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Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire

European Organization for Nuclear Research

Traineeship Agreement

This traineeship agreement is hereby concluded between:

The hosting Organization (hereafter: 'CERN'):

CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research, an Intergovernmental Organization having its seat at
Geneva, Switzerland
Represented by: Anne I. Heddejord as Trainees Coordinator
Tel: +41 22 76 61920 Email:
Contact person in the department concerned (group secretary):
Tel: +41 22 76 Email:
Name of the Trainee’s supervisor (contact for the Trainee’s evaluation):
Tel: +41 22 76 CERN Department: Email:

The educational establishment (hereafter: 'the Educational Establishment'):


Represented by: Position:

Tel: Email:

The student (hereafter:'the Trainee')


Tel: Email:

Level of studies:

The following has been agreed:

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Art. 1 - Scope and duration of the traineeship

Traineeships are offered by CERN in order to gain practical work experience, supplementing the academic studies
pursued by the Trainee at the Educational Establishment. The Trainee is granted a traineeship at CERN subject to
the provisions of this traineeship agreement, for the duration set out below.

This traineeship agreement is without prejudice to the provisions of any arrangement concluded between the
Trainee and the Educational Establishment, provided it is consistent with the provisions of this traineeship

CERN shall as much as possible assign tasks to the Trainee that correspond to the level and subject matter of his
or her studies.

Start date: End date:


Art. 2 - Status of the Trainee

The Trainee shall throughout the traineeship remain enrolled at the Educational Establishment and at CERN
have the status of associated member of the personnel.

As an associated member of the personnel, the Trainee shall be subject to the Staff Rules and Regulations of
CERN, including in matters of working hours and leave, conduct, intellectual property, safety and discipline.

Art. 3 - Social protection

Social insurance cover of the Trainee is the responsibility of the Educational Establishment, or, that failing, the
Trainee's own responsibility.

It shall include health and accident insurance cover for occupational and non-occupational risks at levels
adequate for a stay in the Organization's Host States (Switzerland and France).

If the Trainee has an accident during the traineeship, CERN shall inform the Educational Establishment of the
accident and to transmit all relevant information to it.

Art. 4 - Subsistence allowance

CERN makes a financial contribution towards the cost of the Trainee's subsistence in the local area. This
subsistence allowance will not be considered as remuneration.

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Art. 5 - Publications relating to the traineeship
Any publication relating to the traineeship (for instance a traineeship report) shall be subject to written
authorization by the Trainee's supervisor at CERN.

Art. 6 - Governing law

The provisions of this traineeship agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with their true meaning and
effect. Without prejudice to CERN's status as an Intergovernmental Organization, reference shall be made to
Swiss substantive law where the matter is not specifically covered by this traineeship agreement or a provision
of this traineeship agreement is ambiguous or unclear. Such reference shall be made exclusively for the matter
or provision concerned and shall not apply to the other provisions of this traineeship agreement.

Except in so far as the Staff Rules and Regulations of CERN stipulate other means of settlement, any dispute
arising from this traineeship involving CERN shall be settled by arbitration, in accordance with a procedure to
be defined by the parties to the dispute, taking into account CERN's status as an Intergovernmental

Done in three copies,

For CERN The Trainee For the Educational Establishment

Done in Meyrin Done in Done in

Date: Date: Date:

Trainees coordinator The trainee Professor or representing

Signature and stamp Signature Signature and stamp

Anne I. Heddejord

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