Social Science Yoel P5 Latsol Bab 5
Social Science Yoel P5 Latsol Bab 5
Social Science Yoel P5 Latsol Bab 5
1. Many countries in Europe in 15 centuries colonize other to find resources. One of the
famous resources that they tried to find was _________________, and it was found in
Indonesia Land.
2. The picture shows us one of the flag of countries that colonize Indonesia.
The country is called ______________
3. The country that colonize Indonesia the longest is
4. The country that colonize Indonesia from 1811-1816 is
5. One of the reason for European countries to colonize is to spread Christian religion to
world. This reason is also known as
8. She comes from Aceh. She is a leader who fight the colonial in Aceh after
husband died in the war. She is ______________________
9. In the 20th May 1908, an organization called _______________________ was establish.
This organization focuses on National Movement.
10. In world war II, there was an event where Japan fight a war with the Netherland to gain
and colonize Indonesia. The events is called “Battle of Java Sea” this happened in
11. Based on the picture, this events is called as
12. These are the event that happened to preserve Indonesian Independence, except
a. The Round Table Agreement
b. Bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima
c. Battle of Surabaya
d. Bandung Lautan Api
13. Indonesia needed to get recognition as a country and be free Form Netherland after
their Independence declaration. The meeting called “Konferensi Meja Bundar (KMB)”
was held in ___________________ - ______________________ in Den Haag,
14. These are the correct way to improve nationalism, except ….
a. Only buy Indonesia product and hate other countries product.
b. Keep the spirit of Bhineka Tunggal Ika.
c. Practicing Pancasila in our life.
d. Respect our history and heroes.
15. We celebrate our Independence day by doing an activities like
a. Create and eat Japanese food.
b. Decorate our house with Christmas decoration.
c. Sleep while following flag ceremony.
d. Join and play Independence day games.
16. The first country to reach and colonize Indonesia from Europe is
17. Indonesia was ____________________ for more than 350 years by the Netherland.
Within those years, we were force to work with almost no money to very little money.
27. Write down in order the countries that colonize Indonesia, from the first until the last!
28. Based on the picture, write down the name of the hero and 3 of her
29. After a long years, Indonesia finally get their Independence. Write down 3 things you
know about The proclamation of Indonesian Independence!
30. As student, write down 4 things you can do to fill and preserve our Independence!
31. He is a national hero. He was a prince of Gowa Kingdom. He got a nick name “Rooster
from the east”. He is ___________________________________
32. He is a national hero. He was a war general in maluku who fight of the VOC. He united
Ternate Kingdom and Tidore Kingdom. He is _____________________________
33. She is a national hero. She was a pioneer in women rights. She wrote “Habis Gelap
Terbitlah Terang” she is __________________________________
34. He is a national hero. He fought to give the rights of education to all Indonesian Citizen.
He established Taman Siswa University. He is _____________________________
35. _______________________ was the first president of Indonesia.
____________________________ was the first vice president of Indonesia.
36. Bung Tomo famous motto is “___________________________________________”
37. The first and Youngest General of Indonesia is ____________________________
38. Write down the achievement of Agus Salim.
Place/Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Role / Achievement :
Place/Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Role / Achievement :
Place/Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Role / Achievement :
3. -
Place/Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Role / Achievement :
4. -
5. Name:
Place/Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Role / Achievement :
Place/Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Role / Achievement :
6. -
Place/Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Role / Achievement :
7. -
Place/Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Role / Achievement :
8. -
Place/Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Role / Achievement :
Place/Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Role / Achievement :
10. -
Place/Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Role / Achievement :
Place/Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Role / Achievement :
Place/Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
Role / Achievement :
What do you think happened in the first picture?
What is colonialization?
Look at the picture then write the name of each given events!
From these events, write down one event you know most and write down 3 sentence
about it.
Battle of Surabaya
3. Countries get spices (from other land) for cheap then sells high in the Europe the
reasons of
4. Countries get great honor by finding new land and colonizing them , the reasons of
5. Countries have special mission to spread Chistian religion to the world, the reasons of
6. European countries had the most advance technology in navigation, pushing them to
explore further in the sea , the reasons of
7. Are all the reason for Europe to colonial Indonesia (4)
14. There are many ways we can fill our Independence. One of the best way is
15. There are many countries from Europe also Asia had colonialized Indonesia. The order
of countries that colonized Indonesia starting from the first to the last is
16. The country that colonilize Indonesia from 1942 until 1945 is
17. Sultan Hasanudin is a national hero from Makassar, he got a nick name as
18. look at the role/achievement below:
(1) The first president of Indonesia
(2) The first vice president of Indonesia
(3) The person who signed the proclamation text
(4) A minister of Indonesia
(5) Known as “Bapak Koperasi”
The person in the picture ia a hero in Indonesia. His role/achievement are
19. His name ia Agus salim. These are some of his achievement
32. In _________________ , Japan cities was bombed like Hirosima and Nagasaki.
33. In the 20th May 1908 , and organization called ______________________________ was
establish. This organization focuses on National Movement.
34. Bandung Lautan Api happened in
35. Indonesia needed to get recognition as a country and be free form netherland after
their Independence declaration. The meeting called “Konferensi Meja Bundar (KMB)”
was held in _______________________ until ________________________ m Den
Haag, Nedherland. (write date,month and year)
36. We celebrate our Independence day by doing many activities like
_______________________________, _________________________________, and
______________________________________ , _______________________________