in the documents including:
- particle size, maximum nominal dimension and density of the aggregates,
- mix formula (aggregates, filler if any, content, type and degree of penetration
of the bituminous binding material),
- mixing times to be adopted,
- Marshall Stability and flow in accordance with ASTM D1559 showing the
temperature at which the test is performed.
e) The asphalt concrete binder course pavement shall be placed by mechanical paver
in required thickness as stated in the construction drawing.
h) Immediately after the initial rolling, the mixture shall be thoroughly compacted.
i) Rolling shall begin at the low side and progress toward the high side with sufficient
overlap. The rollers shall be in good condition, capable of reversing without back
lash and shall be operated by experience roller-men and must be kept in
continuous operation in such a manner that all parts of the pavement shall receive
substantially equal compression.
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Alstom Middle East, FZE.
eni Iraq b.v.
B EX-CO 01
ZBR/90/W/-------CD/MS/005 00251900DAST66717 002519-MS_Civil-SAS-AP-002
j) The roller shall not be permitted to stand on pavement which has not been fully
compacted. Necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent dropping of oil, grease,
petrol or other foreign matter on the pavement either when the rollers are
operating or standing.
k) In-situ tests shall be conducted after finishing the Binder Course. SUBCONTRACTOR
shall take core samples having minimum diameters 150 mm. The frequency of
sampling is 1 sample every 1000 m2 performed, but not less than 2 samples every
working session.
a) Tack coat shall be applied over Binder course. Tack coat shall be of cutback asphalt
(in accordance with ASTM D2028), selected in accordance with ASTM D2399, shall
be spread on the lower layers at a rate of 0.35 litres/m2.
b) The tack coat shall be uniformly spread on the surface; the areas with insufficient
bituminous material shall be re-sprayed until reaching the require uniformity. The
surfaces of the structures adjacent to the road shall be adequately protected to
avoid spattering of bituminous material.
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Alstom Middle East, FZE.
eni Iraq b.v.
B EX-CO 01
ZBR/90/W/-------CD/MS/005 00251900DAST66717 002519-MS_Civil-SAS-AP-002
b) Mix design for asphalt concrete course shall be carried out & report shall be
submitted for approval.
c) The SUBCONTRACTOR shall carry out the following tests on the materials before
placing the asphalt concrete layer:
- Particle size distribution check of the aggregates supplied to the site and of
the aggregates at the outlet of reclassification sieves,
- Check of the mixture composition (particle size of aggregates and content of
filler, if any; content of bituminous binding material) by taking the mixture at
the outlet of the mixer or of the storage hopper,
- Check the Marshall stability and flow, including determination of the
specimen density, as average values of 2 tests.
d) Work procedure and condition for applying, laying, spreading and compacting
Binder course shall be applicable with wearing course except for thickness which
should be as stated in approved construction drawing.
f) Compaction shall start before the bituminous mixture temperature drops below
100° C, and shall continue until reaching a minimum density between 94-100%.
g) The mixture shall not be placed when the atmospheric temperature is below 5°
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Revision Index Sheet of
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Validity Rev.
Status No.
Alstom Middle East, FZE.
eni Iraq b.v.
B EX-CO 01
ZBR/90/W/-------CD/MS/005 00251900DAST66717 002519-MS_Civil-SAS-AP-002
h) In-situ tests after finishing asphalt concrete layer shall be similar to Binder
Course, except for the sampling frequency, which is 1 sample every 500 m2
carried out, but not less than 2 samples every working session.
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