Summary of American Civilization 6-10

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American Civilization

Truong Van Anh

Unit 6. A Nation of Immigrants
1. Approximately what percentage of the U.S.
population is foreign-born?
2. About how many illegal aliens currently
live in the U.S.?
6 million
3. More Americans say that their ancestors
came from this country than from any other.
I. Getting the Message
1. According to paragraph 1, John F Kennedy
wrote A Nation of Immigrants
a. after he became president
b. before he became president
2. Paragraphs 3 and 4 suggest that Americans
speak English because
a. the first Europeans to explore the area
were English
b. the majority of the American colonists
were English
3. According to paragraph 16, the U.S. today
has ___
a. more Hispanics than African-Americans
b. more African-Americans than Hispanics
4. According to paragraph 20, Puerto Rico is
a. An American state
b. A U.S. commonwealth
5. Paragraph 28 compares the U.S. to a salad
bowl because ____
a. Immigrants tend to forget their past
b. Immigrants tend to keep many traditions
from their native country.
1. British immigrants give experience in the
handling of horses, cattle and sheep.
2. Three main situations which have brought
immigrants to the U.S. are religious
prosecution, political oppression and
economic hardship.
3. Two main points are: People move to the
U.S. for freedom and economy.
II. Building your vocabulary
1. Refugees come to the U.S. after they flee
from their native country because of religious
or political persecution.
2. People who leave their native land and
come to live in the U.S. are called immigrants
or resident refugees.
3. A passport is issued by a traveler's native
country. A visa is sued by the country the
traveler wishes to enter.
4. Travelers should leave the country before
their visa expires.
5. Aliens are people who come to the U.S. for
protection and safety. If they returned to
their native country, their lives might be in
6. Two words that refer to cruel treatment of
a group of people are persecution and
7. From 1920 to 1970, the population of the
U.S. increased from 100 million to 200 million
In other words, the population doubled.
8. One common reason or motive for coming
to the U.S. is to earn more money.
9. At some ethnic festivals, food and
handmade items representing many foreign
countries are sold.
10. A person who can speak two languages is

III. Sharpening Reading Skills
1. The word present sometimes means a gift.
But what does it mean in paragraph 2?
a. now, at the current time
b. in the near future
2. In a science fiction movie the word aliens
means "creatures from another planet“. But
what does it mean in paragraph 6?
a. foreign-born noncitizens living in the
b. illegal residents of the U.S.
3. The word declined sometimes means
"refused.“ But what does it mean in the
first sentence of paragraph 9?
a. increased
b. decreased
4. The word admit sometimes means
"acknowledge or confess.“ But what does
admitted mean in paragraph11?
a. allowed in
b. refused admission to
IV. Understanding Idioms and Expressions
1. An immigrant's homeland is sometimes
referred to as the old country.
2. Because the U.S. is a nation made up of
people from many different countries, it has
been called a melting pot or a salad bowl.
3. The number of people living in the U.S.
increased a great deal in a short time. This
was called a population explosion.
4. To attract Europeans to the U.S., the
country was advertised as a land of
opportunity, where workers could find jobs.
5. Many immigrants come to the U.S. to get
higher-paying jobs so that they and their
families can have a higher standard of living.
6. “From time to time” means something
happens occasionally and repeatedly.
7. When conditions were bad in some
European countries, many people moved to
the U.S. American immigration took a great
V. Taking Words Apart
Names of languages
France - French
The Philippines – Filippino, English, Tagaloa
1. Canada -
2. China -
3. Germany -
4. Greece -
5. Holland -
6. India -
7. Italy
8. Korea -
9. Poland -
10. Puerto Rico -
11. Russia -
12. Vietnam -
Unit 7. The African-American
1. what do you know about the history of
African-Americans in the U.S.?

2. What famous African-Americans can you

name? Why aret hey famous?
3. Name some difficulties that a person can
overcome. Name some things that a person
can be overcome by.
1. What percentage of the American
population is African-American?
___ 4% ____ 13% ____ 21%
2. When did slavery end throughout the U.S.?
_ 1820 _ 1865 _ 1895
I. Getting the Message
1. The slave trade was begun by Americans.
2. Before the Civil War, most blacks in the U.S.
lived in the South.
3. Before the Civil War, some states allowed
slavery and some did not.
4. Northerners didn’t want more slave states
to enter the Union.
5. None of the slaves became free until after
the Civil War ended.
Comparing Gandhi and King:
1. What kind of protests did both men
believe in?
2. How did both men die?
II. Building Your Vocabulary
1. Assassination means the killing of a person
for political reasons.
2. The immediate cause of the Civil War was
the secession of the South, but the
underlying cause of the war was slavery.
3. Southern plantations were large farms on
which cotton or tobacco were grown. The
work was done by slaves.
4. When slavery ended in the South,
segregation became the way of life.
State laws required blacks and whites to live,
study, and play in different places.
5. In the 1960s, northern liberals and
southern blacks participated in sit-ins and
marches to abolish segregation.
6. When blacks in Montgomery Alabama,
boycotted the buses, they didn’t ride on
7. Because of discrimination blacks
sometimes did not get jobs that they were
well qualified for.
8. African-Americans’ protest for equal
opportunity is not yet over.
C. Matching
1. the North, the U.S. _ the Union
2. The South – the Confederacy
3. abolish – prohibit, no longer allow
4. conspicuous - very noticeable; easy to see
5. invisible – cannot be seen
6. protest – express disagreement; strongly
D. Matching
1. However – but, nevertheless
2. Therefore – as a result, so
3. Furthermore – in addition, also, and
4. Eventually – after a long time
III. Sharpening Reading Skill: Pronoun
The cat chased its tail - cat
1. They (paragraph 5, sentence 2) – slaves
2. Its (paragraph 5, last sentence) – book
3. Its (paragraph 6, sentence 3)- South
4. It (paragraph 6, sentence 7)- state
5. They (paragraph 8, sentence 2)- black
IV. Understanding Idioms and Expressions
1. Civil rights (1, 7,15) refers to ____
a. certain rights to liberty and equal
opportunity guaranteed by laws
b. rights gained after a civil war
c. rights given to some citizens but not to
2. Over and over(1) means ____
a. upside down
b. many times
c. around and around
3. Second-class(2) means _____
a. not as good as first-class
b. a military rank
c. a grade in school
4. Before the Civil War, free states (6) were
those that _____
a. didn't tax residents
b. gave away land
c. didn't allow residents to own slaves
5. In the 1960s, a sit-in (13) was ______
a. a game
b. a way to protest segregation
c. blacks having to sit at the back of the bus
V. Taking Words Apart
Live (v), live (adj), alive (adj), life (n), lives (n)
1. Dr. King's speeches were heard by live
audiences and by radio and TV audiences.
2. Black slaves lived in primitive homes. Their
life were very difficult.
3. Martin Luther King Jr. is no longer alive. His
life was too short. He lived a short time.
VII. Sharing Ideas
1. Affirmative action is a good idea because it
gave members of certain groups greater
consideration (for example, for jobs or
admission to competitive colleges) to
make up for past discrimination and to
achieve greater diversity in the workplace
and on college campuses.
2. To protect the right to say whatever one
thinks is more important than the right to be
protected from verbal abuse.
Unit 9. American Education: The First 12
3.All states have compulsory school
attendance laws. Most students attend
school at least until high school graduation,
when they are l7 or 18 years old.

1. 83%
2. The 50 state governments
I. Getting the Message
1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. F
6. T
7. T
8. F
9. T
Which Comes Next?
1. kindergarten
2. Nursery school
3. First grade
4. Grades 3-4
5. Junior high (middle school)
6. High school
II. Building Your Vocabulary
1. teamwork
2. subsidized
3. curriculum
4. compulsory
5. Elementary
6. graded, evaluated
7. Motivation
8. Parochial
9. Shortage
10. Kindergarten
11. Specialist 12. Vocational
Different subjects
1. chemistry
2. athletics
3. sociology
4. physics
III. Sharpening Reading Skills
1. b
2. b
3. b
4. a
IV. Understanding Idioms and Expressions
1. Cover: be able to pay for
2. Get along with: not argue with; have a
good relationship with
3. Get used to: become accustomed to,
become familiar with
4. Ties between: connections to
5. Take on: agree to do; accept responsibility
V. Taking Words Apart
1. Un
2. -less
3. extra
4. hetero
5. ill
6. Pre
7. ill-
8. -less
9. co-
10. Dis 11. un- 12. ful
VI. Practicing Sentence Patterns
1. To improve my English, I practice four skills
every day.
2. To get better grades, students try to study
hard day and night and go to class regularly.
3. To encourage more people to become
teachers, school district should increase their
VII. Sharing Ideas
1. Bilingual education programs slow down
the academic development of immigrant
students. All-day contact with American
students help them more.
2. In my opinion, American public schools
should educate children who are in the U.S.
illegally. It is a contribution to the
3. Children who do very well in school should
be allowed to skip a grade. Then talents will
be trained.
4. Parents who send their children to
parochial schools should receive financial
assistance from the government.
Unit 10. Higher Education in the U.S.
1. How many institutions of higher learning
are there in the U.S.?
About 3.700
2. What percentage of Americans over the
age of 25 are college graduates?
About 25%
I. Getting the Message
1. You can earn a B.S
2. You can get financial aid to attend
3. You can major in liberal arts.
4. There are both public and private schools
of this type.
5. This type of school doesn't charge tuition.
B. Paragraphs That Make Contrasts
1. Two main categories of institutions of
higher learning are public and private. All
schools get money from tuition and from
private contributors. However, public schools
are also supported by the state in which
they're located. Private schools do not
receive state funding. As a result, tuition is
generally lower at public schools, especially
for permanent residents of that state.
2. Some colleges have a student body of just
a few hundreds, while some state universities
serve more than 100,000 students on several
campuses. A university is usually bigger than
a college because the scope of its programs is
much greater. A university offers a wider
range of undergraduate programs plus
graduate studies.
II. Building Your Vocabulary
1. A school's buildings and the land around
them are called the school's campus.
2. The first 4 years of college are called (in
order) (first) freshman (second) sophomore
(third) junior and (fourth) senior years.
3. A student who has not yet earned a
bachelor's degree is called a(n) undergraduate.
4. Private schools generally charge higher
tuition than public schools
5. A student earns credit for a course only if
he or she gets a passing grade in it.
6. A student who wants to get a master's
degree must go to school for at least 1 or 2
years after getting a bachelor's degree.
7. The people who teach at a school are
called its faculty.
8. Students take courses in their major, and
they also take elective courses.
9. The graduates of a particular school are
the school's alumni.
10. A transcript is a written record of a
student’s courses, grades, and credits.
11. Some students attend a community
college for 2 years and then transfer to a
12. Some students have a lot of anxiety about
The meanings of these abbreviation:
1. B.S.: Bachelor of Science
2. B.A.: Bachelor of Arts
3. M.S.: Master of Science
4. M.A.: Master of Arts
5. Ph.D.: Doctor of Philosophy
6. TOEFL: Test of English as Foreign Language
Check the things that a person can earn
1. money
3. A good grade
7. College credits
III. Sharpening Reading Skills
(5) The U.S.
(17) Sports are
(21) There are
(28) In the
B. Scanning
1. 3.700
2. 2 years
3. Grade A
IV. Understanding Idioms and Expressions
1. In the chapter title, higher education
means: b
2. In paragraph 2, well-rounded people refers
to people who are: a
3. In paragraph 4, taking advantage of mean:
4. In paragraph 9, student body means: b
5. In paragraph 18, the Latin phrase alma
mater refers to: b
6. In paragraph20, making ends meet means:
V. Taking Words Apart
1. activities
2. alumni
3. u
5. credits
6. u
7. freshmen
9. 11. u
10. u 12.
VI. Practicing Sentence Patterns
1. Too much
2. Too many
3. Too much – too little
4. Too few
5. Too many
6. Too little
Good luck!

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