BCH421 2019-20 Harmattan 1
BCH421 2019-20 Harmattan 1
BCH421 2019-20 Harmattan 1
Phases of detoxification
Figure 2. Phases I and II of the metabolism of a lipophilic xenobiotic. The metabolism of xenobiotics
is often divided into three phases:- modification, conjugation, and excretion. These reactions act in
concert to detoxify xenobiotics and remove them from cells.
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Phase I – modification
In phase I, a variety of enzymes act to introduce reactive and polar groups into their substrates. One of
the most common modifications is hydroxylation catalysed by the cytochrome P-450-dependent
mixed-function oxidase system. These enzyme complexes act to incorporate an atom of oxygen into
nonactivated hydrocarbons, which can result in either the introduction of hydroxyl groups or N-, O-
and S-dealkylation of substrates. The reaction mechanism of the P-450 oxidases proceeds through the
reduction of cytochrome-bound oxygen and the generation of a highly-reactive oxyferryl species,
according to the following scheme:
Phase I reactions (also termed nonsynthetic reactions) may occur by oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis,
cyclization, decyclization, and addition of oxygen or removal of hydrogen, carried out by mixed
function oxidases, often in the liver. These oxidative reactions typically involve a cytochrome P450
monooxygenase (often abbreviated CYP), NADPH and oxygen. The classes of pharmaceutical drugs
that utilize this method for their metabolism include phenothiazines, paracetamol, and steroids. If the
metabolites of phase I reactions are sufficiently polar, they may be readily excreted at this point.
However, many phase I products are not eliminated rapidly and undergo a subsequent reaction in which
an endogenous substrate combines with the newly incorporated functional group to form a highly polar
A common Phase I oxidation involves conversion of a C-H bond to a C-OH. This reaction sometimes
converts a pharmacologically inactive compound (a prodrug) to a pharmacologically active one. By
the same token, Phase I can turn a nontoxic molecule into a poisonous one (toxification). Simple
hydrolysis in the stomach is normally an innocuous reaction, however there are exceptions. For
example, phase I metabolism converts acetonitrile to HOCH2CN, which rapidly dissociates into
formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide.
Phase I metabolism of drug candidates can be simulated in the laboratory using non-enzyme catalysts.
This example of a biomimetic reaction tends to give products that often contains the Phase I
metabolites. As an example, the major metabolite of the pharmaceutical trimebutine,
desmethyltrimebutine (nor-trimebutine), can be efficiently produced by in vitro oxidation of the
commercially available drug. Hydroxylation of an N-methyl group leads to expulsion of a molecule of
formaldehyde, while oxidation of the O-methyl groups takes place to a lesser extent.
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During reduction reactions, a chemical can enter futile cycling, in which it gains a free-radical electron,
then promptly loses it to oxygen (to form a superoxide anion).
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Phase II – conjugation
In subsequent phase II reactions, these activated xenobiotic metabolites are conjugated with charged
species such as glutathione (GSH), sulfate, glycine, or glucuronic acid. Sites on drugs where
conjugation reactions occur include carboxyl (-COOH), hydroxyl (-OH), amino (NH2), and sulfhydryl
(-SH) groups. Products of conjugation reactions have increased molecular weight and tend to be less
active than their substrates, unlike Phase I reactions which often produce active metabolites. The
addition of large anionic groups (such as GSH) detoxifies reactive electrophiles and produces more
polar metabolites that cannot diffuse across membranes, and may, therefore, be actively transported.
These reactions are catalysed by a large group of broad-specificity transferases, which in combination
can metabolise almost any hydrophobic compound that contains nucleophilic or electrophilic groups.
One of the most important classes of this group is that of the glutathione S-transferases (GSTs).
Figure 8. Participation of major phase II enzymes in the metabolism of clinically used drugs. UGTs,
UDP-glucuronosyltransferases; SULTs, sulfotransferases; NATs, N-acetyltransferases; GSTs,
glutathione S-transferases; TPMT, thiopurine S-methyltransferase.
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Figure 10. The formation of sulfates (R–O–SO3 – ) and sulfamates (R1–NR2–SO3 – ). These reactions
are catalyzed by 3‘–phosphoadenosine 5‘–phosphosulfate (PAPS)–dependent sulfotransferases.
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