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EX-DE 03 01/06/20 Issue for Approval A. Fumelli G. Renga H. Hammami H. Hammami V.Maurizio
EX-DE 02 13/05/19 Issue for Approval A. Fumelli G. Renga H. Hammami H. Hammami R. Dellacecca
EX-DE 01 25/09/18 Issue for Approval A. Fumelli G. Renga H. Hammami H. Hammami R. Dellacecca
EX-DE 00 30/06/18 Issue for Approval A. Fumelli G. Renga H. Hammami H. Hammami R. Dellacecca
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Rev. Date Nr. of sheets Description

EXDE-00 30/06/2018 16 Issue for Approval

EXDE-01 25/09/2018 16 Issue for Approval

EXDE-02 13/05/2019 27 Issue for Approval

EXDE-03 01/06/2020 25 Issue for Approval

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1 General ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Scope of work.......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Acronyms and abbreviations ................................................................................................... 4
2 Reference documents ................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Project documents eni iraq b.v. ............................................................................................... 5
3 Permanent CP system calculation and sizing ............................................................................ 7
3.1 General data............................................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Protection potential ................................................................................................................. 9
3.3 Current requirement and evaluation of existing CP system utilization.................................... 9
3.4 Definitive CP system sizing ................................................................................................... 11
3.4.1 Calculation of characteristics resistance and attenuation constant .................................. 12
3.4.2 Pipeline potential shift ....................................................................................................... 13
3.4.3 Groundbed design ............................................................................................................. 21
3.5 Summary ............................................................................................................................... 24
4 Annex A ........................................................................................................................................ 25

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1 General

1.1 Scope of work

This document, in conjunction with its ANNEX, reports the calculations performed
in order to design the Cathodic Protection system for the n.4 new 12” Raw Gas
Pipelines, being part of the PPG Interconnecting, in Zubair Oil Field, near Zubair
Mishrift, Iraq.

1.2 Acronyms and abbreviations

3LPE: 3-layer Extruded High Density Polyethylene

CP: Cathodic Protection
CPS: Cathodic Protection Station
DC: Direct Current
DGS: Degassing Station
GB: GroundBed
IC: Impressed Current
IJ: Insulating Joint/Device
PJB: Positive Junction Box
PPG: Permanent Power Generator
RGP: Raw Gas Pipeline
TCP: Temporary Cathodic Protection
Ti/MMO: Activated Titanium / Mixed Metal Oxides
TP: Test Point
T/R: Transformer / Rectifier

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2 Reference documents

2.1 Project documents eni iraq b.v.

For the design, drawings and materials of the cathodic protection system,
reference will be done to the latest edition of the following Zubair Oil Field
Development Project documents, including all Codes and Standards
mentioned and adopted in them:

 Project Specifications

00250600BERB47000 Cathodic Rotection Basis Of Design

00250600BERB47100 Off-Plot Pipelines Cathodic Protection Design,
Procurement and Installation
00250600BERB47101 Temporary Cathodic Protection – Design,
Procurement, Installation and Operation
00250600BERB47300 Off-Plot Pipelines Cathodic Protection Materials
Technical Specification
00250600BERB47301 Temporary Cathodic Protection – Materials Technical
250611DESTD1606 PPG Interconnecting – Cathodic Protection (CP)
Material Specification
250611DESTD1607 PPG Interconnecting – Cathodic Protection (CP)
System Installation Specification
250611DEGAD1609 PPG Interconnecting – Cathodic Protection (CP)
Anodic Groundbed Material Data Sheet
00250600DEDL4256S River water pipeline, flowlines and water injection
trunklines CP layout for CPS15
00250600DERB4211S CPS 2&15 single line diagram
00250600DERB4249S CPS3&16 single line diagram
00251000BARS95002 Electrical Resistivity Measurement Report for Zubair
Mishrif DGS.
00251100BARS95001 Electrical Resistivity Measurement Report for
Hammar DGS.
00250600DESG4182S River water pipeline, flowlines and water injection
trunklines CP system philosophy
00250611DLDND1287 PPG interconnecting - 12" raw gas pipeline from
Zubair Mishrif new DGS to PPG (1st line)
- alignment sheets
00250611DLDLD1277 PPG interconnecting - 12" raw gas pipeline from
Hammar IPF to PPG (1ST line) - route map
00250611DLDLD1278 PPG interconnecting - 12" raw gas pipeline from
Hammar IPF to PPG (2ST line) - route map
00250611DLDLD1276 PPG interconnecting - 12" raw gas pipeline from
Zubair Mishrif new DGS to PPG route map
00250611DLDND1285 PPG interconnecting - 12" raw gas pipeline from
Zubair Mishrif existing DGS to Zubair Mishrif new
DGS - alignment sheet

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00250611DLDND1295 PPG interconnecting - 12" raw gas pipeline from

Zubair Mishrif existing DGS to Zubair Mishrif new
DGS - crossing details
00250611DLDLD1275 PPG interconnecting - 12" raw gas pipeline from
Zubair Mishrif existing DGS to Zubair Mishrif new
DGS - route map
00251011DTDGD1228 PPG interconnecting - Zubair Mishrif new DGS – plot
00251011DTDGD1238 PPG interconnecting - Zubair Mishrif new DGS –
piping arrangement
00251000BTDG60052 Interconnecting pipeline PPG - IPF – DGS permanent
power generator – plot plan
250611DXRBD1619 PPG Interconnecting – Cathodic protection stations
(CPS) single line diagram

 Company (ENI) Standards

00300.PLI.COR.SDC Dielectric joints for pipeline isolation

02977.VAR.COR.SC Cathodic protection planning of maintenance
operations on cathodic protection plant components
20309.VAR.COR.PRG Cathodic protection of buried structures in plant
27589.VAR.COR.PRG Guidelines for design and construction of cathodic
protection systems
27981.VAR.COR.SDS Commissioning of Cathodic Protection Systems

 International Codes and Standards

NACE RP 0169 Control of External Corrosion on Underground or

submerged Metallic Piping System
NACE SP0286 Electrical Isolation of Cathodically Protected Pipelines
NACE SP0572 Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of
Impressed Current Deep Ground Beds
NACE TM0102 Measurement of Protective Coating Electrical
Conductance on Underground Pipelines
NACE TM0497 Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for CP
on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping
ISO 15589-1 (2015) Petroleum and natural gas industries – Cathodic
protection of pipeline transport systems – Part 1. On-
land pipelines
ISO 15589-2 (2012) Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries --
Cathodic protection of pipeline transportation systems
Offshore pipelines
EN 12954 Cathodic protection of buried or immersed metallic
structures - General principles and application for

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3 Permanent CP system calculation and sizing

All the calculations have been carried out with reference to equations reported at
paragraphs 9 of Ref. Doc. N. 00250600DESG4182S.

3.1 General data

According to project alignment sheets and P&I (see paragraph 2), structures to be
protected against electrochemical corrosion are the external surfaces of the
following buried steel pipelines.

Thickness Operating
DN Length
From To (bends) Temperature
[inch] [m]
[mm] [°C]
12 Hammar IPF L1 PPG 10141.13 60

12 Hammar IPF L2 PPG 10197.32 60

Zubair Mishrift 10.31

12 PPG 2989 77
New Trap Area (11.13)

Zubair Mishrift Zubair Mishrift 10.31

12 1014 77
Existing DGS New Trap Area (11.13)

8 River Water PPG ZM NEW TRAP 2976.42 12.7 77

Reject Water
8 ZM NEW TRAP 2987 12.7 77

River Water ZM
8 ZM EXT TRAP 1399.38 12.7 77

Reject Water ZM
8 ZM EXT TRAP 1422.3 12.7 77

8 PPG 2489 12.7 77

8 NWCS 3060.1 12.7 60

A 5% contingency for pipelines length will be considered to include any possible

pipelines route modification.

All the pipelines are made of API 5L X60 carbon steel and are coated by means
of three layers of extruded high density polyethylene (3LPE).

As per resistivity measurement reports (listed under paragraph 2), Zubair area has
been divided into four ranges of values:

Low resistivity areas: 1 - 10 Ω∙m

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Medium resistivity areas: 10 - 100 Ω∙m

High resistivity areas: 100 - 1,000 Ω∙m
Very high resistivity areas: > 1,000 Ω∙m.

The table below resumes the superficial resistivity (1.6 m depth) characteristic of
DGS areas:

Location Hammar DGS Zubair Mishrif DGS

Medium resistivity (m) 59.0 444.0

Minimum resistivity (m) 0.1 32.0

Maximum resistivity (m) 372.0 1437.0

Ranges for current

Low Medium

According to Doc. n. 00250600DESG4182S, the CPS pertinence area of Hammar

has a low-medium resistivity range, while the CPS pertinence area of Zubair
Mishrif has a medium-high resistivity range.
For a conservative approach, calculations will be performed considering the worst
conditions for the definition of current density values and of anodes current

According to Doc. n. 00250600DESG4182S, design life for definitive CP system

will be 30 years.

According to ISO 15589-1, (2015), the CBF can be calculated with the following:

ff=fi + (∆f∙tdl ),

where fi and Δf, for three-layer polyethylene coated steel surface and from Table
2, are respectively 0.001 and 0.0003, so, for a design life tdl = 30 years, the CBF
at the end of life, ff, is:

ff =0.001+(0.0003∙30) = 0.01.

As per Paragraph 3.1, the current densities for bare steel buried in soil at 30°C
have been chosen starting from the worst case (Sabka soil, rich in chlorides)
estimated to be 20 mA/m 2. Considering this value, the current densities for bare
steel buried in ZOF soil have been chosen as follows:

i ∙ ff = 20 mA/m2 ∙ 0.01 = 0.2 mA/m2

Because the maximum operating temperature is 77°C, the current density values
“shall be increased by 25% for each 10°C rise in operation temperature above
30°C, so the “temperature” factor is:

𝑇−30 77−30
( )
Ft = 1.25( 10
= 1.25 10 = 2.85

The values reported above change into:

Ft ∙ 0.2 = 2.85 ∙ 0.2 = 0.570 mA/m 2

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3.2 Protection potential

CP system will provide all buried metallic surfaces to be cathodically protected with
a polarized protective potential ranging as described in the below table (from ISO
15589-1, 2015):

Eventually, after written agreement with the Client, at irregular instances, a

minimum of 100 mV of cathodic polarization can be accepted.
Buried carbon steel native potential is considered equal to -0.50 V vs. CSE.

3.3 Current requirement and evaluation of existing CP system utilization

Surfaces to be protected as per equation: 𝑆 = 𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑙. 5% ∗ 𝜋 ∗ 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑖𝑎.

 For 8’’ Pipeline : Outer dia. = 0.219m ( 219mm)

 For 12’’ Pipeline : Outer Dia.=0.324m ( 324mm)

ND Pipeline name / Tot. length including 5% Surface
[inch] well [m] contingency [m²]
12 HIPF-L1 10141.13 10648.18 10833.03

12 H-IPF-L2 10197.32 10707.18 10893.05

Zubair Mishrift
12 2989 3138.45 3192.93
New Trap Area
Zubair Mishrift
12 1014 1064.7 1083.18
Existing DGS

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ND Pipeline name / Tot. length including 5% Surface
[inch] well [m] contingency [m²]
8 River Water PPG 2976.42 3125.241 2149.1

8 Reject Water PPG 2987 3136.35 2156.67

River Water ZM
8 1399.38 1469.349 1010.4
Reject Water ZM
8 1422.3 1493.415 1027
8 2489 2613.45 1797
8 3060.1 3213.105 2209.52
Approximate total surface: 36369

According to Doc. n. 00250600DESG4182S, paragraph 3.1, a current density of

0.570 mA/m² will be used for current demand calculation.

The current demand shall be calculated for each pipeline by using the following
formula (for multiple pipelines in the same trench i.e. pipe-ways the current
demand shall be assessed as the sum of individual pipelines current demands):

where: Itp = Current demand (A)

i = Protective current density for temporary CP (A/m 2)
S = Pipeline surface to be protected (m 2)
Dp = Pipeline diameter (m)
Lp = Pipeline length (m).

Ir = 20.73 A corresponds to total current demand for all pipelines for 30 years

The existing CP system that geometrically and technically could include the new
pipelines would be CPS12&15, composed by n.2 CPS placed respectively at
Hammar DGS and Zubair Mishrift New Trap area.
Total current deliverable by CPS12&15 is 50 A, but the calculated spare is 5% =
2.5 A.
The spare so calculated is not sufficient to protect the new RGPs, so a solution
composed by a new CPS has been chosen.

New Transformer rectifier CP-PPG has been installed for this purpose to protect
raw gas pipelines & River/Reject Water.

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Selected total
Surface to Current Current
current Current spare
CPS protect density required
output [%]
[m²] [mA/m²] [A]
CP-PPG 36369 0.570 20.73 25 120.6

Wall Total Length current Required Commissioning
Existing Pipeline ND OD diameter Surface Complection
Typology From To thickness Length including 5% density current and construction
T/R No name / w ell [inch] [MM] of [m²] Date
[mm] [M] contingency [mA/m2] [A] status

12" RAW GAS ZM existing Commissioning

T/R CPS PPG RAW GAS FL New ZM trap area 12" 324 0.324 10.3 1014.1 1064.8365 1083.32 0.57 0.617494 24/12/2019
NZM TO EZM DGS completed.

12" RAW GAS ZM existing Commissioning

T/R CPS PPG RAW GAS FL New ZM trap area 12" 324 0.324 10.3 2989 3138.45 3192.93 0.57 1.819972 24/12/2019
NZM TO PPG DGS completed.

12" RAW GAS Hammer

T/R CPS PPG PPG TO IPF Line- RAW GAS FL New PPG trap area IPF new 12" 324 0.324 10.3 10141 10648.05 10838.4 0.57 6.177885 24/12/2019
1 Trap


Hammer IPF Commissioning
T/R CPS PPG PPG TO IPF Line- RAW GAS FL New PPG trap area 12" 324 0.324 10.3 10197 10706.85 10898.2 0.57 6.212 24/12/2019
new Trap completed.

8" River ZM
ZM existing Commissioning
T/R CPS PPG Existing DGS to FL-water New ZM trap area 8" 219 0.219 12.7 2976 3124.8 2149.89 0.57 1.225437 24/12/2019
DGS completed.
new trap area.

8" Reject ZM
ZM existing Commissioning
T/R CPS PPG Existing DGS to FL-water New ZM trap area 8" 219 0.219 12.7 2987.4 3136.791 2158.14 0.57 1.23014 24/12/2019
DGS completed.
new trap area.
8" River ZM
New Trap DGS New ZM Commissioning
T/R CPS PPG FL-water New PPG trap area 8" 219 0.219 12.7 1400 1470 1011.37 0.57 0.576483 24/12/2019
to new trap trap area completed.
8" Reject ZM
New Trap DGS New ZM Commissioning
T/R CPS PPG FL-water New PPG trap area 8" 219 0.219 12.7 1422 1493.1 1027.27 0.57 0.585542 24/12/2019
to PPG new trap area completed.
trap area.
8" Condensate
New ZM Pre-
T/R CPS PPG PPG Trap to ZM FL-water New PPG trap area 8" 219 0.219 12.7 2490 2614.5 1798.8 0.57 1.025315
trap area Commissioned
Existing DGS .

Hammer IPF Water Commissioning

T/R CPS PPG ZB-383 FL-water Well ZB 383 8" 219 0.219 12.7 3060 3213 2210.57 0.57 1.260026 24/12/2019
Maniold completed.

3.4 Definitive CP system sizing

The new CPS shall be placed in the trap area of PPG and shall be composed by
 a T/R unit;
 an impressed current deep well anodic groundbed and the relevant PJB;
 suitable positive, negative and bonging power cables;
 suitable monitoring and grounding cables;
 Cu/CuSO4 and zinc reference electrodes;
 Suitable test points distributed along the pipeline’s routes.

T/R unit shall According to Doc (00250600BERB47300) and will have the following

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 Maximum voltage output: 50 V
 Maximum current output: 25 A.

Anodes shall According to Doc (00250600BERB47300) and will have the following
 Material: Ti/MMO
 Shape: Tubular
 Diameter: 25 mm
 Length: 1,000 mm
 Weight (single anode) 0.25 kg
 Maximum operative current density in backfill: 100 A/m2.

Considered resistivity survey results reported in Doc. N. 00250600DERS4171S

(i.e. considering Schlumberger’s resistivity diagrams and the presence of various
water wells in the interested areas), the presence of deep groundwater at about
70 m deep can be affirmed.
Groundbeds about 100 m deep have been selected in order to be filled with
Consequently, deep resistivity value can be reasonably assumed to be 75 Ohmm.

3.4.1 Calculation of characteristics resistance and attenuation constant

A simplified scheme of the pipelines is reported below in Figure 1 (for details see
doc. n° 250611DXRBD1619).

Figure 1

Considering pipeline anticorrosion coating type, low resistivity values of soil in

which lines will be laid and operating temperatures, for a conservative approach
an insulation resistance of 5000 Ω·m has been assumed.

Table 1 here below lists the characteristic of pipelines subdivided per section.

Table 1

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Approx. Section
Pipeline Wall
section length +
Section Pipelines in section ND thickness
length contingency
[inch] [mm]
[m] (5%) [m]
H-IPF L1 12 10,31
A-B 9086 9540
H-IPF L2 12 10,31

H-IPF L1 12 10,31
H-IPF L2 12 10,31
B-C RG ZM EXT TO PPG 12 10,31 657 690

RG ZMEXT TO PPG 12 10.31

D-B REJECT WATER 8 12.7 2185 2300
RG ZM New to ZM EXT 12 10.31
E-D River Water 8 12.7 1014 1064.7
Reject Water 8 12.7

F 8 12.7 2489 2613.45

H-IPF L1 12 10,31
G H-IPF L2 12 10,31 95 100
ZB-383 8 12.7

3.4.2 Pipeline potential shift

Based on scheme of Figure 1 and data from Table 1, considering a natural

potential of steel in soil equal to 0,5 mV vs Cu/CuSO4, characteristic resistance
and attenuation constant for each section of the pipelines have been calculated.
Each single structure characteristic parameters (longitudinal resistance and
leakage resistance) is calculated as follows:
ρ0 ρ
R lp = = 0∙1000
Ap π∙(Dp -s)∙s
𝑅𝑡𝑝 =
𝜋 ∙ 𝐷𝑝 ∙ 1000

Ap = the cross-sectional area of the pipe wall (m 2)
Rlp = Single element (pipeline) longitudinal resistance (/km)
Rtp = Single element leakage resistance (km)
s = Element wall thickness (m)
Dp = Element external diameter
0 = Steel resistivity = 0.18 x 10-6 ·m
Ri = Insulation resistance (Ω∙m 2, function of coating, soil resistivity, etc:
see ISO 15589-1 (2015), Appendix E).

Each pipe-way sections (e.g. pipelines section laid in the same corridor) equivalent
characteristic parameters will be further calculated as follows:
𝑅𝑙 =


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𝑅𝑡 =


Rl = Pipe-way section equivalent longitudinal resistance (/km)
Rt = Pipe-way section equivalent leakage resistance (·km).

𝑅𝑘 = √𝑅𝑙 ⋅ 𝑅𝑡

α = Attenuation constant (km -1)
Rk = Pipe-way characteristic resistance ().

The pipe-to-soil potential decay along a cathodically protected pipeline

homogeneous section (α and Rk values given as constant) is simply shown on
following figure:

The potential increment and current necessary to protect the pipeline are defined
by the following formulas:

𝐸𝑥2 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ[𝛼 ∙ (𝑥2 − 𝑥1 )]

𝐸𝑥1 = 𝐸𝑥2 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[𝛼 ∙ (𝑥2 − 𝑥1 )] + 𝑅𝑘 ∙ 𝐼𝑥2 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ[𝛼 ∙ (𝑥2 − 𝑥1 )]𝐼𝑥1 = 𝐼𝑥2 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[𝛼 ∙ (𝑥2 − 𝑥1 )] +
𝐸𝑥2 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ[𝛼 ∙ (𝑥2 − 𝑥1 )]
𝐸𝑥1 = 𝐸𝑥2 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[𝛼 ∙ (𝑥2 − 𝑥1 )] + 𝑅𝑘 ∙ 𝐼𝑥2 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ[𝛼 ∙ (𝑥2 − 𝑥1 )]𝐼𝑥1 = 𝐼𝑥2 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[𝛼 ∙ (𝑥2 − 𝑥1 )] +

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Ex1 = Change in potential at drainage point “x1” (V);
Ex2 = Change in potential at point “x2” (V);
Ix1 = Current at drainage point “x1” (A);
Ix2 = Current at point “x2” (A).

The pipe-to-soil potential shall be equal to the calculated potential increments,

increased by the natural potential.
Considering the simplified scheme of pipelines reported in Paragraph 4.4.1 (Figure
1) shall be calculate the “OFF” Potential in all the positions indicated in the scheme
as follow:


Approx. Section
Pipeline Wall
Pipelines in section length +
Section ND thickness
section length contingency
[inch] [mm]
[m] (5%) [m]
RGP1 12 10.31
A-B 9086 9540
RGP2 12 10.31

0.18 ∙ 10−6 ∙ 1000

Longitudinal Resistance Rlp= = 0.018 Ω km.

Leakage Resistance Rtp = = 4.914 Ω/km.

Point B (x1) : Drainage point at SIJ

Point A (x2, remote): 9.540 km

1 1
Equivalent Leakage Resistance 𝑅𝑡 = 1 = 1 = 2.457 Ω/km
∑ ∑
𝑅𝑡𝑝 4,914
1 1
Equivalent Longitudinal Resistance 𝑅𝑙 = 1 = 1 =0.009 Ω km
∑ ∑
𝑅𝑙𝑝 0.018

0.009 1
𝛼=√ = 0.060
2.457 km

𝑅𝑘 = √0.009 ⋅ 2.457 = 0.148 Ω.

Potential at point A (remote):Eprot = -850 mV vs CSE

ΔV = |Enat – Eprot|=|-500 – (-850)| = 350 mV

Current at point A (remote): 0 A

ΔV at point B (close):

𝐸𝑥1 = 0.350 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (9.540 − 0)] + 0.148 ∙ 0 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ[0.060 ∙ (9.540 − 0)] = 0.409 V

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Ex1 vs CSE = -500 + (-409) = -909 mV vs CSE.

Current at point B (close):

𝐼𝑋1 = 0 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (9.540 − 0)] + = 1.434 A.


Pipeline Wall Section length
Pipelines in section
Section ND thickness + contingency
section length
[inch] [mm] (5%) [m]
RG ZM New to
12 10.31
E-D 8 12.7 1014 1064.7
River Water
8 12.7
Reject Water

0.18 ∙ 10−6 ∙ 1000

Longitudinal Resistance Rlp= = 0.018 Ω km.

Leakage Resistance Rtp = = 4,914 Ω/km.

Point D (x1): 0 km

Point E (x2, remote): 1.0647 km

1 1
Equivalent Leakage Resistance 𝑅𝑡 = 1 = 1 = 4.914 Ω/km

𝑅𝑡𝑝 4,914
1 1
Equivalent Longitudinal Resistance 𝑅𝑙 = 1 = 1 = 0.018 Ω km

𝑅𝑙𝑝 0.018

0.018 1
𝛼=√ = 0.060
4.914 km

𝑅𝑘 = √0.018 ⋅ 4.914 = 0,295 Ω.

Potential at point E (remote):Eprot = -850 mV vs CSE

ΔV = |Enat – Eprot|=|-500 – (-850)| = 350 mV

Current at point E (remote): 0 A

ΔV at point D (close):

𝐸𝑥1 = 0.350 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (1.064 − 0)] + 0,295 ∙ 0 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ[0.060 ∙ (1.0647 − 0)] = 0,351 V

Ex1 vs CSE = -500 + (-351) = -851 mV vs CSE.

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Current at point D (close):

𝐼𝑋1 = 0 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (1.0647 − 0)] + = 0,077 A.


Pipeline Wall Section length
Pipelines in section
Section ND thickness + contingency
section length
[inch] [mm] (5%) [m]
12 10.31
D-B 8 12.7 2185 2300
8 12.7

0.18 ∙ 10−6 ∙ 1000

Longitudinal Resistance Rlp= = 0.018 Ω km.

Leakage Resistance Rtp = = 4,914 Ω/km.

Point B (x1): 0 km

Point D (x2, remote): 2. 3 km

1 1
Equivalent Leakage Resistance 𝑅𝑡 = 1 = 1 = 4.914 Ω/km
∑ ∑
𝑅𝑡𝑝 4,914
1 1
Equivalent Longitudinal Resistance 𝑅𝑙 = 1 = 1 =0.018 Ω km
∑ ∑
𝑅𝑙𝑝 0.018

0.018 1
𝛼=√ = 0.060
4.914 km

𝑅𝑘 = √0.018 ⋅ 4.914 = 0,295 Ω.

Potential at point D (remote): Eprot = -851 mV vs CSE

ΔV = |Enat – Eprot|=|-500 – (-851)| = 351 mV

Current at point D (remote): 0,076 A

ΔV at point B (close):

𝐸𝑥1 = 0.351 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (2.3 − 0)] + 0,295 ∙ 0 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ[0.060 ∙ (2.3 − 0)] = 0,354 V

Ex1 vs CSE = -500 + (-354) = -854 mV vs CSE.

Current at point B (close):

𝐼𝑋1 = 0 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (2.3 − 0)] + = 0,166 A.

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The OFF potentials (V vs CSE) calculated at point B, respectively at sections A-B

and D-B, don’t coincide. Through the iterative procedure the potential is raised to
the remote point E until THE OFF potential at point B will be -0,909 V vs CSE.



Equivalent Equivalent Section

Pipelines in Leakage Longitudinal α Rk length +
section Resistance Resistance (1/km) (Ω) contingency
(Ω/km) (Ω km) (5%) [m]
River Water
4.914 0.018 0.060 0,295 1064.7
Reject Water

If potential at point E (remote): Eprot = -906 mV vs CSE

ΔV = |Enat – Eprot|=|-500 – (-906)| = 406 mV

Current at point E (remote): 0 A

ΔV at point D (close):

𝐸𝑥1 = 0.406 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (1.0647 − 0)] + 0,295 ∙ 0 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ[0.060 ∙ (1.064.7 − 0)] = 0,406 V

Ex1 vs CSE = -500 + (-351) = -851 mV vs CSE.

Current at point D (close):

𝐼𝑋1 = 0 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (1.0647 − 0)] + = 0,0247A.


Equivalent Section
Leakage α Rk length +
Section Pipelines in section inal
Resistance (1/km) (Ω) contingency
(Ω/km) (5%) [m]
(Ω km)
D-B REJECT WATER 4.914 0.018 0.060 0,295 2300

Potential at point D (remote): Eprot = -907 mV vs CSE

ΔV = |Enat – Eprot|=|-500 – (-851)| = 407 mV

Current at point D (remote): 0,088 A

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ΔV at point B (close):

𝐸𝑥1 = 0.407 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (2.3 − 0)] + 0,295 ∙ 0 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ[0.060 ∙ (2.3 − 0)] = 0,4077 V

Ex1 vs CSE = -500 + (-407)= -907 mV vs CSE.

Current at point B (close):

𝐼𝑋1 = 0 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (2.3 − 0)] + = 0,19 A.


Pipeline Wall Section length
Pipelines in section
Section ND thickness + contingency
section length
[inch] [mm] (5%) [m]

12 10,31
12 10,31
B-C 12 10,31 657 690
8 12.7
8 12.7

0.18 ∙ 10−6 ∙ 1000

Longitudinal Resistance Rlp= = 0.018 Ω km.

Leakage Resistance Rtp = = 4.914 Ω/km.

Point C (x1): 0 km

Point B (x2, remote): 0.69 km

1 1
Equivalent Leakage Resistance 𝑅𝑡 = 1 = 1 = 1.638 Ω/km
∑ ∑
𝑅𝑡𝑝 4,914
1 1
Equivalent Longitudinal Resistance 𝑅𝑙 = 1 = 1 =0.006 Ω km
∑ ∑
𝑅𝑙𝑝 0.018

0.006 1
𝛼=√ = 0.060
1,638 km

𝑅𝑘 = √0.006 ⋅ 1.638 = 0.01 Ω.

ΔV at point B (remote): 909 mV vs CSE

ΔV = |Enat – Eprot|=|-500 – (-909)| = 409 mV

ΔV at point C (close):

𝐸𝑥1 = 0.409 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (0.69 − 0)] + 0.098 ∙ 0 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ[0.060 ∙ (0.69 − 0)] = 0.410

Ex1 vs CSE = -500 + (-410) = -0.910 mV vs CSE.

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Current at point C (close):

0.409∙𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ[0.060∙(0.69 −0)]
𝐼𝑋1 = 0 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (0.69 − 0)] + = 2.096 A.


Equivalent Section
Longitudin α
Leakage Rk length +
Section Pipelines in section al (1/k
Resistance (Ω) contingency
Resistance m)
(Ω/km) (5%) [m]
(Ω km)
F 8’’ CONDENSATE 4.914 0.018 0.060 0,295 2613.45

Potential at point D (remote): Eprot = -907 mV vs CSE

ΔV = |Enat – Eprot|=|-500 – (-851)| = 407 mV

Current at point D (remote): 0,088 A

ΔV at point B (close):

𝐸𝑥1 = 0.407 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (2.613 − 0)] + 0,295 ∙ 0 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ[0.060 ∙ (2.613 − 0)] = 0,411 V

Ex1 vs CSE = -500 + (-411)= -911 mV vs CSE.

Current at point B (close):

𝐼𝑋1 = 0 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (2.613 − 0)] + = 0,217 A


Equivalent Equivalent Section

Leakage Longitudinal Rk length +
Section Pipelines in section (1/km
Resistance Resistance (Ω) contingency
(Ω/km) (Ω km) (5%) [m]
G H-IPF L2 4.914 0.018 0.060 0,295 100

1 1
Equivalent Leakage Resistance 𝑅𝑡 = 1 = 1 = 4.914 Ω/km

𝑅𝑡𝑝 4,914
1 1
Equivalent Longitudinal Resistance 𝑅𝑙 = 1 = 1 = 0.018 Ω km

𝑅𝑙𝑝 0.018

0.018 1
𝛼=√ = 0.060
4.914 km

𝑅𝑘 = √0.018 ⋅ 4.914 = 0,295 Ω.

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ΔV at point B (remote): 909 mV vs CSE

ΔV = |Enat – Eprot|=|-500 – (-909)| = 409 mV

ΔV at point C (close):

𝐸𝑥1 = 0.409 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (0.1 − 0)] + 0.098 ∙ 0 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ[0.060 ∙ (0.1 − 0)] = 0.4

Ex1 vs CSE = -500 + (-400) = -0.900mV vs CSE.

Current at point C (close):

0.40∙𝑠𝑖𝑛ℎ[0.060∙(0.1 −0)]
𝐼𝑋1 = 0 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠ℎ[0.060 ∙ (0.1 − 0)] + = 0.09 A.

Calculation demonstrates that current requirement for potential shift will be 2.096
A, which is less than the calculated value for current density requirement; as
consequence, current requirements are verified.

3.4.3 Groundbed design

The T/R units have the following characteristics:

- Maximum voltage output: 50 V
- Maximum current output: 25 A.

Anodes have the following characteristics:

- Material: Ti/MMO
- Shape: Tubular
- Diameter (D): 25 mm
- Length (L): 1.000 mm
- Weight (single anode) 0.25 kg
- Max operative current density
in calcinated petroleum coke
breeze backfill: 100 A/m2.

Considered resistivity survey results reported in Doc. N. 00250600DERS4171S

(I.E. considering Schlumberger’s resistivity diagrams and the presence of various
water wells in the interested areas), the presence of deep groundwater at about
70 m deep can be affirmed in all ZOF areas.
Groundbeds about 100 m deep have been selected in order to be filled with
groundwater. Consequently, deep resistivity value can be conservatively assumed
to be 75 Ω∙m.

The new groundbeds will be sized for the maximum current output of the T/R unit.
The groundbed configuration will be verified according to groundbed and total
circuit resistance requirements.
Since each T/R has the same characteristics, new groundbeds will be identical to

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the existing ones, with the exception of concrete ring depth, which will change for
each CPS location, according to first groundwater level.

Groundbeds characteristics are the following:

- Total depth 96 m
- Diameter (well casing) 0.270 m
- Anode cables: single cable anodes.

Anode quantity

Referring to Equation 11, minimum number of anodes to be installed, accounting

maximum anode operative current density, is:

𝐼𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝐼𝑜𝑢𝑡
𝑁𝑎 = =
𝐼𝑎 𝑆𝑎 ⋅ 𝑖𝑎
𝑁𝑎 = = 3.18 → 4
1 ⋅ 0.025 ⋅ 𝜋 ⋅ 100

Verification of anode quantity vs. design life

As per Equation 24 reported in Doc. n. 00250600DESG4182S:

The design life of CP systems for processing facilities, including off-plot pipelines,
shall be 30 years, since each CPS start-up.

Log Y ≤ 3,477 – Log (ia)

Maximum voltage output 25
where: ia = anodic current density = = = 79.6 A/m²
N𝑎 ⋅(L⋅π⋅D) 4⋅(1⋅𝜋⋅0.025)
Y = design life.

it shall be obtained if:

Log 30 ≤ 3.477 – Log (79.6)  1.47 < 1.57

The expected life of Ti/MMO anodes is verified to be greater than the design life.

Maximum DC circuit resistance

Referring to Equation 28 reported in Doc. n. 00250600DESG4182S and

considering T/R units having characteristics reported above, the maximum
allowable DC circuit resistance Rmax [Ω] for each CPS is:

Vout − ϕ 50 − 2
R max = = = 1.92 Ω
Iout 25

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Groundbed resistance and active length

Considering Nos. 4 Ti/MMO anodes, 2.5 m spaced, deep well groundbed active
length is (using Equation 25 reported in Doc. n. 00250600DESG4182S):

𝐿 = {(𝑁𝑎 ⋅ 𝐿𝑎 ) + [(𝑁𝑎 − 1) ⋅ 𝐿𝑠 ]}


L = Active length of deep well groundbed (m)

Na = Number of anodes to be installed

La = Single anode length (m)

Ls = Spacing between anodes (m).

𝐿 = {(4 ⋅ 1) + [(4 − 1) ⋅ 2.5]} = 11.5 m + 1 m (0.5 at the top+0.5 at the bottom) = 1 2.5 m

Groundbed resistance calculation will take into account a soil resistivity values at
groundbeds installation area (PPG) of 75 m:

Groundbed resistance, calculated with Dwight’s equation (Equation 26 reported in

Doc. n. 00250600DESG4182S), is:

𝜌 8⋅𝐿
𝑅𝑎 = ⋅ [𝑙𝑛 ( ) − 1]
2⋅𝜋⋅𝐿 𝐷


Ra = groundbed resistance ();

 = soil resistivity (·m);

D = deep well bore hole diameter (m);

L = groundbed active length (m).

75 8⋅12.5
𝑅𝑎 = ⋅ [𝑙𝑛 ( ) − 1]= 4.7 
2⋅𝜋⋅12.5 0.270

Because Ra > Rmax, this groundbed resistance value is not acceptable and
calculation shall be repeated until Ra results less than Rmax.

To fulfil the condition above, each groundbed shall be constituted by nos. 16

Ti/MMO anodes.

With this number of anodes groundbed active length results:

𝐿 = {(16 ⋅ 1) + [(16 − 1) ⋅ 2.5] + 1} = 54.5m

Therefore, groundbed resistance results:

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75 8⋅54.5
𝑅𝑎 = ⋅ [𝑙𝑛 ( ) − 1]= 1.4 
2⋅𝜋⋅54.5 0.270

Verification of anode quantity vs. design life

According to the following equation

Log Y ≤ 3,477 – Log (ia)
and considering that:
Maximum voltage output 25
ia = = = 79.6 A/m²
N𝑎 ⋅(L⋅π⋅D) 4⋅(1⋅𝜋⋅0.025)

it will be obtained:
Log 30 ≤ 3.477 – Log (79.6)  1.47 < 1.57

The expected life of Ti/MMO anodes is verified to be greater than the design life.

Verification of total DC circuit resistance

The total DC circuit resistance Rtot [], including pipeline resistance vs. earth and
connecting cables resistance, is calculated as follows:
𝑅𝑡𝑜𝑡 = =1.66 

Since 𝑅𝑡𝑜𝑡 ≤ 𝑅𝑚𝑎𝑥 => 1.66 < 1.92, groundbed is correctly sized.

3.5 Summary
The CPS shall be constituted by:

 a T/R unit, 50V / 25 A;

 a deep well type impressed current groundbed (see table below for GBs
characteristics). GB anodes characteristics shall be:
- Material: Ti/MMO
- Shape: Tubular
- Diameter: 25 mm
- Length: 1,000 mm
- Weight (single anode): 0.25 kg
- Maximum operative current density in backfill: 100 A/m²;
 a suitable PJB;
 suitable positive and negative power cables;
 suitable monitoring and grounding cables;
 reference electrodes Cu/CuSO4 and zinc type;

Total Active Inactive Backfill Backfill
Diameter ring Anodes
CPS depth depth depth overburden volume
[m] depth number
[m] [m] [m] [m] [m3]
PPG 0.27 96 54.5 41.5 5.45 HOLD 16 3.34

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4 Annex A
Calculation of characteristic resistance and attenuation constant &
pipelines potential shift
Section A-B
Pipe wall Insulation Leakage Longtidunal
External Dia
Pipeline External Dia (m) Thickness resistance resistance resistance
(mm) (Ώ*m2) (Ώ/Km) (Ώ*Km)
H-IPF L1 12 0.324 10.31 5,000,000 4.914 0.018
H-IPF L2 12 0.324 10.31 5,000,000 4.914 0.018
Equivalent Leakage Longtidunal Partial
From Km To Km α(1/Km) Rk(Ώ)
resistance (Ώ/Km) resistance Length(m)
2.457 0.009 0 9.54 9540 0.06 0.148
OFF Potential at Point Current at OFF Potential at Current at
A ( CUSO4) point A (A) Point B ( CUSO4) point B (A)

-0.85 0 -0.909 1.434

Section D-B
Pipe wall Insulation Leakage Longtidunal
External Dia
Pipeline External Dia (m) Thickness resistance resistance resistance
(mm) (Ώ*m2) (Ώ/Km) (Ώ*Km)
RG ZM EXT TO PPG 12 0.324 10.31 5,000,000 4.914 0.018
River Water 8 0.219 12.7 5,000,000 4.914 0.018
Reject water 8 0.219 12.7 5,000,000 4.914 0.018
Equivalent Leakage Longtidunal Partial
From Km To Km α(1/Km) Rk(Ώ)
resistance (Ώ/Km) resistance Length(m)
4.914 0.018 0 2.3 2300 0.06 0.295
OFF Potential at Point Current at OFF Potential at Current at
A ( CUSO4) point A (A) Point B ( CUSO4) point B (A)

-0.85 0 -0.851 0.166

Section B-C
Pipe wall Insulation Leakage Longtidunal
External Dia
Pipeline External Dia (m) Thickness resistance resistance resistance
(mm) (Ώ*m2) (Ώ/Km) (Ώ*Km)
H-IPF L1 12 0.324 10.31 5000000 4.914 0.018
H-IPF L2 12 0.324 10.31 5000000 4.914 0.018
RG ZM EXT TO PPG 12 0.324 10.31 5000000 4.914 0.018
River Water 8 0.219 12.7 5000000 4.914 0.018
Reject water 8 0.219 12.7 5000000 4.914 0.018
Longtidunal Partial
From Km To Km α(1/Km) Rk(Ώ)
Equivalent Leakage resistance Length(m)
resistance (Ώ/Km) (Ώ*Km)
1.638 0.006 0 0.69 690 0.06 0.01

OFF Potential at Point Current at OFF Potential at Current at

A ( CUSO4) point A (A) Point B ( CUSO4) point B (A)
-0.909 0 -0.91 2.096
Section E-D
Pipe wall Insulation Leakage Longtidunal
External Dia
Pipeline External Dia (m) Thickness resistance resistance resistance
(mm) (Ώ*m2) (Ώ/Km) (Ώ*Km)
RG ZM New to ZM EXT 12 0.324 10.31 5000000 4.914 0.018
River Water 8 0.219 12.7 5000000 4.914 0.018
Reject water 8 0.219 12.7 5000000 4.914 0.018
Longtidunal Partial
From Km To Km α(1/Km) Rk(Ώ)
Equivalent Leakage resistance Length(m)
resistance (Ώ/Km) (Ώ*Km)
4.914 0.018 0 1.064 1064.7 0.06 0.295

OFF Potential at Point Current at OFF Potential at Current at

A ( CUSO4)(mv) point A (A) Point B ( CUSO4) point B (A)
-850 0 -851 0.0247
Section F
Pipe wall Insulation Leakage Longtidunal
External Dia
Pipeline External Dia (m) Thickness resistance resistance resistance
(mm) (Ώ*m2) (Ώ/Km) (Ώ*Km)
Condensate 8 0.219 12.7 5000000 4.914 0.018
Equivalent Leakage Longtidunal Partial
From Km To Km α(1/Km) Rk(Ώ)
resistance (Ώ/Km) resistance Length(m)
4.914 0.018 0 1.064 1064.7 0.06 0.295
OFF Potential at Point Current at OFF Potential at Current at
A ( CUSO4)(mv) point A (A) Point B ( CUSO4) point B (A)

-0.909 0 -0.911 0.217

Section G
Pipe wall Insulation Leakage Longtidunal
External Dia
Pipeline External Dia (m) Thickness resistance resistance resistance
(mm) (Ώ*m2) (Ώ/Km) (Ώ*Km)
H-IPF L1 12 0.324 10.31 5000000 4.914 0.018
H-IPF L2 12 0.324 10.31 5000000 4.914 0.018
ZB-383 8 0.219 12.7 5000000 4.914 0.018
Longtidunal Partial
From Km To Km α(1/Km) Rk(Ώ)
Equivalent Leakage resistance Length(m)
resistance (Ώ/Km) (Ώ*Km)
4.914 0.018 0 0.1 100 0.06 0.295

OFF Potential at Point Current at OFF Potential at Current at

A ( CUSO4)(mv) point A (A) Point B ( CUSO4) point B (A)

-0.909 0 -0.909 0.09

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